Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 626 Ant's Enlightenment

Coming to participate in the Olympia Fighting Conference, on the one hand, Ji Xing is collecting starlight, and on the other hand, he wants to give people who are looking for him a clear target location, waiting for the people from the v5 secret service department that Jin said.

The first goal was perfectly completed. After one day and one night, Ji Xing's five-star lighting progress increased by a full 15%. above 50.

But he didn't expect that Ah Jun would call for help.

After listening to Ajun's flustered narration, without thinking at all, normal people can find a common doubt - why is Ajun still alive?

The third prince of the Bergerose United Nations was killed, the Secret Service, the prince's guard, and Ajun's bodyguard were all killed, and even the servants of the manor were all silenced. As a result, no one noticed the tragedy of the manor overnight, except Ah Jun is alive.

If it is to frame the blame, this kind of method is too rough. Is it because the side of the shot wants Bergrose and the United Nations to anger Ah Jun? Internal power struggle? The audacity of a rival gangster organization? Or……

"You came after me?"

"The goal is to get me involved?"

But he was killed when he came to this city and was about to meet him the next day. Ji Xing had to think more about it, but what was the point?

He pondered for a while, then looked up at Ah Jun, whose hair was disheveled and even had uncleaned blood on his ear, and said, "With the excitement of the Sky Arena, the picture of you coming in like this, or even looking for me, is probably distorted." It was filmed."

"Th-those guys don't dare to report news about me indiscriminately." Ah Jun paused for a moment, gritted his teeth and said, "I definitely dare not!"

"The wall is falling and everyone is pushing. The assassination of the third prince of the Bergerose United Nations is probably a big news that cannot be covered up. At that time, you will naturally focus on you and mention my recent traffic code."

Ah Jun hesitated again, after understanding what Ji Xing meant, his expression became flustered again.

"Lord Ji Xing, I didn't, I didn't intend to cause you any trouble! It's just... just the only thing I can think of right now is that you might be able to save me!

The crime of assassinating Prince Jessway is too great! Although anyone with a discerning eye can see that it has nothing to do with me, but...but...many people won't care about burying me and the Bilstein family! "

They didn't mean to get me involved, they really panicked under the attack. When people fall into the water, they always grab the straw subconsciously. After confirming this, Ji Xing stood up and said, "Then go clean it, and take me to the scene to see."

"...Yes!" Ah Jun exclaimed ecstatically, "Lord Ji Xing, if you can save my life this time, Ah Jun will never fail to obey you if you have an assignment in the future!"


A few minutes later, Ah Jun drove Ji Xing to the private estate where the tragedy happened.

The manor is not far from the Sky Arena. It is located in the outskirts of the city, and it is more than half an hour's drive away.

On the way, Ah Jun recounted everything that happened yesterday in detail, and extended to the reason why he brought the third prince here three days ago. In his words, he described the third prince's admiration for Ji Xing.

Ji Xing had a general impression of the murdered Prince Jessway, and asked, "The tenth old man's assassination has something to do with you, right?"

"...Yes." Ajun only hesitated for a moment, and replied honestly: "Those killers attacked me first, and asked where the ten old man was, but after I found out... I didn't remind in time. So if you talk to me Related, I admit."

"I can see that you are quite dissatisfied with ten old man when we first met. Why?" Ji Xing asked.

Ajun said silently: "I didn't expect you to see it long ago. Because of the Youkexin Auction, don't you think that the Youkexin Auction will make us gangster families ridiculous? For the honor of the family, let's disperse Family property, even borrowing to auction some unused things at a premium, it seems that this can become a proof of the strength of the family.

It's a game, a money-gathering game planned by ten old men, most of the wealth is collected by the ten old man's family through the annual auction, and we gangsters can only plunder the wealth with more ruthless and despicable means, To bully those weak and innocent ordinary people. "

"You're kind-hearted?" Ji Xing shook his head.

"Not really..." Ah Jun took a deep breath, and his mood seemed to calm down a bit: "It's like now, apart from fear in my heart, it's actually more anger. It has nothing to do with me, it has nothing to do with the Bierstein family. It doesn't matter, but I want to save myself desperately, because in the eyes of those big shots, no matter how big the gangster is, it's just an ant that can be crushed to death.

When you are in a good mood, you can pick up an ant on the side of the road to play with, or even reward a piece of bread crumbs. When you are in a bad mood, you can trample a passing ant to death.

I hate being an ant, and I don't get excited about bullying ants, that's about it. "

Ji Xing smiled: "It's impressive for me to say such words from your mouth."

"Maybe it's about to die." Ah Jun laughed and said, "To be honest, I'm really surprised that you agreed to go to the scene with me so readily, and there's nothing to hide."

"Ready to die?"

"Ants must have the consciousness of ants." Ah Jun said: "But I will do my best to survive!"

After a while, the car stopped near the manor in the suburbs. Before getting out of the car, Ah Jun's face changed drastically, because someone opened the gate of the manor that he closed when he left.


Getting out of the car in a hurry, before he could say hello to Ji Xing, Ah Jun hurriedly ran into the manor, but was stopped within a few steps.

"Stop! What are you doing?!"

The two people who stopped him with guns on their waists were law enforcement officers similar to the police in the Batokia Republic. Ah Jun looked on tiptoe and saw other people carrying the corpse on a stretcher to the transport truck in the distance. He gritted his teeth and said: " I am the master here, who told you to come here?!"

"Master?" The expressions of the two law enforcement officers changed, and they held the guns in their hands immediately: "Are you aware of the fight that happened here? Just in time, we are checking the identity of the deceased, come with us!"

asshole! Ji Xing didn't inspect the site, and you destroyed it? !

For these law enforcement officers, Ah Jun is not afraid at all. In his capacity, these guys are nothing more than ants. He gritted his teeth and looked back at Ji Xing, and one of the two law enforcement officers pointed his gun at Ji Xing who came from behind.

Ji Xing raised his head: "Go and have a look."

The two were "escorted" inside, and soon saw a middle-aged man with a slightly fat body and a certain position, who was called the captain by two law enforcement officers.

"Is the owner of this manor?" The middle-aged captain said: "A serious case involving 17 lives has occurred here. If you appear at this time, I have the right to suspect that you are the murderer. Come with us!"

"Who reported the crime to you?!" Ah Jun clenched his fists tightly: "Break into my private estate without a search warrant. Even if there is a homicide, I can still skin you, bastard!"

The middle-aged captain dodged his eyes for a moment, and snorted: "Pray first that you have nothing to do with the murder case!"

"Did you receive the report within two hours?" Ji Xing put his hand on Ah Jun's shoulder who wanted to talk again.

The middle-aged captain was startled, and wanted to say 'You have no right to ask me', but Ji Xing shook his head and said, "Oh, no. That was yesterday? Not the day before yesterday? Well, this time it was right. "

"What happened last night, you knew about it the day before yesterday. You were in contact with the attackers? Yes. You were with them? No? That is, you only knew that there was a cleaning thing to do two days ago? Well, close Money to do things, oh, I really got money."

Following Ji Xing's self-questioning, the middle-aged captain's expression gradually became astonished, and there was a touch of panic in his eyes: "You...?!"

"You don't know the situation here, you don't know the identity of the attacker, you don't know anything? That's right."

Ji Xing turned to Ajun and said, "You have an inner ghost among your people. I knew two days ago that you would place the third prince of Bergerose and the United Nations here. The guy in front of me is just a guy who collects money and has no inside information. As far as I know, just wait for you to wake up and leave this morning, and then bring someone to destroy the scene here."

Ah Jun froze for a moment, and realized that the money-greedy guy in front of him was the most peripheral and unknowing liquidator who was used by those attackers!

The middle-aged captain was also stunned, what... the third prince of the Bergerose United Nations? Isn't it just a group of illegal traders who eat black? !

boom! boom!

At this moment, two gunshots rang out, and the angry Ajun broke the legs of the middle-aged captain directly, causing him to fall down with a howl.

All the team members around were startled, they pointed their guns at Ah Jun, but they only felt a tightness in their chests, they were hit by a small bullet, and they all fell to the ground unconscious.


The howling captain was terrified, but Ah Jun ignored him, only nodded to Ji Xing gratefully, and ran quickly to the inside of the mansion.

After entering, he felt a little desperate. The dozens of corpses that had fallen in various places had been removed, even part of the blood had been cleaned up, and the rest was messed up by various footprints.

And the damage of the wall tiles is not like the original one, a lot of them were placed and sampled, and what's even worse is that some expensive decorations were taken away directly!

"Damn! I was too panicked this morning! I should have asked some people to stay nearby! Damn it!"

Ah Jun cursed a few words, then turned around dejectedly: "I'm sorry, Master Ji Xing, the attackers came prepared, such a scene... can you see anything else?"

"It's possible." Ji Xing closed his eyes: "Existence means traces, smell, magnetic field, thoughts, if they didn't burn this place down, the attacker made a mistake."

Ah Jun was taken aback, thinking about how Ji Xing had figured out the captain's situation just now by asking and answering himself, a huge hope arose in his heart.

Ordinary people can't do anything about it, but in front of this person, maybe there is still a way? !

After a lot of contact with the ability of mind, Ah Jun felt an invisible aura expanding from Ji Xing's body in the next moment. When it swept across his body, he felt a sense of being seen through everything, shooting through the entire house.

Criss-crossing footprints.

Traces of the bomb attack.

Blood and saliva mixed in the screams.

All the scenes of last night seemed to be repeated in Ji Xing's domain. After a while, he opened his eyes, walked a few steps and said, "You fell here last night?"

Ah Jun held his breath and looked around: "It should be... yes, it should be! This is it!"

The anticipation in his heart was even stronger, Ji Xing nodded and said: "There are about six attackers, at the level of the Phantom Brigade. The strongest person who knocks you out from behind is the one who released the ability to link thoughts.

It is not tall, about 1.5 meters, and it tiptoes slightly when hitting the back of your head. The outline is thin, it should be the shape of a little girl, the feet are estimated to be only about 31 yards, but the strength is very strong, far above all the hosts except me, and no one in the Phantom Troupe can compare, at least half of the 17 people are her So there should not be many such people. "

Huh? Why is it a bit like Bisji? Fortunately, he is a person with the ability to release thoughts.

Ah Jun's eyes gradually widened following what Ji Xing said, how did he do it? I didn't even see what the attacker looked like!

Soon he said ecstatically: "Enough! This is enough! Thank you so much, Master Ji Xing!"

"Is it enough?"

"Hmm!" Ah Jun gritted his teeth and said, "I have spent so much money and fed so many people in Begrose for so many years, if there is no clue to kill me to vent my anger, it's fine, but if you provide clues, can you kill me?!

Ants can also gnaw and kill elephants, it's too much, don't blame me for dragging them to die together! "

3k4, the next chapter will be late.

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