Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 681 Frankly Fighting with God

"Sister, can you still not believe that you are human?"

Watching Ji Xing closely for a long time, the shock on Xu Shengnan's face couldn't go away: "If Li He, who developed the supernatural medicine and demon detection method, is a demon with evil intentions towards human beings, then everyone will only hope that there will be more demons like this Some……

Ji Xing also has no bad deeds. He even saved Yi Nan and Tang Bi, the divine hunter. He has always been the god that the divine hunters strive for, but they can't find him. No wonder they can't find him.

But I can't understand that these two are the same person. Why? ! With Ji Xing's power, you could just stand up and help humanity, why bother pretending for so many years? ! Just to give us a 'surprise'? ! "

The experience of knowing Li He for more than ten years flashed in her mind. She was naturally angry at being deceived, but she was more confused. Even if Ji Xing revealed his identity in person like this, she still half didn't believe it. This was really It's ridiculous!

"Because I wasn't as strong as I am now from the beginning." Ji Xing said.

"The beginning of the story is somewhat similar to Tu Honghong's story. More than 20 years ago, in Yangliu Village in the southernmost part of the Dongdu region, Ji Xing, an ordinary person, was devoured by a lower-level demon."

Xu Shengnan was stunned: "Ordinary people?"

Ji Xing nodded: "Ordinary people. The lower-level demon is very weak, like a one-millionth clone painted red, but my desire to survive is very strong. I don't want to become a demon, and I don't want to be killed, so It stabilizes human consciousness, and human consciousness always has the upper hand.”

"...Can such a thing happen?!"

"I'm a genius." Ji Xing said.

Xu Shengnan couldn't refute.

But she had heard of cases where people were devoured by demons, relying on some support to trap the demons for several years or even more than ten years as usual, but none of them survived forever. Doesn't this mean that Ji Xing is an ordinary person? Only when you do it can you become a hunter...

"Later, I realized that I had directly completed the steps of divine hunting and transformation. At that time, I was not in the mood to think about anything else. Every day I was fighting against the demon's appetite. I knew that as long as I ate one person, I would never come back again. not going."

Except for omitting the Seven Star Pearl, Ji Xing spoke the truth from the bottom of his heart: "Maybe it was because I had the talent to transform into a divine hunter at that time. I practiced very quickly and quickly gained a certain ability to protect myself. The control of the demon's appetite also showed initial results, but an unexpected incident broke my peaceful life, you know."

"...Yi Nan's mother?"

"Yeah. At that time, I was actually just a high-level hunter and a high-level demon. I exposed myself and naturally had to run away. The subsequent two months of fleeing in the mountains and forests should be regarded as the most dangerous period of time I have experienced so far."

Did exposing himself in order to save Yi Nan make Ji Xing appear in front of everyone for the first time?

I always thought that Ji Xing had already turned into a demon god at that time, but the truth is actually like this? !

The anger of being deceived slowly disappeared by 50%. Xu Shengnan knew that Ji Xing had only one choice to hide his situation at that time, and it was amazing that he could stand up for Yi Nan when he was struggling to survive.

There is only one life.

"During the two months in the forest, I gained spiritual power and magical power. The human I saw again after walking out of the forest was the red-painted Katsuo-san who just took in you. I pretended to be a senior hunter and asked you where the place was nearby. , I wanted to find a city of a certain size to hide and live in, but I didn’t expect that you, Sister Shengnan, would find out.”

Xu Shengnan's facial muscles twitched: "That guy is you?! It's actually you! The fake senior who caused me to 'lie' about the enemy's situation and caused Shenyang City and surrounding cities to be under martial law for a month?!"

A doubt that had been bothering her all these years was solved. She had always suspected that the demon saw through her and did not go to Shenyang City as planned, but ended up by my side? !

Rage value increases by 10%.

Ji Xing hummed, "It's me. It was also because you saw through it that I decided to choose 'darkness under the light' and moved into Jinhui City in disguise.

In order to prevent the situation in Yangliu Village from happening again, I felt that I had to find a hunter with enough backing and strength to be my friend, and you, Sister Katsunan, who saw through my identity, happen to be very reliable.

Later, for reasons such as making money, improving my reputation to prevent being discovered, and stabilizing human consciousness, I started making inventions. Starting from that solar cooker, I got to today step by step. You probably know the specific content of it, Sister Shengnan.

Oh, on the way to Zhongdu, I was already one step away from becoming a god, so Tu Honghong mistook me for her senior. When the second choice was revealed, she had no choice but to step forward. The day I became a god, she went to find The god of hellfire competed. "

Xu Shengnan was silent for a while.

"Where's Xiao Ai? Does Xiao Ai know? What's going on with Aizen?"

"We all know. They are my close friends, helpers, and subordinates that I met by chance. They are all trustworthy. The specific situation involves their secrets, so I won't explain it to you, Sister Shengnan."

"Best friends, helpers and subordinates?" Xu Shengnan looked at Ji Xing: "Xiao Ai and you..."

"We were close friends at first." Ji Xing coughed lightly: "Because I was afraid that the demon's desire would hurt her. But after living together for about half a month, the friendship began to deteriorate... Well, it was like when I first approached Sister Sheng. You were looking for a supporter, and we gradually became like close friends."


Xu Shengnan's anger level dropped by 50% again.

She has always been a cheerful person, and Ji Xing's explanations are acceptable to her. She has worked hard to maintain the essence of human beings and made unprecedented contributions to mankind, which is even touching.

But the impact today is really too great.

I always thought that Tu Honghong was the adopted daughter by mistake, but it turned out to be her own parents.

The meritorious human brother who always thought he was powerless and needed her protection has been stronger than her since they first met, and now he doesn't even know how much stronger he is.

If the hunters who took supernatural medicine to advance and the young people who idolized Li He knew that Li He was once half a demon, they would have the same thoughts as me.

This world... is too crazy!

And if Ji Xing fails and really becomes a monster, then human morale will definitely hit rock bottom, and even he will collapse, right? As a close friend since Weimo, Li He Xiaoai was more important to her than Tu Honghong!

Thinking about it, I felt a little angry again, and the anger value increased by 10% again. Xu Shengnan said: "You became a god 17 years ago, right? It was a full 17 years in the middle. President Sun Qin and others already know about your situation?"

"No, there are only five people who know that Li He is Ji Xing, and there are four left now. And there are only two people who know that I am human, Lan Ran and Xiao Ai." Ji Xing shook his head and said: "As for why during this period, Concealing it is, firstly, for convenience, and secondly, it involves the truth about the existence of demons.”

"The... truth about the existence of demons?"

At the same time, thousands of miles away to the northeast of Zhongdu City, high in the sky, the white antelope, tree, flame dragon god and human beings were facing each other in a three-way confrontation.

On the human side, in addition to the God of Steel Wang Xu, there are also seven top divine hunters including Tang Bi and Yuan Yu. At this moment, the faces of four people are full of shock and confusion.

"Professor Zhu Lingyin?!"

"Professor Wu Sen?!"

After they received the alarm, they followed the signal left by Wang Xu and flew all the way here. They could sense that besides Wang Xu, there were three extremely powerful guys, but they didn't see each other's faces until now.

But aren’t they Professor Zhu Lingyin who improved the breeding method of spiritual animals and Professor Wu Sen who improved many crop seeds? !

Their achievements are enough to be recorded in the history of mankind, and they have benefited a lot over the years. Although they are far from being universally known, at least in certain circles, they have countless admirers.

This is how the same thing? Killed? !

"Who? Professor?" Wang Xu, who had never seen anyone from the Eastern Capital up close, tilted his head: "You said these two guys who didn't establish a demon colony became professors? Zhongdu, Western Capital or Eastern Capital?"

The guy who didn't build a demon colony? Apart from Ji Xing, the rising God of Thunder, are they the two gods who have been wandering away from the war between humans and monsters, the God of Ancient Trees and the God of White Antelope? !

"They..." Tang Bi murmured softly: "No way? This is really ridiculous! They are two of the most famous professors in Dongdu! They are all professors who only made great achievements in the past ten years or so!"

"Is that so?" Wang Xu stared at the two of them: "Are you two willing to choose the side of humanity in the next war?"

The Flame Dragon God also stared at the two in silence, which was what he wanted to know.

Bai Lu and Shu looked at each other.

Suddenly smiled.

By the way, this is what it feels like!

Join humans and become great people among humans. One day after that, they will suddenly know their identity as monsters and enjoy the pleasure of shocking and fooling humans.

Ji Xing’s idea is great!

"I don't know if it was an illusion, but I felt that the bottleneck was instantly loosened."

"I think I'm still a little behind, but once the news spreads and gets sent back, it should be fine."

No one could understand the conversation between the two. They exchanged words as if they were secret codes. Bai Ling looked at the Flame Dragon God with some regret: "It's a pity that this idiot ruined it and didn't do it perfectly. I'm afraid I'm giving Erya a lift." Missed it too.

Alas, it really makes me angrier the more I think about it. Senior Shu, would you like to play with these humans for a while? I want to slap this old dragon a few times. "

"Do you want him to know the secret?"

"This is also out of necessity, and there are only a few months left. A fool like him cannot become an independent half-demon. I believe the regulators will understand."

In this short conversation, there are many things that the Flame Dragon God and humans cannot understand. By slowly deducing the words, we may be able to get some information, but we don’t have that kind of time now.

At the moment the exchange ended, the God of Ancient Trees took action directly on the human side!

It raised its right hand forward, and the trunk and branches stretched out from the palm of its hand, and branches and flowers bloomed instantly! In an instant, tens of thousands of wooden spears wrapped in divine power formed an array, like a giant beast opening its boundless mouth, covering the sky and the sun and biting eight strong human beings!

The God of Steel, Wang Xu, looked down slightly, extended his hands outward to support himself, and mobilized his divine power.

Hundreds of thin iron pieces grew, densely covering the surroundings of the eight people, spinning at extremely fast speeds, and then flying all over the sky! When the speed breaks through the sound barrier, reaching several times the speed of sound, and then wrapped with divine power to balance it, the cutting power of these iron sheets will surpass everything else.

In just half a second, all the tens of thousands of wooden thorns were torn into pieces, and the flying iron pieces swirled in the sky, rushing towards the body of the God of Ancient Trees like birds returning to their nests, and tore it into pieces in an instant!

But no blood fell.

The torn branches are like the dust that blocks the clear sky, and the cut trees are also integrated into it.

All the sawdust seemed to be alive.

They danced wildly around the eight people, allowing the eight people to activate their strength and defense, connecting the sky and the earth like an 18-level gust of wind. After being broken by the eight people, they drifted in all directions, forming dozens of rivers of sawdust that meandered for dozens of miles. Layers upon layers of dangers, pushing the White Antelope and the Flame Dragon God far away, and also entangled eight strong human beings in it!

"The land of scrap wood."

The figure of the tree once again gathered in front of the eight people, and said: "Are you going with the flow? It seems that you are willing to accompany me to learn from each other."

Yes, go with the flow.

The God of Steel and the seven top divine hunters had a chance to break out before Shu could make his move, but at the signal of the God of Steel Wang Xu, he chose to wait.

The other three gods are obviously not of the same mind. It would be unwise to force themselves to fight against the three gods at this time. Since the God of the White Antelope is willing to fight against the God of the Flame Dragon alone, then humans are also happy to have eight people take care of one ancient tree!


Obeying the power of the tree and moving away, the Flame Dragon God looked in that direction and hummed: "Every sawdust is a seed, and every seed is an ancient tree. It has thousands of incarnations and is everywhere. If you don't By destroying more than three-quarters of the wood chips at once, it is difficult to cause damage to the tree. This guy's country of wood chips has made progress.

But there are so many human beings that it is not difficult to destroy three-quarters of them if we work together. Are you going crazy because you know that I am completely controlling you?

And you, a junior..."

"Stop, stop, stop!" Bai Ling raised his hands with a headache on his face: "It's so stupid that you are still so confident until now. I have changed my mind. Slapping you a few times is not enough. Let me think about it... Well, let you Breeding a spirit pig? Not good, that will make the next generation of spirit pigs even dumber. Wouldn’t my professor Zhu Lingyin’s reputation be ruined in one fell swoop?”



Suddenly, the fire was raging!

The God of Flame Dragon stood there without moving, but the anger in his divine power seemed to be able to ignite the sky!

Dozens of miles of air burned, and the atmospheric temperature instantly rose to a terrifying level! The next moment, the flames were like a dome suppressing and seawater pouring in, burning toward the white gazelle in the center of the flames!

"Hmm~ It's hot, it's hot."

Bai Ling stretched out his right hand, and touched the flame isolated by the divine power with his right index finger, bringing back a small flame beating at his fingertips.

Then the fire was extinguished.

There was no warning, and even the God of Flame Dragon did not sense the spread of Bai Ling's divine power. His flames disappeared suddenly!


"Is it weird? 'The strongest'?" Bai Ling twirled her index finger, and the flame turned like a small meteor on her fingertips. "If the strength is to be ranked according to age, then whoever is born earliest will be the strongest in life. .

Unfortunately not. Talent is a real thing. Although I took this step later than Shu-senpai, and although I always call him senior, in fact, I have gone further than him.

So if we really want to rank, the strongest person in the world has to be me. Stupid dragon, do you want to get angry with you? Return it to you. "


She blew hard with her mouth, and the flames on her fingertips flew toward the Flame Dragon God!

One meter, turned into a fireball.

Three meters, turned into a fireball.

Fifty meters away, it’s like a falling star!

The solid fireball with a diameter of several hundred meters reflected the old face of the Flame Dragon God, showing a shocked expression!

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