Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 785 Dragon Ball Trial on Namek

Under the dark green sky, reflecting the deep green grassland in early autumn, the entire planet of Namek is covered by a special puffball fungus. It uses its dots of green to weave green carpets and decorate them. With the color of clouds and mountains.

"Just like that...all of a sudden, we really arrived five hundred years ago?"

Holding Ji Xing's arm and jumping out of the time machine, Bulma still felt a little unreal. He looked around and said, "When we took the time machine, we were surrounded by plains. How come this place turned into a hill? The location will also change. ?Or……"

"Five hundred years have changed," Ji Xing explained: "The time machine will not change the location of the shuttle, but the time will change. This is also one of the proofs that we have carried out time shuttle."

"...Amazing~~" Bulma looked at the green grass-like ground under his feet, looked at the green sky, and praised: "I used to think that without 'Professor Long', I would not lose to you in terms of technology. I didn't expect you to even You can build something like a time machine."

Ji Xing smiled and said nothing, you are really awesome, I just turned on my thinking.

Bulma, after admiring the fresh scenery around him for a moment, touched his trouser pocket: "It's all green, the air is so fresh... Well, let me see... It's great! Dragon Ball Radar is so useful!"

The palm-sized Dragon Ball radar was turned on, and a triangular arrow was displayed on it, marking the location of the two people. When Bulma pressed it a few more times, two more light spots appeared in the radar, and the one used on Earth Unmistakable, showing the Dragon Ball near them.

Bulma zoomed in twice and quickly said in surprise: "It's so close! The nearest dragon ball is only about 20 kilometers away from us, over there!"

That was the nearest Namek village that Ji Xing sensed with his energy. He nodded, put the time machine into a silver universal capsule, took out a black one, and released the big dog hover car.

"I won't teleport for now, I'll drive."


The hover car rushed down from the top of the mountain and galloped through the green fungus field. Bulma, the co-pilot, reached out and pressed twice, and the car quickly switched to convertible mode. Bulma put his arms by the window, his blue hair swaying in the wind. Make a cheerful 'woohoo' sound.

Everything was like a dream. Two months ago, she could not have imagined time travel or space travel, but now she and Ji Xing were driving a car on an alien planet 500 years ago.

It didn’t take long for ‘reality’ to appear.

Because Bulma saw a golden field in the distance and the people working in the field...

"So many young gods!"

Roughly consistent with the shape of the earth's gods, each 'Bik' is carrying a crop similar to wheat on his shoulders.

The hearing of the Namekians is far superior to that of the people on Earth, and they heard the sound of the hovercar earlier. Dozens of young and strong Namekians in the field looked over, and when they saw Ji Xing Bulma, they looked at each other in surprise. , communicate in Namekian language.

A trace of doubt flashed through Ji Xing's heart.

In fact, Ji Xing was already a little confused when he just completed the time travel, saw the green land and smelled the air that seemed to be fresher than five hundred years later. As far as he understood, Namek's species would become extinct six years later. ', because the Namekians born in this era did not cherish the environment, abused technology, and destroyed the planet's ecosystem.

It is precisely for this reason that the Namekians in the future will no longer use technology and engage in slash-and-burn farming, making the entire planet covered with green bit by bit.

So at this time, the planet's environmental pollution should be very serious, and he has prepared some measures to deal with it... But why are the Namekians in front of him also cultivating slash-and-burn farming?

Environmental pollution doesn’t even have a shadow?

Pollution is difficult to ‘fix overnight’.

"That's right. If pollution accumulates little by little, it would be even more strange if it is not purified by Shenlong. The extinction of species on Namek must have deeper factors. It's just because there is only one 'Great Elder' who should still be small and transparent to survive. , so there is no record or inheritance?”

Ji Xing parked his car at the edge of the field, and after the conversation, the young Namekians separated into several leading ones and came over.

The leading Namekian young man wears a set of gray robes, has a slightly long face and a thin figure.

"Guests from the universe? Hello, this is Namek. Do you need any help?" he asked.

Huh? Not using Namekian? And very friendly. Bulma, who was still a little nervous, was slightly surprised and looked up at Ji Xing.

Ji Xing replied directly: "Excuse me, friends from Namek. Because we heard the legend of the dragon, we came to Namek specifically to look for the dragon beads to make a wish."

"For Lord Bolunga?"

Several Namekians looked at each other in surprise again. Being at the edge of the universe, the Namekians did not receive many cosmic visitors, perhaps only once every few years or even decades. Most of them were forced to land for help due to spacecraft malfunctions, and they all left after receiving their help. .

A few space bandits were cleared away by the fighting Namekians and their bones were buried here.

This was the second time they came here specifically for the Dragon Balls. The existence of the Dragon Balls on Namek was a secret that few people knew.

"Where did you hear about Dragon Ball?" asked a short and stocky Namekian.

"I heard it by chance." Ji Xing said.

This was obviously a vague answer, but several Namekians didn't care. They looked at each other and nodded. The leading Namekian said: "I am Ma'alo, what are your names?"

"Ji Xing."

"My name is Bulma."

"Mr. Ji Xing from the universe, Miss Bulma." Ma'alo nodded slightly, turned around and said, "If you want to see Lord Bolunga, please follow me to see my father first."

"Trouble." Ji Xing nodded: "Bulma can't fly, let's follow him by car."

Ma'alo glanced at Bulma with some surprise. In the universe, especially on Namek, even children can fly.

He nodded, told the young men watching in the field in Namekian language to continue farming, and then he and a few people around him soared into the sky.

Ji Xing continued to drive the Big Dog Hover Car, following behind them at extremely fast speeds.

"She seems very friendly." Bulma said softly: "Speaking of which... Ji Xing, can I learn to fly? It seems a little inconvenient."

"Not now. When our research laboratory is built, I will help you adjust your body a little, so that you can understand the control of breathing. You can learn it slowly, or you can use Shenlong to make wishes to gain the ability to fly... But without practicing, Don’t even think about how strong your fighting power is.”

"I don't want to fight and kill, and it would be too wasteful for the dragon to make a wish." Bulma muttered and smiled: "Anyway, I have your protection!"

Ji Xing smiled, and Ma'aluo in the sky moved his ears, thinking to himself: Are they a couple or a couple in the universe? Research room? Or a scientist? Can you learn to fly by adjusting your body?

He once again used Namekian language to communicate with several Namekians around him, and Ji Xing, who was driving the hover car, also moved his ears slightly.

During the eight-day space voyage, Ji Xing had already learned the Namekian language from Bulma and instantly translated it into Xinyada.

‘Bolunga-sama, who seems to be a friendly cosmonaut at the moment, and who doesn’t know much about Namek, just knows it from somewhere. ’

‘Well, it doesn’t look like the people from thirty years ago, they are from another race. ’

'These aliens look very strange, with strange skin and hair colors. ’

'That kind of transportation is quite good. ’

‘Ma’alo, do you really want them to conduct the dragon ball trial at the elder’s place? ’

'It's up to my father to decide, but I don't think he will break the rules of Namek. ’

30 years ago, another group of people came to Namek looking for the Dragon Balls? Did it leave a bad impression on the Namekians?

Ji Xing's heart turned secretly and he drove silently.

Not long after, a Namekian village appeared in front of Ji Xing.

As far as the eye can see, buildings that look like abalone and snail shells are neatly arranged, low and thick, with round and bubble-shaped windows.

The village is not large, and there should be about 300 Namekians living there, but this is already a lot for Namekians who are used to living in scattered villages.

Ma'alo and others landed in front of the village. Ji Xing naturally parked the car there and walked the rest of the way.

"Dragon Balls do exist on Namek." Ma'alo introduced as he led the way: "If you collect seven Dragon Balls, you can summon Lord Borunga and realize any three wishes. This is true."

Three? Bulma's eyes suddenly lit up, it was indeed much stronger than the Earth Dragon Balls!

"Any Namekian or guest from the universe can collect Dragon Balls, but they must pass a special trial." Ma'alo continued: "The seven Dragon Balls are kept by seven elders, including my father, and the trial The content of the training includes courage, wisdom, strength, etc., which are decided by the elders. Each time you pass one, you can get a dragon ball, but if you fail any test, you must return all the dragon balls."

Dragon Ball Trials? It may not sound easy, but it should not be difficult for Ji Xing.

Bulma nodded slightly and looked around. It seems that because all the young people have gone out to farm, the village is filled with old people and children.

The old man and the god are more similar, but there is a difference in body shape. The children... although they are both green, they are unexpectedly cute?

Their curious and timid appearance is no different from that of children on Earth. Most of the old people have friendly faces even when they are curious.

Well, a friendly race.

Soon they arrived at the center of the village. In front of a larger building, an old man with an old face and an outline similar to Ma'alo appeared in front of everyone. What was even more eye-catching was the orange decoration above the door of the building. Yellow ball.

The bright luster, the transparency that seems to contain the world, and the four five-pointed stars on the surface of the sphere all illustrate its identity.

"Four stars? Just put them outside? And they're so big!" Bulma exclaimed in a low voice.

Compared with the dragon balls on Earth that can be held with one hand, the dragon balls on Namek are indeed very large, nearly half a meter in diameter, and require both hands to hold them.

"This is my father, the elder of Namek and the administrator of the four planets." Ma'alo introduced to Ji Xing and Bulma.

Ji Xing walked up to the elder and greeted politely: "Hello, I am Ji Xing, and this is Bulma. We came to Namek to collect dragon balls and make a wish to the dragon."

"For Mr. Bolunga?" The elder's gentle smile did not change, but there were exclamations of surprise among the village elders who came over out of curiosity.

"Sir Elder..."

The fourth elder of Namek gently pressed his hands to silence everyone, and said in a gentle voice: "I already understand your purpose of coming, and Ma'alo also introduced you to the content of the Dragon Ball Trial.

That's right, on Namek, whether you are a child of Namek or a guest from the universe, you can take the Dragon Ball Trial. As long as you can pass it, you will naturally be able to take away my Dragon Ball. But beyond that, there is an easier way to pass the trial. "

"My wish is approved." The fourth elder looked at Ji Xing: "What is your wish?"

"This... is more complicated." Ji Xing thought for a while and said, "I want to get some knowledge and power from Shenlong. In the final analysis, it is just to become stronger."

"For power?" The fourth elder looked deeply at Ji Xing. His wise eyes seemed to be able to see through Ji Xing, but the embarrassing thing was... he actually didn't see through any of the content.

As a non-combatant Namekian, he possesses special abilities including simple mind reading, but these abilities are completely useless in Ji Xing's case.

Not seeing through is also a kind of seeing through.

He shook his head slightly and said: "It's a coincidence that the test here is a test of strength. You need to get the approval of my son Ma'alo in the competition, or defeat him, in order to take away this four-star from me. ,Do you accept?"

Ji Xing looked at the young man who had just brought him here. His expression was calm and he nodded slightly to him. He obviously knew the content of the trial.

"I accept." He nodded slightly.

Bulma put a smile on her lips, and she got the first dragon ball! In terms of combat, she has absolute confidence in Ji Xing, who can move freely under 115 times gravity. A little monster like Wukong is not a monster compared to the man I like. On the contrary, he has courage and wisdom. Assessments are prone to unexpected situations.

"Ma'alo, use all your strength this time."

"Yes, father."

Even if you use all your strength...

boom--! !

Powerful Qi suddenly exploded around Ma'alo, and the fierce wind pressure instantly messed up Bulma's hair, and his eyes widened.

Although she doesn't practice martial arts, she can still feel that this is a force that is definitely different from the aura of the martial arts masters in the Turtle Fairy House on Earth!

She then remembered that Ji Xing had said that there were many powerful warriors in the universe, and worry emerged in her heart.

The surrounding Namekian elders breathed a sigh of relief. The elders really knew what happened. With the incident 30 years ago as a lesson, how could they easily hand over the Dragon Ball to someone who was not a member of their own tribe?

Ma'alo is the strongest warrior in this village. If he can fight with all his strength...

"In this case, will you still accept this trial?" Ma'alo asked.

Ji Xing nodded: "Please give me some advice."

Both rise to the sky.

4k, and the next chapter is around 12:30.

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