Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 663 Gas life form, eh!

"From your description, it seems that Wuzi was possessed by a strange monster? It was the shadow she saw in the fog."

Tower of Mystery, 37th floor, in the legendary residence of the brave team, a young man with short fiery red hair analyzed, "And it sounds... a bit like weird talk about rules."

"Satisfy acting like a spoiled child three times, and her eyes will turn black. Let her fulfill one more wish, and she will turn back to the original..." Asuna gently put her hand on Yuzi's arm to comfort: "It's okay, everyone will help you." You find a way to recover.”

Wuzi was a little depressed: "I'm sorry for causing trouble to everyone. I can feel that there is another consciousness in my body, but it refuses to communicate with me. I also completely lost it when I was 'acting like a baby' and 'making a wish'. Control over the body.”

Negishi Yoshiyuki beside him also consoled him: "We will definitely have a way to get rid of this monster, Kiriko!"

He looked to the dozen or so people around him for help.

At this time, three hours have passed since Kiriko's situation on the 51st floor. The people around him are his trusted friends including Kirito Asuna, and Eugene Yugu and others are not included. Unfavorable judgment for Kiriko.

Wuzi's previous changes really frightened him and the other three people in the team.

The dark eyes and mouth were indescribably weird and ominous. If it weren't for Wuzi, he might have made the judgment that he needed to be shot.

It was relatively easy for Kiriko to recover. Just asking, "that thing" told himself the rules of making wishes. It changed back to its original state.

But there is such a thing in Wuzi's body, and he can't rest assured unless it is eradicated.

Everyone understood the situation and began to think in silence. Kirito and Asuna looked at each other and at the same time thought of a name - Ji Xing.

If it has that kind of health bar ability, is there a way to only kill monsters without hurting Kiriko?

But without knowing the danger...

"Eugeru, I want a glass of water."

At this moment, Wuzi suddenly spoke, causing the surrounding area to become silent, and even the sound of breathing disappeared.

coming? !

The one named ‘Eugeru’ is a young man with short red hair, who is from another attack team. Under normal circumstances, it would be impossible for Wuzi to ask for water if she wanted to. Is this "acting like a baby"?

Negishi Yoshiyuki looked over quickly, and Yujiro shook his head: "Okay, okay, I'm still thinking about what will happen if I don't cooperate. Since you are worried about hurting Kiriko, let's not try it now."

He walked to the kitchen next to him and got a glass of water for Kiriko. Kiriko didn't drink it, but continued: "Eugeru, I want a candy."

"Here, I happen to have it."

"Eugeru, I want a piece of paper."

When the paper was handed to Wuzi, everyone's eyes were fixed on her face, but no one saw the change process clearly. Just the moment Wuzi took the paper, she changed her face!

The black eyes and the pitch-black mouth could not be called scary, but they were indeed strange and abrupt.

Everyone was slightly vigilant, but Yugilu scratched his head with a headache: "You have to make a wish next, right? What can you make, but you can't also ask for a hug?"

Negishi Yoshiyuki's face turned slightly green: "Don't mess around, Yugiru, just ask for a candy."

"Wait a minute." At this time, another strong man with a goatee interrupted: "Only the person who satisfies her coquettishness can make a wish? How big is the range of wishes? Monster, I wish you to come out of Kiriko's body."

Everyone's eyes lit up and they looked at the 'blackened' Kiriko, but she gave no reaction. Yugiru repeated it again, but he was not 'satisfied' either.

"Ha, you are a pretentious guy." The strong man with a goatee smiled: "It seems that he is wise, but he is pretending to be mysterious and not communicating with us. Then you can't just satisfy the wish of kissing, hugging and eating sweets, right? What is this called making a wish? If it really exists If I have the ability... let me become the strongest player."

"Just now!" Negishi Yoshiyuki frowned.

This strong man with a goatee is named Fujino Kazunari. He is a fitness fanatic in the strategy team. In reality, he seems to be a fitness coach. He has always been proud of his physical strength and was the first to reach the extremely strong level, with the goal of becoming the strongest player.

But don’t mess around at this time! Whether it's hurting yourself or Wuzi...

Fortunately, Kiroko probably won't...


The girl's clear and sinister reply echoed, instantly making the room quiet again.

No way……

boom! !

The next moment, a powerful thought energy that he had never felt before swelled from Wuzi's body!

The eaves could not block it at all, forming a beam of light that surged into the sky, causing the players in the 37th-level town to look at each other in shock.

Negishi Yoshiyuki, Kirito and others who were around him were all shaken away in shock. Only Fujinoichi, who was left to make a wish, stood there and felt a huge power being continuously injected into his body!

The muscles are visibly expanding.

The spiritual power is obviously increasing.

After a brief daze, he drew out the information column in surprise and waved to those who looked at him in shock: "I'm fine! No, I'm fine!"

"Hahahaha, it's amazing!"

"It's like cheating?!"

"Extremely strong has reached level 4, and I will jump up to level 330,000 with experience! It's level 5!"

"Spiritual power is also improving, it's B-! It's going to be B-level soon, my God!! Hahaha~"

"I'm getting stronger! I'm really becoming the strongest!"

No way? ! Everyone was shocked. Looking at Wuzi again, the information column couldn't be a lie, so... the ability of this thing is so exaggerated? !

"Stop first! Just for a moment! Don't waste Kiriko's power!" Negishi Yoshiyuki shouted worriedly.

"It's okay, isn't this good?" Immersed in the pleasure of increasing strength, Fujino waved his hand casually, not noticing that a few white hairs had been added to his hair.

Kirito noticed it keenly, and his eyes narrowed slightly - it is impossible to improve without any cost, is it overdrafting the potential? !

Just as he was about to remind me, Fujino Kazuki's loud laughter rang out again: "I've reached level 10 of extreme strength. It seems I'm going to be upgraded to absolute strength! My spiritual power has also reached B+, and I'm about to beat Toguru Brother!"

Poof - as soon as he finished speaking, a blood mark suddenly appeared on the side of his upper arm, and a sharp pain hit him, causing his smile to falter slightly.

What's wrong? The next moment, the severe pain coming from blood vessels, internal organs, and muscles all over his body made his face distorted and he fell to the ground!

"Ah - it hurts!"

"as soon as?!"

Puff puff puff puff——

Blood spurted out, and Fujino suddenly became a bloody man. While wailing, the few senses he had left told him the reason, and he weakly shouted: "Stop! Okay! Okay! Enough! Full! What I want is the player. The strongest, the power you have now is already enough! Don’t, don’t want more!”

Kiriko (black) means you are not enough.

When Fujinoichi's strength level in the information column jumped to absolute strength (level 1), his spiritual power also reached A-level, and he suddenly shattered.

It was like a torn doll, with its broken flesh and blood and internal organs sprayed everywhere! The unbearable head rolled to the feet of Kirito who wanted to interrupt Kiriko, causing an instant silence in the room!

The powerful mental energy in Kiriko's body faded away, and her face finally returned to normal. She shook weakly. The moment she fell, she was caught by Negishi Yoshiyuki, who reacted, and fell into a coma.

"Dead right away?!"

"how so?"

"The body is broken into pieces like this, and the resurrection grass can't repair it. This bastard is messing around... How is Wuzi? Are you okay?!"

"That's not strengthening." Kirito, who had seen a lot of life and death, tried to calm down and said: "Have you noticed that Ichi looked like a middle-aged man in his 50s before he died? That was letting him overdraw his potential. Quickly gain the power of the future.”

"So... maybe the limit is extreme strength level 10 and spiritual strength B+? If you strengthen beyond the limit, it will end up being burst alive?"

"What an insidious and cunning monster! He clearly wants to be the strongest player, yet he keeps pushing him to pieces without stopping! With extremely strong strength of 10 and B+ spiritual power, he must be ahead of everyone!"

"Damn it, just..."

Everyone complained that he was acting recklessly, but they felt unworthy and confused because of his death.

Moreover, the abilities of this mysterious monster on the 51st floor seem to be a bit exaggerated...

"Something is watching me."

On the 49th floor of the Mysterious Tower, Ji Xing, who was sitting cross-legged on the bed practicing the Holy Mind Qi, felt a sense of being spied on and looked around in surprise.

Can't find the source?

Then it shouldn't be the players, but some special situation on the 56th floor? After clearing the 55th floor early in the morning, he only went up to the 56th floor for a short walk and then went home to practice instead of exploring further.

"The sense of prying eyes is gone. No, it's more like scanning than peeping."

Ji Xing walked out of the house and took a walk, but didn't notice anything strange. Just when he was about to return, the communication crystal rang.

As usual, it was Argo's.

The other party is holding a strategy group meeting again. Speaking of which, Argo rarely participated in strategy group meetings. It was only after Ji Xing gave her the information about Brother Toguro that the Treasure Rat Guild's presence was strengthened again, and after knowing 'Ji Xing is related to the mysterious team', and Argo will not miss the most cutting-edge information and intelligence.

It was not Argo who was speaking across the communication crystal, but the meeting was simply relayed to him.

After only hearing a few words, Ji Xing's eyes lit up: "Yes!" This is one of the five major disasters in the Dark Continent along with the immortal disease, a dependent body of desire, and a gas life form!

It is a strange life form that can attach itself to other people's bodies and bring about a second personality. It has the theoretically unlimited ability to fulfill other people's wishes and get back the corresponding price from those who act like a spoiled child later. Unexpectedly That girl named Kiriko will fall for it.

The situation is equivalent to that of Killua's younger brother (sister), Alluga who was imprisoned by the enemy Hakka! Among the five major disasters, Ji Xing is most interested in this kind of gas life angstrom!

According to Ji Xing's judgment, it is the ultimate embodiment of the oath and restriction of Nian ability, touching the regular life of Nian's origin! Even if it wasn't, it was still a carrier of rules that Ji Xing had never come into contact with - desire and wish.

After his Nian ability (human being) was raised to the limit, Ji Xing was also thinking about building a new ability while creating the Holy Nian Qi.

"If there is only one angstrom for research, new capabilities will probably be built very easily."

He listened carefully to the conversation in the communication crystal and quickly knew where Ai appeared.

The death of Fujino Kazuki probably had something to do with Ji Xing. The most powerful player was none other than Ji Xing.

If you make a wish to become the second strongest player, you might be able to realize your overdraft potential, but this wish is also a bit 'greedy'. When Kiriko wakes up, the next three acts of coquettishness will probably be very troublesome. When the situation is unclear, this player Too messy.

The goal of Argo contacting him should be to remind the 'mysterious team' to be careful, and also hope to get information from Ji Xing, and this is exactly the mutual benefit that Ji Xing wants from the players.

If he was asked to find it by himself, who knows how long it would take to find the 51st floor of Ai under unlucky circumstances. Without knowing it, it is not good to miss it permanently.

Now... Let’s go to the 51st floor first!

When the strategy team started discussing this, Ji Xing cut off the communication crystal, turned around and walked towards the transmission tower, teleporting to the 51st floor.

Monsters and monsters did not pose any threat to him, and the journey of Negishi Yoshiyuki's team in the morning was only 10 minutes for Ji Xing who was rushing at full speed.

The strategy team's meeting probably hadn't finished yet, when Ji Xing appeared near the trick point in the mist.

No fog was found in the surrounding area, and the Jixing field was expanded, and the acid spring that had been explored by the player was found first - he didn't pay attention to it at first, but if there is a nearby, then the spring water is likely to be liquid The source of Sanyuan water.

It is the original solution of all liquids, and what it will change into depends only on what you blend.

It showed 'sour', probably because Eugene accidentally stained it with sweat when he took it.

It has great research value and economic value. The liquid that was originally expensive and rare can be blended with it, and then purified, it can be increased out of thin air.

Ji Xing thought for a while, squatted down, and a few small balls of thought power rolled on the tip of his right finger, and fell into the Sanyuan water with a crackle.

There were only a few bubbles in the spring water.

"No response to Nian."

But there is.

The next moment, a strange mist suddenly spread around Ji Xing's body, and quickly reduced the visibility around him to extremely low!

Ji Xing's eyes were bright, and his sight was not affected in the slightest: "It turned out to be the fog that acts on the spirit, no wonder Yu couldn't catch it. When entering the fog, he had already been hit by Ai's trick, so Yoshiyuki Negishi and the others were in the middle of the fog. While the worms were parasitizing on the body of the mist, my sense of self broke through the mist."

He looked back and saw shadowy figures in the distance, a dozen beings with dark eyes and bodies made of gas that floated like ghosts.

Quite a few. Ji Xing smiled, but the next moment the smile froze slightly on his face.

The fog suddenly dissipated.

More than a dozen angstroms disappeared out of thin air!

"...What the hell?!"

"They made a wish for themselves to teleport?!"

"Where is Sanyuan Water? I don't want Sanyuan Water anymore? I don't want it for your home either?!"

"Don't be afraid, I'm a good person!"

"Come on and parasitize me!"

Looking at the empty forest, Ji Xing felt as if the autumn wind was sweeping away the fallen leaves.

Am I... scary?

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