"Moses Moses, I'm Pariston."

In a detached mansion, Pariston, the vice president of the Hunter Association and the twelve 'mouse', dialed the phone with a hearty and handsome smile.

"Ah, there is one thing I think I need to inform Master Biyangde. A new member has just joined the Twelve Branches."

He said in a light and cheerful tone: "No, it's not that someone died or was replaced, it's the 13th member of the 12th team. His real name is 'Xiang Sidibe', and his current identity is 'Crack Cuquan Jixing', he is the Sky Arena The new landlord on the 245th floor just passed the non-examination method to join the Hunter Association. Chairman Nitro personally assessed him, and then invited him to join the Twelve Branches.

According to the description of the Xiezhuan hunter who often goes to the Sky Arena, this landlord who has just turned 19 may not have won the favor of President Nitero in any way, but simply... very powerful. "

The full name of Bijande on the other side of the phone is Bijande Nitro, the biological son of President Nitro, but the relationship between the father and son is somewhat delicate.

Not hostility, just different ideas.

Billand is eager to explore the unknown and explore the Dark Continent, but President Nitero is worried that Billand will bring back the unknown danger from the Dark Continent, so he puts a restriction on Billand that "before he dies, he is not allowed to go to the Dark Continent" .

Bijande may wish Nitro to die early, but he and his father are by no means enemies.

Hearing Pariston's words, there was silence on the other side of the phone for a while, and suddenly there was a burst of bold laughter: "Okay, I see!"

Pariston's smile became brighter, and he said, "In addition, the animals chosen by Lie Cu Quan Ji Xing are also a little...no, very unique."


The Twelve Branches of the Hunter Association is the top level of the Hunter Association. It is composed of 12 hunters whose strength has been approved by the president. In addition to the fact that the president will hand over the affairs of the association to them when something happens, Nitro often calls them to play with him.

Their names are derived from the twelve zodiac signs, from the mouse, the ugly ox, to the dog, the pig, and the pig.

Because they worship the president from the bottom of their hearts, except for Zishu and Haizhu, the other ten people will even change their appearance and moves according to their titles. For example, Shenhou looks like a monkey.

"Yeah, the 13th person, there is no zodiac to choose, what did he choose? The closest cat?"

"not human'."

Pariston's pronunciation became a little more serious.

"The animal he chose was 'human'."


A certain dense forest.

The burly man with afro stomped the unconscious poacher under his feet, suddenly felt the vibration of his mobile phone, and took it out to check. He has a pair of goat horns, and his identity is Yintai, the "Weiyang" among the twelve branches, and he is a powerful two-star poaching hunter.

"Hey, how can there be 13 people in 12 teams?!"

"However... since it is the president's decision, it must be reasonable."

"I don't know when the Twelve Branches will regroup and meet new members... er, people?"

A girl's room decorated in pink.

A girl wearing a pair of rabbit ears lay on the bed with her legs crossed, addicted to mobile games.

Seeing the text message pop-up window, Pijorn raised his eyes and couldn't help but let out a little gasp: "President Nitero is messing around again, what is it—human?"

"Sounds like a very boring guy, why not a cat?"

A hospital clinic.

The eyes of the gentle girl "Xugou" Qiduo with dog ears and nose flashed thoughtful thoughts.

"13 people? The chairman is playing again."

"People... people? Well, there must be another guy in the association who can't guess his mind."

When ordinary people choose animals as titles, they will never think of "animals" like people!

A certain secret place, the top of a high mountain.

Xiaojie's father, 'Hi Pig' Kim Fulishi put his mobile phone back into his pocket, compared his hands to a horn, and shouted downwards, with a happy smile on his face.


Hunter's Association, the roof of the building.

Facing the rising sun, Nitro is doing today's "10,000 times of thankful punches".

At the age of 46, when he felt that his body had reached its peak and there was no room for improvement, he realized "thank you".

Thank God for giving me all this!

From praying (put your hands together), punching seriously, then retracting the punch, and giving thanks for a positive punch.

In the beginning, it was over 10,000 times. He spent 20 hours and fell asleep when he was tired. He persisted in this way until he was 50 years old, and he ushered in a transformation.

The 10,000 undiscounted thank you fists can be completed within an hour, and even if the metamorphosis is completed, in the 70 years until the age of 120, he has never stopped for a single day!

From the peak of the sun to the half of the sun appearing from the horizon, Nitro finished today's 10,000 punches, sat cross-legged and prayed, and couldn't help but recall the scene of inviting Ji Xing a few days ago in his mind.

’ Well—this is probably the case with the Twelve, would you like to join? '

‘I would like to have greater authority to go to places that are more difficult to enter and learn some more confidential information, but if this identity will bring a lot of trivial troubles, forget it. '

‘Hehehe, you don’t need to care about those. If you join twelve clubs, it is enough to come and play with me twice when you are free. '

'That's it, that's fine. '

‘Then you are welcome to become the 13th member of the twelve branches of the Hunter Association. Well, the twelve zodiac signs are exhausted. What animal should I choose for you? cat? elephant? giraffe? '

‘For animals, I choose humans. '

'ah? '

'people. '

Just like Ji Xing said that he didn't make a kickboxing oath to gain great power because he didn't like it, when he said the word 'human', Nitro felt a boundless and powerful idea!

Ji Xing didn't emphasize too much, and his tone was ordinary, but Nitro felt as if he saw a different sun on the day when he reached the limit of his body.

"What kind of power will be derived from such an idea, it is really exciting."



On May 15th, Sandstorm Secret Realm in Sydney.

This is a secret realm with only C-level danger and the highest A-level difficulty for human survival.

It is shrouded in sandstorms and high temperatures of around 55 degrees all day long, and the air humidity is lower than 1%. Ordinary people are at risk of dying of thirst every time they enter.

But at the same time, it is also regarded by some martial arts masters as a treasured place to hone their martial skills and will, and there are monks who die because of this every year.

It has been seven days since he entered here without eating or drinking, and the 12 tons of weight on his body weighed as much as a thousand tons, but Ji Xing's expression was still calm, and every step seemed to be measured, with the same depth and size.

At a certain moment, he suddenly stopped in place, closed his eyes slightly, and showed a satisfied smile.

"Finally got it."

If anyone's 'condensation' can see through, they will definitely see incredible things in Ji Xing.

His qi was refined to open the fine pores, released in large quantities, and formed a solid shelter on his body, but a lot of qi flowed back into the fluid along the fine pores.

It was as if a circulation had been formed, but Jian's protection did not weaken, and the qi in the return fluid did not join the natural controllable circulation in the body, but instead attached to the depths, protecting and strengthening his internal organs, bones and blood vessels.

Self-created 'Jian' high-level applied technology, 'Li Jian'!

When the internal organs are protected, the same physique can exert greater strength, or liberate the original strength that was lost due to the human body's instinctive self-protection!

Ji Xing Zama, an ordinary fist!

Boom—the air exploded fiercely, and the desert ground in front of him was plowed by his fists into a deep pit that was as wide as his feet, nearly 30 centimeters deep and over 10 meters long, and was quickly filled by wind and sand!

"I thought it couldn't be done, but it seems that I still have a little bit of energy. Even I can't do it without losing it under too precise control."

The 12 tons of weight on his body became lighter again, as if his body was notifying Ji Xing that he could practice more rigorously.

He glanced at the white bones that were faintly exposed at the bottom of the pit that was about to be filled with wind and sand, and he didn't know when he died here and what kind of practitioner he was.

Continue to walk forward.


June 15, evening.

In the gorgeous palace-like mansion, Jonathan Tabarez, a nobleman and rich man, has a big belly and a bearded face full of enthusiasm.

"How about it, Master Ji Xing? The caviar of Daimu fish has been rated as an A-level delicacy by your Hunter Association. It is said to be rich in nutrition and unique, and it is good for spiritual practice. It is a pity that there are too few star-rated food hunters. It’s hard to get an appointment, and I can only let half-cooks cook, which is a bit of a fly in the ointment.”

"It's already very good, Marquis Jonathan."

Ji Xing smiled and said, "It's really nutritious. I'm very satisfied with this meal. Thank you for the hospitality."

"Haha, you're welcome, Master Ji Xing." Jonathan said: "This is the agreed reward. As early as half a year ago, I heard the name of Master Ji Xing from Ms. Xida, and the first time I saw it today, it really lived up to its reputation. It was an honor for you to teach my son a lesson yourself."

"Amalibe's talent is good, and the Marquis has someone to succeed him." Ji Xing said politely, "It's getting late that day, so I'll take my leave first."

"Hey, wait, Master Ji Xing." Jonathan laughed and said, "It's just getting dark, and it's still early. I also prepared a treasure for Master Ji Xing to review, please come with me."

Ji Xing paused: "What?"

Jonathan said: "Mr. Ji Xing, have you heard of the seven beauties in the world?"

"Ah, I've heard that they are the seven most beautiful and precious things in the world." Ji Xing nodded and said, "Is there one of them here, Marquis?"

Jonathan showed a somewhat smug smile, motioned to the servant waiting beside him to lead the way, and led Ji Xing into the underground secret room. Going deep into the third floor of the basement, opened several heavy coded iron doors, and an extremely cold breath came out from the depths.

Jonathan trembled: "Well, I won't go in from now on. There is a pool I built according to the deep sea environment at the poles. There are seven 'white fires' in the pool. If you want to enter Ji Xing, you can go in. If you don't want to, you can go in." Come here with me and wait for them to fish one out."

Ji Xing looked into the depths and said, "Then I will wait here with the Marquis."

Jonathan nodded, waved his hand to signal the servants to go deeper, and introduced: "White fire only ranks sixth among the seven beauties. Compared with the other six, if you have money and resources, you can definitely get it, but if you want to keep them, you can always buy them." Watching is not easy.

On average, not counting the connections and favors involved, each fish here will cost me more than 10 billion yuan, hahaha, there is no way, it’s just such a hobby. "

Soon, Ji Xing saw the slightly frosted servant come out of the bucket. There was an ordinary-looking black fish in the bucket, but there was a strange thick layer of fat on the fish.

"Let's go quickly, this precious thing is easy to die without a special environment."

'White Fire' is not for eating.

It's for burning.

As one of the seven beauties, the fish called 'White Fire' is combustible and emits a very pure and beautiful white flame after burning.

Known as the purest white in the world!

Burning in the night is especially wonderful, the pure flame color is ethereal in the night sky, suppressing all other colors, even Ji Xing has a soul-cleaning and pleasing feeling when watching it!

Beauty is short-lived, when the flames burnt out, only the stench of charred fish remains, Jonathan smiled and looked at Ji Xing: "How about it, Master Ji Xing, I have been fascinated by it since the first time I saw it when I was 16 years old Live, you will never get tired of seeing it for so many years!"

"It's really beautiful." Ji Xing admired.

"Hahaha." Jonathan laughed and said, "Actually, I should have seen through my calculations. As the host of the Sky Arena, he is also one of the most popular hosts. As long as the host of Ji Xing establishes a sect, the respondent will definitely countless.

Don't you have any plans to consider this? Funding, venue, and publicity, I can do it all for you. I only have a small expectation. I hope that the host Ji Xing can help me with a little thing if conditions permit, um, a small thing. "

Ji Xing looked at him and said, "Thank you again for the Marquis' hospitality and Bai Huo, sorry."

Jonathan's smile faded away, and he paused for a few seconds before regretting, "That's it, I'm too abrupt, that Jixing host, if I collect precious delicacies in the future, can I still invite you?"

"As long as I have time." Ji Xing said.

"That's a deal."

Enthusiastically sending Ji Xing out of the house in person, Jonathan turned around, his eyes darkened slightly, walked to the open space just now, looked at the stench of fish corpses left after the white fire burned, and waved his arm in disgust.

The servants quickly cleaned up.


July 15.

Outside the Pingfugeni Demon Realm, amidst the low roar echoing, a black bear with a height of more than four meters was touching Ji Xing, wrestling crazily.

The two pushed each other forward, and for a full half a minute, Ji Xing, who had stepped out of the pothole under his feet, pulled it back, and the black bear fell down in response, letting out an angry and aggrieved low cry.


At the same time, an earthquake-like roar reverberated. Ji Xing raised his head and saw a huge black bear with a height of more than 12 meters running towards him.

Genney black bear, one of the monsters, is the most powerful among the common monsters. Adult black bears can even grow to more than 10 meters. The weight of hundreds of tons also means terrifying power. It is even known as having the ability to move mountains. force!

Bullied the one-year-old cub, but was approached by the adult big bear, Ji Xing smiled, his body surrounded by solid firmness, and then looked up at the big bear.

Big Bear's face quickly became friendly.

The monsters that can be allowed to survive by humans are all kind and honest. This kind of black bear has the ability to cultivate mind and understand the power of mind.

"You don't seem to know it yet, do you want to learn? I'll teach you?" Ji Xing asked it.

Big Bear nodded quickly, more friendly.


August 15th.

"I'm finally going to meet my employer, human body collector..." Walking in the luxuriously decorated corridor, Kurapika's mood fluctuated slightly.

As the last member of the Kuluta tribe, he shoulders a great mission, to avenge the phantom brigade of the Kuluta tribe that exterminated the tribe, and to recover the gouged out eyes of his companions, ranking third among the seven beauties Red eyes!

Knowing that there will be red eyes appearing at You Kexin's auction, he joins the gangster Nost's family and becomes a bodyguard, because the employer is a human body collector who is willing to collect human organs, so he will definitely follow him Red eyes.

It's a bit perverted to join the assessment, he's not bad, as long as he collects the hair buns of the famous actress Sera, the test for the same batch of bodyguards even includes the right hand of a mummy, the skin of a patient with a special skin disease, and the skull of a tribe.

And the guy who collects these things...

"This is what you need to protect, Miss Nion." The team leader introduced them.

The new bodyguards all showed surprised expressions.

The girl with long water-blue hair tied up is as cute as the little sister next door, with a clear and innocent smile on her face. Such a girl...will collect things like mummified arms and human skulls? !

"Are you newcomers? Please take care of me next time." Nion waved kindly.


"Call Missy."

"Yes, Miss Nion."

Kurapika responded in a gregarious manner, and his mind quickly sank. No matter who the employer is, the next step... is to go to Youkexin City!


Republic of Bartocia, frontier.

In a desolate small village, a seven or eight-year-old boy in ragged clothes was running, panting and turning his head from time to time: "Big brother, hurry up, hurry up, my mother is right ahead, please save her, hurry up!" point--"

"Don't panic, just watch the road." The young man behind him was extremely handsome and gentle, wearing a white windbreaker, trotting behind the boy.

The two turned a corner one after the other, and the boy rushed into a dilapidated residential house in surprise and excitement, shouting: "This is it!"

But at the same time, muzzles of guns protruded from the surrounding windows, locking on the young people who came to the courtyard, and then there were hideous faces.

"Hahaha, Ender, your little bastard's acting skills have improved again, look at his incredible face." A middle-aged man laughed.

The little boy leading the way also poked half his head out of the room, saw the young man who was surrounded and raised his hands, hehe said: "Stop talking nonsense, this guy is too stupid. This time I will pick first, his windbreaker is for you." Me! The quilt at home is already rotten!"

"No problem... Goo..."

The middle-aged man who promised suddenly made a strange sound, blood spurted from his throat, and he fell down softly with confusion on his face.

The rest of the people were surprised: "Why..."


One by one, it seemed that an invisible god of death was taking their lives, and finally only the boy with a frightened expression remained while holding the door.

He stared at the young man in the middle who raised his hand, and suddenly said in despair: "Are you... a person with the ability to read?"

"You know how to read." Chrollo Ruxilu put down his hands, still with that gentle smile, walked up to the shivering boy, and gently touched his head.

"Don't be afraid, it's not your fault. Living alone in such an environment, if you don't do this, you won't be able to live today." He said softly, "Is your name Ender? Your acting skills are really good, if you didn't come from the wrong place , at least I can become a voice actor."

"You, you won't kill me?"

Kuroro smiled and shook his head, stood up and turned around.

Just when the boy was feeling relieved, there was a sudden bang, and the boy with his temple pierced fell to the ground with despair in his eyes.

The blond woman in a deep V-neck suit, Pai Kenoda, walked up to Kuroro: "Captain."

As the head of the Phantom Troupe, Kuroro put away the flashing memories in his eyes, nodded to her and said, "Let's go, it's time to go to Youkexin."


August 18.

The big bear who was shrouded in faint thoughts jumped excitedly, and brought down a small tree beside him when his body touched. One turned over and stood up.

Give Big Bear a thumbs up, and Big Bear gives him back one, while Little Bear grunts beside him.

"Okay, now that you have mastered reading, it's time for me to leave here." Ji Xing's words made the two bears look surprised, and gave away some of the 'treasures' they had collected. Ji Xing left the forest.

The Qi on Ji Xing who was descending the mountain was rippling behind him like sparks, floating freely, projecting a very clear word 'human'!

People can pursue ideals, challenge nature, and bury their bones in other places without regret. People can enjoy all the glory and wealth, but they are still not satisfied and greedy for power.

Some people are pure in nature, but they are doing evil deeds unknowingly. Some people do many evil deeds, perhaps because fate did not give him a chance to be good.

Being born as a human being, recognizing and inclusive of every aspect of the most complex animal, human beings, and adhering to the most fundamental "truth" of oneself is also a restriction!

As a human being, don't envy the talents of other creatures. Even if your hard work is not as good as the innateness of other species, you will never have the similar idea of ​​"if only I am what I am", and will always be satisfied with the identity of human beings. Rejoicing in the human body, rejoicing in the perfection of human beings, and wishing to be human in all reincarnations is also a vow!

This road is difficult to walk, and it is even said that except Ji Xing, who has experienced many different lives and has extremely rich experience, no one can walk, and no one can accurately control this unique restriction and oath.

It took four months for Ji Xing to finally find the balance between his state of mind and the rules of thinking!

The third kind of mind, the newly developed and strengthened mind-linking ability "human", finally got a glimpse of the door!

"This is more helpful to my body than the first two mind abilities. It's really a world of treasures."

The rippling Qi behind him returned to his body, and Ji Xing returned to his ordinary appearance.

This is not the mind ability that can increase the immediate combat power, but it is the introduction of transformation. Before touching another higher limit, Ji Xing's strength will probably grow exponentially.

"Exactly, it's less than two weeks away from September 1st, and it will take some time on the road. It's time to pack up and leave for Youkexin City."

It's too late, 6k two-in-one, equal to two chapters, this is not divided into chapters, the content of the chapters is too scattered.

In addition, 200w words sprinkle flowers! Hahaha, by the way, I would like to advertise my last 100w-word audiobook, "I've Been Guarding the City of Pirates for 100 Years" Himalayan audiobook has been broadcasted, and Conan's book seems to be coming soon.

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