Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 433 Is this Otsutsuki?

The two-tube moon that seals Otsuki Ichigo is not that big among the nine moons, but it has a diameter of more than 30 kilometers, and the unit of mass is 100 million tons.

The rumbling sound of the disintegration of such a star suspended in the sky is enough to cover thousands of miles!

And the eye-catching degree covers the ninja world!

In the southwest corner of the Kingdom of Wind, the Red Sand Scorpion who heard the roar came out of the puppet research base and looked up at the sky.

What happened in the ninja world during this period is clear even to civilians, and of course he also knows it.

The moon, which is like being shelled by an egg and disintegrated from the outer layer, is eye-catching and dazzling in sight!

"Has it started today? Eternal beauty, the Otsutsuki clan... will it still be eternal?"

In Yanyin Prison, Didara grabbed the iron railing with both hands and shouted: "Let me out! Give me back the clay! Black soil! I heard the sound, the moment the moon exploded... just open the window for me!"

Heitu sat on the top of the prison, crossed his legs and looked into the distance, completely ignoring Didara's call.

In the southeast of the Land of Fire, Loquat Juzo, who is carrying a beheading knife, sits on a tree branch and looks up at the sky.

"One, two, three...eight, eight?"

started? The guys at Kirigakure called me back, saying that Taketori Issaku and the Taketori clan have improved a bit under the supervision of that ancestor... If I win this battle, I will go back and do my part.

The City of Fire, the Town of Wind in the northwest of the Kingdom of Fire, the City of Soup, the City of Thunder... There are similar exclamations from one location after another!

"Look at the sky..."

"That is……"

"The moon is disappearing!"

After a brief shock, almost everyone changed into a prayer posture, praying for the return of the goddess, or praying for the safety of the ninja world!

Under the general situation, they have no right to speak.

I just hope that I can lie flat, be safe, and win!


Under the broken moon, the strong ninja world has no distracting thoughts. On the constantly shelled moon, countless boulders weighing hundreds of catties and tons fell down, but they also ignored them!

They don't need to care about those that will hit the distance. The three teams on the outer layer have formed three formations, and the three layers of deep purple barriers have protected them. They just need to use Chakra to hold the ground tightly and resist shocks and vibrations. Easy.

And what will be hit on the head is only the part of the moon opposite to the core, so they don't need to worry about it!

With the help of Ji Xing, Nagato, who perfectly fused the power of yang, not only healed his legs, but his physique was able to bear the eyes of reincarnation, and his chakra also increased exponentially through practice. After unlocking the six earth-exploding stars, There is still room to spare!

Before the formation of the three protective formations, his figure floated high in the sky, waiting for the boulder peeled off in the center of the moon to descend, and propped his hands outward.

"Super Shenluo Tianzheng!"


The endless white light expands, engulfing all the falling hills and boulders, the roar like a magnitude 10 earthquake and the stones that hit the yellow sand in the distance are intertwined, echoing continuously, and the shock of the sky spreads thousands of miles, Covering the entire homeland of the people of the Kingdom of Wind after migration!

In this fierce turbulent sound, the distant earth shook and cracked, but all the boulders that fell head-on were wiped out by Nagato, turned into scattered dust, and collided with the yellow sand rushing in from afar, and the mist-like colors filled the night!

Among the ninjas below, several members of the Hyuga tribe, including Hyuga Hizuru, had already rolled their eyes, and at this moment they shouted in unison: "Here we are! Get ready!"

At the same time, Xiaonan, with wings on his back, quickly folded in the sky, hugged Nagato, who was slightly out of strength, and left a string of detonating symbols floating around.

It's like firecrackers celebrating a festival, blowing away the dust while exploding.

A few seconds later, the three purple formations protecting the ninjas also dissipated, and the clear night appeared in everyone's sight again.

The moon directly overhead is completely gone.

It was replaced by a figure.

Although he was thousands of meters above the sky, the ninjas with excellent eyesight could basically see everything about him without any obstructions.

He has pale skin and long gray hair, no eyebrows, closed eyes, a horn protruding to the upper right on his head, and he is wearing a white coat that completely covers his neck.

His figure is thin, but his arms are uncoordinatedly thick, almost comparable to his torso, obviously containing very exaggerated strength.

And around him, the dark blue Chakra was drawn into his body like a whirlwind, constantly raising his aura. When his white eyes opened and looked down, a sense of oppression in the essence of life crushed him. Press down!

"Is this Otsutsuki?"

Many people are talking to themselves.

They who were born in this era have seen the statues of Kaguya Yui Ha Village, and know their appearance and clothing, but they have never seen a living person with their own eyes. And the temperament of a living person is different from that of a statue!

Out of the world, detached, this is the perception brought by the white clothes and power.


"Today, we ninjas are going to challenge the legendary Otsutsuki God for the first time!"

Feeling the strong fighting spirit, Otsutsuki Kazugo's white eyes fluctuated slightly.

Although he has been in the seal for thousands of years, there is a wedge outside. When the power of wedge is activated, he can obtain a little information from the outside world, but it is very limited, only limited to what the wooden man sees, even the wooden man's memory Neither can be obtained.

'Are these bugs the so-called ninjas...'

His eyes shifted to the side: "Let's rescue Master Zishi first... huh?!"

Suddenly a strong wind hit.

Behind him, a 43-yard foot shrouded in golden light was stepping towards the back of his head. With a 360-degree vision, he didn't realize that the attack was coming until it was about to fall!


Amidst the booming and colliding sounds, Otsutsuki Kazugo completed his turn almost teleportingly, and raised his uncoordinated right arm as if crossing space. Under the condition of only 0.1 second reaction, he firmly held up the sneak attack launched by Ji Xing Attacking, the body is not moving.

With white eyes facing black pupils, Otsutsuki Ichigo looked cold: "Don't get in the way, bug."

Ji Xing smiled and said, "Look at the Chakra in my tailed beast's coat, does it belong to you?"

Um? It was the traitor Otsuki Kaguya who took it away... Otsutsuki Ichigo couldn't help but froze, and Ji Xing's thigh muscles swelled instantly.

"Nine Tails - Shocking Battle Axe!"

Boom——! !

The seventh door opens instantly, blue chakra, blue sweat vapor, and golden nine-tailed chakra light up the night together!

Otsutsuki Kazugo's body was like a cannonball ejected from the start, falling straight to the ground in the white circle of light that exploded in the night sky.

After a thousand meters passed in an instant, Ji Xing chased after Otsutsuki Yiwu again, and then slashed with his right leg!

On the other hand, Otsutsuki Kazugo clashed his ill-fitting fists together, entwined with purple lightning, and showed a slightly angry expression on his pale face.

"Purple Electric Red Light Fist!"

"Nine Tails - Shocking Three Swords!"


Shake together the remaining eight violent physical arts that distort the light of the moon, and in an instant a ring of purple and gold intertwined radiates outward from the center, shining like a star ring, exuding extremely dangerous energy that can cut off mountains!

During the vibration and friction of the bones, Ji Xing in the center was thrown back into the air by the berserk force, while Otsutsuki Kazugo, who showed a murderous face, shook and rolled slightly, and fell to the ground at a faster speed, bringing There was a violent detonation!

'This local worm has some skills, his physical skills are not weak, and he almost hurt me. Is it related to Kaguya? It seems that he must be dealt with first. '

When smashing the sand out of a deep bunker with a diameter of tens of meters, Otsutsuki Kazugo thought so, and then his eyes caught more things.

surrounded? Hit me into the middle of my mates?

Um? wait, what is this? !

An invisible formation enveloped him, causing him to cast his eyes to the northeast, and met a pair of kaleidoscope Sharingan—it was Kakashi.

Borrowing Obito's other eye, he has an important mission in this battle.

‘After Ichigo Otsutsuki is unsealed, I will personally shoot him down into the encirclement net, and you will be responsible for preventing one of his supercilious abilities—incorporealization. Similar to the blurring ability of Obito's eyes, the Kamui with two eyes is enough.

To shoot down the earth from the sky, I need about two attacks. The first time will definitely succeed, and the second time should also be successful according to the character of the Otsutsuki clan. If not, you can assist me once. Crash to the ground as the launch of the space team's attack! '

Everything is as you expected, my lord ancestor.


The space twists and tears to Otsutsuki Ichigo.

At the same time, in the brigade behind Kakashi, there are more than a dozen ninjas who are good at speed, such as Namikaze Minato and Shisui, whose figures are like ghosts!

Instead of attacking Otsutsuki Kazugo, they threw some chakra sticks they carried with them to a certain direction. At the same time, the space chakra characters on their bodies were activated, and they retreated to a fixed position while collectively forming seals, and the chakras connected to the sticks.

"Return the dry words!"

"The word Kun returns to its place!"

"Leave the word and return to its place!"


"Qimen Translocation Formation - Success!"


The chakra connections surging on those chakra rods locked Otsutsuki Kazugo inside!

Kakashi's Kamui couldn't get in, and he took back the kaleidoscope and shed blood and tears. At the same time, Otsutsuki Kazugo was surprised to find that his white eyes incorporealization ability also failed!

"What is this? Using these sticks to distort the orientation of space?!" Otsutsuki Kazugo was extremely puzzled by the ability he had never seen before, but...

"Just get out of this space, or absorb the chakra on the stick."

He thought so.

Beautiful thought.

"The middle palace returns!"

At the same time as Minato and the others announced their position, Tsunade's clear voice was intermingled, which was not obvious.

In another large formation, Tsunade in the center sat cross-legged on the ground, with the dark green imprint of the Wet Bone Forest Immortal Technique on his face.

‘Our enemies have the ability to absorb chakra and use our chakra to fight back, and can also condense our chakra into weapons. Ordinary ninjutsu is invalid, only xianjutsu can do it!

It is unrealistic for everyone to learn fairy arts, even if there are Chakra characters. So Tsunade, your task is very heavy. Sitting in the middle palace of the Nakamiya Immortal Art Formation, you can distribute your own senjutsu chakra to everyone, of course not on everyone, but on everyone's art! '

And beside her are Nara Shikahisa and a group of ninjas who are good at bondage ninjutsu!

"Immortal Art - Shadow Binding!"

"Immortal Technique - Earth Binding Technique!"

"Immortal Technique - Thunder Binding Technique!"

Intensive celestial restraints appeared in all directions of Otsutsuki Yiwu, no matter how he moved and dodged, he was still firmly grasped by the body!

"Damn it! How did these bugs come up with so many tricks..." At this moment, Otsutsuki Kazugo's mentality finally changed a little bit, and he struggled violently.

But in another direction, Zilai also sat cross-legged early and entered the immortal mode!

'Jiraiya, you are just like Tsunade! '

His array includes powerful ninjutsu experts such as Huang Tu and Terumi Mei!

"Immortal Technique - Earth Dungeon..."

"Immortal method - boiling escape..."

The powerful ninjutsu were bombarded by them one by one to Otsutsuki Kazugo who was locked up, and this formation was different from Tsunade's formation. When the ninjutsu was activated, Hiruzaru Sarutobi jumped to the top of Jiraiya , replacing Jiraiya as the leader of the formation.

Go back to the palace!

"Immortal method - the art of five escape Dalian bullets!"

His signature strongest attack is played, while including the attacks of other ninjas at the same time.

The emergence of distorted energy fluctuations was the multiple-fold overall improvement that Masana Mitani was horrified to see once he saw it, and it hit the head of Otsutsuki Ichigo who had a pale face and discoloration head-on!

In an instant, like a volcanic eruption that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years, the magnificent energy shock wave turned half of the sky into fiery red, dazzing and dazzling, reflecting the night like day, suppressing the brilliance of the moon!

It's not over yet.

The fourth formation and the fifth formation all launched an attack before the Qimen Translocation formation was completely broken up!

The fourth formation was finally not headed by Konoha Ninja, but Issaku Taketori and Onogi, whose formation was named "Hell Spike" by Ji Xing and the Third Raikage.

Nothing special, just the spines.

Otsutsuki Ichigo can absorb Chakra, but it is impossible to successfully absorb such real attacks as the Earth Dun and Shigumai!

Under the report of the Hyuga clan, the dense bone bones of the Taketori clan, and the soil spears released by Tsuchikage personally led the team, stabbing the center of the impact in front intensively, turning it into a piece of hell!

"Go to hell!!" In Taketori's excited grin, in the center, a bone spur like a mountain pierced through the shock wave.

That's a report for the fifth formation!

The fifth array is the body technique array, which is called the fish scale array, or it can also be called the water drop array.

It looks like a drop of water, and a group of ninjas who are good at physical skills and similar to the fourth generation of Raikage form the tail of the drop, sending a violent thrust to the front.

And Kai, who opened the shocking door, is the tip of the drop!

With the help of a group of powerful people, Hiuhu was ten times stronger than when he fought Ji Xing that day, and even surpassed the two collisions between Ji Xing and Otsutsuki Kazugo, rolling the earth and rushing towards the mountain spur!

It gave the five-dun Dalian bomb the last boost, bursting out with the last brilliance, and also shattered those protruding soil spear bones into fragments, and washed the surroundings of Otsutsuki Ichigo indiscriminately!

So far, all the ninjas participating in the battle have tried their best. After the first two stages of Jixing's special training, they almost emptied the chakra in their bodies with one blow. Fortunately, there are chakra words to supplement them!

In the several berserk attacks, their figures were also infested by the yellow sand to the point of embarrassment!

After finishing the attack one by one, they were out of breath, staring at the center, hovering over Hyuga everyone, but Hyuga everyone looked at the center with their mouths wide open and said nothing, as if they had been hit by a freeze spell.

This surprised them, and they focused their gaze back again. After the wind and sand dissipated, they locked on the bottom of the hundreds of meters of bowl-shaped pit formed by the impact!

Saw a tattered, battered, half-buried... corpse in the yellow sand?

So they also showed the same expression as the Hyuga tribe, shocked and a little confused.

Dead, dead?

They always felt that the corpse would move in the next moment, and all the injuries on their bodies healed quickly, showing the strength that made them despair.

But half a minute passed, no.

Really... dead?

Just like that... died?

This is Otsuki? !

The single update is a bit out of context, so the two updates were posted together. The two are closer to 7k, which is considered a small explosion, please count the votes.

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