Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 703 The Restless Night (6k two-in-one, please vote monthly, thanks to Nuanyang God’s Silver

Near the center of Fuyuki City, there is a medium-sized mountain, Mount Enzo, which is famous for the temple "Ryuudouji" on the mountain.

Every day, many local residents and foreign tourists climb the mountain to offer incense, and during holidays, the number of pilgrims will double.

This morning, a special group was welcomed at the foot of Yuanzang Mountain. They were a blue-haired girl aged six or seven, a frail young man aged eighteen or nineteen, a strong man in his thirties, and a temperamental uncle in his fifties. , how to assign relationships is very strange.

It was Matou Sakura and Ji Xing, as well as Conqueror and Weber.

Weber, who was weak due to developing magic power since childhood, was already tired and out of breath as soon as he reached the bottom of the mountain. He looked at the almost endless steps and the mountain gate above, with reluctance written all over his face.

"Why do you come to a place like this? And why do you have to walk?"



The Conqueror King slapped his back, causing Weber to almost fall. Before he could complain, he was shaken back by a thunderous voice: "Too weak! Too weak! Too weak! Weber, a strong body is a man who conquers the world." You have to exercise more, maybe you can grow taller!"

If he had gone to any other place, Gao Webb would have been embarrassed, but in such a place with many tourists, he just felt that the King of Conqueror would attract all the attention, and he was suffering from social phobia.

"I know, please keep your voice down!"

Ji Xing on the side smiled and said: "It's not easy to come here, of course I have to take advantage of the opportunity to go shopping before the decisive battle, otherwise why would I set the invitation time for tomorrow night instead of the latest tonight?

Besides, this place also has some special meaning, Weber, can't you feel it? "

Weber was startled when he saw Ji Xing pointing his hand to the ground, closing his eyes thoughtfully, the magic power flowing, and even the wind became clearer.

"It turns out to be the gathering place of the largest spiritual vein in Fuyuki City. If this kind of place is used to build the foundation of a magician... huh?"

"You can think of it, so can the magicians hundreds of years ago." Ji Xing confirmed his suspicion at this moment: "Yes, there is a huge magic circle carved on the mountain, and the Holy Grail we are pursuing , also in the middle."

"Is the Holy Grail... right here?" Weber lowered his head in a daze.

The Conqueror King laughed and said: "Then it is indeed necessary to come here, Holy Grail."

The four of them stepped up the steps together.

Ji Xing asked again: "Webber, do you know how the Holy Grail was born?"

"That..." Weber was silent.

The information about the Holy Grail War was checked after he heard that Kenneth was going to participate. As an ordinary member of the Clock Tower, the information he could obtain through the Clock Tower's internal network was limited.

"I only know that it was made by the ancestors of the Yusan family. As for the others... hum, the guy from a famous family will know more."

"Kenneth doesn't know the details, at least not that specific." Ji Xing shook his head: "That's a story that's a long time ago."

Then how do you know? Weber was just about to question when he was attracted by Ji Xing's 'opening remarks'.

"There are five major magics in the world, either the power gained after reaching the root, or the ability to reach the root. These five major magics have all been mastered by people, and they are called 'magicians'."

"The third magician among them masters the magic of 'materializing the soul', just like us as heroic spirits can obtain a body, but it is countless times more perfect than this state, and can save all mankind from death. of misery.

But he died for unknown reasons in a certain era BC, and the third magic was lost since then. In the early AD, when the age of mythology still existed, his disciples began to fight to regain the power of their teacher and save the world. effort. "

Ji Xing said: "They succeeded, but they also failed. Creating the Winter Saint Justeza nine hundred years ago was the limit of their talents.

Only once, only for one generation. Saving one person requires paying an incomparable price. After a thousand years of trying everything, the third magic can only be revived once, and this is by accident.

They left in despair, leaving only the artificial people to fulfill the magicians' tragic wish to save all mankind generation after generation. In the following five or six hundred years of efforts, they came up with the idea of ​​turning Justisana into the only human being. The idea of ​​widespread use of the Third Magic, which can be used once, to capture all of humanity at once and save the world at once. "

"And this is the beginning and prototype of the Holy Grail system, the extensive third magic."

"Ah, it seems that my desire to regain my body is really in line." The Conqueror King nodded with satisfaction: "But if you put it this way, is it just a rumor that the Holy Grail is the 'Universal Wishing Machine'? What is this? Three magics, can it fulfill Weber's wish to grow taller?"

Weber was stunned, yes...that's not right!

"My wish is not to grow taller!"

"I don't know if it can, but the Holy Grail cannot be called a universal wishing machine." Ji Xing said with a smile: "It is only because the huge amount of magic power it overflows when activated can assist the magician to accomplish almost anything, so it is rumored to be a universal wishing machine." Universal, it is essentially a one-time prop of the third method.”

Is that so? Weber's face couldn't help but change. His wish was to make the magicians in the Clock Tower look at him differently. Could such a general wish not be realized? Assist the magician in accomplishing anything? Do I have the ability to master a technique that requires immense amounts of magic power to complete?

"How did you know?"

"It is impossible to construct magic like the Holy Grail Ceremony with artificial humans alone." Ji Xing explained: "About two hundred years ago, a magician named Makiri Zolgen, with the dream of saving mankind, found Justessa.

Although Justeza does not age, she is also extremely weak as she carries the third method, and even her memory can only be retained for one day. For seven hundred years after her birth, she lived in a closed castle, repeating the same day.

But even so, she was still moved by Magiri Zolgen. The two understood each other and came to Japan in order to build the Holy Grail system. With the help of Tosaka Nagato, the ancestor of the Tosaka family, the Saint of Winter finally The female Justeza transformed herself into the heart of the Holy Grail, kicking off the Holy Grail War that happens every sixty years. "

The artificial beings who lived the same day for seven hundred years, the Saint of Winter, were moved by human dreams and understood each other until they sacrificed their lives to become the Holy Grail... What a romantic story.

Weber sighed with emotion, and was interrupted by the laughter of the Conqueror King: "Hahaha, although I praise their determination and dedication, I still can't understand how they pin their hope of saving mankind on a magic! Why don't you just hand it over? Give it to me, let me 'save' them!"

Weber immediately turned his head and said unhappily: "What do you know?! This is a magician's romance!"

The Conqueror King was startled, and slapped Weber again with his big hand: "Very good! Very good! This is the first time you have openly opposed me! Hold on to your courage and determination, although I may not necessarily adopt it." The opinions of my subjects!”

"...Who is your subject? I am the Master!" Weber shouted.

Seeing that the Conqueror just laughed, Weber turned to look at Ji Xing tiredly, "Didn't you tell me why you know this?"

Wait... The Winter Saint Justeza is Einzbern, and Tohsaka Nagato is Tohsaka. The missing one... where is the Matou family?

"The human magician Magiri Zolgen, who had the will to impress the Holy Maiden of Winter, later settled in Japan and waited for the outcome of the Holy Grail War at close range year after year. He took the alias Matou Zouken."

"...What? The disgusting bug you killed the night before yesterday?!" Webber was shocked.

Matou Sakura, who had been walking silently next to Ji Xing, raised her little face: "Grandpa Zang Yan..."

"Time will corrode the soul. If the soul's toughness cannot keep up, even if you master the magic of materializing the soul, you will die. I think the previous generation of the third magician is likely to die from this."

Ji Xing touched her head: "I can see, Sakura, you are naturally kind. Even though you have experienced that, you don't hate him. You don't have to live in hatred in the future. Just treat it as if you were captured by a monster. Year, now I have been rescued by your Grandpa Tong Yuan and ushered in a new beginning."

"Soul...corrosion..." Matou Sakura whispered softly, calling: "Grandpa Tongyuan."

"Yeah." Ji Xing responded with a smile, but Matou Zangyan's soul would decay, but he would not.

Only by mastering one of the five major magics and becoming a magician can a magician have the capital to settle down in this world.

Being close and compatible, Third Magic is naturally Ji Xing's first choice after his reopening.

But now there are two problems. One is that the huge magic power that activates the Holy Grail comes from the heroic spirits, and the seven summoned servants are absorbed.

The second is that the Holy Grail has been contaminated by "all the evil in this world" during the Third Holy Grail War.

Tong Yuan's life will be completed successfully if these two things can be solved!

While talking, hundreds of steps were climbed unknowingly, and a group of four people arrived at the gate of the temple and were about to enter Liudong Temple.

At this time, Ji Xing and the Conqueror King suddenly turned around and looked at a girl walking behind them, causing Sakura Matou and Weber to turn their heads.

The girl is about fifteen or sixteen years old and looks like she has just entered high school. She has short orange hair and is dressed in a slightly unsavory and ruthless manner.

Without any preparation, she met Ji Xing's eyes, was slightly startled, pursed her lips, whistled, and looked around as if admiring the beautiful scenery.

Weber's eyes trembled, and he understood the reason: "Hey, we weren't overheard just now, were we... This guy has been following us and eavesdropping?"

"What eavesdropping..." The girl curled her lips without confidence. Seeing that she couldn't hide, she took the initiative to walk over, turned her face sideways, put her hand in the shape of a whispering microphone, and put it to her ear.

"Hey...are you talking about some kind of urban legend? It's pretty decent."

Weber was silent and tilted his head to look at Ji Xing and the King of Conquerors. What are you doing? How can ordinary people hear the inside story of the Holy Grail War? !

What should I do now, should I silence myself?

"Hahaha." The Conqueror King laughed and said, "It's really strange. When I found her, she had probably already listened to most of it!"

"Me too." Ji Xing said.

"...Huh?" Weber was stunned.

"Hehe." The girl looked proud, and she didn't know why she was so proud: "My eavesdropping skills are at MAX, full level! Hello, it seems that you are all tourists from abroad. My name is Fujimura Taiga, and I am from Fuyuki City. people!

I am very familiar with Liudong Temple. My classmate’s father is the abbot here, so he often comes here to help during holidays. Do you want me to be your guide? "

"That's hard work. I'm Ji Xing, and these are Sakura, Weber and Alex."

"Hmm... hello, Uncle Ji Xing!" Taiga Fujimura greeted warmly, and couldn't help but reach out to pinch Matou Sakura's cheek: "Sakura? What a cute little sister! I just heard that you were killed by a monster. Captured for a year? How pitiful~"

Weber was relieved that he obviously didn't take it seriously. He just wondered how this guy, who was obviously an ordinary person, could eavesdrop without telling the two servants?

Matou Sakura, who had her cheek pinched, pursed her lips. Without her noticing, she had regained some of her normal child's emotions.

Gotomura Taiga looked up at the King of Conqueror again and said with emotion: "You are a rare tall uncle, but as a Fuyuki City person, I have to remind you that you should not go out at night recently."

"Huh?" Weber was startled. Does this guy know about the Holy Grail War? "Why? You mean the murderer, hasn't he been arrested?"

"No..." Fujimura Dahegami shook his finger mysteriously: "The nights in Fuyuki City have not been peaceful recently. It's not an urban legend, this is what my grandfather told me. He received a gloomy guy a few days ago. , and then muttered something about 'dragon crossing the river', telling me not to wander around at night recently."

"...your grandfather?"

"Have you ever heard of Fujimura Rai's paintings?"

"……Absolutely not."

"Hahaha!" Taiga Fujimura suddenly put his hands on his hips and laughed: "Let me tell you, what you say about 'murdering' is completely made up. You don't even know the gang boss in Fuyuki City!"

As changeable as a barometer, the next moment, her expression suddenly became sinister again: "Yes, you heard me right, I am the mafia lady of Fuyuki~ Hehehe, so vicious ...I know how to steal children!"

She picked up Matou Sakura and ran into the temple, shouting as she ran: "Issei! Issei! Your sister Dahe is here! Wahaha, come out quickly, sister and her cute little sister are here to find you. Let’s play, hahahahahaha…”

The breeze blew and the fallen leaves curled up.

Weber was silent, and he was definitely the type I was least good at dealing with.

Ji Xing smiled and said: "The sullen guy she was talking about should be Emiya Kiritsugu."

"Hahaha, so what kind of underworld lady is she really?" The Conqueror King said with a smile: "Interesting! A very interesting little girl! She seems to have some kind of mysterious power in her body!"

Fuyuki Tiger, is the law of cause and effect lucky?

Ji Xing thought for a while, then walked into the temple with Weber and the Conqueror King, and met Sakura Matou, who had successfully obtained the attention of all the pilgrims and was carried on the shoulders of Taiga Fujimura.

Looking at that panicked little face, I’m so happy.

The day was very fulfilling.

After the trip to Ryudōji Temple, Fujimura Taiga enthusiastically asked Ying to take them to visit more attractions in Fuyuki City, basically seeing them all.

By the time Ji Xing carried Matou Sakura, who was so tired that she fell asleep, back to Gulan and his wife's house and back to the hotel, the night was already dark again.

This time Kenneth has a new trick, because his fiancée Sora is by his side tonight.

He was seen sitting on the sofa solemnly. When Ji Xing came back, he said in a deep voice: "How is the terrain survey going? Tong Yuan."

Ji Xing almost laughed.

After communicating in a serious manner, Kenneth began to explain tomorrow's battle strategy to Ji Xing with confidence. Sora showed praise at the right time to encourage Kenneth, but in his heart, it was a pity that Tong Yuan didn't refute Kenneth today and waited for me to help him. Try to intimidate me again...

In the middle of the explanation, the piercing fire bell suddenly rang, and Kenneth's thoughts were interrupted, and he frowned slightly.

The next moment, the phone in the room also rang. He snorted and calmly walked to answer the call. Listening to the service staff's words, his eyes became as sharp as light.

"It seems that there was a fire downstairs, and the service staff notified us that we need to evacuate immediately."

He looked at Ji Xing: "It doesn't sound like a coincidence. You want to end the war tomorrow night, but it seems that some people are not willing to have an upright battle!

A plan to clear out the crowd? Tong Yuan, leave it to me to handle this time. You just need to stop the opponent's servants, drive the enemy magician over, and let him see my Kenneth's magic workshop! "

At this moment, he felt that his life had reached its peak. He finally had a chance to express himself in the Holy Grail War, and it was in front of his dear Sora and the damn heroic spirits!

Ji Xing shook his head amusedly: "I know."

In a dark alley some distance away from the hotel, Emiya Kiritsugu secretly observed the people escaping and evacuating, and leisurely lit a cigarette.

Play against Kenneth in Kenneth's Magic Workshop? He had no such plans.

His goal is to blow up the building, and the flames are just to evacuate other residents!

This was a strategy he formulated after thinking about it all night and one day. Compared with the other two groups, after all, it was the unusual pair of Tong Yuan and the genius lecturer from the Clock Tower that concerned him more.

What's more, Tong Yuan has already defeated three groups of heroic spirits. Even if Saber is the top among the seven heroic spirits, he is not willing to take the risk of losing!

After taking a deep drag on the cigarette and spitting it out, Emiya Kiritsugu's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

There was a sound of wind in my ears, and a hollow iron rod like a clothes drying rack fell to the ground and bounced.

He was silent and raised his head.

The only one who can throw the hollow iron rod here is his target Hyatt Hotel.

This can't be a coincidence.

Throwing objects from high altitude, warning?

He saw through my intentions, Kenneth didn't. He still followed the strategy of the decisive battle tomorrow night, but only wanted to persuade me to retreat, and did not seize this opportunity that could easily kill me.

"Penglai Gunslinger Sanren, Tong Yuan..."

The cigarette was put out on the wall, and he took out the phone and dialed: "Maiya, the retreat has failed."

Although you let me off tonight, I am very sorry, but I will not give up using despicable means.

I must get the Holy Grail. Only the Holy Grail can save the world and save mankind! For this goal, even Irisviel, even myself, and even more people can be sacrificed!

Are he and Irisviel just another team of Magiri Zolgen and the Winter Maiden?

Kenneth in the hotel waited until midnight before yelling: "Despicable guy, are you just draining my energy?!"

On the other side, near the workshop where Ji Xing killed Ryunosuke and Bluebeard, a small figure was searching in every corner.

Tohsaka Rin found an opportunity to sneak out.

"The police report said that if Qin Yin's body was not found, then Qin Yin must still be alive, but hidden somewhere..."

Holding the family gem tightly in her hand gave the little girl a little courage in the darkness, and she kept mumbling to cheer herself up.

Even if it was a garbage pile, she gently turned it over with two fingers, then rubbed her fingers on the wall in disgust, turned around, and bang!


As if he hit a wall, Tohsaka Rin almost fell to the ground when he exclaimed. The next moment, his face showed horror: "You... wuwuwu..."

The mouth was gagged and the back of the neck was struck.

Consciousness sank into darkness.

The Tohsaka family's magic fortress.

"What?! Rin is missing?!"

"Ugh..." came the sobs of Tohsaka Aoi from the opposite side: "Yes, I found it around seven o'clock in the evening. I have been looking and looking, but there is nothing... nowhere..."

Tokiomi Tosaka glanced at his watch. It was almost ten o'clock, and his face instantly turned pale.

"Go back, go back immediately, I will handle Rin's affairs, don't cause any more trouble!"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu...I'm sorry..."

Tokiomi Tosaka dropped the phone and picked up the dial: "Kirei! Come to me quickly!"

The streets became quiet in the night. Tohsaka Aoi walked out of the phone booth with tears in her eyes and staggered helplessly on the street.


where have you been?

Don't let anything happen. You are the only daughter I have left. Without you...

The more she thought about it, the more frightened she became. Suddenly, a dark figure wearing a robe suddenly appeared in front of her, scaring Tohsaka Aoi so much that she took two steps back.

"Aoi? Something happened to Rin? How is it possible? What on earth is going on?!"

"Kariya-kun?" Tohsaka Aoi looked at the strange yet familiar figure in front of her with tears in her eyes: "Your face..."

"Don't worry about me yet, what happened to Rin?" Matou Kariya asked quickly: "Aoi!"

In this restless night, time slowly moved towards the promised night.

Although the Mid-Autumn Festival is still a day away, I have received thousands of monthly votes from Nuanyang Shen’s Silver Alliance and everyone, so it is considered a festival, haha, thank you for your support, and I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival!

By the way, I would like to recommend a book. If you feel frustrated after watching the Asian Games, you can read this book - "Who will play professionally after being reborn?"

The world's number one mid laner who fought hard to win the Triple Crown only ended up with injuries.

Relive your life, you can play games, but you can't touch your career.

If you are a master of one thing, what can you do without financial freedom?

The mission of rebirth is to become famous through live broadcasts, make money and flirt with girls, and live a cool life.

But when Chen Yian appeared on the stage of the S10 Global Finals, Chen Yian just wanted to ask, why is the whole world forcing me to play professionally?

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