Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 730 Berserker Arjuna

Tohsaka's house, Sakura has returned.

Now that Kama has summoned himself, it would be unsafe for Sakura to be anywhere else, and even bring danger to Tokiomi Tokiomi and Aoi Tohsaka.

After hearing the battle last night, Tokiomi Tosaka also looked away. The serious King of Heroes was worthy of his temporarily suppressing his two daughters.

The atmosphere in the Tohsaka family is quite cheerful at the moment.

Wearing an emerald green tutu, Kama spun around happily with the hem of the skirt flying, tilted her head and poked her face with her fingers to make a cute pose, and asked Sakura: "Does this look good?"

"Yeah, they look good." Sakura smiled happily: "Let's try those shoes again."


There were already a lot of small dresses and clothes piled on the bed beside them. The master and servant had been trying on clothes for an hour.

Rin Tosaka leaned against the door and looked helplessly at Sakura, who was still looking for clothes: "You actually kept all the clothes you wore when you were a child."

"Yeah, I didn't throw it away." Sakura responded softly.

Tohsaka Rin remembered that it was when Sakura came home. Her happy mother bought her many things in order to make Sakura happy.

Toys, candies, clothes... they dressed up Sakura into a beautiful princess in various ways, which made her a little envious at some moments, but then she thought about how she shouldn't be envious.

These clothes are just right for Sakura's six or seven-year-old Kama to wear.

Just... I kept them all.

It seems like there is a real sense of time dislocation.

While he was sighing, there was suddenly a sound of clattering to the ground. It was Gamo who was sitting on the bed and failed to hold a cute little leather shoe firmly and let it fall to the ground... Wait, he didn't hold it firmly?

This is not what it should be for heroic spirits.

"Gama, what's wrong with you?" Sakura's urgent call sounded, and Tohsaka Rin noticed the striking fear and panic on Sakura's face.

how come? This little devil who is fearless and loves to act... Tohsaka Rin's face changed and he said: "A heroic spirit is coming?!"

She immediately used her senses to contact Jin Shining. Within two seconds, Jin Shining, who had transformed into a spirit child, appeared behind her with his arms in his arms and said: "I didn't feel that a bastard was invading my territory. Hey, you bastard cupid kid, What did you feel?"

", not Shiva, it can't be him, he can't come..."

Jia Mo murmured, and jumped to the ground two seconds later. His pale face turned rosy again, and he pinched his waist angrily and said, "Scared me! Is he just a guy with Shiva's Noble Phantasm?!"

"Shiva's Noble Phantasm." Jin Shining looked into the distance: "Oh? That will probably be a slightly interesting bastard."

Tohsaka Rin grasped the key point: "Is... a new heroic spirit has been summoned? How is it possible? Although there are still a few guys who haven't seen it, all the heroic spirits should have appeared yesterday!"

"Before summoning the heroic spirits, you must study history carefully." In the church, Kallen had a different kind of smile on her face.

"I'm not lying to you. It was indeed Karna's poisonous arrow that shattered Arjuna's crown. But guess who picked it up and kept it?"

"It's Arjuna. The most disgraceful thing in the life of this great hero and protagonist recorded in the Indian Mahabharata was to defeat and kill Karna by unfair means. That was his inner demon. It’s something I can’t let go of in my life.”

"The resentment on the arrow does not come from Karna. Isn't it strange that the son of the Sun God would have such strong resentment? It is Arjuna's regret and regret. It is something that the great hero did not dare to admit in his early years. The evil side, the 'black' personality deep inside."

"The Arjuna summoned by something like that is more likely to be a Berserker, right? And I'm afraid he won't be a kind person. You two just wish yourselves the best, hee hee~"

While laughing, Li Shuwen's figure appeared in front of Kallen, giving her a pause and calling sweetly: "Grandpa Shuwen, is it time to practice boxing?"

"Ah, come here, Karen."

"Are you my Master?"

The deep and deep voice echoed in his ears, and being frightened by the deep and terrifying eyes, Dimlet hesitated for two seconds, and was poked in the elbow by his brother before saying: "Yes, I am."

Berserker Arjuna... seems to be able to communicate? It seems... not bad?

After recovering from their initial shock, the two brothers were surprised and delighted.

This is a great hero who can fight with Karna or even kill him. Regardless of whether there is a trick in it, at least it proves that he is a level of strength. Now that he has been increased by madness, his combat power must still be at the bow level of Karna. Above Erna!

It's just that this a bit weird.

But since it is indeed the heroic spirit I just summoned, there can be no problem.

Dimlet felt relieved and quickly checked Berserker Arjuna's data through his master's power. The more he checked, the more surprised he became.

This guy...this guy...maybe he can fight the King of Heroes on his own? !

"Berserker." He tried to be calm and carried out the basic communication between the master and the servant: "What wish do you want to use the Holy Grail to fulfill?"

"The Holy Grail... my wish..." Arjuna's voice seemed a little hoarse and dull due to the influence of madness: "How many times have we fought openly? Put those things aside, Master, isn't the way you summoned me inappropriate? regulation?"

After the words fell, the two brothers also sensed it. Their expressions changed and they looked back, and saw Astraea leaping down in front of them.


Astraea raised her eyes and looked at Arjuna, who was surrounded by black smoke on his bow, and said: "The breath of sin. Black Master Dimlet Pentel, your Berserker Spartacus should be ready." He died in battle last night and the Command Seal has disappeared, so how can he summon a Servant again?"

"Ah... that's it." The two brothers had already thought of an excuse and explained: "It should be that the Holy Grail sensed my strong desire and unwillingness, and gave me the Command Seal again. This happened in the previous Holy Grail War. It hasn’t happened before, right? The heroic spirit dies in battle, but the Master remains.”

Astraea shook her head: "The Holy Grail War is different from the Holy Grail War. If the Holy Grail gives out the command spell again, it will not bypass me. I did not get the information that there will be supplementary heroes, nor did I receive the order that should be supplemented. curse."

"this might be……"

The two brothers were still trying to fool them, but suddenly they felt a strong wind blowing from their side, bringing with them a chill that seemed to come from the netherworld!

They couldn't see it, but they could feel that a sharp arrow that exceeded the speed of sound was passing between them and hitting Ruler in the face!

"Wait, Berserker?!"

"Huh?" Astraea also narrowed her pupils, raised her right hand, and a golden sword narrowly blocked the front end of the arrow.


The ground cracked under their feet, and a strong impact rippled out. Achilles appeared in front of the Pentel brothers in time, holding a flower with a spear in his hand, helping the stunned two people block the impact.

The golden sword in Astraea's hand finally shattered the arrow, and the fiercer wind blew her blond hair swaying. Then she pulled her feet out of the soil and said in a deep voice: "Attack the ruler who is Ruler." Can I think this is a provocation to the rules of the Holy Grail War?!"

"No, no, Ruler..." The Panter brothers still tried their best not to start a war with this goddess who was not easy to mess with. Dimlet turned back angrily: "Berserker, what are you doing, you almost hurt me!"

"Sorry, sorry." Arjuna smiled and said: "Being summoned as a Berserker, I seem to be unable to control my desire to fight. My Master, you should stay away first. We can communicate again after I deal with this Ruler. .”

"Get rid of... Ruler?" Dimlet repeated in shock, is this... okay?

His brother Xia Biku heard the message from Achilles: "Master, this guy gives me the feeling that something is wrong. Be careful."

Xia Biku also noticed it, so he pulled Dimlet's sleeve when he was still about to speak: "Let's stay away first. No matter what, it's too dangerous to stand here where there was just a commotion!"

"Ah...ah!" After all, he did not lose the magician's sanity. Dimlet half turned around to look at Berserker and ran away with his brother.

Only Arjuna and Astraea were left facing each other here. Astraea raised her hand with her left hand, and a golden scale appeared: "It seems that you insist on violating the rules of the Holy Grail, sinner!"

"The Noble Phantasm of Anti-Sin." Arjuna narrowed his eyes slightly, smiled at the corners of his mouth, held the bow in his right hand, and lifted it up with his left hand as well. A dark sphere appeared floating out of thin air!

The hand shadow of the God of Destruction.

As soon as the sphere appeared, terrifying magic power converged toward the center. In an instant, even the sky was dyed dark, as if it was about to collapse.

"This powerful treasure... Damn it, are you going to use it in a place like this?!" Astraea tensed her body, and the golden scale in her hand also released the brilliance of starlight, slightly dispelling the haze and haze in the sky. dark.

Although the Pantel brothers chose a relatively remote location to summon the heroic spirits, there are still people living and living just a few hundred meters away, and they are accumulating power for this Noble Phantasm... She feels like it is EX level! With such a distance, it is difficult to ensure the safety of ordinary people.

"Of course..." Arjuna said in a long voice: "It's impossible."

The shadow of the hand of the God of Destruction disappeared, and the terrifying power of the magic wave also dissipated instantly.

Astraea was startled, relaxed slightly, and the magic power of the scale in her hand stopped: "You..."

"Let's talk, Ruler."

"... Let's talk?" Astraea said in a deep voice: "You sinner who violates the rules, if you want to use something to threaten me from participating in the Holy Grail War normally, you'd better stop talking."

"No, of course not." Arjuna shook his head, and the smile at the corner of his mouth suddenly became a little evil and terrifying: "Let's talk about... which way of death is suitable for a perfect goddess like you!"


The moment he finished speaking, the dark sphere appeared again in his palm, and it seemed that he had already completed the accumulation and preparation in secret!

"By the wrath of Shiva..."

"The sinner...?!!"

At that moment when the powerful Noble Phantasm from Shiva was about to strike and Astraea screamed in anger, the destruction of everything in front of her seemed to be a foregone conclusion, but at this moment, there suddenly appeared an aqua blue arrow. The arrow cuts through the void and comes!


Stable, accurate, and concealed.

At the most cunning angle and with the lowest energy fluctuation, it instantly penetrated the arm that Arjuna used to activate his noble phantom...!

3k1, two updates 7k3.

7k+ for three consecutive days, I’m a bit tired. Tomorrow I might have 4k for one day, and then I’ll update again the day after tomorrow. Of course, I might wake up tomorrow full of energy and start with two more updates.

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