Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 778 Full moon night, full combat power! (7k two-in-one)

People's bottom line will continue to decrease.

After Vegeta ate a meal of bread with spices, he no longer resisted the meals provided by Ji Xing and ate every meal without any courtesy.

Saiyans don't know much about cooking. They only know how to cook food simply, and only require a large amount and speed. So in just three days, he quickly understood the meaning of the word 'food', but for food This is disdainful.

Not to mention intoxication and other emotions that are not suitable for the status of a prince, he is as cold as a ruthless little shit-making machine every day.

Ji Xing didn't spoil him either. He ate, but only in a normal amount. Saiyans' appetite structure was different. Even though Vegeta was still young, he had several times the appetite of Ji Xing, so he could only fill up the bottom.

It was another unsatisfying dinner. Little Vegeta sat back in the corner as usual after eating, watching Ji Xing who continued tinkering with some incomprehensible equipment, silently counting the time.

"Hey." At a certain moment, he suddenly said: "When you open the ceiling every day, are you absorbing the 'solar energy'?"

"I don't say 'Hey'." Ji Xing raised his head and said with a smile: "It's really strange that you actually took the initiative to talk to me? Well, it's to absorb energy, and it's also to bring in some fresh air."

Vegeta was silent for a few seconds, pointed to the ceiling and said, "Open it."


"Tonight is a full moon, and I want to admire the moon." Vegeta hit a straight shot.

He had thought carefully. During the past three days, no matter how much he thought, he could not find a proper way to trick Ji Xing into letting him see the moon. Being too circuitous would only arouse suspicion.

He was betting that Ji Xing didn't know that Saiyans would turn into giant apes when they saw the full moon.

On the other hand, Ji Xing understood that the roundabout deception would only make him laugh.

"Appreciating the moon?" He was secretly delighted. Ji Xing just laughed and said, "Do you still have this kind of hobby?"

"This is our custom." Little Vegeta said coldly: "The Saiyans are a nation that worships the moon. You don't even understand this kind of thing?"

Ji Xing raised his eyebrows and stared at Vegeta, who looked back with a calm expression.

In fact, at this moment, Vegeta felt an unprecedented sense of tension. For the five-year-old Saiyan prince, the range of mood swings in just a few days after meeting Ji Xing was more complicated and severe than the previous five years combined. .

A few seconds later, Ji Xing casually waved his hand, pressed a nearby button, and said, "Take a reward, don't make unnecessary moves, or you will suffer."

The little prince was ecstatic, but his expression remained calm. He looked up at the ceiling...?

"Oh, I pressed the wrong button." After more than ten seconds of silence, Ji Xing pressed another button.

"..." The little prince felt his anger ignite again. In those ten seconds, he was so nervous that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. Did he press the wrong button? !

Fortunately, it’s finally here!

The ceiling split to both sides, and the bright night sky came into view. The dark purple moonlight of Planet Vegeta shone on him for an instant!

"Huh? Is Planet Vegeta's full moon this color? It's really worth a reward. It looks ominous." Ji Xing said.

That's your death moon! Vegeta only felt his heart beating violently 'bang bang', 'bang bang', and an extremely powerful force began to emerge from his body!

The feeling of fatigue faded away, Ji Xing's blockade on his power was instantly broken, and a powerful wave of energy surged from his body.

When Ji Xing looked at him in shock, Vegeta only gave him a ferocious smile, his stern little face quickly elongated and returned to his ancestors, and his body quickly burst through his clothes and the underground house became huge!

Boom! !

The next moment, the huge fist smashed into the place where Ji Xing was standing, smashing the engine of the spaceship that he had been repairing for several days, blasting out a huge hole, and blowing the entire house to pieces!

Only Ji Xing narrowly avoided the punch and floated up into the sky, looking in shock at the huge 'baby ape' that turned into ten meters high in front of him.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Wild laughter broke out from the mouth of the young ape, and little Vegeta said ecstatically: "Clark, what are you surprised about?! Pretend to surrender first, and then kill the enemy when you find an opportunity. Isn't this what you told me? What, Wheel When it comes to you, will it be difficult for you to accept it?! Hahaha...

This is the true power of this prince and Saiyan. Hurry up and release your 'solar energy'! Even if you beg me for mercy now, I won't let you go easily! "

"...I'm sorry, I actually have such a move." Ji Xing sighed and clenched his fists: "Solar energy, super power burst!"


If the burning light burst out from Ji Xing's body again, turning him into a warrior of light, then bursts of wind pressure came from the giant ape-formed Vegeta's fist. Ji Xing blocked it with both arms, but was still knocked away with a roar. , broke dozens of big trees!

Breaking the silent night.

That night, Planet Vegeta was indeed extremely quiet, and the Saiyan warriors who were searching for Ji Star were all hiding in their homes.

Because only the elite warriors at the upper level and a small number of intermediate warriors can maintain consciousness under the giant ape transformation through training, other warriors going out on a full moon night will only bring trouble to the planet.

Even in most cases, Planet Vegeta will use technological means to block the full moon, but it obviously will not do so today.

At the palace, King Vegeta stood alone in the main hall, expecting and solemn. It was not until the combat power detector on his right eye began to beat numbers that he let out a chuckle.

"Ha, well done, Vegeta!"

Soon two figures were revealed.

30303, 59500!

"Oh? Are you still making progress? The basic combat power is already close to 6,000. You are worthy of being my son. This setback will make you grow up faster!" He locked his eyes in one direction and flew away from the palace.

Through the pointing of the combat power detector, he quickly found the battlefield while flying at full speed, and saw the warrior of light fleeing in panic under the attack of the young giant ape.

Got you, Kryptonian!

King Vegeta looked back at the moon for a moment, and his body shape began to change rapidly. His basic combat power is 16,000 points. After transforming into a giant ape and increasing it tenfold, his combat power is a full 160,000 points!

This powerful aura appeared on the battlefield, immediately attracting the attention of both sides of the battle. Vegeta unexpectedly called out: "Father!"

Ji Xing muttered helplessly: "Here comes another bigger one, it's going to kill him."

Compared to Vegeta's 10-meter-sized young giant ape, King Vegeta had fully expanded to nearly 20 meters, covering the moon with darkness.

Despite its huge size, the giant ape transformed by King Vegeta was still extremely agile. The huge figure flashed almost teleporting, and the fist fell on Ji Xing in the next moment!


A sonic boom exploded in the air, and Ji Xing crashed into the earth like a missile, penetrating a crater with a radius of 100 meters, causing the earth to overturn and roll!

Sitting at the bottom of the pit, Ji Xing gasped in panic. The light on his body went out, and his combat effectiveness dropped rapidly. When he saw the two giant apes approaching side by side, he shook his head and sighed.

"I didn't expect Saiyans to have the ability to transform into a full moon. Alas, I gave in."

King Vegeta grunted, as if he was about to swing his fist to kill Ji Xing again, but Vegeta interrupted: "Wait a minute, Father! It's too easy to kill him so easily. There is a kind of muscle relaxation in his body." Potion', your body will lose strength after using it!

In the past two days, I have been controlled by him with that kind of thing. I want him to experience the same feeling! Let him be my slave! "

The giant ape and the young ape looked at each other, and King Vegeta read determination in Vegeta's eyes.

"This Kryptonian is dangerous."

"If I fall into his hands for the second time, it will only mean that I am a waste!"

"Is that so?" King Vegeta thought for a moment: "Then I'll leave him to you."

Bang bang bang——

Just as the two were dealing with Ji Xing, a crisp sound of applause suddenly came from under the quiet night sky, causing the two apes to shrug at the same time.

They looked back at the night sky and saw Frieza flying over in his stroller, a miniature flying machine, clapping.

Frieza... King Vegeta flashed an obscure look in his eyes, lowered his head and said, "King Frieza, why are you here?"

Vegeta paused and then greeted.

"Wonderful, wonderful." Frieza praised with a strange accent: "Whether it's Vegeta-san's self-rescue or King Vegeta's overwhelming fighting power, they are all very wonderful. They are worthy of being a fighting nation of Saiyans, but …”

He flew close, jumped from the stroller and landed on the ground. He stared at Ji Xing at the bottom of the pit and said, "Didn't I say before? This Kryptonian killed Mr. Sabo, and I want to deal with it myself."

King Vegeta paused, and the giant ape lowered his head lower: "I'm very sorry, King Frieza! I was concerned about Vegeta's safety, and I forgot your instructions for a moment. Please forgive me!"

"It doesn't matter." Frieza looked at Ji Xing with a sly smile: "Vegita-san's arrangement is very good, let this Kryptonian be his slave. But I am somewhat interested in Krypton, so I will ask Vegeta first Tasan takes him back to my spaceship and comes to interrogate him personally to find out the location of Krypton."

Back to the spaceship? The giant ape's eyes became darker and fiercer, and the young ape remained silent for a while.

His purple-black lips were slightly curved, and his blood-red eyes were full of amusement. Frieza held his arms in his arms, and his tail behind him was waving in the air, with an aura of having everything under control.

No one cared about Ji Xing at the bottom of the pit, and Ji Xing's aura was very calm, eliminating any sense of presence.

The increasingly weird atmosphere lasted for more than ten seconds. King Vegeta turned around and asked, "Vegeta, why don't you answer King Frieza?"

But before Vegeta could answer, or at the moment he spoke, the giant ape raised his fist again... and crushed Frieza straight away!

He was several times more violent than attacking Ji Xing, using all his strength, and at the same time roared: "Go to hell! Frieza!!"

Frieza's smile grew wider and he raised a finger in the direction of the giant ape's fist.


The huge force was like a mud dragon entering the water, and the disproportionately large fists and fingers collided, but they stayed in place, with only the wind pressure making noise around them.

The giant ape's pupils dilated instantly.

Frieza smiled sarcastically: "What are you doing? King Vegeta."

It's not surprising that King Vegeta would attack Frieza at a time like this. He had been planning a rebellion and wanted to gather troops to rush into Frieza's spaceship and kill Frieza.

Compared with that kind of 'adventure', now Frieza is not only alone, he also has enough reasons to transform into a giant ape in advance, his combat power has increased tenfold, and Vegeta is also by his side...

The time, place, and people are favorable, and they all take advantage of it.

But he never imagined that his surprise attack would have such a result. My fist with 160,000 combat power... was actually blocked by Frieza, even by a finger? !

On the other side, the young ape Vegeta's face was also full of shock, and he even took a step back in horror.

Then King Vegeta went berserk.

"This is impossible!"

Boom boom boom! Unwilling to believe it, King Vegeta alternately attacked Frieza with both fists, but the blow that could easily shatter mountains was easily caught by Frieza with one hand, and could not even transmit the power to Frieza's feet. The ground!

After such collisions dozens of times in one second, Frieza chuckled and raised his other hand, aiming at King Vegeta and launching a wave of light.

In the eyes of the shocked Vegeta, the world seemed to freeze at this moment.

That wave gathered a power that the young man could not understand. It penetrated the heart of the giant ape King Vegeta easily and quickly, and flew low with the huge figure vomiting blood!

At the same moment, at Bardock's house, Broly, who had been picked up and hidden for three days, burst into tears for some reason, waving his little hands in the direction of the battlefield, and Ji Nei couldn't coax him.

Standing in front of the curtains that completely cut off the moonlight, Bardock, who was wearing a combat power detector, also looked in the direction Broly was waving to grab. The number on the detector jumped rapidly until it exploded with a bang.


The Saiyans who also knew what might happen tonight were all stunned and lost their minds.

In the spaceship, Dodoria and Frieza's subordinates gathered together laughed loudly: "Hahaha! Stupid Saiyans, are you really stupid enough to challenge King Frieza?!"

King Frieza is the strongest in the universe! The basic combat power is 530,000!


In Vegeta's eyes, it seemed as if King Vegeta, who had been flying for a century, finally fell to the ground, and his body quickly returned to human form from a giant ape.

The father, who had always been heroic and domineering, covered his punctured chest with one hand, and his face showed weakness and despair that Vegeta had never seen before.

"Why... why..."

"Hehehehe..." Frieza laughed happily: "It's really ridiculous that a group of monkeys dare to rebel against this king."

He has never paid attention to Saiyans other than the legendary Super Saiyan. To him, Saiyan is just a very good toy.

As the emperor of the universe, he likes to conserve his power. What he wants most is to pretend to be injured by the enemy, and when the enemy is happy, he will burst out with more power to make the enemy despair.

But unfortunately, King Vegeta's 160,000 combat power cannot even survive his weakest form of 530,000, and there is no need for even one transformation.

In his complete form, he has a combat power of 120 million! It's not at the same level as these tens of thousands of Saiyans!

If this matter were known, King Vegeta would probably not have any thoughts of rebellion.

He's just playing.

Click - click -

The three-toed, armored soles stepped on the ground, making a strange sound, and also stepped on Vegeta's heart and pride.

what to do? what do I do? Even my father is no match for me, there is no way I can win!

What I should do is...sever ties with my father and surrender to Frieza? right! Just like what the Kryptonian said, pretend to surrender when you are no match for the enemy, and then wait until you find the opportunity... kill him with one fatal blow!

However, the young ape's lips moved, but he could not utter any words of submission. If King Vegeta hadn't been lying in front of him, if he hadn't been facing all this with his own eyes, the proud prince might have been able to act cold.

But can't be done.

How to do how to do? !

At this moment when he was at a loss, a ray of light suddenly rose into the sky!

It was Ji Xing who had been ignored for a long time.

After a moment of silence, the Warrior of Light seemed to have adjusted his injuries, his body was ignited with light again, his combat power surged, and he flew straight into the distance!

Frieza, who was in high spirits and planned to tease Vegeta, hesitated, hummed and turned around.

His figure suddenly flashed, and the next moment he was flying parallel to Ji Xing, smiling slyly: "Kryptonian, are you impatient before it's time to deal with you? Hehehehe..."

At the same time, the tail behind him swung and struck, trying to pull Ji Xing back to the bottom of the pit.

No one thought this would be a surprise, because Ji Xing's highest combat power was only 30,000, which was just a fraction of Frieza's 530,000. There was a huge gap between heaven and earth.

But Frieza's tail only hit an afterimage, which made Frieza slightly startled.

"...Huh?!" He noticed that Ji Xing appeared behind him, and at the same time there was a huge chill.

The light on the Warrior of Light extinguished again and turned into pure Qi flow. As the slightly damaged clothes swayed, the aura became completely different!

Converting a large amount of Qi into light energy involves huge losses. At this moment, Ji Xing finally exploded with all his power, 115,000!

And in the next moment, his heart made a 'Gudong! ’ The strange noise was heard clearly even by the astonished young ape below.

The blood vessels all over the body seemed to be pressed by a 'pump', swelling and accelerating circulation. The muscles throughout the body also expanded to the extreme, making Ji Xing's entire body grow bigger!

‘Ji Xingquan—20 times! ’

His strength and physical fitness were compressed to a critical state. Combat power: 2.3 million! !

Everything happens in an instant.

Frieza had just turned halfway, his pupils shrunk and he shouted: "You bastard?!"

Powerful Qi also burst out from his body. Realizing that Ji Xing seemed to be "carefully calculated", stronger than expected and extremely dangerous, he directly released his final form!

Without charging, he can quickly increase his combat power to about 3 million, and continue to increase it. The energy is like a Category 16 hurricane, tearing apart everything around him!

However, the Qi in Ji Xing's body quickly died away, or in other words, it condensed into his palms, turning into two blazing white light blades that he caught in his palms!

If someone uses a combat power detector to look closely, they will find that Ji Xing's combat power has quickly dropped to about 500,000. Instead, the two light blades in his hands have concentrated the strength of more than 5 million, and then... he cuts continuously!

"Fuck you...Meteor Slash!"

Cut horizontally! A forward slash! Spin chop! Two swords slash in parallel! Cross and slash! Cross and chop!

Rush in and slash up and down! Alternate backhand chops!

The two blazing meteors danced in a circle, hitting hundreds of times in just one second, forming a ring around Frieza at extremely high speed!

The expanding meteor ring collided with Frieza's energy, turning into a devastating impact. Waves of energy escaped in all directions, pushing away the land for hundreds of miles and plowing the surface. The shocked Vegeta turned back God, he lifted up King Vegeta and fled, but was only hit by the aftermath, and he vomited blood and flew away, almost losing consciousness in mid-air!

At the same moment, an unknown number of combat power detectors exploded, and an unbelievable number was displayed at the end. The brains of the fighting race of Saiyans went blank!

In the spaceship, Dodoria and others who were watching the show had already lost their smiles and stared blankly at the scenes and fighting power displayed on the screen.

" can't be?!"

"Who the hell is this guy?!"

"King Frieza..."

"No! Nothing can happen to the king!"

Below, the strong impact and collision dissipated in just a few seconds, allowing Vegeta, who was seriously injured in the aftermath and returned from the giant ape state, to save his life. He raised his head from the completely transformed yellow sand on the ground. He didn't even care about King Vegeta who was thrown away by him, so he looked up at the sky.

In the sky full of yellow sand, Frieza, whose body turned white, was alone.

Did it fail or fail? !

No... The next moment, he noticed Frieza standing there with a face full of fear and despair, and lines all over his body.


Then, scattered.

Frieza's entire body, including his head and body, was scattered into squares, all almost the same size, and fell down.

Below, Ji Xing was already waiting, holding a large basket with both hands, and took a basket of Frieza.

With a bang, press it into a capsule.

Frieza disappears from heaven and earth!

'Dead... Frieza... was really... killed by Clark? ! Just it so strong! 'The young Vegeta lost his ability to think.

After doing all this, Ji Xing spat blood to the side and patted the dust on his palms.

Important experimental materials have been collected!

From beginning to end, Ji Xing’s goal in this time travel has been Frieza! If you just want to collect Saiyan blood samples, wouldn't it be better to do it a year or two in advance? Broly is just trying his luck, it doesn't matter if he has it or not.

There is no need to elaborate on the strategy, it is just a very simple and basic move to show the enemy's weakness.

When Frieza appears next to Ji Xing with a combat power of 530,000 and is close to him, it already means that Frieza will die!

So next...

Ji Xing raised his head and flew towards the sky, bounding a large amount of air with Qi, breaking through the atmosphere and heading straight for Frieza's spaceship!

The spaceship was already in chaos, and every soldier was terrified and in disbelief.

"King Frieza is dead?!"

"how so?!"

"Quick! Inform the Kurdish King!"

"No, we should escape from here first!"


When Ji Xing broke the hatch and broke in, Frieza's subordinates all showed despair. Some of them desperately attacked Ji Xing, some begged for mercy, and some wanted to escape in a small spaceship.

What comes next is even simpler.

These miscellaneous soldiers have a maximum combat power of less than 30,000. Ji Xing can easily punch one of them with a normal combat power of 115,000.

The samples worth collecting were collected, and all the treasure materials worth taking away were taken away. After half an hour, Dodoria, who didn't even want to draw blood, was blasted into dregs. Ji Xing carried the unconscious Raditz and flew away from the spacecraft. He changed his hand and threw a light bomb.


Frieza's spaceship exploded with brilliant fireworks, and Ji Xing fell straight back to Vegeta.

"Hey, we meet again. Why didn't you seize the opportunity to escape? Don't you mean that you are a waste if you fall into my hands for the second time? The Saiyan Prince."

Little Vegeta sat next to King Vegeta's body with a cold face. With this time of buffering, he naturally thought about many things.

Everything about Krypton, Clark, and light energy is probably all nonsense! Whether it's a spaceship malfunction or repairing the spacecraft, it's all a show!

Don't know about Saiyans? No, he expected my transformation and resistance tonight. He has been using me and my father to trap and kill Frieza!

His true fighting power is very strong, and Frieza is also terrifyingly strong. They are both far stronger than us Saiyans, and even stronger than we can imagine... Damn it! They actually treat us like toys!

Why are they so strong? !

His little fist hit the ground unwillingly. He gritted his teeth and looked at Ji Xing: "What do you want to do? Do you want to hire Saiyans like Frieza?!"

"I don't engage in space real estate, and I don't have the ability now." Ji Xing said with a smile: "Frieza's peak combat power is 120 million, and I am not a match yet, so I can only kill him in a surprise attack when he has not fully released his power. Kill him."

"One, one hundred and twenty million?!" Vegeta's mind was instantly captured by this number.

When the bright figures were laid out, he truly understood how ridiculous the rebellion planned by his father was. The Saiyans... were too far off!

Reluctant and powerless, this feeling is so uncomfortable, damn it! !

Ji Xing continued: "You have thought that if it weren't for me, the rebellion planned by your father would have brought the Saiyans to their end, and this planet would have been destroyed by Frieza, and it will be almost the same now."


"Frieza has a father named Kurd, who also has a fighting power of over 100 million. I can't beat him, and I don't want to fight him." Ji Xing added: "To put it more bluntly, I don't want to save the Saiyans. I'm here just to kill Frieza.

You should be able to feel that I could have taken action earlier, so that your father, King Vegeta, might not have died. "

Vegeta was silent.

Regarding this point, the proud Prince Vegeta would not blame Ji Xing unreasonably. The law of the jungle is the law of the planet, but the Saiyans, who are known as a fighting nation, are so far behind, which refreshes his world view.

Frieza's father, Kurd, has a combat power of 100 million... This number weighs on him like a big mountain. Vegeta doesn't think that the kind of guy who lost his son will have good intentions when he comes.

To escape, to disperse...huh?

"Have you thought about it? I said I didn't want to save the Saiyans, but after telling you this and asking you, the prince, to arrange the evacuation, I already saved them." Ji Xing said: "So I will take you away."

The Saiyans are all war criminals and one of the bane of the universe. Ji Xing does not have a special affection for them because of Kakarot. Even Bardock, he has no intention of taking care of them.

Of course, I don't have any bad feelings. This is the way of survival of their Saiyan nation, and the rules of the universe are the law of the jungle.

Therefore, the Vegeta in front of him and the Raditz he was holding in his hands were likely to die soon because he had changed the history of the destruction of the Saiyans, so he was prepared to take a little care of it.

Oh, there's also Nabal, I'm too lazy to look for it, so just ask for luck. It always takes a while for the Kurds to get here, and the Saiyans should be able to survive more or less.

Holding Raditz with one hand and knocking out Vegeta who wanted to resist with the other, Ji Xing disappeared in a whoosh.

Soon, Planet Vegeta was in chaos!

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