Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 827 Ji Xing vs Skinny Buu!

Will it be effective? Will the extremely evil demon be subdued by Ji Xing's big stick and sweet dates? Looking at Ji Xing and Buu facing each other in the distance, Xin didn't even dare to take a breath, and his heart was pounding.

Even just three minutes ago, he would never associate the word "subdued" with Majin Buu, but now he is looking forward to it.

He could feel that the demons had really become weaker because the Cells had lost their power, but the key point was not that. The key point was that Ji Xing, who had mastered the power of the Kaio, fought against Namek six years ago. Bi has undergone a radical change!

Even if the demon is in its prime, Ji Xing may still have the power to win the battle. Saying that the demon is left to him is not because he is arrogant because he has never seen the demon, but because he is short-sighted.

This is not a bad thing, he just hopes that his knowledge can be shallower. just depends on whether the devil understands fear!

"I want cake."

When the pouting demon said this in a somewhat aggrieved voice, Xinqing couldn't help but smile... Is that really okay? !

"Then eat."

Ji Xing smiled and waved his left hand, and the three-layered cream cake shot towards Buu like a cannonball.

The fat Buu suddenly opened his mouth. The abyss-like mouth was bigger than his original head. He caught the cake perfectly. Then his fat face bulged into the shape of a cake. He chewed hard, and the sweet taste entered his throat. Somewhat He narrowed his eyes happily.

"I really belong to you, Ji Xing!" Xin Fei came to Ji Xing's side and said: "As soon as I confirm the location of the Shalu, I will clear them first..."

The devil can be completely eliminated!

No, it would be best to capture the Cells alive and destroy them together with the demons to ensure that the demons will not become more difficult to deal with due to their resurgence of power?

"Don't pop the champagne at halftime."


Xin didn't understand, but he could roughly understand what Ji Xing meant. His smile froze slightly, he looked at the dark energy ball above Ji Xing's right finger that had not disappeared, and then slowly lowered his head to look at the demon.

Majin Buu seemed to have two emotions at the same time on his face as he chewed the cake.

One is the taste of sweet happiness, and the other is a deep and profound malice.

It tastes so good that I want to eat more, but I also want to eat freely and eat whatever I want! Without him, no one could stop me!

The more delicious the cake, the deeper the demon's malice becomes, and the deeper the anger it feels after being beaten to pieces. As its expression struggles, steam begins to emit from the holes in its head again!

The gas buzzed and echoed. It had disappeared into the air before, but this time it gathered on top of the demon's head as if it was alive!

"That is……?!"

A more evil and powerful energy than Buu had shown before filled the air. Fat Buu, who had swallowed the delicious cake, looked up, with a hint of fear on his face.

Gathered together, like clouds of energy squirming together, a figure wearing the same attire as Fat Buu, with dark skin and extremely thin skin appeared, with a face that was almost skinny and even more ferocious.

"Changed, turned into two?!"

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to solve, and this guy... seems to be stronger than the fatter one?" Wukong said with itchy hands: "Ji Xing, don't you want to help this time?"

Broly shook his head: "You don't need us."

Vegeta, who was injured, didn't want to speak. He had been extremely silent from the beginning, and his heart seemed to have been severely hit.

Xin Ze quickly left Ji Xing's side and said, "Ji Xing, please!"

Well, at least become knowledgeable and decisive.

At the same time, Thin Buu landed on the ground, ignoring Ji Xing in the sky, and instead looked at Fat Buu beside him. His skinny face had no expression, and his eyes were a little hollow, but extremely terrifying.

It was taller than Fat Buu, and it was condescending when it was close to it. Fat Buu faced it, clenching his fists, feeling repelled and fearful, and a hoarse voice began to roll in his throat.

"who are you?!"

"Who are you?!"

"I am Majin Buu!"

"I'm Majin Buu too!"

The figures bullied and retreated one after another, and the two Majin Buu started to argue. Majin Buu himself didn't know why he was divided into two, but they were both full of hostility towards each other.

Ji Xing understands a little bit.

Majin Buu was not a fat man at first. The appearance of Fat Buu was due to the influence of it swallowing the Great Kaioshin five million years ago.

In that state, rather than being a ferocious demon, it is more like a child with no sense of good and evil, right and wrong. However, this child has terrifying power, and any willful behavior that follows his preferences may bring about huge consequences. Destruction, the destruction of the moon base is what it is.

Skinny Buu is the aggregation of the devil's nature and evil thoughts, and there seems to be some influence of Southern Kaiojin in it - generally speaking, devils will become stronger after devouring the strong, but occasionally they will also bring consequences to themselves. Some extra hassle.

Seeing that the two Majin Buu were about to fight in their dispute, Ji Xing intervened loudly: "You two, I don't care which of you is the Majin, my cake has already been eaten. Next, I will cook it myself and give it to you." Majin Buu is preparing a sumptuous banquet, are you all ready to attend?"

The two Majin Buu stagnated at the same time.

They looked up at the sky. Fat Buu looked at the three-phase destruction bomb that had not dispersed in Ji Xing's hand. He flinched, but also opened his hands expectantly and said: "I want to eat this sumptuous banquet!"

Thin Buu put his hands on his hips, and there was absolutely no kindness in his evil-looking face. He said hoarsely: "Are you threatening me?"

Ji Xing smiled and looked at Fat Buu again. The three-phase destructor bomb on the top of his right finger became unstable: "I am inviting guests with good intentions. I will not be polite to bad guests."

Fat Buu was startled, and ran away with a swish, putting on a cute gesture that looked like he and Thin Buu were not familiar with each other. He was very naive.

After the evil thoughts were separated, the kind character of Daikaiōgami was obviously more deeply affected, and its behavior was more like that of an innocent child.

Thin Buu, on the other hand, stared at Fat Buu with great dissatisfaction, and when he looked at Ji Xing again, all the evil energy in his body spewed out.

"I don't want to eat cakes and banquets, I want to eat you!"

call out! Its body turned into a stream of light and rushed straight towards Ji Xing.

Ji Xing naturally moved his fingers.

‘Three-phase destruction bomb! ’


Darkness is coming again!

The three kinds of energy twisted together, devouring everything they touched. Fat Buu below remembered the previous encounter, looked panicked, raised his hands, and ran away into the distance on his short legs.

Slender Buu did not dodge.

I saw his hands coming together in front of him, and the blazing white energy gathered in them, suddenly expanding into a bright yellow sphere, rising to the edge of the night!

The pressure of the night then stopped.

Vegeta's eyes in the distance suddenly widened, not because Ji Xing's seemingly unstoppable move was briefly blocked, but because...

"Isn't that the move Vegeta used to break Fat Buu's head in the battle just now? Such a strong learning ability!" Goku exclaimed.

Waves of impacting light came, and the few people had to move further away, and looked back from time to time during the flight. They saw that after a three-second stalemate, the darkness finally swallowed up Slender Buu and the energy it released. Showing surprise.

"The power of a split body cannot be stronger than that of a complete body, and this one should be able to be destroyed!"


In the violent explosion sound, the moon was one step closer to collapse and disintegration. Fat Buu ran out of the impact edge and wiped the sweat from his forehead, while Thin Buu seemed to disappear into the energy.

With the previous case in mind, several people turned their attention to the hole dug into the depths of the moon, wanting to know whether Thin Buu had any organization left, and whether he could be resurrected like Fat Buu.

While searching, Broly's expression suddenly changed, he raised his head and said, "Behind me! Ji Xing!"


A dark thread of flesh suddenly sprang out from behind Ji Xing, wrapping around his body more than a dozen times in an instant, locking his arms and legs firmly!

Skinny Buu escaped from the three-phase destruction bomb at some point and appeared behind Ji Xing, pulling the other end of the meat ball string and showing an evil smile.

"not good!"

This scene of being treated the same as Vegeta made Broly and Xin furious, and some wanted to rescue them. The Saiyan warrior creed cannot be used on the strongest Ji Xing. After all, only those who have the strength and guarantees can be squandered. This But Goku and Vegeta raised their hands to stop him at the same time: "No need to go there!"

The next moment, Vegeta glanced at Goku and took his hand back feeling unlucky.

Wukong laughed and said, "If you can hit such a move, you won't be Ji Xing."

"Hmph." Vegeta hummed in confirmation.

However, having suffered from this move before, he was now curious about how Ji Xing would get out of trouble. The tenacity of the devil's 'splitting rope' was so exaggerated that it even exceeded his body... was he going to use something he had never seen before? Tips?

Then Slender Buu, who had succeeded in the attack, yanked the thread in his hand fiercely, causing Ji Xing to hit its body, and filled his fist with his other hand!

At the moment when the two came into contact, Ji Xing's body suddenly shook. None of the possibilities Vegeta had expected happened. Ji Xing only showed him one technique - defeating ten enemies with one force!


The rope that he couldn't break free even with all his strength exploded like paper as Ji Xing's arms exerted force. Then Ji Xing, amidst Slender Buu's shock, ducked lightly and dodged Slender Buu's fist. , and then pushed his right elbow back hard.

Boom! !

Without even turning his head, the blow fell on Skinny Buu, and a sound like thunder suddenly erupted. Skinny Buu's evil face showed pain, and he staggered in the air while covering his abdomen that was hit. Walking backwards, his evil eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes and disbelief!

Ji Xing looked at Fat Buu in the distance, who also opened his mouth wide at this scene, and turned around.

"After surviving the three-phase destruction bomb, you will have to suffer a little more. This time the big stick falls on you, and the sweet date will be eaten by it. After all, you are all Majin Buu, so this makes sense."

The words were followed by Ji Xing's violent fists and kicks. Skinny Buu only resisted and defended for a dozen moves before he turned into a pure sandbag and was beaten by Ji Xing until he was shaking in the sky!

Every attack contains a terrifying blow that is enough to destroy the planet, and it is faster than lightning!

Every time Thin Buu was hit, Fat Buu seemed to feel the same, with his fat body trembling and his expression timid and panicked.

"Awesome... with this kind of speed and power, Ji Xing didn't take it seriously when he fought with me before." Wukong from afar scratched his head and said: "Broly, if you don't control your reason, can you have Ji Xing's current power?"

"Absolutely." Broly nodded, then shook his head and said, "This should be the power expected to be possessed by Super Saiyan III, but his power is not only powerful, besides..."

"Where is his super cell?!" Vegeta asked through gritted teeth.

There is no explosive energy, and the color of his hair, eyes and even his energy have not changed like they did on Namek. Except when using the three-phase destruction bomb, Ji Xing can be seen merging the three energies together. Ji Xing did not show any Something 'unusual'.

This is the most incredible content for the transformed warriors. He has shown such fighting prowess in his normal state without transforming, but he is still not allowed to go to heaven after transforming? !

He shouldn't be so strong! Vegeta, who trained from Super One to Super Two, could accept that Ji Xing had gone from 'Super Two' to 'Super Three' in the past six years, but he could not accept that the gap was getting wider, so big that he could not see any way to catch up. hope!

Is the power of Kaio so magical? !

In fact, it is not the case. The improvement in six years is naturally not that great. Ji Xing has already transformed.

He transformed before releasing the first three-phase destruction bomb, but they couldn't tell.

Because the transformation Ji Xing is currently using is the 'mysterious form' with the least obvious changes!

In the plot, the master of this form is the future Gohan. After being developed by the old Kaioshin released from the Kaiohshin Sword, he has mastered the secret of being stronger than the ordinary Super Saiyan without becoming a Super Saiyan. form'.

Because Ji Xing knows that Kaiōshin and the God of Destruction exist in sets in the universe. One set of Kaiōshin corresponds to one God of Destruction. If all the Kaiōshin dies, the God of Destruction will die, so he has never tried to release the old Kaiōshin from beginning to end. idea, so as not to attract the attention of the God of Destruction.

But this does not mean that he has no idea of ​​​​this 'mysterious form'. There is no old Kaioshin, and he himself is a trainee Kaioshin. Since it is a power that Kaioshin can have, he can master it!

After several years of research, Ji Xing discovered that the mysterious form was not so much a transformation, but rather a state of the body adjusted by Kaiowen's divine power.

This is similar to the 'perfect earthling' that Ji Xing has been pursuing. When it comes to things like realm, Ji Xing is the sky!


A harder punch than any other punch landed on Thin Buu's chest, and as fiery meteors bloomed in the air, Thin Buu suddenly exploded!

Its limbs were messy in the sky, and its originally ferocious face was only filled with fear. It seemed to be begging Ji Xing that he also wanted to eat the meal, but Ji Xing's raised right finger told it that it could only eat its own meal!

The third three-phase destruction bomb exploded, and Thin Buu was devoured to the point where not even the dregs were left.

As the planet shook, Fat Buu, who had watched the entire process of Ji Xing's violence, swallowed hard and looked nervously at Ji Xing, who was falling next to him.

I saw Ji Xing with a warm smile, extending his hand to invite: "My friend, are you going to have a banquet?"

Laziness is terrible. I just said that the update speed has slowed down this month, and writing 4k has become too slow. No, I have to cheer up...

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