The turbulent sea surface gradually calmed down, and the waves in the inner lake were barely suppressed.

Only then did Xilu and the others remember that it had been half a minute since Modara was knocked into the sea by Ji Xing. They were not afraid that Ji Xing had killed Modara without seriousness, but... he couldn't have passed out, right?

Mo Shanla next to him also reacted. You Zi couldn't believe that his eldest brother would be knocked down like this, but he was still worried and Qian Fei shouted: "Brother!"


The words suddenly fell, and a huge wave suddenly exploded on the sea surface where Modara fell, as if a missile was detonated, and water splashed in all directions.

Mo Shanla stopped in surprise, while Xilu and the others looked sideways in slight surprise. Modala did not rush out from the bottom of the sea, but an extremely powerful energy that far exceeded before rushed out from the bottom of the sea!

Hua La La - this air swept the sea water, causing a tornado vortex to rise on the sea surface, and continued to separate outwards. Finally, in the monstrous wind whirlpool, the wet seabed was exposed, and Mo Mo, who had disappeared for a while, was exposed. Darla figure.

I saw him standing on the bottom of the sea, his legs bent, his arms bent at his waist, and all his muscles exploded with force!

"Ah -" a low muffled roar came from his mouth, the muscles on his face were ferocious, his eyes were staring at Ji Xing in the sky, and at the same time, strong energy exploded around his body.

Gradually, wisps of green lightning appeared in his exploding Qi!

Ji Xing in the sky whispered: "This is about to transform. The intensity of the energy has completely changed."

Phew - the next moment, a strong wind pressure rose behind him, and Modala on the seabed disappeared from his sight.

Is the movement so fast that it exceeds my dynamic line of sight? In the flash of lightning, Ji Xing clenched his fists: "Twenty times!"


Ji Xing's Qi rose straight up again, and he turned around and raised his arms, blocking Modala's fist with a muffled bang. The Qi explosion aperture exploded around the two of them, and an extremely powerful force struck.

Ji Xing's figure slipped backwards in the air, and Modara snorted coldly: "Do you think you won?! Spaceman!"

Bang bang bang bang bang——

For a moment, the clash of fists and feet echoed across the sky, and the two people who turned into afterimages could leave traces in five or six places at the same time!

Except for Xilu who could follow, the three of Kadaz were staring blankly and turning their heads. The wind pressure from the collisions could even make their hearts beat!

"Is this?!"

"Thunderstorm form!" Xilu said seriously.

Thunderstorm-type Namekians sound like an unfamiliar term, because in the history of Namek, this special fighting-type Namekian has been rare to see for hundreds of years!

The characteristic of Namekians with this talent is that when they explode, a green electric arc appears in the air, which increases the quality and quantity of the air, and gains several times the combat power of ordinary Namekians!

The thunderstorm type is the legendary pre-state of a super Namekian who can break the shackles of Namekian talent and stand at the apex of the universe. Xilu did not expect that Modala would awaken in such a form.

So in terms of combat effectiveness, he, the strongest warrior, is already far inferior to Modala, and may even be pulled further and further away as time goes by!

He didn't want to think about the impact this would have for the moment. The battle in front of him... Kadaz and Ma'alo also changed their expressions with that term.

How could an extreme guy like Modara be allowed to have the strongest fighting talent among the Namekians? !

Only Mo Shanla laughed out loud after being stunned, my eldest brother is indeed invincible in the world!


At this moment, Modara Ji Xing, who had fought hundreds of moves in the blink of an eye, appeared in the air again. Ji Xing punched Modara in the face, causing his face to twist and saliva to splash!

"……No way?!"

Isn't such a big brother a match for this earthling? ! Mo Shanla's eyes widened. Modala's backward movements slowed down in his eyes, and time seemed to jump frame by frame.

When Modara's waist was bent more than halfway, he suddenly froze his body in this position briefly in the air, causing Ji Xing, who was about to launch a follow-up attack, to stop and narrow his eyes slightly.

"It's very durable and doesn't completely break the defense."

boom! !

Like a fully charged battering ram, the bent upper body of Modara rebounded towards Ji Xing at a faster speed. That green face was full of ferocity, and its broad forehead brought out the momentum of a meteor impact. Straight towards Ji Xing's forehead.

Ji Xing, who had already withdrawn his attack in advance, dodged sideways, but was forced to open a little gap by the self-destructive attack, which followed, and he could only catch the following giant axe-like kick with his arms crossed.

The rumble and muffled sound exploded again, Ji Xing's figure broke through the air, and quickly hit the sea below!

When he was less than half a meter away from the sea, he stopped and lay half-lying on his back above the sea, with the remaining wind rippling the sea!

At the same time, two more green light waves crossed an arc towards Ji Xing. During the flight, they tore two rifts into the sea water. When they reached Ji Xing's side, they merged and exploded into a rift with a diameter of dozens of kilometers. Huge seawater mushroom cloud!

A large amount of sea water was burned by it, and the huge waves spread in all directions. Xilu and the others quickly hid in the higher sky and bombarded them with waves to prevent the waves from rushing to the shore. At the same time, they looked solemnly towards the center of the mushroom cloud. .

The people on earth are at a disadvantage!

Are you okay? !


Two waves rushed out of the seawater mushroom cloud and converged on Modara, telling them that Ji Xing was fine.

But Modala just grunted, let out an explosive roar, and smashed the two waves with two punches!

Immediately, his body plunged straight down, breaking through the seawater mushroom cloud, finding Ji Xing among them, opening his stance, and continued to punch rapidly.

Ah da da da da, ah da da da da.

The two began to clash with each other again, but the battlefield was moved from high altitude to near the water. Like lightning, they staggered forward, backward, left, and right, creating a gorgeous arc on the sea!

To be able to fight such an eldest brother to this extent, this earthling is simply too strong... Mo Shanla no longer showed any obvious emotions, but he finally felt a little relieved. Fortunately, it seemed that the eldest brother was stronger after all.

Kadaz and Ma'alo also felt bad. It would be really unfortunate if the Dragon Ball Trial failed because of losing to such Modara.

"Xilu, is it..."

"Hey! What do you want to do? This is a trial set by the Great Elder. Are you going to regret it?!" Mo Shanla immediately turned around and shouted away.

Xilu shook his head: "Let's see, that Earthling... hasn't given up yet. Maybe he has other trump cards."

Mo Shanla panicked, but the next second he smiled disdainfully: "You guys overestimate him too much. I want to see what other trump cards he has!"

Ji Xing is choosing which card to use.

As the combat power increased to tens of millions, Ji Xing found that his "three times stronger in person" was no longer so accurate. The Modala in front of him should only be twice as strong as his 20 times Ji Xing Fist state, but the level A was already a bit behind. Downwind.

The main reason was that the massive amount of thunderstorm energy that was twice as strong as his own was protecting the surface of the body. The damage caused by Ji Xing's fists and kicks was not enough. Modala was able to resist Ji Xing's fists like before and fight back.

If the 20x Ji Xing Quan does not place a load on the body, you can still win if you grind slowly, but if you continue fighting like this, the chances of losing will be greater.

30 times or 40 times will damage yourself and delay your practice for a period of time.

Qi transformations such as thunder and lightning are like juggling in a battle of this intensity, and can only be used as harassment. Sun Fist and Qi Circle Slash are a bit insidious, and Namekians have the ability to regenerate severed limbs, which may not be possible in situations where there is no distinction between life and death. it works.

As fists and feet clashed, Ji Xing's eyes met with Modala's. In addition to the rejection and anger towards him as a cosmic being, there was also some fanaticism for fighting. His 'evil' side did not seem to increase as he entered the thunderstorm state. , and after all, there is no tendency to destroy Namek.

In this case, let's conquer him head-on.

After a loud bang, Ji Xing and Modala fell away in both directions, and the energy in Ji Xing's body suddenly disappeared like a candle blown out by the wind.

Modara let out a light hum and laughed loudly: "Are you admitting defeat? Earthling! I have long seen that your state is not normal! You used a technique to temporarily increase your strength, right? Are you exhausted?"

"No, it's just a different move." Ji Xing smiled and said, "This next move is my first time to use it, so you have to be careful."


‘Super cell, solution! ’

Buzz buzz——

The next moment, Ji Xing's chest, waist, arms, and thighs all suddenly lit up with light spots, a total of 28 in number, and then the bright light radiated out.

Its brilliance was so dazzling that Modara couldn't see clearly for a moment. He stepped back warily and squinted his eyes to observe the changes in Ji Xing.

"What's this?"

Without the ability to sense Qi, he only had a weird feeling, and Ji Xing, who was in the radiance, felt the feeling of the light transformed from Qi returning to the Qi next to his body.

Super cells, M cells!

This kind of cell developed by Ji Xing based on the blood of Super Saiyan S cells and Frieza and other cosmic people showed its brilliance in the world for the first time.

Rather than being cells, it is better to say that they are tiny organs that do not affect the body.

Or maybe it's an air bag.

It is built on the various main points of Ji Xing's body, and has been modified to have the ability to absorb and store light like a universal capsule.

After completing the development of super cells and practicing in the spiritual time house for more than two years, Ji Xing built a total of 28 super cells, an average of one per month, and each super cell stored almost the same amount of energy as himself. Angry!

In other words, when it is fully activated, Ji Xing temporarily possesses '29 times' Qi. This is different from 'Ji Xing Fist'. Ji Xing Fist uses the overload of the body to squeeze out more Qi and at the same time improve The multiplier of body and Qi is the comprehensive improvement multiplier.

The super cells are not squeezing, they are just releasing the reserves during leisure time. As long as Ji Xing can control it, there will be no load!

The intensity of the increase is not just 29 times, because for Ji Xing, the more the better for things like energy!

The wanton brilliance gradually converged and turned into a thin film on the surface of Ji Xing's body. Ji Xing's arrogance was not as strong as the 20 times previous Ji Xing Fist state. Only one pair of eyes showed a light blue color due to the reflection of the brilliance. .

And this kind of sight hit Modala, making him suddenly feel extremely uncomfortable.

The four people from Xilu in the distance could not take their eyes away.

What's wrong? Do you really have a trump card? What just happened? ! Mo Shanla was worried.

The next moment, Ji Xing raised his right hand, just like he did during the fight, and made a move towards Modala: "Again?"

Modara appeared in front of Ji Xing in an instant!

Bang bang bang bang bang——

The sound of fists and feet clashing exploded again, and the two returned to the state of causing afterimages in the air!

Mo Shanla stared carefully and gradually relaxed. It seemed... not much different from before?

And after about half a minute and hundreds of moves, the scene was almost repeated! The two figures appeared in the air, and Ji Xing's straight punch hit Modala in the face with a roar!

However, this time, the bent Modala did not rebound, but let out a scream of pain and fell down from the sky uncontrollably.

After falling half a meter above the sea water, with his face stained with purple blood, Modala let out a roar again, burst out all his energy, and rushed towards Ji Xinghui, overwhelming the roaring waves!

"I will never lose to you! Spaceman!"

"It makes me look like a villain. I'm just here to borrow the Dragon Balls, and I'm participating in an orthodox Dragon Ball trial. I'm not here to rob."

Ji Xing shook his head helplessly and clenched his fists.

'burst! ’


The light was flowing in the light blue eyes, and the Qi concentrated on the body surface suddenly flowed away! It stretched out a strip of light behind Ji Xing, lighting up half of the sky like flying fireballs, making the sky of Namek appear a different color from green!

The Great Elder of Namek in the distant village turned his head to look here, and the shocked eyes of Xilu and others were filled with blazing white!

Modara's expression became more ferocious, the green arcs in his air became more intensive, and his mouth opened wide with roars as if he was about to lay an egg!

Ji Xing just waited for him to come over and threw out a punch filled with 29 times the energy!


It was like a drum that was shaking like a mountain, and there was a muffled thunder that sounded close at hand. Just like the first time, Modala was hit in the abdomen by an uppercut, and the roar even rippled from behind him!

"Ha..." A large mouthful of purple blood vomited out of his mouth, and his eyes instantly turned white.

Modara's body struggled and trembled. After three seconds, he finally succumbed and lost all consciousness, hanging on Ji Xing's fist.

"Big, big brother?!"

The next moment, Mo Shanla let out a scream and rushed over as fast as he could. Ji Xing handed Modara to him: "He is just unconscious."

All he got in exchange was a vicious look from Mo Shanla, and then he hugged Mo Dara and flew away towards the sky without looking back.

The light cyan color in Ji Xing's eyes gradually faded away, all super cells were shut down, and he returned to his original, most ordinary state.

The figure flew back to Xilu and the others, and he nodded gently to the stunned three people.

After a long while, Xilu took a deep breath and said complexly: "Congratulations, the strongest man on earth, you passed the Dragon Ball Trial."

4k, the last day of the month, please vote for me! There is one more chapter, and I will try to publish it by 12 o'clock.

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