A few days later, Big Dog.

"Everything was normal in the company during the half-month period when the young master was away. However, NA2 sales in the second half of August dropped by 10% again, but it was also expected." Faced with the safe return of Ji Xing, the butler Sam reported the report with joy .

"There was another small accident. Five days ago, the train transporting raw materials for us was robbed. There were no casualties and no loss of raw materials. However, the three accompanying employees were robbed of a total of 160,000 yuan in cash and were severely punished. Some shock, does the company want to make up for this loss?"

"Robbery? Train hijacking? Didn't the criminal get caught?" Ji Xing said unexpectedly.

"No...the prisoner is the famous bandit Lan Qi. The police said that they had captured her, but she was rescued by two little ghost companions who appeared out of nowhere. It's probably just an incompetent excuse. If there is an accident, this robbery case will never come to an end."

Lan Qi is indeed the original Super Saiyan. Her somersault clouds fly very fast. It seems that Goku and Krillin have already trained at Kame Sennin's place.

"I understand. The company will compensate the frightened employees in full, plus an additional 20,000 yuan for mental damages per person," Ji Xing said.

"Yes, Master."

"In addition, inform the design team and technical team to come to the company for a meeting immediately. We are going to launch a new series of suspension vehicles, the Dra series."

"Dra? Dragon?"

"Yeah." Ji Xing smiled.

Sam was a little confused, but since it was the young master's decision, as a butler, he just did it.

Soon the design team and technical team gathered in the conference room. This was also the first meeting between the two teams after Suixing inherited Big Dog Company.

Among the more than 20 core employees, the eldest is an old professor in his sixties, and the younger is a promising young man in his twenties. At this moment, they were all informed of the theme of the meeting, with confusion and confusion. Looking at Ji Xing above.

NA2 has only been on the market for more than two months, and it has barely delivered a passing answer. Is it launching a new suspension car or a new series so quickly? This doesn't make sense in any way.

"Everyone is here."

Ji Xing faced everyone: "During this period, I have basically met everyone in the factory and learned about the problems faced by Big Dog Company from everyone's mouths. Therefore, half a month ago, I went out to visit a 'Professor Long' , and exchanged new technologies with him at a certain price to help us improve our suspension vehicles to the world's leading level."

Professor Long? World leading level? ?

The conference room suddenly became agitated. Is our little boss afraid that someone has deceived him? !

But as Ji Xing's calm voice explained, the conference room became quieter and quieter, and even the sound of breathing gradually seemed to disappear, until Ji Xing said: "Let's briefly talk about it here. The rest of the content is company confidential, so I can't believe you." , signing the agreement and keeping it confidential temporarily are necessary processes.”

"...It should be, it should be!"

"Boss, I wonder who this Professor Long you are visiting is...?"

"It can't be Dr. Brive from Xidu, right? I haven't heard that Wan Neng Group has..."

"Young master is amazing at being able to digest and master this knowledge! He is truly better than his master. He will definitely surpass Dr. Thiakes..."

Listening to these excited discussions, Sam, who acted as the record-keeper of the meeting, trembled with his pen and murmured in his heart: ‘I can really rest assured this time, it’s time to train a new butler for the young master. ’

At the same time, he was also confused, who was Professor Long? The young master has not made any large cash expenditures during this period. How did you impress him?

Even though the prospects of the Dra1 suspension vehicle are very promising, Big Dog cannot lose its basic model, so manpower becomes a bit tight.

After the meeting of the technical team, Ji Xing held another meeting of the management team, and then Big Dog Company began recruiting.

After assigning specific tasks, Ji Xing took an independent research room in the R\u0026D department and started tinkering with his own stuff.

The next day, because of the nameplate Xiao Wu got, Pilaf and the other three who followed Ji Xing came to Beilin City and walked around outside the Big Dog Company headquarters.

"It turned out to be a famous company, and we seem to have robbed their car." Ashi had already checked the information and asked: "King Pilaf, what should we do next? It's hard to find the troublemaker from such a big company. Easy, if they are employees from other cities..."

Pilaf looked 'ferocious': "Hmph, who do you think I am?!"

Ash was in awe: "King Pilaf is the boss of Dark Street that everyone is afraid of. He is a villain who does all sorts of evil including robbers, injuries, illegal speeding, theft, intimidation, and freeloading..."

Kaka - Amidst the mechanical sound, Xiao Wu had already taken out his submachine gun and said: "So just break into Big Dog Company, kidnap their boss, and threaten him to hand over the man and the dragon ball! This is what our Lord Pilaf should do Something to do!”


Quiet, dead silence.

Pilaf and Ash looked at her silently.

Do you want all the police in the city to surround us? ! idiot! Fool!

Pilaf cursed secretly and waved his hands calmly, saying: "That would be too advantageous for him. I have a better way. Let's get into the big dog company."

"... sneak in?"

"Hmph, it's just a medium-sized car company. With my king's technology, can't I easily get to the top?" Pilaf's smile became even more sinister and evil: "When the time comes, not only can I deal with that kid however I want, but I can also Find an opportunity to take all the money away...hehehe~!"

"So evil~"

"As expected of King Pilaf!"

"But...how on earth is King Pilaf going to deal with that guy...and make him lose his job?"

Pilaf waved his hands disdainfully: "What's the point of being unemployed? You've ruined this great king's good deeds. I want him to see what real hell is! There's still one year before the next Dragon Ball comes into effect. I'm going to torture this bastard bit by bit. collapse!

Well...yes! I want him to work nine hours a day, six days a week! He was only given an hour and a half lunch break, and he was asked to work overtime without any overtime pay! Even the normal salary will be delayed until the end of the month! "

"Ah..." Xiao Wu and Ah Xiu hugged each other with frightened faces, "It's too scary~"

Seeing this, Pilaf laughed with pride and waved his short hand: "Axiu, go ask Big Dog Company how to recruit people."

"Yes! King Pilaf!"

Pilaf is a genius.

When it comes to the genius scientists in Dragon Ball, most people will immediately think of Bulma and his daughter, Dr. Gallo, but it is easy to overlook Pilaf, who can improve things made by Bulma and develop many new technologies. King.

As his subordinates and assistants, Ah Xiu and Xiao Wu were not ordinary people.

However, Ji Xing, who deliberately left a nameplate to lure these three people here, really did not want to recruit them into the company, but had another purpose.

So when he saw the information of Pilaf, a new employee in the research department, and Ashi, a new employee in the design department, he couldn't help but be stunned for two seconds.

Then he warned: "Well done. Big Dog Company doesn't care about race or origin. Whether they are monsters or animals, they must be treated equally in our company. If you let me know who discriminates against them because of their race, I will be deducted once." One month’s salary and two direct departures!”

Big Dog Company is also united because of the research and development and prospects of new models. At this time, it is too late for the right helpers to be happy. Who has time to show any discrimination against them?

So Pilaf felt that it was going well.

In just five days, he used the tip of the iceberg of his talents to get rid of the internship label and become a regular employee.

I finally got access to peripheral information on the development of the Dra1 hover vehicle.

"Huh? This idea of ​​shock absorption seems pretty good?" Compared with the two NA-type suspension vehicles that he had previously evaluated as 'low-end shabby transportation tools', Pilaf was a little more interested this time.

It can be used in my car, plane and submarine. I am really a genius!

Of course, he did not forget the fundamental purpose.

That night, the trio gathered again.

"As expected of King Pilaf, he even turned full-time so quickly." Ash praised, "I'm afraid it will take a while."

Pilaf hummed contentedly, and soon became serious: "Have you found the bastard who ruined my king's good deeds?"

Ash shook his head guiltily: "No... I asked many people in the design department, but they didn't recognize the 'flying nerd'. Some people even looked at me strangely..."

"That's it. It seems that they are employees from other cities. That's right. The king's castle is a thousand kilometers away from here!" Pilaf didn't think there was anything wrong, and he didn't blame Ash. Analyzing the situation.

Then he looked at Xiao Wu with a dangerous look on his face and said, "It seems that the task of determining that bastard's identity can only be completed by you. It's been a week, and there's still no progress on your side?"

"Yes, King Pilaf!" Xiao Wu said quickly: "Because the boss of Big Dog Company is only a young man under twenty years old, and the old housekeeper did not want to recruit a young housekeeper for him before, so it took so long time.

Fortunately, I showed off my marksmanship and impressed him. He said that even if I couldn't become a housekeeper, I could still be a security guard. Anyway, I should be able to get in touch with the boss of Big Dog Company tomorrow! "

"A young man under twenty years old?" Ashiu was startled: "Shouldn't he be an old man?"

"Idiot!" Pilaf suddenly hit him on the head: "What did you ask about! The old man has been dead for almost four months. It was just because he was afraid of affecting car sales that he didn't spread the news completely!"

"Ah...I'm sorry! King Pilaf!"

Pilaf snorted, looked at Xiao Wu thoughtfully, and rubbed his chin with his short hand.

"...No! No way! Let me seduce you, absolutely not~!" Xiao Wu suddenly pushed forward with both hands and screamed with resistance on his face.


"This king is just thinking about how you can gain his trust so that you can steal the money soon, you idiot!!" Pilaf jumped up high and gave Xiao Wu a flying kick in the knee.

Also, 12 o'clock.

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