Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 625 Assassination and the Queen

March 30.

This was the opening day of the Olympia Fighting Conference, but the audience who gathered for this event felt as if they had traveled through time.


"The winner of this year has not been played yet?!"

"Then what are we doing here?!"

"I finally bought the tickets!"

"Shadow! Refund!"

Unsurprisingly, such a situation made people buzz and the audience was restless, but the commentator CoCo was also a person who was used to seeing big scenes, so he carried out the next explanation and introduction in a calm manner.

"It is all the remaining 14 contestants who support Master Ji Xing to become the winner of the conference! They recognized the strength of Master Ji Xing, and each of them recorded a video under the supervision of the referee of the Sky Arena. If there is anyone Viewers who have doubts about fairness can apply to watch!

Also, don't worry everyone! In response to this situation, Sky Arena negotiated with the 14 hosts, and there will be a 'play-off match', so everyone can still enjoy the wonderful battle!

The rules of the play-offs will be published on the official website of the Sky Arena later, and will be scrolled regularly on all the broadcast screens. Now, let the winner, the new "highest building owner" season star, follow the scene, in front of the broadcast screen, on TV All audience friends in front of the plane, say hello! "

When Ji Xing's figure appeared on the broadcast screen, the restless audience finally calmed down, it's not as if they didn't watch the game.

And... shady?

As long as they are sane, no one would think that there will be a shady scene in this kind of thing, why?

Not to mention the twelve branches of the Hunter Association, even the princes of a big country are not worthy of the reputation of Sky Arena for hundreds of years, and they can't let 14 prestigious hosts actively cooperate, right?

But this situation is indeed the first time in the history of the Sky Arena, so... the man in front of him has the power to subdue all the hosts, and even make them unable to give birth to a challenge?

If you think about it carefully, it's really scary!

"Hi everyone, I'm Ji Xing, I'm very glad to be recognized by all the hosts..."

So when Ji Xing's voice spread, the atmosphere returned to enthusiasm, and the audience who had long believed that Ji Xing would be the winner erupted in proud cheers, as if they were the winner.

In the following day, the other 14 posters also caught each other two by two, presenting a total of seven wonderful battles to the audience, but it was still far from the news that Ji Xing won the conference without fighting.

This is Ji Xing's second "famous world" since the solo Phantom Brigade. Compared with the last time, it was spread more among people who have the ability to read and have intersections with people who have the ability to read, this time Benefiting more ordinary people!

In the sky arena where 1 billion people enter and exit every year, the popularity of the Olympia Fighting Conference is almost equivalent to that of the Olympic Games. There are at least one billion people who will pay attention to this matter. The strongest in the world!

There was indeed a similar episode. Someone added the introduction of "the strongest in the world" to the season star entry in Wikipedia, but it was deleted by the management within a few hours.

This also sparked heated discussions.

On the Internet's hot search list that day, Ji Xing himself occupied three of the top five, namely 'Olympia Fighting Championship Winner Ji Xing', 'How strong is Ji Xing', and 'World's Strongest Man'.

The 14 hosts were naturally chased and interviewed, but they were all stopped by the security personnel of the Sky Arena, leaving the camera with an indescribable expression or shaking their heads at most, and these images were also disassembled and studied by countless people.

Nitro, who had already left the Sky Arena, browsed the news for half a day, blowing his beard and sighing.

"A guy who makes people love and hate...a character that is difficult to grasp, how can I make him willingly fight with me?"

The day of "challenging others as a challenger" that he has been looking forward to for decades has finally arrived, but he never imagined that he, the world-renowned president of the Hunter Association, has to start with getting the challenge qualification!


In the middle of the night, a private spaceship flies to the city where the sky arena is located.

'Everyone is exploring Ji Xing's strength, but why no one pays attention to his age? 20 years old, yes, he just turned 20! In many countries, this is just coming of age! '


'So the author's point of view is that maybe Ji Xing is still hard to call the world's strongest now, and there may be more powerful young martial arts masters who have not participated in the competition in the Sky Arena, but time is on Ji Xing's side, and he will change. Get stronger!

Five years later, ten years later, he may become the well-deserved strongest in the world, and have the opportunity to occupy this strongest throne for decades, and even leave behind a powerful martial arts school to promote the progress of martial arts in the entire world!

If you want to know why Ji Xing is so powerful, please click the link below...'

A young man with blond hair and a handsome face read a soft promotional article with a sunny smile and said with a smile: "It's amazing, everyone is talking about this man we are going to visit."

Beside him, sitting a middle-aged man with a square face, stiff muscles, and a joyful smile, is the organizer of the auction in Youkexin City, the leader of the Bilstein family, Ajun!

"Yes, Master Ji Xing is indeed not an ordinary person. You have never seen the site of the battle between him and the Phantom Brigade. The valley looks like it has been bombed by missiles. It is hard to imagine what kind of battle can cause such a battle. trace."

In the past six months, Ah Jun has been in high spirits. Of course, the death of ten old men does not mean the demise of the gang family led by ten people. It is still the most powerful gang in ten families, but it will inevitably fall into internal entanglements and chaos in unexpected situations.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, and with the convenience of "knowing Ji Xing", the Bilstein family has beautifully occupied a large piece of land in the shuffle of the gangsters. If the new ten old man is elected again, Ah Jun will definitely have a chance to compete and have a chance. Great hope to sit in that position!

But at this time, he was sitting in the second seat with him, smiling all over his face.

Just because the blond young man next to him is the third prince of the V5 power, the Bergerose United Nations!

His name is Jessway Bergerose, and he has won countless fans in China because of his handsome appearance and good manners of conversation. He is a strong contender for the next king. For the Erstein family, this is the day that must be pleased.

It is also easy to guess the purpose of Prince Jessway's trip. Half a year ago, because Ji Xing entered the game of Greed Island, the Secret Service Section of the United Nations in Bergerose was in vain. This time, after hearing that Ji Xing appeared in the Sky Arena, the third prince Please lead the team yourself!

Fortunately for Ah Jun, this third prince was indeed as famous as he was, easy to get along with, exuding an approachable aura.

Such a person becoming a king should be a good thing for the development of the gang? He even has the heart to take advantage of the opportunity to seek refuge, but it is not a simple decision to intervene in the throne dispute.

So they were polite, chatting about Ji Xing all the way, the spaceship finally landed at the airport of the target city at 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

A row of black cars had long been lined up to welcome them. This was Arjun's arrangement.

"Your Highness, Third Prince, the night is getting dark, and I have already arranged a place for you. As for the master Ji Xing in the sky arena, I will also send someone to notify you. Do you think you will meet the master Ji Xing tomorrow morning or noon?" ?”

Prince Jessway smiled and shook his head: "I said it was a visit, not a meeting. Tomorrow tomorrow I will go to the sky arena to visit Master Ji Xing, please ask Chief Ajun for some convenience."

Ah Jun was startled: "Yes, I will arrange it!"

In a short while, black cars drove away from the airport, all the way to the private property of the Bierstein family in this city, a single-family luxury manor.

The manor had been cleaned up long ago, and under the guidance of the waiters waiting outside, Ah Jun invited the third prince and people from the Secret Service into the mansion.

"Haha, coincidentally, I asked my father to buy this place when I was young so that I could watch Sky Arena games. But at that time, my temperament was unstable, and my interests often changed. I went to other cities after only a few days. I haven't let it go all these years. The maintenance and cleaning is probably to welcome His Royal Highness."

Ah Jun smiled and explained to the third prince, but when he was about to lead him to the elevator, he suddenly saw two members of the United Nations Secret Service Section of Bergrose showing vigilance, half guarding in front of the third prince.


"Prince beware!"

Um? Ah Jun and the third prince were taken aback at the same time, seeing the third prince looking at him, Ah Jun suddenly turned pale and looked around: "What's going on?! Livermore!"

The name he called was one of his bodyguards with telekinetic ability, similar to his status as a butler, he had already come here to stand by.

His answer was a bang.

And a corpse thrown from upstairs!


Ah Jun's face changed in horror, but the third prince remained calm. He saw that it was not Ah Jun who was causing trouble, so he just laughed lowly: "Are you coming again? You really didn't bother to chase me so far!"

Obviously, he has been assassinated more than once or twice, and at this time he only felt that the other party was extremely unwise. Because at this moment, in addition to his own bodyguards, he also has experts from the secret service department and Ah Jun's bodyguards available, making it several times harder to kill than before!

The next moment, there was a bang, and the circuit of the mansion was cut off, and the bright lights turned into blindness in an instant!

"His Royal Highness! Be careful!"

"Please don't move around, follow us! Protect His Royal Highness, get out of here first!"

"I know, don't mess around! A group of sneaky villains can't hurt me at all!"

The people from the secret service department and the third prince's bodyguards immediately made arrangements to guard the third prince and move to the exit of the mansion. Ajun also waved his arms and shouted: "Protect the third prince! Use flashlights and mobile phones to illuminate!"

There was a bang bang bang bang in the chaos, and Ah Jun swallowed nervously. In fact, he really wanted to shout "protect me", but he couldn't.

damn it! Who is so daring to attack His Royal Highness, the third prince of the Bergerose United Nations in my territory? ! Don't let me catch you alive, or I will show you what hell is!


In the next moment, Ah Jun, who was terrified in his heart, suddenly had a sharp pain in the back of his head, his body froze, and he fell to the ground, his consciousness sank into darkness in panic.

"Ajun leader?!"

Amidst the exclamations of the bodyguards, a little girl wearing earphones and wearing white flowers on her head stood aside expressionlessly, her powerful thoughts burst out: "The battle preparation is complete."

After that, the screams continued!

Time passed by, and the first ray of sunlight in the morning of March 31 shone on the manor, and Ah Jun, whose head was stained red with blood, squirmed a bit.

Slowly regained consciousness.

"My head hurts...Damn it...why..." Ah Jun, who was half upright, suddenly recalled what happened last night, and smelled a strong smell of blood in his nose.

Looking around in horror, there are only corpses in sight: "Louis? Roger?!"

Suddenly caught a ray of gold in his sight, Ah Jun's pupils shrank suddenly, he staggered to his feet and rushed over, shaking the bloody water on the ground with his big feet.

"Prince Jasway? The third prince?!"

Turning over the third prince who was prone on the ground, Ah Jun sniffed with trembling arms, and then fell down on the ground.

"Dead... how could this happen?!"

"It's over... I'm done..."

"Bilstein's house is over!"

"No, no! No!!"

He gritted his teeth and took out his phone. He wanted to dial a few numbers but canceled them one after another. "Catch the murderer! I still have a chance to catch them! Who...who can..."

The panicked eyes suddenly froze.

An hour later, on the 251st floor of the Sky Arena, Ji Xing received an internal call from the arena: "Master Ji Xing, there is a person named..."

"It's me! It's me, Master Ji Xing! I'm Ah Jun! Please help me!"

Ji Xing frowned slightly.

"Bring him up."


At the same time, thousands of miles away.

In a coastal cave.

The monster with a height of more than two meters, first tentacles, and three-jointed sickle legs is slowly waking up.

But as soon as the right arm pushed hard, the 'hand' broke off and fell off. The severe pain made it lie down again, breathing hard, and the two tentacles twitched.

"This is where?"

"I... survived?"

It's the chimera ant, also known as the ant queen of the chimera ants, whose colony has just experienced a catastrophe.

One of their natural enemies, a dozen or so giant-beaked birds are eyeing the newborn colony, and the soldier ants are hunted, killed and devoured. No matter where they flee, they cannot escape those flying natural enemies.

Finally, before it successfully gave birth to the ant king representing hope and strength, it was also swallowed.

Its hard shell and strong unwillingness and desire to survive allowed it to survive in the stomach of the bird-shaped giant beak, and continued to devour and gnaw its internal organs, making the bird-shaped giant-beaked bird feel crazy in severe pain How far the earth has flown.

It only knew that when he finally killed the damn bird, he and the bird's body should have fallen into a strange ocean together.

"Did it drift to this place?"

"The body... seems to have grown a lot, is it because I ate up that damn bird?"

But those are not important.

It leaned on the wall with its left hand, slowly got up, and walked towards the beach step by step.

"The injury is too serious, I have to find a way to recover quickly, I still have a mission to complete!"

"I must give birth to the 'King'!"

Short and powerless 4k words.

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