Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 445 Art is Explosion!

The body is tense in the big barrel wooden bone pose.

When he was sneaked into a different space by a hand that appeared suddenly, he had to say that he was a little nervous and even frightened.

In his expectation, the opposite would be the traitors Otsuki Muzishi and Otsutsuki Kaguya, just waiting for the moment when he unsealed the seal, he would be distracted, drag himself over and kill himself with a burst of fire.

But in the next moment, the blue sky and white clouds reappeared in his sight, and when a strong force caused him to plummet to the ground, what he saw surprised him.

It turned out to be Shi Po Sizao who attacked him unexpectedly?

Isn't he in the Land of Earth? No, when did he master Huangquan Biliangsaka, why was he able to pull my body? !

In doubt, more pictures were captured by his top-level supercilious eyes. Just where he was falling, there were many strange steel and metal piled up together to form a mountain, cylinders, pointed heads, and the appearance was similar to that of a mountain. The weapon of Shuradao in Uzumaki Nagato's reincarnation eye clone is similar.

But the quantity and portion are a bit exaggerated!

And above that mountain, a young man with golden braids was looking up at him, with an exaggerated and excited smile on his lips.

He was only thirteen or fourteen years old. When he was paying attention to the information of the ninja world, Datong Mugushi had a little understanding of this youngest member of the ninja alliance.

He seems to be called Deidara?

Why is this kid here?

In a blink of an eye, the other party gave him the answer. Didara tore off his clothes, exposing the chewing mouth on his chest and heart, and the fine black lines rapidly expanded on his body surface!

"It's finally here! I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

finally? wait for me?

This chakra flow...

The environment here...

'Fixed body! ’ The bad premonition smelled in the instinct made the large wooden bone-shaped white eyes slightly shrink, and a powerful force locked Didara, making him stiff and unable to move or speak.

But the ongoing operation is irreversible!

When the big wooden bone style threw Ji Xing with force and landed in mid-air, Didala's body had shrunk into a pitch-black sphere.

The power contained in the sphere is terrifying to ordinary ninjas, but it can only scratch an itch for the large wooden bone pose, but when he focused his sight on the hill under Didara again, his heart rang frantically. Warning sign!

No, can't stay here!

But when the big tube wooden bone style wanted to use Huangquan Biliangsaka to transfer, he found that Huangquan Biliangsaka was invalid, making him suddenly turn his head to look at Ji Xing in the sky, but what he received was another sneak attack from a rectangular beam of light, which knocked him down again Shoot down!

"You bastard--"

Has the technique of disrupting the space been arranged in advance? ! How could he stop Huangquan Hirasaka? !

Bone style violently shredded the impact, but the warning sign behind him was already extremely deadly!

While condensing the thick bone armor on his body, he twisted his face and looked back,

His picture was frozen at this moment!

A second ago, the eyes of Didara shrunk into a pitch-black sphere were staring at Ji Xing. Ji Xing nodded slightly at him, and his figure disappeared in a flash.

The pitch-black sphere grinned.

Blazing light burst out from the center!

The last time the ninja world fought against Hachitsu, he was locked in the rock hidden prison by Onoki. Later, as he grew up, he was allowed to participate in the battle against one, three, and four cylinders, but the crushing situation prevented him from making a few shots at all, and he was extremely boring.

He has been looking forward to the unblocking of Liutong for a long time. He wants to use his explosion art to leave a strong mark in the ninja world, but he did not expect that the ancestor found himself a few days ago and asked him: "Do you want to use your art?" Trying to kill an Otsutsuki? '

Of course he wanted to, but no matter how confident he was in his explosive art, he wouldn't be so rampant... But here! This place is different!

The weapon space brought by the ancestors is simply a huge treasure, full of explosives called 'missiles' and 'cannonballs'.

And stack them together in excess, and use your own ultimate art to detonate, let the explosives that the ancestors said were "over a million tons of TNT-equivalent nuclear bombs" explode together, bursting out the power of destroying the country...

How wonderful will the picture be? !

Come try it, Otsuki!

"Art is a blast! Drink times!!"


The blazing brilliance formed a huge image of Pai Daxing, engulfing the extremely angry big tube wooden bone style!

Then the missiles piled up into a mountain exploded!

In an instant, a ray of light shining on the heaven and earth shot out, even 10,000 times more dazzling than the sun in the sky. The sky and the earth were completely covered by this ray of light, and all images, sounds, and even time and space seemed to be swallowed by it. !

Apart from this light, the entire weapon space could no longer see any color, and after a few seconds, this light transformed into a huge fireball stretching for dozens of kilometers, and then it continued to devour the world and spread farther and farther away. advance!

Heat waves and sea of ​​flames mushroom clouds.

Shake the earth and the sky!

The most powerful 'art' has been activated!


Ninja world, under the night sky.

From being pulled into the weapon space by Ji Xing in the big barrel wooden bone pose, to when he was engulfed by Didala's self-destruct, only a dozen seconds had passed in total.

The big-tube wooden seal that got out of trouble has just 'woke up'.

The dark space around her opened up, and she quickly came to the sky above the Land of Land through Huangquan Biliangzaka, where the ninja coalition forces were, and looked down.

Shi Po has already... really isn't there?

Damn, the situation of Bone Style is probably not good!

She opened her eyes angrily, looked around, and said in a slightly hoarse voice: "It's already early! Zishi! Kaguya! Release the bone pose immediately, or I will kill all the bugs in front of me!"

Below, everyone in the Ninja Alliance looked at her figure, and almost at the same time Ji Xing's words before leaving flashed in their minds: "Get ready, there should be enemies that need you to deal with."

Didn't the enemy send it here?

The next moment, the Chakra and momentum of all the ninjas began to rise rapidly, and the power of the ancestors was blessed on them!

Datongmu Fengshi hummed lightly, looked down, and saw Tsunade was pinching prints with both hands.

"Immortal Law - Mingshen Gate!"


Several heavy red torii gates like iron lock fences descended from the sky, rolling straight towards the large wooden body, trying to shoot her down, but she just raised her right hand, and a silver light cut them all off, and they fell to the ground in pieces .

At the same time, her eyes sank slightly.

"You actually... attacked me?"

"Your method seems to be useless, Hashirama." Next to Tsunade, Shisui Uchiha was holding his arms in his arms, with a slightly awkward posture in his domineering posture. He ignored her at all, and only spoke in a low voice to Tsunade. Said: "Familiar breath, the one who sealed my spirit body into the body of that trash called Shimura Danzo before, it really is this guy!"

The kaleidoscope's Sharingan turned around, and the Samsara Eye emerged. Uchiha Madara completely gave Shisui his power: "Boy, you seem to be the descendant of the mirror? Use my power seriously!"

‘Eighty God Sky Strike! '

At the same time, the impatient Datong Mufeng had already punched down, and the powerful Xiandao fist shook the space and crushed the ninja coalition army.

She looked up and shouted: "Did you hear that?! Send the bone form back, Kaguya! Let's fight fairly, or don't blame me for crushing these bugs completely! Or... the lives of these bugs are in your eyes It’s actually not worth mentioning?!”


The bright shock wave expanded below, cutting off a series of bare mountain peaks and shooting them into the distance!

Feng Shi suddenly lowered his head and looked at the ninja coalition army whose formation was neither scattered nor injured.

"Huh? Blocked?"


"Huh...huh...huh...hey, you are really there, brat, but I...blocked it!"

In the weapon space, in the middle of the scorched black earth that stretched for thousands of miles, the ground sank ten thousand meters, and a bone-like body gradually emerged from the last gray smoke.

I saw him now, one left arm and one right leg had disappeared, exposing the stubble of bones, the flesh and blood wriggled, and healed little by little, at a very slow speed, because the large wooden bone pose required more strength to restore the rest of the body. place.

His entire upper body is almost a skeleton supporting internal organs! Including the cheeks and mouth, there is only a little flesh and blood left, as if the top Ling Chi executioner gave him the last knife!

In that super-standard explosion, he was located at the center equivalent to the detonation of dozens of nuclear bombs. Even as a powerful Otsutsuki clan, he could only protect his bones, internal organs and brain, and survived with his powerful immortality. A life!

But as long as they survived, and the chakras that were not knocked into fragments entered the resurrection state, these injuries were minor injuries to the Otsutsuki clan!

Not something bugs can try to kill!

"Qian Kagura!" A series of dragon spine-like bones shot out from his back again, causing Ji Xing, who crossed the space to hold his heart without a thorn, to flicker back.

Large-tube wooden bone-style single-leg turn.

He has figured it out.

There was no help from Otsutsuki Kaguya at all, and the betrayal was not hidden, but was lured to a similar place by Shi Pomi by some unknown means, and was plotted to death!

He can withstand such an explosion, but Zi Shi is absolutely impossible, and Shi Po Si Zao's strength is much stronger than they expected.

Very capable, but also very good at hiding!

He even quietly mastered the space ninjutsu similar to Huang Quan Hirasaka, and also created a formation that interferes with Huang Quan Hirasaka!

But I'm not dead, damn it...


Suddenly, the shining black sword made his white eyes freeze, and the tough bones that could shatter the moon were cut off in an instant, the shining Ji Xing appeared in front of him, and a penetrating penetrating into his heart!

Then there is the spleen, the kidneys!

He looked at Ji Xing stiffly.

This time, I really understood.

"You bastard--"

Why? Why this level of power? Did that woman Kaguya give you everything she had? !

Half of his face was frozen in petrification with a perplexed face. Ji Xing held him in his hand, opened the space channel, flashed, and came out again. He had already arrived outside the Dashewan laboratory.

He glanced at the night sky in the direction of the land of earth, and he could see the looming brightness.

Is there a war? Hold on a little longer!

Ji Xing didn't have time to be too verbose with the big-tube wooden bone pose, and he chose the fastest and easiest way to kill the bone pose, because from the moment he beat the big-tube Muzi pose with a weak victory, the slightly stronger bone pose, sealed Shi is no longer his rival.

The only target left is Otsutsuki Yara!

His clenched left hand was released, and Didara's Chakra spiritual body was sent to the pure land by him.

"Your art is really good."

Then Ji Xing flashed his figure and entered Orochimaru's laboratory, saying: "Oshewan, turn on the Chakra Decomposer at full power, this time don't worry about my ability to bear it!"

He wants to strengthen himself again before fighting Otsutsuki Yara!

Two shifts of 6k, a total of 142,000+ words were updated on February 28, including three days of leave, and an average of 5k+ per day. Although the hips are still stretched, they have recovered a lot from the most stretched January.

March will continue to recover, the goal is 17w words, thank you for your follow-up and voting support, and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass in March!

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