Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 645 Ji Xing vs Ant King

"Oh? It's finally out."

A few kilometers away from the palace, since Ji Xing entered the palace, Nitro has been watching the palace with a high-powered telescope.

From the beginning of the night to the high hanging of the full moon, I finally waited for the movement. The one with brown-red skin and Ji Xing flying is the third one in the Ant King's direct escort, and the one with the white and blue wings and the deep aura on his body... must be the Ant King. king!

"This aura is really amazing." He praised: "It looks more than ten times stronger than mine with the naked eye, but it's a pity that it can only be addicted to the eyes."

"Hahaha, forget it, it will only be more interesting if you can make you, a playful old man, give up fighting the ant king. You are not a guy who cares about the overall situation." A loud laugh came from beside him.

At this moment, it was not the three of Kate who accompanied Netero, but a tall and strong man with a bun on the top of his head, a cross scar between his eyes, and a long black beard hanging down. to the chest.

It is Bijande Nitro, Nitro's son, one of the world's five great powers of thought!

He stretched out his hand to gently stroke his beard, his movements were 90% similar to Nitro's. Looking at the several figures in the distance, he said, "These guys don't know what they're dawdling about. Incompatible races of different races can go to war directly when they meet. It made me wait for several hours, but fortunately, it was not in vain."

"Probably chatting." Nitro said with a smile: "In Ji Xing's eyes, the Ant King should be more valuable for communication than those royal families and officials killed by him. How about it, compared to Yang De, it will take a while Do you want to say hello to Ji Xing?"

"Forget it." Bi Yangde laughed: "Because of Pariston and Journey to the West, I'm afraid he will kill me. If there is a destiny, let's meet in the Dark Continent! To be honest, although he is better than me Strong, but you did not allow me to go back then, but acquiesced and even supported him to go to the Dark Continent, I am still very unconvinced!"

"Oh~ then don't be convinced, I'll go first." Nitero waved his hand and said, "If you don't hurry up and keep up, you won't even have the chance to enjoy your eyesight."

He didn't stop Biyangde anymore, or this meeting was originally for Biyangde to break the oath of "Only death can explore the Dark Continent" for Biyangde. Because with the appearance of Ji Xing, the times have gradually changed.

Personal force overwhelms the big country, no one can stop Ji Xing's exploration of the dark continent, and when Ji Xing goes to the dark continent, the big country can only do one thing, keep up.

It's all so great now, if Ji Xing can harvest some good things from the Dark Continent, what's the deal? ——They will think so.

Therefore, the "Dark Continent Great Exploration Era" is coming! It's meaningless to press Biyang De again.

Perhaps this battle is the prologue.

As for the outcome of the battle, the father and son did not discuss and communicate from beginning to end. When Ji Xing survived from the red rose, he was already the pinnacle of insurmountable individual strength!


Owlyapf was nervous.

He clearly knew that this was wrong, and he knew that he should trust the Ant King completely, but as he got farther away from the capital of Dongguo Tuo, the tension in his heart became more difficult to restrain, and even turned into fear.

Under this fear, he had an impulse - in order to ensure victory, should Yupi and I make sacrifices first? As the guard directly under the king, it is a great dereliction of duty to only watch the king fight the enemy. Why don't we provide all our strength to the king before then!

"Puff, do you want to die?"

The ant king read the fear and thoughts, and said in an emotionless voice: "Junyi is a fair game, and I accept the handover in Go. In the third game, do you think I can win the third game?"


"I can feel your loyalty, so I tolerated it a few times, but this is the last time."


The last time in every way. Ji Xing, who was flying in the air while holding Mengtu Youpi's ankle with one hand, looked at them and pointed to the distance.

"Just right there."

The ant king then looked sideways, and saw that what Ji Xing was pointing at was a hilly area. Several sparsely forested and slightly desolate hills grew intertwined, forming a small valley around the center, and farther away, he could see the boundless The boundless ocean.

This place is not too far from the capital of the Eastern Godot Republic, and it is still within the borders of the country, which is the easternmost point, and hundreds of thousands of miles away from the sea is the dark continent where the chimera ants come from!

The Ant King had no objection to this position, and swooped down directly. The four figures were swept by the strong wind, and the falling speed was extremely fast. When flying a hundred meters above the 'battlefield', Ji Xing let go of Yupi's ankle.

The body is in free fall.

The Ant King speeds up his dive.

The two fell to the ground like two meteors one after the other, rumbling and shaking the ground!

Like an earth dragon tumbling, the deep cracks spread hundreds of meters away in an instant. As the two bursts of blazing white gold and deep dark purple qi erupted, the cracks spread deeper, and the roar sounded in the air!

Its real impact and coercion that can shatter the liver and gallbladder caused Xiaoyapf and Mengtu Youpi in the air to scatter in two directions.

During the screams, the birds resting in the sparse trees around were also frightened, and even the unintelligent insects and ants seemed to feel fear, and merged into a black river and rushed to the distance.

The entanglement of the two qi became more and more tight, gradually intertwined and expanded, and finally burst!

The rifting air rushed over the surrounding hills like a tide, uprooting the dead trees and small trees, and the leaves of the big trees rustled into tornadoes!

Ji Xing's Qi sputtered further away, and his right hand also raised up.

The Ant King only felt a strange feeling shrouded in his body, and looked up at the top of his head with awareness, and saw that there was a blood strip about half a meter on it, followed by the number '100'!

And above Ji Xing's head, there was the same thing.

"Let's brighten the blood bar - heads-up mode."

Ji Xing said to the Ant King: "It can only be used against opponents whose threat level is within 3, and enters into a fair duel where both sides have an initial blood volume of 100. In this state, our attacks are harmful to others and other people's attacks are We'll all have significant nerfs, only to each other at full strength.

We will feel pain, but we will not be disabled, and we will not die on the spot until the blood volume is emptied to zero, and we will not even leave behind our thoughts after death. "

With Ant King's comprehension ability, coupled with his knowledge of games from the books he read, he instantly understood the rules of Ji Xingnian's ability.

He stretched out his right hand, and the dark purple mind energy gathered in his palm, and suddenly turned into a beam of laser cannons and shot out, spanning a thousand meters in an instant, rumbling and smashing the top of a small mountain!

"This is my ability to read."

"It turned out to be a radiation system. I thought that with your physical ability, it must be an enhancement system."

The Ant King was obviously unwilling to accept Ji Xing's concession, and demonstrated to Ji Xing what he could have hidden.

And this was the last exchange before the war.

When their eyes met again, their figures disappeared in an instant!

The explosion at that moment was more than twice the speed of sound, which could not be caught by the naked eye. Only three slow explosions could be heard in the air, and the surrounding mountains were cracked by air cannons to create a bunch of shell craters, filled with sand and dust Only then did the figures of Ji Xing and Ant King reappear.

I saw Ji Xing grasping the tail of the ant king's swing with his left hand, and his right leg was lifted up and down by the ant king's arms. The land they were on was like a road roller, with a diameter of about fifty meters The discus kept dropping, bang, bang, bang, making the ground keep sinking!

As the Ant King said, he is the strongest individual who represents the entire chimeric ant colony. He is born with a body that can smash mountains with fists. When he clenched his face until his face became a bit ferocious, the arms supporting Ji Xing's right leg were still stretched up little by little, and his hands were able to open from the fist.

So it was in a cross state, and two strong shock waves of thought power condensed in the palm of the hand!

At the same time, the Qi on Ji Xing's body stretched like a flowing fire, writing the word'human' behind him!

"6-5-1, ride a horse, lead the army first."

The words suddenly uttered from Ji Xing's mouth startled the Ant King.

The scarlet pupils froze slightly.

In his perception, the shell craters that were exploded by the two collisions three times earlier burst out with invisible energy at this moment, as if colluding together to form a military instrument board, and he and Ji Xing are both on this board Two pawns!

"Xi Lv Lv~!"

The long and powerful neigh seemed to come from Ji Xing's abdomen when his muscles swelled and rubbed against the air, or his internal organs wriggled. In a blur, the opponent in front of him seemed to turn into a galloping horse, heading towards him with an indomitable spirit!


The sound was much louder than before, like a thunderclap, and Ji Xing, who bent over and leaned forward at the speed of light, crushed the ant king's chest with an elbow.

In an instant, the extremely penetrating thoughts pierced into the Ant King's flesh and blood, bringing him a severe pain that he had never experienced since his birth!

The half-charged air cannon slanted across Ji Xing's body, instantly plowing the ground into two abyssal rifts, while the figure of the Ant King flew upside down and blasted through a hill a kilometer away!


Far up in the sky, Pufu and Youpi, who were watching the battle here, were about to burst into tears. Fortunately, in the next moment, a figure was flapping its wings and flew back to Ji Xing in the crumbling hill.

But they didn't get much comfort, because the blood bar is the most intuitive. In the first collision just now, Ji Xing only lost 1 drop of blood, but Ant King lost 7 drops. It was a clear loss!

"Military instrument?" Hovering at a low altitude of three meters in front of Ji Xing, Ant King asked as if confirming.

"When a skill is mastered to its peak, you can break the limit." Ji Xingdao: "Unlike the wheat that breaks the limit independently, I break it through my own mind ability. And the chess game is like a battlefield, and the limit-breaking military instrument , can naturally be used for fighting."

His arms are slightly parted, as soft as wicker being blown by the wind, the flow of thought flows, and the invisible 19*19 chessboard is centered on two people!

"Go?" The Ant King glanced over.

Human creativity is truly amazing.

But in the collision just now, I already know that your strength and defense are not as good as mine. Without the protection of a tough carapace, even if my attack misses, a drop of your blood will be deducted!

And now, who is playing chess with you? !

The ant king's figure was slightly hollowed out, and he pressed his palms down, the air cannon fired repeatedly!

Boom boom boom——

Under the astonishing magnanimity and relentless squandering, the dark purple filled the world!

Like the intensive bombing of missiles.

It's like continuous thunder.

The violent blow instantly covered a radius of several thousand meters, and everything was swallowed by this indiscriminate blow!

Relying on Yuan, who was also at the 'domain' level, the Ant King knew that Ji Xing hadn't been hit by any blow, and that figure was moving left and right in the torn ground with dexterity, not even being hit by the aftermath.

But I will not give up the advantage of flying, so after five seconds, you will lose your foothold, should you break through to the distance, or plan a counterattack? Both are the same, and will let me find your flaws!

As soon as the Ant King made such a calculation, he sensed something subtle in the air!

In the next moment, he only felt the faint fluctuations of Ji Xing's thought power coming from the four directions of front, back, left, and right, and four 19*19 chessboards were lined up in the air, wrapping it in the center!

'Is it the splashed sand? ! '

buzz buzz --

The stars light up.

On the chessboard scattered in the air, a large number of tiny mind balls light up between the grids.

'Calculating the confluence of the aftermath of my constant bombing, accurately calculating which sand will fall where and at what time, and leaving his own Qi hidden in it, how strong is this guy? computing power? ! '

Shocked by the exaggerated gap, the ant king didn't delay for a moment, no longer just released the air in his palms, but opened all the fine pores of his body with all his strength. In an instant, his whole body seemed to be transformed into a huge gun barrel, and the shock waves condensed around him indiscriminately!

And around it, a golden light stepped across the four floating chessboards like a meteor, pulled out a dazzling tail sound, and cut towards the ant king's back spine with boundless sharpness!

"White chess, the 79th move, break, kill the dragon!"

The pure gold execution knife is out of its sheath!

The ant king was cut into an afterimage in an instant.

If it weren't for the ability to brighten the blood bar, this blow would have been enough to cut open his flesh and let the Ant King's blood spill on the ground, but at this moment it was just one bullet, which brought another severe pain to the Ant King, causing him to sink himself as a cannonball. The battered land below!

All surrounding mountains collapsed.

Like a gigantic beast that had been sleeping for thousands of years turning over underneath, the sound of cracking and roaring could be heard for hundreds of miles, and Ji Xing's body fell to the ground smoothly, taking advantage of the momentum.


Obviously the destruction caused by his own impact has not yet ended, the ant king who violently tore through the ground has already waved his hands and tore at Ji Xing, but was blocked by Ji Xing, and the impact destroyed the surrounding land again!

After the two games of chess, Ji Xing's remaining blood volume is 97 drops, and Ant King's is... 81!

Absolute disadvantage!

He lost interest in communication, whether he said he became angry from embarrassment or refused to accept it, the aura in his body became extremely violent and dark, mixed with hand-to-hand combat and air cannon, and launched a stormy attack on Ji Xing, without stopping !

Ji Xing also stopped playing chess with him, and the impact with the Ant King sounded while the blade was dancing.

The mountains were turned into plains by the two.

It became a canyon and mountain again!

The coverage area became wider and wider, until the sound of crashing waves came to the ears, and the sunken canyon brought in the ocean currents that were originally tens of miles away, and the two of them stopped for a short time.

"King!!" Pufu and Yupi's mournful roar echoed through the heaven and earth again.

Pufu in the sky that day screamed with despair, tears streaming down his face: "Please stop!"

The ant king was silent, and looked at the blood bar above Ji Xing's head. It was a little shorter, and there were 90 drops left.

Look up at yourself again, 10 drops!

Can't win.

There is no reason to look for, and there is no way to pretend to be any factors. He didn't have too many emotional fluctuations in the battle. In fact, he had already determined the outcome of the battle after the "two games of chess".

Just like military instruments and go, you can't win in the game, simply, you can't win in the game.

With similar strength, his own stronger defensive power did bring him an advantage, but his calculation power was too far away, just like the competition between a national player and a novice, he was crushed from beginning to end.

This feeling of powerlessness is disgusting, and the proud chimera ant king is also very angry.

But what can I do?

10 drops of blood versus 90 drops of blood.

This gap is not unwilling to be filled.

The king of humans is indeed stronger than the king of chimeric ants! It is meaningless to feel humiliated by the previous self-confidence, and to be unwilling to fulfill the mission of being an ant king!

After a brief silence, he acknowledged this reality, and said in a low voice: "Humans, we have won."

"It's just that I beat you."

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