The address of Matou's family is no secret.

Southeast of Fuyuki City, across a river, you can find a small town in the mountains.

Compared with the rapid changes in the outside world, time in this town seems to have stood still, and it still retains the ancient style of 20 or even 30 years ago.

Matou Kariya hated the family here. He resolutely broke away from the shackles of the family eleven years ago, but he took the initiative to return here a year ago. In order to participate in this Holy Grail War, he even took the initiative to ask the family's old monster, the Tong Zangyan asked to put the marking insect into his body.

Marking insects refer to a variety of insect magic mastered by the Matou family. They can expand magic circuits in a short period of time, transform magic attributes, and actively absorb vitality to create magic. They can help Matou Kariya become a qualified magician in just one year. .

The price was that after a year of torture and being eaten by the marking bugs, the nerves in his left half of his body were almost paralyzed, his left eye was blind, his hair was completely white, and his skin lost all color, turning into a ghost-like earthy gray, and he was reduced to a ghost. Tong Zangyan's puppet, and he only has the last month of life left at most.

The reason for this is because he wanted to save a girl, Matou Sakura.

Matou Sakura's original name is Tohsaka Sakura, the second daughter born to Matou Kariya's childhood sweetheart sister Aoi after she married Tokiomi Tosaka.

Because the Matou family's magic bloodline was cut off, and the magic family could only have one successor, the two families, who were both members of the Gosan family, communicated. Tohsaka Sakura was adopted into the Matou family a year ago.

In order to obtain the Holy Grail, Matou Sakura was also transformed by Matou Zouken using the marking bug. The six-year-old girl had to suffer from the bite of the marking bug every day. She went from being innocent and lively to closing her heart, and her eyes lost their highlights. Took a week.

'As long as I obtain the Holy Grail, as long as I fulfill Matou Zouken's wish, Sakura is no longer necessary and I can save Sakura! ’

With this thought in mind, Matou Kariya endured the pain and just now became the Master!

There is a special spell from the Matou family, and the servant he summons is Berserker, a berserker.

Servants of this class have the attribute of "madness" and will gain all-round strength improvement at the cost of losing their sanity and language skills!

His true identity is Lancelot, the most famous Knight of the Round Table in the legend of King Arthur.

"It can be done..." After leaving the side of Matou Zouken, who disgusted him, Matou Kariya limped along the second-floor corridor of the Matou family mansion.

Performing the summoning ritual and bearing the magic power consumption of the servants put a heavy load on Matou Kariya's body, which was all supported by his will.

When passing a room, he suddenly stopped and looked in along the crack in the door.

Under the bright moonlight, the blue-haired girl who should be sleeping peacefully and comfortably was huddled on the bed in an awkward posture, clutching the quilt tightly.

"Sakura... you haven't spent a night in bed for more than a year, right? Tonight was just because I was summoning in the basement..." Clenching her fists sadly, Matou Kariya continued to go back to the room.

Suddenly, a devil-like figure wearing pitch-black armor and covered in pitch-black mist appeared next to him. It was the Berserker who had remained in spiritual form before.

He seemed a little irritable, and even though he couldn't communicate, Matou Kariya understood it in an instant, and widened his remaining right eye: "A servant appeared within 200 meters? How could it be possible? Seven Masters are already ready Now, less than an hour after completing the summoning, the battle is about to begin?!"

His inner unpreparedness did not affect the Berserker's reaction. Before he could give the order, the Berserker turned into a spirit child and shuttled outwards again.

About 180 meters southeast of the Matong family residence, in a remote forest at night, Ji Xing, who was waiting with a gun, raised his eyes slightly.

clang--! The next moment, he held a gun in both hands and blocked a dark red stick that was coming towards him!

It was just an ordinary wooden stick, but with the blessing of Lancelot's "Knight Will Not Die Unarmed" Noble Phantasm, it had the hardness of a D-level Noble Phantasm. It could withstand the full force of its blows, and could also withstand Ji Xing's hand. Birds of a feather collide with each other!

The violent power surged, and Ji Xing's feet on the ground sank slightly into the ground. The howling wind pressure picked up the fallen leaves, dancing chaotically into the distance.

‘The power is higher than mine, but there is no crushing effect. The strength of the berserker should be A, and as a spearman servant, my strength is probably B. ’

Ji Xing silently said in his heart, shook off the stick with both hands and slid back, while the berserker wrapped in black mist came closer in an instant and swiped the stick again!

The wind pressure from the swing of the weapon forcefully broke a large tree as thick as a human body not far away. Ji Xing flicked the tail of his gun and fired continuously.

Dang Dang Dang——

Magic bursts and heat surges!

In just a short moment, the tip of the spear collided with the dark red wooden stick three times, and the air around him screamed!

"My speed is similar to his. Lancer is good at speed, both are A or even A+."

"I'm a little weak in magic power, but he's actually not strong either. This is partly because Sora is the one who supplies my magic power, and also because Tong Yuan doesn't know any magic at all. It's D, or at most C."

"It's hard to say about luck and Noble Phantasm, but based on the attributes on the panel, 'Tong Yuan' is really just a regular spearman, an ordinary member of the heroic spirits. 'Gun God' is just a title, and does not carry any divinity. promote."

"No, there should have been a positive gain in skills?"

"Remember that Lancelot had unparalleled martial arts at that time, and had an A+ level inherent ability of 'infinite martial arts'. He could display all his skills even when he was in madness, so Tong Yuan could probably have an A+ Level inherent ability 'Henglai Gunshen Sanren'."

"Well, I can't feel it anymore."

"It's Lancer! The middle-aged gunman wearing a hat, who is this? Ahem..."

In the Matou family's mansion, he observed the appearance of the battlefield through the scout bug. Matou Kariya's expression changed slightly, and he raised his feet and wanted to walk out.

At this moment, a disgusting voice suddenly sounded: "You look like that, do you want the enemy magician to kill you easily?"

The old man who appeared in front of him was short and bald, with his hands and feet shrunken like a mummy. Only one pair of eyes with a different light from the old man was none other than Matou Zangyan.

"If you can't keep calm like this, you won't be able to win the final victory. The enemy's magician will be able to observe the battlefield and the roof here at the same time, waiting for you to appear." He snorted and sneered twice: "That's in the clock tower. What a great magician, a guy like you will be killed in an instant."

Matou Kariya's expression darkened.

Matō Zōyan added: "Just wait here quietly. It's just a test. The spearmen will not be the opponent of the berserker. If you don't take the bait stupidly, they will retreat soon. But this person from the clock Ta’s genius is more unobtrusive and radical than I expected.”

Matou Kariya took a deep breath and had to admit that what Matou Zouken said made sense. He gave up his intention to go out and secretly followed the battle of the servants.

"Huh, aren't you ready to come out?"

The cool night breeze blew on his face, and Kenneth, who was holding his arms to maintain his composure, was a little depressed.

I always feel that since I decided to participate in the Holy Grail War, everything has not gone as smoothly. My original plan was to stay in the Hyatt Regency Hotel that I had built as a magic fortress, command the followers to fight, and wait for the challenges of other Masters.

Why did he go directly to the front line without realizing it, enjoying the cool breeze in the night?

His gaze turned to the ongoing battle between the servants. The collision between the two has exceeded thirty moves, and the grove has long been completely destroyed. For ordinary humans, it is indeed a battle where myths come into reality.

It moves faster than the naked eye can detect, tearing the ground apart frequently during collisions. Wind pressure alone can break large trees, and can naturally kill humans.

Even though he is a magician in the color position, Kenneth knows that he is not yet qualified to challenge the servants. Perhaps he will only be qualified to fight with them when he reaches the crown position in the future.

"Hmph, Penglai Gunslinger Sanren."

But now, he was not satisfied with the situation of that battle. The Gunslinger Sanren was just evenly matched with a Berserker.

Sure enough, I still have to do it myself!

Through the connection with the command spell, he said to Ji Xing who was fighting the berserker: "You can at least ensure that the berserker is delayed there, Penglai Gunshen Sanren? Next, I will attack the Matou family and kill the master of the berserker. , I don’t want to see the berserkers rushing back on the way!”

And the response he got was: "Don't worry, it's almost done. Just wait for me for ten seconds."

Um? Wait ten seconds?

The next moment, he discovered that 'Tong Yuan', who was fighting the Berserker, seemed to have changed!

As soon as he took one step forward, Ji Xing suddenly fully activated the magic power on his body, and the hat he wore on his head was lifted up and spiraled into the sky!

This seemed to be the posture of using a Noble Phantasm, but what Ji Xing did was still a stab.

But unlike before, if Lancelot could speak, he might be able to express that the angle of the spear stab made him very uncomfortable, and the changes in reality and reality were beyond what his instinct could react to!

The long stick rubbed against the silver spear, and the silver spear passed by his body. However, Ji Xing seemed to be able to predict the future. He flipped his left wrist and took a step back from Lancelot with a bang, leaving him slightly unsteady. Steady, followed by the second shot, he stabbed out again!

clang! clang! clang! clang!

Each shot was faster than the last, as if the previous stab could accumulate power for subsequent attacks. The silver spear transformed into a dance of dragon and snake, dazzling under the moonlight!

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

The wooden stick in the berserker's hand produced strong vibrations in the collisions, and was constantly aggravated at the same angle and frequency. So when Ji Xing jumped out with his tenth gun, there was a roaring sound. Get rid of it!

And then... poof!

The sound of the gun penetrating flesh and blood was heard!

'If you only look at the data, taking the Berserker as 100 points, Tong Yuan's basic data is only about 80 points. There are a few differences in several items, which add up to a big amount. But for me, only a 20% difference means There is no doubt about the outcome. ’

Ji Xing pushed the fallen hat back to his head with his left hand, raised the gun with his right hand, penetrated the neck of the berserker Lancelot, and lifted him into the air!

"Kenneth, are you okay, sir?"

At this point, exactly 10 seconds have passed!

3k, two updates 6k.

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