Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 749 Abandoned parallel world? !

"How's it going? I heard a noise like thunder over there in the city. Why are we moving here? Can anyone find us?"

Southeast of Fuyuki, on an undeveloped beach, Matou Shinji asked Mei Lian with some anxiety, with both expectation and fear: "When will those bugs catch the Tohsaka sisters?"

"Don't be impatient, my friend."

Mei Lian said with a light smile: "There should still be people in the Matong family in Fuyuki City who remember you. It is easy to be found if you stay where you are.

As for those two girls... they are protected by powerful heroic spirits. Those bugs alone are no match for them. In order to help you, I paid an extra price. "

"Um, the extra price?" Matou Shinji, who actually didn't trust Mei Lian at all but had no choice, became even more nervous: "What is it?"

"My right foot and left leg, the King of Earth and the King of Sky, sending them out once requires a very high price. You don't need to know more about it, you just need to wait with me."

Mei Lian looked at the sea and suddenly asked: "One more question, can you row a boat?"


The Demon Toon Bug is very durable, but there are four Heroic Spirits in Weber's party, and the Tohsaka sisters and Shishi Zed are also powerful magicians.

King Arthur and his son led a team to eliminate the waste Kama, and it only took them about three minutes to clean up tens of thousands of insects.

But this did not make them relax. Weber said solemnly: "The entire city seems to be in a mess. There are bugs like this everywhere. In addition... there are big guys coming!"

A rumbling sound was heard, and everyone looked towards the end of the road, where an exaggerated behemoth appeared in sight.

Its appearance is like a black-skinned whale, with many stone lion statues arched on its back. It has four limbs crawling rapidly on the ground. It still looks cartoony like a bug, but the sense of oppression brought by its astonishing size is still there. It’s substantial!

Not counting the three-pronged tail on its back, it was probably nearly two hundred meters long and weighed hundreds of thousands of millions of tons. The ground shook as it moved!

"Can this kind of guy be called a big devil?" Tohsaka Rin's face turned a little blue, and he raised his head and said, "There is another one in the sky!"

The giant beast soaring from the distant sky has a stature similar to that of the walking whale. Its body is still in the shape of a cartoon grid, as if the floor texture is imprinted on it, and its eyes seem to contain stars. The stacked wings are as white as snow.

It arrived above the crowd faster and circled around them on guard. One after another, the monsters were dropped from it, and as airborne troops, it enveloped all directions!

These monsters all have a demonic aura, and come in all shapes and sizes, varying in strength and weakness, but it is obvious that they are not characters that can be killed casually.

And the two giant beasts, one on the ground and one in the sky, are exactly what Mei Lian said: the King of Earth and the King of Sky.

As a high-ranking summoner, Mei Lian is also a very special being among the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles. In addition to being able to borrow the wishes of his "friends" to conjure up demons, Mei Lian's regular combat power is his own demon limbs!

"It's a little bit tricky this time, hahaha!" said the King of Conqueror: "King Arthur, Mordred, can you withstand it? How about Webb and I leave first?!"

Weber was startled, knowing that the worry he had for the Gulan couple from the beginning was not hidden from the eyes of the Conqueror King, and he sighed inwardly.

Mordred waved his hands happily: "Let's go, let's kill like this! That God of Love, who only knows how to eat, can protect the three masters, right? My father and I will kill them all quickly!" "

Artoria held the sword in her backhand, and the supply of magic power in her body was endless, so her response was simple and straightforward: "Break out from here!"

Holding the sword with both hands, magic power condenses.


The holy golden light of the Sword of Promise of Victory appeared again, smoothing the ground and rushing towards the charging King of Earth. On the way, dozens of monsters were strangled and knocked away, directly hitting the giant beast.

Like two mountains colliding, the walking whale roared silently, spilled blood, was pushed and plowed dozens of meters, and then stopped.

Amid the roar, the King of Conqueror had already used the mighty wheel to carry the golden light of Weber's Sword of Victory to fly around and break through, leaving a voice that echoed: "He is not a guy with appearances, he only suffered some superficial injuries, you have to be careful. Got it!"

The two flew away, and Mordred raised his knife: "Hey, let me give it a try. Master, the magic supply is not as good as that of the cook, so don't limit my power too quickly!"

Lion Jie responded with a headache: "I can't compete with that kind of monster, you'd better take it easy."

Arturia had already used her senses to contact Ji Xing, and received a quick response: "I can't leave for the moment. You can use your magic power as you like. Solve the immediate trouble as soon as possible and go to the city to save people."

Can't leave?

To the west, looking at the seventy-two demonic pillars rising vigorously around him, Ji Xing crossed his hands and moved his wrists without looking away from King Solomon.

"You are not the Magic King, or it is not or at least not the Magic King Solomon who is leading your actions now. Is it a revelation from the sky? You guys really seem to have done something very big for me."

The 'requisitioned' off-road vehicle bumped along the dilapidated road, with two people missing from the back seat.

Emiya Kiritsugu himself did not expect that he would make a decision so quickly. He only asked Kallen to point in a general direction, and then asked Li Shuwen to take Kallen to leave Fuyuki City as soon as possible.

It was clear that by taking out the mastermind earlier, hundreds or even thousands more people might have been saved, and only Kallen would be sacrificed. However, he made the opposite decision, and even though he saw many miserable scenes along the way, he did not regret.

This is what has changed in ten years.

Illya in the co-pilot also felt relaxed. Of course Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to take her with him, but at the moment Fuyuki really didn't know where to find a safe place, and he didn't have the confidence to take Hercules to fight against the mastermind, so he could only take Illya with him. Take action.

'In this direction, the end point is roughly the coast east of Fuyuki. If you are lucky, it will only take three to five minutes more...'

Emiya Kiritsugu didn't want to think about the bad luck. The off-road vehicle was traveling at the fastest speed on the bad road conditions, but just when it merged into a Y-shaped forked road, another vehicle suddenly rushed out on the other road. motorcycle!

The speed of both sides was extremely fast, and Illya screamed when they were about to collide.

Emiya Kiritsugu suddenly turned the steering wheel and braked. There were three people sitting on the motorcycle on the other side, and they all moved with exaggerated agility.

On a high-speed motorcycle, they turned sideways and jumped off the car together, rolling on the ground to protect themselves. The motorcycles that were thrown out were squeezed by the off-road vehicle, tumbling, breaking, and falling to the ground. far away.

"Hiss~ It hurts, it hurts~" Bazett groaned in pain and climbed up from the ground, pulled out the pebbles stuck in his palms, looked back and said, "Are you okay?"

The other two people were naturally Aozaki Orange and Sigma. Aozaki Orange raised his head to show that he was not injured. He took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it and said, "I met a famous person by chance."

Sigma's arm was cut open with blood, but he didn't care, staring at the figure who got out of the driver's seat after stopping.

Looking at him, Emiya Kiritsugu was startled. He felt that the boy's face was quite familiar, but he was naturally more concerned about Aozaki Orange and Bazett.

He knew both of these two people, and the direction of travel... He said, "Would you like to get in the car?"

Aozaki Chengzi flicked a cigarette to him and responded simply: "Of course, our motorcycle was damaged by you."

There was no unnecessary communication. It was known that both parties were heading towards the mastermind behind the insect wave. Soon there were three more people in the back seat of the off-road vehicle that was on the road again.

"Grand Puppet Master, do you know the more accurate location of the enemy?"

"Ah." Aozaki Chengzi said: "You only understand roughly? Then I will show you the way."

"Leave it to you." Emiya Kiritsugu responded, and glanced at the black-haired and black-eyed boy in the rearview mirror: "Who is he?"

"A mercenary organized by the American official organization, a stubborn boy named Sigma. Oh, by the way, he has fought against you, right?"

"Um...the sniper?"

The spiral cutting wind blades tore apart cartoon insects, and the powerful wind ball exploded the door of Fuyuki Church with a roar.

Lorelai strode in with a frosty face and looked at the old man standing in the middle of the church.

"The aura of the devil is not its true form. Where is Mei Lian, the person who buried the mechanism?!"

"It turns out to be the Dean's Assistant of the Clock Tower, Lord Lorelai of Barthemero." The old priest with glasses showed a slightly cunning smile: "Please allow me to introduce myself first. I am Lord Mei Lian." Left wrist, rat king.

Although he is indeed a demon, he is completely incompetent in combat. He only has the ability to transform into humans and appears in everyone's sight instead of Master Mei Lian, but I am very satisfied with this life. "

"I don't care about those things." Lorelei's eyes were as bright as lightning: "Demons also know pain and fear. I ask again, where is Mei Lian, one of the 27 ancestors of the Dead Apostles who buried the mechanism?!"

"Please be patient for a moment." The Rat King remained calm: "Lorelai simply wants to ask Mei Lian why he created this insect disaster and exposed the mystery to the world, and of course there is Reason. Not only me, Master Mei Lian is also very satisfied with the current life. If it is not necessary, why do such a thing?

After learning the truth of the matter, Lord Lorelei might even thank Lord Mei Lian. "

"……thank him?!"

"Lord Mei Lian did two things after coming to Fuyuki City. One was to make friends, and the other was to secretly investigate the truth about the Holy Grail War. The real purpose of the Clock Tower is no longer a secret, and it probably has not been hidden from the guys in the United States. .

Only by creating this insect plague can the United States make up its mind and quickly find the reason to flatten Fuyuki City and sink it into the sea, completely destroy the new Holy Grail system built by the Magic King Solomon, and our world. "

This kind of purpose? Crazy? In order to destroy our "Heroic Spirit Research" plan, the church actually wants the United States to wipe Fuyuki City, which has a population of more than 600,000, from the map? !

And... save the world? ! Lorelai said coldly: "My patience is limited. Let me ask you one last time, where is Mei Lian's body?!"

"Lorelai-sama, you know about the 'parallel world', right?" The Rat King answered the question and said to himself: "Certain choices and changes of living creatures will bring different possibilities to the future, making the world... Change.

The world located on the main trunk will thus produce branches one after another, creating a large number of 'parallel worlds' with different developments. The second magic is 'Parallel World Observation'. The second magic allows Zelrich to travel in different parallel worlds and use the great source magic power of different parallel worlds at the same time, so it is powerful. "

“The number of parallel worlds is limited because the world’s energy is limited. If they are allowed to continue to expand, the number of parallel worlds will be tens of millions or billions, and the energy of the solar system will be quickly exhausted.

Therefore, worlds that deviate too far from the 'main axis' will be abandoned and eliminated periodically. Only worlds that can at least survive and develop for many years have the value of being preserved. Once the world is eliminated, it will quickly collapse. "

As the most powerful modern magician and the number two figure in the Clock Tower, this kind of thing does not require the help of a Dead Apostle to popularize it.

But at this moment, Lorelai suddenly felt a creepy feeling in her heart, so she didn't attack or even interrupt.

Parallel world...elimination and destruction?

"The world we live in has not deviated from its main axis. According to normal development, it should be able to continue to exist regardless of the time."

The Rat King's smile turned sinister: "But Lord Lorelei, what if we are abandoned?"

"If the world judges that our world needs to be actively 'cut off' and that we need to come to an end, what will be the result?"

Lorelai was silent.

It's not a crooked branch, or even an important trunk, but the tree takes the initiative to break it off and even harms itself. This sounds very sick.

But at this moment she couldn't categorically deny it.

Because she thought of 'Tong Yuan'.

That being dropped clones into the same world twice and obviously got the coordinates.

What if its incomprehensible nature can make the world do things that would cut off its arms to protect itself? !

"Is there any...evidence?"

"There is no evidence, it is all speculation, and the disaster in Fuyuki at this moment is only barely proof." The Mouse King said: "The church originally planned to send two members of the burial agency other than Lord Meilian to come to Fuyuki to participate in the battle, but they were killed by God before departure. Order to stop.

Later, the archbishop felt that his connection with God was getting farther and farther, but he did not dare to speculate that God had abandoned them, but... Lord Mei Lian dared. "

"Zelritch never showed up for a Holy Grail War of this magnitude. Lady Lorelei must have tried to contact him, right? What was the result?"

"Magic King Solomon should always be very cooperative with the Clock Tower's plan, right? Lord Lorelei, please recall, are there any other discoveries?"

"It is impossible that the Fuyuki disaster has not been known to the Magic King. Has he given any feedback?"

Solomon's eyes with sadness and pity suddenly appeared in front of Lorelai's eyes.

Fuyuki's disaster was irrelevant.

Because this entire world was... abandoned because of the need to fight against the invading 'Tong Yuan'!

The Magic King deceived us.

No, he may have indeed made the transformation of the Holy Grail system as we expected, but the real purpose of this transformation is to cut off this world and abandon the world we live in in exchange for peace in other parallel worlds!

Lorelai couldn't think of a way to refute, and her heart kept falling downwards.

Seeing his expression, the Demon Rat King showed a somewhat funny smile: "There is one thing that is particularly interesting. The world has given up all our possibilities because of the 'Alien God', but the clone of the 'Alien God's' pseudo-server is exactly the same." Running around, rescuing the residents of Fuyuki. Lord Lorelai, should we choose the Clock Tower?"

4k2, one more update, before 12 o'clock.

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