Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 829 The next generation grows up

Two days later, the moon destroyed by Buu has been restored by the power of Shenlong, and Ji Yu and Gohan's spiritual time room training will be completed for two years.

Kaioshin Realm.

Sitting on the grass, Buu held two playing cards tightly in his fat palms. His little eyes narrowed nervously, staring at Cell Zero from his previous home.

Shahru Zero, on the other hand, was holding a large number of cards with a confused look on his face. He picked over and over again before pulling out a pair of cards: "Two 9s."

Buu's eyes lit up, and he slowly moved his fat hand away from the cards, confirmed the cards he had left, and shook them cheerfully: "Two kings! No more? Does this mean we win?"

"Ah?!" Cell Zero was shocked.

Opposite Buu, the East Kaiojin stood up with a laugh: "Yes, we won again, Buu! You can't do it, Jabit, you have lost to us three times in a row!"

The palm of his hand collided with Buu who was also cheering on the opposite side. Buu danced and celebrated: "Oh, win, win! You can't do it, you can't do it!"

Jabit was so angry that he gritted his teeth and glared at Cell Zero: "Do you know how to fight?! It's obvious that there are only two left, so you throw out a pair?!"

Cell Zero was unwilling: "You're blaming me again! Did you know it had two cards left and didn't tell me? And the two of us are on the same team. Your cards are so good, why don't you wait for me?!"



One pair rips each other off, the other celebrates.

Wukong, who was walking like a mechanical dancer in the distance, stopped and panted: "They had a lot of fun."

"Well, how about you, how do you feel?"

"Well, it's good, but without transforming into a Super Saiyan, 500 times the gravity..." Goku gritted his teeth: "It's still a bit difficult."

"Test the upper limit of transformation?" Ji Xing said.

"Yeah!" Goku gathered energy and exploded, entering Super Saiyan mode with a bang. The surge in power made him feel light. He let out a long breath, lowered his head and adjusted the new gravity ring on his belt.

It kept rising from 500g, and when it reached 700g, Wukong shook his body and became strenuous again.

Although the first stage of Super Saiyan will increase combat effectiveness by 50 times, combat effectiveness is not all strength, and the gravity that can be withstood will naturally not increase by fifty times. After a while, silver lightning appeared in Wukong's aura, and then it finally slowly increased to 800 times gravity. He gradually lost control of his body and his feet slowly sank into the soil.

Fortunately, the quality of the Kaio Shen Realm far exceeds that of ordinary stars, so Wukong was not completely buried in the ground.

"No!" Wukong said in a deep voice: "The limit of the new gravity ring is 1500 times? There is also the gravity blessing of the spiritual time room, which is inexhaustible! Vegeta and the others can't use it up in two years!"

"Well, this is the limit." Ji Xing nodded and said: "No material can withstand the greater gravity, and even the light in space will be distorted. Ji Yu and Gohan are almost out. Let's go to the Temple of Heaven to pick them up. ?”

Wukong pressed the 'Emergency Stop' button, and the gravity on his body disappeared. He took a long breath and said with some anticipation: "Two years, I don't know what Gohan and Ji Yu will look like."

The time in the Spiritual Time Room was truly spent. Even if it was only two days in the outside world, it was a real two years for Ji Yu and Gohan who entered. In other words, they were only 9 and 10 years old two days ago. The children who are 11 or 12 years old are now 11 or 12 years old.

Ji Xing turned to look at the poker quartet who were clamoring to 'switch gangs', and said, "Wukong and I will go to the Temple of Heaven to pick up Ji Yu and Gohan. We will be back soon!"

Xin waved his hand indifferently: "Go!"

After Ji Xing and Goku left for a while, and the four of them sat down to play cards again, Xin looked at Buu, whose opponent had drawn the card, and suddenly felt guilty.

Ji Xing 'went out'? !

Sun Wukong is not here either. Now there is no warrior in Kaiohshin Realm who can resist Buu? !

...Forget it, after observing these two days, Buu's evil side should really be eliminated.

Jabit didn't even respond, still complaining: "If you hold me back this time, I must change my gang, Cell Zero!"

"You are dragging me down, okay, you don't wait for me every time, let me hit two with one..." Cell Zero complained weakly, and was not surprised to be greeted by Jabit's saliva.

It wiped its face in disgust, and when it covered it with its hand, its pupils were slightly raised for a moment, turning left and right to observe. When it put down its hand, it returned to its harmless appearance, grabbing cards and playing cards.

The Temple of Heaven, the entrance to the House of Spiritual Time.

Vegeta and Broly were already waiting there with their arms in their arms, and the god's servant Bobo was also with them.

Seeing the arrival of Ji Xing and Wukong, Bobo immediately stepped forward and said, "Mr. Ji Xing, the two children should have five minutes left."

Vegeta, who was usually quick-tempered, snorted: "It's a matter of seconds, not bad at all."

"Don't be obsessed with practicing for a while. You won't come out after two years." Ji Xing smiled and threw the two universal capsules to Vegeta and Broly respectively, and they caught them with one hand.

"Here is..."

Two pairs of ‘super gravity rings’!

Broly had never used it, but it was very easy to operate. He soon mastered its use under Goku's guidance and began to test it.

Needless to say, Vegeta, who had already used the 100x primary gravity ring and the 300x advanced gravity ring, was secretly surprised and delighted.

It was suddenly mentioned 1500 times? !

Two years...two years!

Just at this moment, a voice came from the passage of the deep spiritual time room.

"I feel like the third move can be slightly modified. Ji Yu, please help me think about it again. I still feel it's not coherent enough or cool enough."

"Well, that's not the point, Gohan."

"I know, but it's really..."

With the sound of footsteps, the boy with his hands spread out and trying to defend himself and the boy with a helpless face appeared in the sunlight.

As if they felt the gazes on them, the two of them stagnated, and soon opened their eyes wide in surprise, calling: "Dad!"

One is named Wukong and the other is named Ji Xing.

But unlike Ji Xing, who directly opened his hand to welcome Ji Yu, Wukong looked at Gohan in front of him, but he was a little stunned.

It wasn't until Ji Yu cheered and was lifted up by Ji Xing that Goku looked at Vegeta and asked: "Vegeta, is he Gohan?"

Vegeta was speechless, are you asking me about your own son? ! Gohan also had a black line across his forehead.

Goku was just joking, he could recognize his own son naturally, but Gohan's change was indeed so amazing that he almost didn't recognize his parents.

From the age of 9 to 11, Gohan completely lost the tenderness and baby fat on his face, and turned into a handsome boy. His height increased rapidly, at least 20 centimeters taller, and he was faintly catching up with the 10 centimeters taller than him. Ji Yu's feeling.

Of course, Ji Yu has changed a lot. He looks like a teenager now. He has inherited Ji Xing's temperament and Bulma's beauty and graceful demeanor.

They hadn't seen each other for two years. He obviously missed Ji Xing and Bulma, but after being lifted for two seconds, his face turned red and embarrassed, and he struggled to land.

Ji Xing smiled and said, "You have grown up. I won't be able to hold you in two years."

Ji Yu said helplessly: "Dad, ordinary people's greetings are not suitable for us, okay? What do I have to look like to make you unable to lift?"

"Express your joy of reunion." Ji Xing patted his shoulder lightly.

After seeing the changes in appearance, it is natural to observe the strength. Gohan's explosive and stable golden hair has already told everyone that he has mastered the full power form of Super Saiyan 1. The energy in his body does not move, and he can move like mountains and seas .

As for Ji Yu, he was more calm and reserved, with no obvious changes visible, but the divine light in his two big eyes highlighted something extraordinary.

"Son Gohan." Vegeta asked before Goku: "Have you mastered the second stage of Super Saiyan?"

The answer was Ji Yu, who grinned evilly: "Smelly Jita, do you want to spar with Gohan?"

Vegeta's eyes twitched, what do you mean? Damn you kid, do you think I can't even defeat Kakarot's son now?

However, he had no impulse. He just lifted the gravity ring on his body, looked at Bobo and said, "You can enter the spiritual time room now."

"Yes." Bobo replied politely: "Ji Yu and Sun Wuhan have come out, and two more people can enter, but please pay attention to the time."

Vegeta hummed softly and stepped into the passage, ignoring Ji Yu's vaguely disappointed expression. Broly shook his head and said to Ji Xing, "Then I'll go in too."

The new group disappeared from the sight of several people one after another. Ji Xing nodded to Bobo and said: "Let's go, Wukong, we have to let the mother of two children see their changes."

Wukong laughed and said, "Qiqi will definitely be surprised, haha!"

The two children were gathered together by Ji Xing in anticipation, while Ji Xing and Wukong stood on both sides. Just when Ji Xing sensed Bulma's energy and was about to initiate teleportation, Wukong suddenly let out a 'huh' sound.

Ji Xing and the two children looked sideways.

"Yes, yes, I understand, Lord Kaio." Wukong nodded, glanced at the passage of the Spiritual Time Room, scratched his head and looked at Ji Xing and said, "Pico found a Cell."

"Is it just at this time?" Ji Xing was a little surprised. Looking at Wukong who was not worried but happy and eager to try, as well as the two children who blinked at each other, he smiled and said: "Then there is no way, this first Cell can only be controlled by The three of you are here to deal with it, just in time to test the results of your practice first."

Wukong said happily: "No problem, just leave Gohan and Ji Yu to me to take care of them!"

"Can they really?"

Ten minutes later, Kaiohshin Realm.

Looking at Wukong and the two children displayed in the crystal ball, Xin was a little worried and pointedly said: "Ji Xing, actually you can also..."

"Relax." Ji Xing smiled and said, "After two years of practice, the next generation has grown up."

The first planet with Cell confirmed by Piccolo at Enma King's place was code-named S-7 by Kaioshin, and it was a living planet located in the Altair Galaxy.

And the reason why it took only two days to identify the guy killed by Sharu from the billions of creatures that went to the underworld every day, is because life on this planet is not simple in the first place.


On the planet S-7, there are giants who can reach a height of more than 10 meters in adulthood. They are not too numerous and have low intelligence, but their fighting power is good. An ordinary adult individual can have a fighting power of more than 50,000. It was one of the planets that the original Saiyans found themselves unwilling to conquer.

Of course, to the current Saiyans, this place is no longer worth mentioning.

Wukong and the two children, who were sent to this planet by Jabit, paid no attention to the indigenous people.

"What a tall tree." Wukong and his son murmured in admiration as they looked at the tree that was often a hundred meters tall.

Ji Yu immediately put his finger on his forehead and activated his sense ability. After a few seconds, he put his hand down and said with a smile, "It's much easier to write down your impressions of such a special place."

His eyes gave Gohan a hint, and Gohan smiled back: "Ji Yu, have you found it?"

"Yeah." Ji Yu nodded: "I don't know how to hide it at all. The Saroo on this planet is very fat. Let's kill it first!"

Soon, Wukong and his son understood what Ji Yu meant by "eating very fat".

Cell appeared in sight, except for his camouflage-like skin color, he looked like a Fat Buu magnified ten times!

The exaggerated height of twelve or thirteen meters, the chubby limbs, the high belly, and the tail swinging behind him are all as thick as a water tank!

You don't need to think about it to know how it has feasted on this planet inhabited by giant species in the past two days. The whole thing gives people a feeling of being fat and oily.

It's even difficult to look down.

Looking awkwardly at the three people below, the Celluloid laughed with a hoarse voice: "Huh? There are still little ones like you on this planet? Ah, hey, hey, it's just a change of taste!"

Gohan pointed at his belly below and said: "No. 4? It turns out that except for Cell Zero, all Cells will have numbers printed on them, so that we can confirm whether there are any missing ones and how many there are in total!"

"What? Do you know No. 0?!" Shalu No. 4's ferocious expression changed to surprise.

"How about I leave this one to you, Gohan?" Ji Yu asked, "Okay, Uncle Wukong."

Wukong looked up and down.

An angry look flashed across the face of Cell No. 4, who was ignored: "You guys actually know that No. 0... is it from the earth? Wait, I seem to remember, you are Sun Wukong?!"

"Well, hello." Wukong raised his hand to greet him politely, and then took a step back: "Okay, let Gohan do this one."

Consideration and confusion flashed across Gohan's face.

The obese Cellulite No. 4 became furious: "Don't ignore me, Sun Wukong! I originally planned to eat up this planet and then go to the earth to find you, but I didn't expect you to take the initiative to send it here! Go to hell!"

The wind howled and the earth trembled!

The tail, which weighed more than a thousand tons, rolled up endless gray sand and bombarded the three of them. With a bang and roar, the earth was torn and shattered!

But at the same time, Fat Shalu's fierce expression froze and turned into disbelief, and a few drops of sweat oozed from his forehead: "W-What?"

After seeing the gray sand, Gohan pushed the huge tail with one hand, so that the impact could not affect Ji Yu and Wukong behind him at all.

His expression was relaxed, and he half-turned his head, and said strangely: "Ji Yu, why do I feel that this Shalu No. 4 is so weak? There is no need for the Holy Cloth at all."

Ji Yu smiled and said: "Is there another possibility that we are very strong after practicing for two years?"

Goku laughed. Sure enough, even if Gohan had not entered the second stage of Super Saiyan, his current full power of Super Saiyan has surpassed me as a father, which is still a lot!

In the Kaio Shen Realm, Kaio Shen Xin, who has been paying close attention to this scene, also showed surprise. Is Cell Four weak? With the momentum of that attack just now, as a Kaioshin, he had to take it seriously!

But if it were Gohan...

"Okay, great."

Ji Xing smiled. Gohan's talent is actually stronger than Goku. If nothing happens, Vegeta and Broly won't even be needed. Now Gohan can take care of all Cell!

Well, if nothing else happens...

After seven o'clock, it can barely be considered afternoon?

Well, after finishing this chapter, Siyang’s total number of words has reached a very memorable number: 10 million! Thank you all for your support and companionship. How many of the 10 million words have you read? Ha ha.

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