Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 596: The Death of Hisoka

"We can see that Hisoka just now... well, Hisoka and Ji Xing had a fierce and exciting fight, and finally..." The commentator in the audience didn't see it clearly, and could only shout in a similar way. 666 way to explain.

Xiaojie and Qiya opened their mouths at the same time, and they only saw the outline clearly. They only knew that they would switch to play, and they would definitely not be able to keep up with this kind of offensive and defensive transition.

"Ji Xing has the upper hand?"

"It looks like this at the moment." Yun Gu nodded in admiration: "He is superior to Hisoka in strength, martial arts, and the basic skills of reading, especially martial arts."

The way of hiding the blue bricks behind the head and several key shifts of the center of gravity are simply amazing skills, even the masters with a stream of heart...

"Look well, Zhixi, Xiaojie, Qiya, this battle is something you, no, even me, dream of. After the battle, I will analyze it for you second by second according to the video!"


On the other side, as a rare person with the ability to keep up with the whole process, Ma Qi whispered in his heart: "I don't know if this guy will accept the invitation. If he doesn't accept it, he will have to look for newcomers."

Hisoka made no mistakes throughout the whole process, but was still injured, which only proves that there may be a gap in strength.

Lie Cu Quan Ji Xing... is really strong.

The guy who came from nowhere, his skills and experience don't look like they can be honed only in the Sky Arena.

Her eyes flicked over Ji Xing, and then at Hisoka who stood up and walked towards Ji Xing, and cut her head, this idiot, is still laughing?

Hisoka indeed had a smile on his lips, as if the loss just now didn't bring him any pressure, with an extra stack of poker between his hands, he walked back to face Ji Xing and said, "You are really great, 100 points~!"

Ji Xing shook his head when he heard the words: "After the fight just now, I wanted to give you 60 points, but since you gave me 100 points, then...deduct you another 10 points, 50 points."

"I can probably guess the reason why 10 points were deducted, but why did I only have 60 points?"

Hisoka washed the poker in his hand: "You really don't seem to be happy enough. Is it because my level has not reached your expectation? The battle is like a dance, and the mood and rhythm are inconsistent~"

"No, I'm qualified if I have a little joy. You're the first one here, but enough joy is too much for me." Ji Xing shook his head, and then said, "As for why only 60 points , probably because you are not pure enough."

"Pure?" Hisoka was puzzled.

"I've seen a few battle madmen who only want to fight and grow, and it doesn't matter if they die." Ji Xing said: "You are not. You only enjoy the thrill of victory by counting a powerful opponent to death step by step. It seems crazy, but in fact, you are pursuing victory step by step. .

It’s just that this is a good thing, but you lack enough awe, you are too confident in your own strength, you think you are the strongest one, even now, you still think you have a 100% winning rate against me, I'm afraid it's hard to accept that your skills are inferior to others, so I didn't refuse or persuade your invitation to 'death match'. "

"Ah~" Hisoka sighed: "You are still proficient in psychology? Is this shaking me?"

Ji Xing smiled and said: "Fist is more direct than words, there will be no time to breathe, I will keep attacking you until you die."

"Oh? That's exactly what I expected~"

Hisoka held two playing cards between his fingertips, and his stretchable love stuck to them. On the surface, he still looked the same, but in fact, his heart was secretly tense, and a strong and rich murderous aura radiated from his bent eyes.

He could feel that Ji Xing's temper had also changed.

It was neither murderous nor malicious, but a pure and powerful sense of oppression.

Thoughts are thoughts, he has never seen such a resolute and powerful will before, and his murderous aura can't shake it even a little bit, I'm afraid you are the one who firmly believes that you are the strongest? !

"Could this be a declaration of victory?! Contestant Ji Xing predicted the death of Contestant Hisoka?!" The commentator's voice echoed in the arena, and the audience became even more excited. The player...disappeared!"

So fast--

Hisoka's eyes turned quickly.

Distribute 80% of the Qi to the legs with the current, and increase the speed with the anti-shock force of high-speed grounding? Only this guy who has used it to an astonishing level can use a similar fighting style!

With lightning flashing in his mind, Hisoka shot at Ji Xing with two poker cards that were attached to Zhou Qi with his fingertips, and was dodged by Ji Xing without any surprise, but he also successfully forced Ji Xing to slow down a little.

Immediately, Hisoka made a hook with two fingers, and the flexible love made the two playing cards spin around, using the same routine as before, but this time the cards sandwiched towards the center did not give Ji Xing a chance to turn his head.

Ji Xing leaned over and swept his right leg across.

The powerful sweeping leg attacked Hisoka's lower body, and Hisoka had to jump back to dodge. He wanted to take the opportunity to try to shoot the flexible love at Ji Xing's body again, but the sweeping leg brought back the previously shocked body. Two pieces of rubble on the cracked ring.

With thoughts on it, he went straight to the door, forcing Hisoka to dodge.

So the opportunity to counterattack was lost.

In the next moment, he felt that Ji Xing, who had retracted his sweeping legs and stood up, turned into a galloping horse. The two steps he took towards him were like firing a cannon into the ground. The recoil force caused the foot to flip upwards, even though Hisoka made a critical and proper block, he was thrown backwards and flew into the air!

People are in mid-air, and there are many dangers.

The right hand shoots two more poker cards towards Ji Xing, while the left hand randomly throws the remaining one up into the sky. Each poker card is filled with flexible love, and the one hooked to the railing of the rear grandstand is hidden. Pink thread.

Say something about attacking me until I die, and if I interrupt your rhythm by flying into the air or going to the auditorium, what will your reaction be?

Boom! !

When the thread was connected to the railing, Ji Xing's horizontal kick landed in front of him, Hisoka made an urgent movement of shrinking his arms and legs, and curled up to face Ji Xing's heavy kick.

Um? This foot... with a hook?

The feeling of touch was somewhat beyond Hisoka's expectations, and the direction he was flying to was even more unpredictable, far away from his sticking railing, and instantly tore off his stretchable love!

Judging my intentions, and also analyzing the limit distance of love that stretches freely?

No, there is no need to analyze the latter. The ductility of Qi has a limit. This is common sense, but this time he may be able to accurately lock it to ten meters!

However, the hooked kick also meant that it didn't carry enough power. Hisoka didn't feel the pain, so he stretched his body while landing, preparing to plan a counterattack.

But at this time there are two more stones lasing!

when? While flipping your ankles, you brought it up and grabbed it in your hand?

He actually prepared the current attack at that time, and completely fell into his rhythm. If this is not possible, he will lose if he defends for a long time. It is not good to be hit by an attack of that kind of power once!

Excitement did not lead to confusion, and Hisoka's mind turned quickly. This time, he chose to smash the two stones with his fist and face Ji Xing head-on.

He stuck to Ji Xing's arms backwards, making it impossible for Ji Xing's long legs to stretch. The five fingers of his right hand were wrapped around Nian Qi, and he stabbed heavily at Ji Xing's chest.

The stabbing is false, and at the same time, the love that shoots out secretly is true, Hisoka is very persistent.

This time, he succeeded.

The pink thread of thoughts smoothly adhered to Ji Xing's chest, but at the same time, Ji Xing's hands climbed along Hisoka's thrusting arm like a dragon, and his bones were slightly scattered, Hisoka only felt that his arm lost consciousness in an instant , and was awakened by severe pain!


The strangely twisted and half-hanging arm told Hisoka what happened at that moment. The opponent in front of him took advantage of his thoughts to focus on the flexible love, and took off his arm with an incomprehensible speed and skill. joint, and then clamped inward, his right arm, which could not exert strength, was easily broken by him!

The obvious distortion caused the narrator to exclaim, but it didn't reach Hisoka's ears.

He knew he might have made a big mistake.

Lie Cuquan Ji Xing has always used his long legs to meet the enemy, but before that, until he said that he wanted to kill him with a combo of strikes, he had only suppressed himself with amazingly excellent kicks!

Did not hit any punch.

How about his attack power with both hands? How about using both hands and legs? !

Perhaps the doubling is indescribable!

He made a big mistake by approaching rashly. In terms of fighting skills, Ji Xing is a monster that has never been seen before!

How can you fight if you are not close?

While his mind was shaking, Hisoka did not forget to let a large amount of Qi quickly flow to his lower abdomen, but the following knee thrust still made him spit out a big mouthful of blood, bowed his body and shot into the air!

The severe suffocation made his brain go blank for a moment, and he quickly recovered from the life-and-death crisis. Without a moment's hesitation, he took out another poker with his left arm out of nowhere, and cut to his broken right arm with the cyclone.

Because he knew that if he didn't give up his useless right arm, he would be beaten up by Ji Xing dragging it!

If you like it, I will give it to you!


The cut off right arm spattered blood, Hisoka shot backwards with the power of Ji Xing's knees as he wished, opened the distance, and turned over in embarrassment after landing and then hid.

The pan exploded in the stands at the same time.

Anyone can see that Hisoka suffered a loss that may lead to defeat in the collision with unclear details just now, and lost one of his arms!

Immediately afterwards, the battle turned into a chasing and fleeing, not limited to the arena, Hisoka dashed left and right, avoiding Ji Xing's attack of cracking the stone, the remaining left arm radiated mind lines to interfere, entwined around the boulder and swung Moved, but did not get a meritorious service.

Ma Qi's face was tense, ready to collect Hisoka's body.

Little Jackie stood up even more. They never thought that Hisoka, who brought such a sense of oppression in the hunter test, would have such a embarrassed side.

Hisoka was calmer than everyone else, and persisted for a minute under the harsh situation.

It finally arrived. After running so many laps, the injury has aggravated to such an extent that it should be concealed.

Let's show you a magic trick, Ji Xing.

The magic name is 'The Lost Ground'!


Just when Ji Xing chased him through the wreckage of the ring, the place he stepped on suddenly turned into two deep pits that could sink his legs, and the original ground disappeared!

A frivolous illusion.

This is Hisoka's second thought ability!

Air can be simulated as any thin layer of skin, and it will not be pierced by condensation. The disappearing ground is just a thin and thin illusion!

You want to ask when he made two big holes in the ground and covered them with a thin illusion?

is the very beginning.

When the first blow was inserted into the ring, the smoke was stirred up and the slate was thrown towards Ji Xing!

And at the moment when Ji Xing's legs fell into the pit and the pursuit came to an abrupt end, the stretchable love shot from Hisoka's left hand finally succeeded in sticking to Ji Xing's chest, and his arms danced!

On the one hand, use the flexible love and pit to pin Ji Xing down and make him lose his balance, and on the other hand, let the earlier linked cards spin and cut!

But... La Jixing did not pull.

Hisoka had a puzzled look on his face.

Flexible love is not the kind of thought ability that requires wrestling, and the thought energy that sticks to the other party cannot be grasped by the other party.

If you want to resist the pulling force, you have to rub your feet or grab something with your hands, but Ji Xing doesn't have the conditions for both of them now.

It's just that it can't be's heavy!

He looked into Ji Xing's eyes for confirmation, and Ji Xing gave him a well-done smile.

Hisoka's smile disappeared.

load? ! More than three tons!

No wonder he was wearing a coat all the time. Under the underwear, there was probably a special metal weight-bearing clothes hidden, and the weight was extremely shocking!

From the very beginning, flexible love meant little to Ji Xing, and Ji Xing's dodge was really just dodge.

And even so, I still haven't successfully glued it once until now!

Maybe he let it go?

Let me die understand?

Without driving Ji Xing's center of gravity, the flying cards lost their meaning. After receiving the attack, Ji Xing tore through the ground like a tank, rushed to Hisoka, and kicked him into the air with one kick!

‘Is there really no chance of winning this time? '

'Am I lacking enough awe? Maybe it is, the opponent I have chosen is not even willing to unload the weight for cultivation before fighting me, did I underestimate the gap between us? '

"Being hit, I really don't want to admit that my skills are inferior to others."

‘Am I… going to die? '

Various thoughts flashed through Hisoka's mind, and Hisoka saw the frosty Maqi from the corner of his eyes, Xiaojie who was clenching his fists tightly, and the excited or unbearable expressions of the audience.


The Wanjun foot fell from above, right on Hisoka's chest and shattered his sternum!

When he fell to the ground, he was directly embedded in the ground, cracking the ground with a radius of more than ten meters, and his consciousness sank into the deep darkness!

It's late, the two updates are 6k6, it's not easy to write...

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