Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 480 We want to learn karate

When Ji Xing signed the contract with Aleister, the three strongest girls in Academy City who almost fought had separated.

Taking the tram to the restaurant in the seventh school district, Mugino Shenli emptied a small half of the car with only his aura and eyes. The three of them sat side by side as if they were in a private car.

Flanda has long been used to it, but Mugino Shimori's aura seemed particularly terrifying today, and she didn't dare to kick her dangling short legs... She knew Mugino Shenli was in a bad mood.

You can probably guess why it's bad.

Mugino is such a strong person, and the Anbu prop team has always claimed to be the strongest, but the two battles with Accelerator made them clearly see the gap... That is a fundamental gap in ability, and it is almost impossible to overcome it .

And although she won the two battles, she was not the main force, let alone Langsen, Mai Ye would not care, but today the super railgun junior high school student firmly occupies the position of the first main force, and he has to rely on another junior high school student How can you feel better if you can move in space without injury?

"Hey, Frenda, Takitsubo." At this moment, Mugino Shenli suddenly said: "Our team configuration needs to be optimized. We need a space ability, or a role that can act as a shield. It is best to be a Level 4 capable person. Yours What about opinions?"

Frenda was a little bit reluctant to pay for every extra person, but she still said, "That's right, there is a lack of such a role."

Takitsubo was as non-existent as ever.

"Then start paying attention today."

Mai Ye Shenli said: "In addition, I felt a lot lighter in the previous battle, and it seems to be good to exercise with Lang Sen. But it's okay to be with those little girls, please ask Lang Sen to take us to a separate special training later Come on, Takitsubo, you have to participate too."

Takitsubo Rihou's expression was slightly bitter, did you go there to train your physical fitness? Mugino.

But Frenda echoed excitedly: "Did you feel it too? Mai Ye. I felt the ending was very obvious, especially for a while, as if I could fly myself, and I almost rushed over to kick Accelerator!"

"Ah. But it's not karate that's great, but Wolf Sen. He definitely has some extraordinary talents in fighting. I even think it's like a superpower. He can always accurately control our physical fitness and formulate corresponding training. The plan is stronger than those instructors that my family picked from all over the world when I was a child."

Frenda was stunned: "At home? Instructor? Around the world? What does Maiye's family do?"

"Ah, I'm just running a grain company." Mugino Shenli didn't seem to want to elaborate, and said again: "Since the awakening of super powers, I have indeed been a little neglected in physical exercise, and the lightness I felt before has been gone for a long time. "

"Yeah!" Frenda responded, "It's as if they have awakened their superpowers. They really want to fly."

Takitsubo felt that the two were singing and urging her, but there was no evidence, so she was silent for a while, and she suddenly felt that Mugino and Frenda looked at each other suddenly, as if they had a jolt.

"When did you feel it?"

"Is... the end of the battle? Mai Ye, you won't also..."

"Ah, right then, for half a minute or so...and then it's gone..."

"How could it be? I ended up in the same way!"

Takitsubo showed confusion, what is it?

While beside her, Flanda seemed to have thought of something, quickly took out her mobile phone, opened the favorite forum page, and checked the special section belonging to the urban legend black organization.

In recent days, the popularity of the legend of the Black Organization has dropped a lot. There are not many new posts every day, and only some weird gin fans and Belmode house fans are insisting on checking in.

But today there is a different post.

'Do you feel it? ! '

The title is just this short sentence.

Posted 23 minutes ago.

Number of replies: 21237!

Mugino Shenli and Flanda's eyes widened at the same time: "No, no way?!"


‘The so-called people are all stars! '

Saten Leizi's house, Saten Leizi had just finished high-intensity web surfing, and at this time she was rolling happily on the bed with her mobile phone in her arms, Ji Xing's voice was rolling in her mind.

Of course, that has nothing to do with girlishness.

Only happy, purely happy.

Although the sudden burst of force caused her to shatter the cutting board at home with a kitchen knife, causing her to be hungry and unable to eat dinner, although the subsequent test of punching the wall made her hands hurt until now.

But she doesn't care at all!

She took out the first-class karate badge from under the pillow, kissed it vigorously, and put it back with great care, when she heard the doorbell ring.

So trot to open the door.

Outside the door was Chuchun Shili, with a confused face and asked: "Student Zuotian, you are looking for me so late... Wow? Classmate Zuotian?!"

Chu Chunli, who was hugged tightly, blushed: "What's wrong?"

"Chuchun, I'll take you to practice karate tomorrow, although the karate club basically doesn't recruit people with abilities, but you are only Level 1, and you know Senior Lang Sen, he will make an exception for you!

Your 'physical idiot' attribute can definitely be changed too! Although, although I don't know what happened, I don't know why the strange power suddenly disappeared, but it must be true, it is impossible for everyone to have an illusion! "


Saten Saten let go of the confused Uiharu, put one hand on her shoulder, made a muscular gesture with the other hand, and burst out laughing.

His nose suddenly became sour.

"Great! Chu~chun!"


"Ah~ Really!"

After hanging up the phone number of the eighth student who asked her about the real situation of the black organization, Yueyong Xiaomeng took a big sip of wine in melancholy: "These little idiots, why did they start again all of a sudden?"

Opposite Huang Quanchuan Aiho was swiping her phone, and when she heard this, she handed it to her with some seriousness: "Mr. Xiaomeng, you'd better look at this."

"Huh...huh?" The pink-haired cute teacher twitched his eyebrows: "19:17...everyone who practiced karate felt their strength increase, and there was a punch that broke a this some kind of performance art?

Strange...yes! It must be the urban legend that no one cares about the organization in black, and the coyotes have started to play tricks again! hateful! The next time I meet the teacher, I must... must... what should I do? "

is that so? It doesn't feel like it. Huang Quanchuan Aiho thought about it and shook her head, but it's impossible for the magical power to appear, right? I also learned karate before, why didn't I feel it?




On the other side, Fujioka Oak, who was running out of breath, had an expression of surprise and joy, and said loudly: "Haven't, haven't you called the boss yet?!"

"I've been calling, always, always busy!"

"Keep fighting! Quick!"

"I know, I know."

Dial while running, finally get through ten minutes later, Fujioka Yuki snatched the phone in surprise: "Boss! Was it..."

"Ah, oh, President! President, I knew you wouldn't lie to us! Hahahaha cough——"

"Yes, yes, we are in some trouble now, some people are chasing us, we are about to be surrounded! Broken! We have already surrounded!"

Surrounding them, twenty or so young men who were also running out of breath gathered around, all of them had gaudy hair, but their expressions were all flattering.

"Boss Fujioka! Let us join the club! Help us ask President Langmori!"

"Yeah, we're going to learn karate!"

"Please, Boss Fujioka!"

Fujioka Quercus was both beautiful and distressed, and said to the phone: "President, you heard everything, they..."

"Calling President Lang Sen? President Lang Sen! Please, we want to learn karate!!"

Outside the windowless building, Ji Xing smiled, and said to the phone: "Please be safe and calm, I will post a post on the forum later."


Ten minutes later, a new post replaced the popularity of the previous post, attracting crowds to watch.

There are three main points in the post.

One is Ji Xing’s explanation for the sudden gain of powerful power to the previous karate students, saying that at that time, it might be that Academy City was conducting a test of a new technology product, which may have caused a change in the magnetic field, causing everyone to have an extremely short-term illusion. Please Don't take it too seriously.

Second, in response to everyone's needs, the karate club will start a new round of member recruitment. To avoid confusion, it will be divided into four weeks to recruit 500 members per week, and a total of 2,000 more members will be recruited.

The third is to screen out some members who joined the association before and return the membership fee, for those who joined but never participated in association activities.

A minute later, there were hundreds of replies.

'Yes, yes, the magnetic field changes. '

'The fist print on the wall of my dormitory has something to say. '

'do not! President! give it a chance! I was wrong before, and from today on I will absolutely attend every club activity on time! '

'2000 people are too few, the president knows me well, I can pay three times the social fee! '

Replies like this accounted for the vast majority, and there were sporadic and discordant ones: 'I said, why did the discussion suddenly start again, are you going to trick people into joining the club again? What benefit did Wolfson's bad game give you? ! '

Those who replied to him rarely refuted.

All approved!

Yes, yes, we are trusting you, so don't compete with us for a place in the club!

This night, the black organization and the karate club once again became the most beautiful boys in Academy City.

Countless students shouted from the bottom of their hearts: President, we want to learn karate!

Two more 6k2, tomorrow will continue to Yangjian, Siyang has stood up!

In addition, I pushed a book written by a good friend, almost the earliest book friend of Siyang, who was led to the road of no return by code words by Siyang, and several books were sold on the street. This book finally got good grades and stood up, heaven Unlimited text, if you are interested, you can go and have a look.

"What Bad Minds Can Batman Have" by Mr. Bones, with a conveyor belt underneath.

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