Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 727 The Beauty of Mathematics

January 22nd.

As the morning sun shone, Mordred opened his sleepy eyes. His eyes suddenly became sharp and alert. He stared at the white ceiling for a few seconds, remembering where he was, and then slowly calmed down.

Last night...the annoying King of Heroes talked nonsense for a while and then left in a flying boat. The remaining heroic spirits understood each other's identities and did not start a direct war. They each returned, announcing the official end of the first battle of the Holy Grail War.

When I returned to the base, I listened to Arthur's long-winded explanation for a long time, and then... fell asleep without knowing it? ! Mordred, Mordred, how can you be so relaxed? ! Despicable Arthur maybe...maybe...tsk!

Mordred suddenly turned his head and saw Arturia beside him. He was lying flat on his back, sleeping peacefully, with his hands gently folded on his chest. Under the reflection of the sun, his blond hair was even more dazzling, as if he was not from this world.

Mordred was silent for a moment, then looked down at himself. His clothes were messy, his hair was disheveled, and there seemed to be faint traces of moisture on the corners of his mouth... "Tch, I can't relax even when I sleep. Are you tired?"

Hearing her murmur, Arturia opened her eyes and looked at her quietly. Mordred suddenly evaded and panicked, put on his shoes and went to the ground in a panic: "You can continue to sleep, Arthur, I'll have breakfast." I won’t leave it for you!”

She hurried out of the door and went downstairs. Her inexplicable guilty feeling was relieved a little. She pursed her lips in annoyance and went to the first floor to look around. She only found Ji Xing who was on the phone in the cubicle.

"Yes, Mr. Kuzuki, let's take a week off first. If it's not enough, it may take two weeks. Well, I won't even miss my homework."

On the other side of the phone was a strong, serious-sounding male voice: "I saw on the news that yesterday there was a fireworks explosion by the Miyon River, a natural gas explosion on Enzo Street, and a dust explosion at the port. It's really true. It was a restless day, and I didn’t expect that Hayakawa-san and Tohsaka-san would be involved at the same time.

It's okay that the glass on the wall was damaged, but it is said that even the front door of Tohsaka-san's house was damaged. "

"Really?" Ji Xing said in surprise: "Then I... will go see her later."

"Ah, both you and Tohsaka-san are fine. This is a blessing among misfortunes. The teacher will also visit your home when he has time."

"Thank you for your concern, teacher... There is no need to visit. I am afraid that no one can live in my home during this period, so I have found a place to live outside..."

teacher? Ask for leave? Yes, the cook is still a high school student, and today is not a day off... He's still pretending to be the same. Mordred watched Ji Xing say a few words to Mr. Kuzuki opposite him, hung up the phone, and then asked him: "Where are the others?"

"Mr. Weber received the summons from the Lord of the Clock Tower and went with the King of Conquerors." Ji Xing turned back: "Mr. Shishi Jie took on the task of buying groceries and said that he was going to bring his clothes back... Oh , he said he would be careful and asked you not to worry about him."

"The Clock Tower Monarch? That Maris Billy? It feels mysterious and doesn't look like a good person. The two sides are obviously hostile. Why does that idiot Webber go?"

Mordred frowned. Did he sleep later than anyone else? It's outrageous. Oh, fortunately, there is still Arthur who didn't get up.

After using her senses to communicate with Shishi Jie and confirming that everything was okay, she walked to the kitchen to get breakfast.

When he came out, he saw Ji Xing already sitting at the table, holding a book and writing something. He walked over while biting the fragrant purple rice bread, and what he saw was a bunch of numbers and symbols.

After staring for a while, she curled her lips and said, "What? I thought you were studying some magic. Are you doing your homework?"

"Well, some math questions." Ji Xing replied: "Actually, it was a weekend homework, but I was really not in the mood to do it because of the Holy Grail War yesterday and the day before yesterday. Fortunately, I asked for leave today, otherwise I would have been punished by Teacher Kuzumu. of."

"Well... you have to understand the key points, cook. Although you won't make much progress by practicing magic at this time, it might be able to save your life at a critical moment." Mordred stammered. Qingdao: "Don't count on Arthur, let alone me. You have to become stronger yourself!"

Ji Xing smiled and said: "I don't think so. Winning the Holy Grail War is my goal, but it doesn't have to give up a normal life. I can stop and enjoy more scenery along the way. Maybe I will be lucky enough to avoid some of the things that were originally planned. It’s a tribulation.”


"Combining work and rest, you get twice the result with half the effort."


"Mathematics is very beautiful." Ji Xing pointed to the book and said: "I like numbers. Look at the number '9', it is not only the limit of numbers, but from another perspective, it is also the same as the perfect and perfect 'circle' There’s a wonderful connection.”


"A circle is 360 degrees. If you look at these three numbers, 3, 6, and 0 add up, it's 9. Divide the circle into two parts, 180 degrees, it's the same." Ji Xing wrote: "Divide the circle into four parts , it is 90 degrees again, eight parts are 45 degrees, even if you divide it into 32 parts, 11.25 degrees, these four numbers add up, it is still '9', isn't it magical?"

Mordred's eyes twitched.

"Look at the number '73' again. According to the rules of prime numbers, it ranks in the 21st place..."

"Enough, enough!" Mordred roared with a slight headache. He stuffed the remaining half of the bread into his mouth. His cheeks were bulging like a goldfish. He chewed hard, as if to remove the digital pollution he had just encountered. Bit to death.

What do modern high school students learn? Fortunately, I didn’t learn these things in my time!

I really can’t listen. You and your father really get along well, cook, no, I didn’t even have such a headache when my father told me those truths last night!

"Go and study your math. Just don't delay your lunch!" She turned around and went into the kitchen, grabbed some bread and left: "I'm going out to see my idiot master. Don't be like the master of the Greek huntress last night. They were also plotted against each other!"

After she left the base, Arturia came down from the second floor as if she were taking over her duties. She said good morning to Ji Xing and then went to get a portion of the breakfast that Mordred had deliberately left for her.

Then he came to sit down next to Ji Xing, chewed a small mouthful, and quietly watched Ji Xing do the questions.

After Ji Xing finished writing a question and looked at her, she said again: "Sorry, Master, I got up late."

"You didn't sleep much, did you?"

Arturia was silent and nodded.

What Mordred didn't know was that she had never had the experience of sleeping with anyone, let alone Mordred next to her. After Mordred fell asleep, she stared at Mordred's sleeping posture for at least three hours. She tried to correct him several times, but in the end she stretched out her hand and then retracted it, with mixed emotions.

"Thank you, Master," she added, "for giving me the opportunity to get to know Maud."

"Just don't blame me for being nosy." Ji Xing shook his head and said, "Although there was a little accident last night, I did borrow your relationship. Normal magicians will not pay attention to both of us for the time being, which can save us a few battles." .”

"Hmm..." Artoria responded lightly and asked, "The one who faced Black Caster outside Tohsaka's house last night was you, Master, right?"

"Yeah. But that shouldn't be the magician from the black side, but from our red side. I'm not sure yet why she attacked the Tohsaka family, but there are probably only a few possibilities."

Artoria was startled.

"Is that so...sure enough."

This master of hers really faced off and even repelled a heroic spirit, using magic to fight with the magician of the Gods... Her mind fluctuated slightly. This was really just what a 17-year-old modern magician could do. Did you arrive?

But asking too many questions was not in line with the spirit of chivalry, so she just stayed silent again, watching Ji Xing write the numerical symbols one by one and complete the homework.

No, not just homework.

She was more patient than Mordred, or perhaps Ji Xing didn't hide it deliberately when facing her. Arturia could tell with just a few glances that there was a strange sense of misalignment in the numbers written by Ji Xing.

It was obviously a simple Arabic numeral, but for a moment, it seemed that this basic knowledge was being removed from her mind.

Especially the number '9', which was clearly placed there and clearly pronounced, but for a moment, it felt very strange to her.

magic? No, how is this possible?

As the best swordsman in the Holy Grail War, coupled with her own abilities, her magic resistance is A-level! That means it can instantly invalidate the magic circle and contract magic level magic resistance!

Modern magicians are basically unable to directly harm her. Even magicians with sporadic skills as high as Ji Xing's level cannot theoretically use magic above level A. They can only damage her through secondary damage such as explosion impact. A blow, but the number in front of her made her feel delusional...

Could it be the level of magic from the Age of Gods? Something that goes beyond A level and reaches EX level? !

"How about it? I just developed something in the past few days. I named it 'Star Rune'. Although it borrows the shell of Arabic numerals and the beauty of mathematics, it is actually a new type of writing." Ji Xing said: "I'm trying to unlock its potential and build more foundations."

Standing star... rune?

Arturia has heard of a similar name called 'Rune Runes', which are 24 characters that contain the mysteries of the universe and were comprehended by Odin, the father of the gods in Germanic mythology.

Of course, the original meaning of Rune is mystery and secret, which is completely different from this simple way of naming it after oneself, but it is not difficult to hear that his master seems to have the idea of ​​​​becoming a benchmark.

Compare that kind of ‘divine literature’!

Therefore, she looked at the numbers and math questions in front of her in silence, feeling that she had to estimate her master at a higher level this time.

Since her 'death' last night, Atalanta has been in a state of shock.

Thinking about it later, as an Archer, she has a strong ability to act alone. Even if the master dies or she is injured, she should still be able to survive for a while. It is indeed strange to disappear on the spot at that time, but after disappearing, she is the most memorable in my mind. It is even more ridiculous to reunite in front of the weak Red Master Tatsuhoshi Hayakawa.

He was the one who killed his master, and he also captured his master's command spell.

I really misjudged the opponent last night, thinking that he was just a mediocre novice magician. If the arrow hadn't been retracted... maybe the Master wouldn't have died? I am indeed an unqualified heroic spirit, so I don’t feel guilty.

When she returned here, Ji Xing's subsequent request made her feel that she had heard wrongly.

If she just allows herself to become his servant, one person has two servants, under the influence of the command spell and the magic power she perceives is far more powerful than the original master, she has no chance to deny or refuse, and after all, Zangzhuo It was just a tactic. In terms of perception, the clear young man was naturally more acceptable to her than the wretched silver lizard.

Her wish is to save all the children, and the 17-year-old boy is barely still a child.

But the other party’s proposal to borrow power turned out to be to become a ‘similar follower’!

What is a mimic follower? The Ruler in this battle, Astraea, is a Mimic Servant.

Heroic spirits do not come directly, but attach themselves to humans with extremely high compatibility in a dependent manner, and occupy a dominant position. They can also exert their full power. They are called mimic followers.

First of all, Atalanta didn't think she was similar in nature to the boy in front of her!

Her answer was 'let's try it'.

I don’t know what the psychology is, maybe I really don’t want this trip to the Holy Grail War to end like this. Just give it a try and make you give up.

So after a whole night of cooperation and fusion, the two became what they are now.

Atalanta raised her arms and saw male arms. She touched the top of her head and behind her, but she could also touch her own tail and animal ears.

Reflected in the puddle not far away, what Atalanta saw was a face that was a fusion of her own appearance and that of Hayakawa Tateboshi.

A handsome young man with dark skin, a slightly wild look, and animal ears and tail!

In her opinion, the consciousness of the boy who was 'possessed' by her was not asleep. In other words, it was not considered possession at all, but rather like a sub-server who was more 'disrespectful' to the heroic spirit.

"You...are not your true body, nor do you look like a magic clone. What on earth are you?" What came out of her mouth was a clear male voice.

The next moment, the animal ears on the top of its head and the tail behind it retracted, becoming like a human being, and answered her with the same mouth: "I am a number '9' written with magic blood, and I am also a perfect and all-encompassing figure. Circle, simulate the compatibility that is 100% suitable for you bit by bit.

In fact, I can't be sure of success before trying it. Thank you for your cooperation, Atalanta. Next, we will rotate the operation of my rune clone. Of course, I also have the ability to cancel the fusion. If I do certain things If it doesn't suit your wishes, or if you are unwilling to cooperate with me in this way, I can terminate it immediately. "

The same mouth continued to ask and answer questions: "Rune? 9? Circle? I know a little about magic, but this is really... a strange feeling. To be honest, I don't like it very much. But now I want to know more... what are you? people?"

"Hmm...a magician who has a different understanding of modern magic? I don't think modern magic necessarily has to be weaker than the magic of the Gods."


"Let's get used to it first." Ji Xing waved his arm vigorously, and then an emerald green bow was summoned to his hand.

It went more smoothly than expected, and successfully gained the power of the heroic spirit again - the Bow Star was born!

4k, there is still time at 12 o'clock, try to finish it before 12 o'clock, and it may be delayed until around 12:30. Well, last night I slept from 1 o'clock in the morning to 1 o'clock this afternoon, 12 hours, I really slept like a pig.

Also, start talking nonsense! Don’t worry if it doesn’t conform to the logic of the moon!

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