Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 797 Dark Demon Realm

The thunderclouds were dispersed by the light, and the green sky once again enveloped the dry sea.

As the king of the demon clan, some critical injuries are unavoidable. Dapra, whose heart was evaporated, lost most of his strength in an instant. Blood poured out of his mouth like a river, and he looked at Ji Xing in despair.

At this moment of dying, Babidi's control over him weakened a lot. This 'ambitious' demon king felt that this expedition he had been looking forward to for decades became particularly absurd.

Being manipulated by Babidi is a trivial matter. The two have the same goal, but the key problem is... Babidi is really a big liar!

First it was the Namekians, and then this Earthling. When did there appear so many strong men in the universe who could fight me? !

His breath faded and he fell from the sky. Xilu, who was far away, came to his senses and rushed towards Ji Xing with the fairy beans in great joy. However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred.

Under Xilu's gaze, Ji Xing, who was hovering weakly in the air, and Dapra, who was falling continuously, both disappeared in an instant!

"...How could it be?!" Xilu, who didn't catch any anger, paused and looked around in shock.

"Ah bala bala -"

Strange spells were chanted from the mouth of Babidi who was covered in cold sweat. Through Dapura, he cast the black magic of changing the environment!

In terms of combat power, as a black magician, he is not worth mentioning, but all kinds of strange black magic have powerful power.

His 'changing environment' is close to teleportation, and in some cases more convenient than that. He can instantly transform the environment around his targeted target into any planet within a certain range, and he can also move them to his own spaceship. middle!

Looking inside the spacecraft through the crystal ball, he confirmed that Ji Xing and Dapra had been transferred.

Among them, Ji Xing was covering his injury with his hand, breathing heavily and looking around, while Dapra, who was lying prone on the ground, raised his head with the last of his strength.

"Lord Babidi? Save..."

"Dapura, control him! When I control him, I will use the Namekian Dragon Balls he collected to resurrect you! Ah Bala (spell)."

Babidi felt that his head had never been running so fast. In fact, he didn't know whether Namek's dragon balls could resurrect people, but this time he needed such a 'promise'.

Humph, even if I can be resurrected, when I control this earthling, I will have to replace you, this piece of trash.

But Dapra didn't know Babidi's mental journey. Under the control of the spell and Babidi's promise, Dapra rekindled the hope of living. With a roar, he leaped to the top and fought hard. Use your last strength to hit Ji Xing!


Ji Xing, who was also seriously injured, did not dodge the blow and was thrown to the ground by him. However, in the next moment, he shifted his position between offense and defense. He turned over and pinned Dapura under him, crushing him with both fists.

After only five punches, the demon king of the dark demon world tilted his head and died completely.

But at the same time, spells like chanting sutras also echoed in Ji Xing's mind like a direct attack on his soul.

In an instant, all kinds of dark emotions were swirling in the weak Ji Xing's mind. He swayed as if he was drunk. He tried to stand up and tried to put his two fingers on his forehead, but in the end he fell down.

Babidi was pleasantly surprised to feel the success of the magic, and the M character appeared on Ji Xing's forehead, which represented being controlled by him. But the next moment he looked at Ji Xing, who was lying unconscious on the ground with his head tilted and vomiting blood, and panicked again. If we don't die together, then the date for my resurrection of the devil will be...

"Ah Bara——"

The mantra was recited again, and this time it was himself who moved. Hidden in the darkness, Babidi returned to the cockpit of his spaceship, quickly swung towards the rest cabin, and opened the door.

He wanted to check Ji Xing's condition, but Babidi met another pair of eyes.


The magic characters on his forehead melted, and Ji Xing, who was lying half-lying and raising his head, smiled at him: "Hey, are you here?"


Poof - blood spurts.

In Babidi's horrified eyes, he turned into 'Ba' and 'Bidi'! The entire body was cut vertically into one-third and two-thirds by a slanting moon!

"Ah Bala——" He could still recite the curse like this, but then he was cut diagonally!

At the same moment, a dark red luster burst out! This brilliance burst out very quickly and spread as fast as real light.

For a moment, Ji Xing's expression condensed, but his movements did not stop. The wave condensed in his hand was pushed out first, and Babidi, who was cut into five parts by his two knives, was annihilated in it. Only then did he perceive and analyze this dark red light. The origin of.

"Is it the passage to the dark demon world?"

The passage that was only physically blocked by him was stably constructed by Babidi's magic. As Babidi's power disappeared, it seemed to have entered a state of explosion and out of control!

The surrounding space is extremely chaotic, and the real universe and the dark demon world are fighting each other!

Ji Xing was shocked but did not panic. He first took out another fairy bean stored close to his body and popped it into his mouth - the one in Xilu's hand was just used as insurance to prevent the fairy bean from being exploded by Dapra during the battle.

Xilu's raiding formation also brought some psychological pressure to Dapula, and added an 'avoidance point' for Ji Xing, because Dapura's attack would not hit him in the direction of Xilu, allowing him to The senzu beans and universal capsules were saved successfully.

As the fairy beans were chewed and swallowed, this magical medicine from the earth quickly healed Ji Xing's injuries and restored his aura to its full strength.

I put two fingers on my forehead to feel, but I couldn't catch any Namekian's energy.

"In this light, am I already in the dark demon world?" Ji Xing broke through the spaceship, and all he saw was dark red light: "With the feeling of erosion, the breath of the dark demon world can transform normal people into demons." Clan..."

It turned out to be this thing that brought drastic environmental changes and species extinction to Namek.

After thinking for a moment, Ji Xing shook his head and smiled: "Send Buddha to the West, so be it."

The Super Ji Star Fist erupted again, with endless blazing white light dispersing the dark red light! Ji Xing, who turned into a light source, rushed towards the place where the aura of the Dark Demon Realm broke out, and finally crashed into the collapsing passage!


Xilu, who was looking for Ji Xing everywhere to no avail, was returning to the Great Elder's Village at a high speed with the fairy beans in hand, deciding to clear out the other demons on Namek first.

Suddenly a feeling of uneasiness surged through him, and he froze. He turned around and saw endless dark red light erupting from the far southwest!

Like a volcano that had been dormant for hundreds of millions of years, spewing lava, half of Namek's sky was dyed dark red, and the ominous mushroom cloud continued to rise until it reached the atmosphere.

In an instant, the sky was filled with colors.

The ozone layer was eroded and destroyed, and Xilu looked horrified. Namek, which is surrounded by three stars and has daylight all day long, would usher in a terrible disaster if it lost the protection of the ozone layer!

"Is it still..."

Xilu, who assimilated the Great Elder and gained the Great Elder's memory, murmured helplessly until he saw another kind of light in the dark red.

The sky is still filled with various lights, but the power seems to have become controllable. The ozone layer is no longer destroyed, but reduced.

Five seconds later, everything disappeared.

The sunlight that pierced his body seemed to be getting hotter, but Xilu felt that it was still within the tolerance of the people of Namek. It could only be that other animals and plants would have a harder time.

There were earthquakes and roars in the distance, sea waves, and the core of the planet seemed to have suffered some damage, but Xilu felt that the Namekians could bear it.

"Ji Xing..."

Silently suspended in the sky, he looked in that direction for three seconds and then turned into a stream of light. As an absolutely invincible Namekian warrior after Dapura's death, he killed demons and rescued disasters!

The Namekians quickly won the short battle with the demons, sent away batches of the old and weak, and began to fight against the natural disasters that they could barely withstand. No one saw Ji Xing again, but some knew that Namek had finally been led to a completely different future.

Xilu silently prayed for Ji Xing's safety in his heart, and knew that the Namekians could never forget the help of this Earthling!

the other side.

There is an unpleasant sulfur smell everywhere, dark red color, and after a few steps you can see a bubbling lava pool.

The dark demon energy kept eroding the body and was blocked by the energy. Ji Xing casually smashed a demon into pieces and flew in the dark demon world.

"It's such a harsh environment, worse than the hell conditions in some worlds. No wonder Dapra and the others want to invade the universe."

When that passage erupted, Ji Xing might not be able to escape from the Dark Demon Realm even if he struggled to break free, let alone charge in reverse. Unsurprisingly, he was sucked into the Dark Demon Realm.

At this moment, he has been flying in the dark demon world for three hours. On the way, he killed tens of thousands of demons who were overwhelmed by their abilities when they saw the "delicious humans", and also forced and interrogated some of them.

The result is that there is naturally no way to leave. All the passages from the Dark Demon Realm to the normal universe are blocked by the Heaven Realm. Otherwise, Dapra would not have to wait for and cooperate with Babidi.

But Ji Xing is not in a hurry. He has a unique escape route before taking action. The first thing is to find a suitable place to stay.

Soon, he flew into a slightly better area. At least the air was no longer filled with the smell of lava and sulfur, and he could even occasionally see two grasses with unknown names on the ground.

The better territory was naturally occupied by stronger ones. Gradually, millions of demons with fighting power discovered Ji Xing, but they were all killed in a matter of seconds. There was nothing to say.

Until he flew to a palace.

It is more like the devil's castle than a palace, and its eerie color scheme makes it look ominous. It is the palace owned by Dapra, the demon king of the dark world, but now it is about to become Ji Xing's!

First, they swept around the surrounding area, killing all the demon generals who stayed in the dark demon world, and bulldozed the castle's surrounding area for hundreds of miles, so that all the demons would not dare to come even half a step closer.

Only then did he enter the palace that had been cleaned up and found a suitable hall. Ji Xing released the capsule he carried with him.

This is a capsule that Ji Xing specially asked for before he and Bulma Ji Yu parted ways. It was a laboratory that had never been used on Namek.

Materials and equipment for making another time machine are stored in the laboratory. These are things that Ji Xing prepared in advance to prevent his time machine from being accidentally destroyed and unable to return home in the past!

The next step is very simple.

Make another time machine, return to normal time and space, and massacre in the dark demon world there, attracting the attention of Dapra and Babidi from normal time and space, and asking them to help you go back!

Having already won the battle once, it will naturally be much easier to fight Dapra again, and at the same time, the hidden danger of the demon in normal time and space will be solved.

Ji Xing started his operation.

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