Read the file to cultivate immortality

Chapter 1021 The War Begins

Returning to the archive space, Zhuo Bufan fell into regret.

He was still too heartless. He gave Xuan Su a wedding, but destroyed it with his own hands.

More importantly, his daughter Nian Nian was hidden by Xuan Su in her own little world.

In this way, it was not easy for Zhuo Bufan to rescue his daughter Nian Nian.

"Go back and discuss it with Bai Su!"

Zhuo Bufan thought about it and had no idea.

He was going to go back to the cultivation world and discuss it with Bai Su.

Of course, for now, Nian Nian is safe, and Zhuo Bufan can rest assured about this.

It can be seen that Xuan Su does not want to hurt Nian Nian at all, and even treats her as his own daughter.

So now Zhuo Bufan does not need to worry about Nian Nian's safety, he just needs to rescue Nian Nian from Xuan Su.

Go back first, and then find a way.

Zhuo Bufan thought again and again and decided to read the archive first.

He pushed open the second door to read the archive, and the next second, he returned to the Demon Sea.

At this time, he had not yet separated from the Qing Emperor and the Xuan Emperor.

“Sure enough, the Queen Wa Love Seal is still there!”

After returning to the previous save file, Zhuo Bufan was shocked to find that the Queen Wa Love Seal was still in his mind.

“Oh no, Xuan Su also has this thing!”

Zhuo Bufan reacted immediately.

At the same time, the black bunny in Jinghai City who was jumping and hopping suddenly froze in place.

The next second, she found that there was an extra mark in her sea of ​​consciousness.

“Huh? What is this?”

Xuan Su felt puzzled, she felt the mark that suddenly appeared.

The next second, a familiar breath surged into her heart.

“Feng Lang, is it Feng Lang?”

Xuan Su was shocked. She didn’t expect that she could feel Feng Lang’s existence through this mark.

It was as if the two of them were in tune with each other, and the mark became an inseparable bond between them.

This was a great surprise for Xuan Su.

Xuan Su quickly searched for information about this mark from what she knew.

Not long after, she jumped up with excitement.

"The Queen's Love Seal, it's actually the Queen's Love Seal!"

"How could this happen? How did the Queen's Love Seal between me and Feng Lang suddenly appear?"

"Isn't it because the two of us worshiped the heaven and earth in front of the Queen's statue and received the Queen's blessing that this Queen's Love Seal appeared?"

Xuan Su was very surprised, because with the existence of the Queen's Love Seal, she could completely feel where Zhuo Bufan was.


"Not good!"

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan cried out in his heart that it was not good.

"Master, Uncle Master, the Queen Yin is coming soon, let's go back to Jingyuan quickly."

Zhuo Bufan said to the Qing Emperor and Xuan Emperor on the side.

"Come if you want, what are you afraid of? It's just right for the two of us to join forces to catch her and let her hand over Nian Nian."

Qing Emperor didn't leave, he was eager for the Queen Yin to come.

"No, Uncle Master, she's coming for me."

"Trust me once, let's go quickly."

Zhuo Bufan couldn't see Xuan Su now.

But the two emperors said they were unwilling to leave.

"It's not too late to save the girl before leaving. Although it's in the underworld, your master and I should be able to subdue the Queen of the Underworld together."

"When the time comes, you will find a chance to save the girl."

Qingdi and the others were determined to save Nian Nian.

Zhuo Bufan's anxiety was of no avail.

Finally, the person he least wanted to see appeared.

"Feng Lang!"

An earnest call came from his ear, and the little rabbit had become a beauty in the world.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head and saw Xuan Su dressed in black, staring at the person in front of him infatuatedly.

"Queen of the Underworld?"

Xuandi and Qingdi looked at the visitor at the same time.

However, at this moment, the Queen of the Underworld had no eyes for these two big guys.

In her eyes now, there was only Zhuo Bufan. Especially after she had the Queen of Wa's Love Seal in her soul, she stared at Zhuo Bufan intently.

The Queen of Wa's Love Seal will make people love their loved ones more and more, stay together for life, and never betray.

"Feng Lang, long time no see. I'm so sorry, I came to you suddenly. There is a Wahuang love seal in my soul, and it brought me to you."

"I, I, I miss you."

The Lord of the Yin Realm, half of the world god, the goddess who was undefeated in the Jingyuan battlefield, now looked like a little woman, swaying and shy, which made the Qing Emperor and the Xuan Emperor dumbfounded.

"Queen Yin, did you ask the Deer God to kidnap my granddaughter?"

"Hand over the girl, and I'll spare your life!"

The Xuan Emperor and the Qing Emperor finally couldn't bear it anymore.

The two released their powerful divine bodies at the same time.

For a while, the blue-clothed scholar, with various divine postures, blue clothes on his body, and thousands of demon dragons entangled around him, making the entire Demon Sea tremble.

And the black-armored officer, transformed, and endless darkness instantly enveloped the sky and the earth.

In the darkness, a pair of cold eyes saw through the past and the present, and the endless black light became a peerless divine body.

The black-clothed impermanence, the wonderful person is like jade!

The legendary Emperor Xuan finally showed his peerless true appearance at this moment.

He was full of righteousness and power. With sword-like eyebrows and star-like eyes, he controlled the universe.

There were countless black chains behind him, and each chain was connected to a round planet.

Emperor Xuan, the most powerful emperor Fengtian in the legend, was so powerful that he could not breathe.

Emperor Qing and Emperor Xuan released their divine power at the same time, making all the creatures under the sea of ​​the Demon God Sea crazy.

However, in the face of such powerful Qing Emperor and Xuan Emperor, Yin Queen Xuan Su remained unafraid.

"You two bad old men, do you want to spoil my good deeds again?"

"Where is the Lord of Qianyu?"

I only heard an order from Queen Yin.


Suddenly, the demon sea was turbulent and vigorous.

The earth is shaking and the sky is roaring.

The next second, endless lava burst out from under the sea.

Like a volcano erupting, rising into the sky.

The haze shrouded thousands of miles, and the sky and the earth were pitch black.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

As the waves continued to roll, the legendary Lord of Thousand Royals with thousands of eyes, thousands of hands, thousands of heads and thousands of legs, thousands of throats and thousands of armor, thousands of souls and thousands of lives, rushed out from under the sea of ​​demon gods.

Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!

He roared, and the waves rose to a height of tens of thousands of feet, and all living things within a thousand miles were wiped out in an instant.

Zhuo Bufan stared blankly at the Lord of Qianyu who was taller than the sky, dumbfounded.

"Feng Lang, it's too noisy here. Let's talk somewhere else."

Immediately, Yin Hou Xuansu raised her hand and waved.

The environment around Zhuo Bufan began to change.

The next second, the empty sea turned into green mountains, green water, blue sky and white clouds. Rainbows fill the sky, and the glow is endless.

"Queen Yin, where are you running!"

Emperor Xuan stretched out his big hand and directly tore the space apart.

A big black hand came towards Yin Queen to crush it.

However, Queen Yin just glared, and the space healed quickly, directly cutting off Emperor Xuan's big black hand.

The big black hand fell to the ground, turned into black ash, and disappeared into ashes.

"Damn it, the world's power in the underworld is really difficult to deal with."

Emperor Xuan wanted to rescue Zhuo Bufan, but was still a step too late.

This is the underworld, and the underworld queen has the final say here.

Even if Emperor Xuan and his companions have powerful hands and eyes, it would be difficult for them to reverse the rules of this world.

"What two nasty old guys."

"Feng Lang, let's ignore them. Come, have a cup of tea!"

After Xuan Su finished speaking, a tea pavilion suddenly appeared, and Zhuo Bufan sat on the stone bench inexplicably.

I don’t know when a stack of tea was placed on the stone table in front of me!

Seeing such extraordinary performance, he sighed helplessly.

"Hey, this is really troublesome!"

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