Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 426 Two Shurikens

In a dark, foul-smelling secret room.

A corpse wearing the forehead guard of rebellion in Wuyin Village was pushed into the mortuary cabinet by the bald middle-aged man.

"A-level traitor Daheyuan in Wuyin Village, the identity verification is complete, and the reward is 10.5 million." He locked the cabinet, took out a stack of banknotes from his arms, counted them, and handed the corresponding value to the man beside him.

The tall man with a mask covering half his face took it, counted it correctly, and was about to turn around and leave, but the bald middle-aged man beside him said, "Wait a minute, there is a new super high reward, are you interested?"

"Extremely high?" Jiaodu turned his head to look.

This is the gold exchange office, a secret organization in the ninja world, backed by the five major villages and some nobles who secretly support it, and specially release certain rewards for rebellious ninja or special characters in each village, attracting a famous bounty hunter to do it Dirty work.

And Jiao is a frequent visitor here, he is clear and familiar with everything here, and knows that the rewards that can be called super high are not common.

The owner of the gold exchange office nodded, obviously no one else would hear him, but he lowered his voice and said to the corner: "Have you heard about the revival of the first daimyo from the Star Kingdom thousands of years ago?"

"Those rumors?" Kakuzu asked.

"No, this is not a rumor. Not long ago, the Five Great Nations officially announced the news of his resurrection. The ninja world...may be unified again!"

Jiaodu's lifeless eyes fluctuated, and he was a little surprised. He looked at the boss of the gold exchange and understood what the other party was about to say.

"Is it really resurrected... Hmph, it seems that you don't want the ninja world to be unified."

After saying that, he turned around and left. The bald middle-aged man was taken aback, and quickly shouted: "The reward is five hundred million taels!"

Jiaodu froze, remained silent for two seconds, and still shook his head: "There is no hope to complete the bounty, even if it is tens of billions of taels, it is meaningless."

"Maybe it can be tens of billions!" The shopkeeper of the gold exchange quickly said: "The current five hundred million is just the hidden wealth of those noble families who were unlucky because of his recovery, and there are many nobles who do not want the Star Country to be rebuilt. Added chips in the open, but some hints came to us.

Among the bounty hunters I know, only you have the hope of getting this bounty, and only you can get all the bounties after completing the task! And it's not just us, you also definitely don't want the ninja world to be unified by him and disappear in exchange for gold, right? ! "

"Ten billion..." Jiaodu murderously fixed his eyes on the boss of the gold exchange.

The boss quickly raised his hand to signal: "I don't have any malice, and I dare not force you to complete this infinitely dangerous reward, I just provide you with information according to the rules, and let you decide for yourself.

If you want to complete this bounty, now is the best opportunity. According to reliable information, the five major countries have just been able to maintain autonomy for the time being, but the small countries in the gap will be taken over by the Fire Nation, and no other major country will stop it.

And he just went to Tian Zhiguo in person and met Tian Zhiguo's daimyo, and now he is heading towards the direction of Rain Country, alone! "

Kakuzu was silent for a while again, was the target the legendary first ninja?

"This reward is special. I need to obtain his detailed information and advance a reward of 200 million. If it fails, the reward will not be refunded."

"This...this is against the rules...wait!" Seeing that the corner was about to leave again, he hurriedly shouted: "I want to ask the higher-ups for instructions first, don't worry..."

"Ask for instructions? The order given to you should be at all costs." Kakudo said calmly.

"If you still need to ask for instructions, just wait for you to make up your mind before looking for me."


Yuren Village, the top floor of the central tower.

Xiaonan and Tiandao are standing here.

These days, when the two of them met, the most common thing they said was "Is it him?"

But not long ago, it was replaced with 'it's him'!

There is no portrait of the first daimyo in the Land of Rain, but it is not difficult to get one elsewhere, and the old aristocratic costume Ji Xing wore when he appeared is proof.

They felt it was absurd, how could a random psychic bring a legendary figure thousands of years ago back to the ninja world? We also carefully explained the status quo of the ninja world to him and invited him to join!

But it also solved all the doubts, including the disappearance of Hei Ze, the disappearance of 'Uchiha Madara' and other unusual things... Overall, it is not a bad thing.

They formed the Xiao organization because they hated war. They wanted to save the goddess and restore the ninja world to a unified state. The purpose of the first daimyo was exactly the same as theirs.

But after the discussion, Nagato decided not to do anything for the time being, and wait for the other party to find him again.

"Everything we know about him comes from historical records, but over the past thousand years, he may not be willing to take too much risk to rescue the goddess. During the few days he was in Yuren Village, his attitude was ambiguous, and in the end he secretly took her away. Heijue.

Even if he is willing to rescue the Goddess, the five powers who have stolen the high position will definitely add chaos to him in the open and dark, blocking his actions, and if he can't deal with it, we will do it! "

This was Nagato's idea, but the Five Great Nations seemed to cooperate unexpectedly in the news that he had heard these days, and he also had higher expectations for meeting that first daimyo again.



In the light rain, Ji Xing was walking on the slightly muddy path.

Just like shrinking the ground into an inch in the legend of Xianxia, ​​he occasionally took a step while walking, and the next step landed a few meters away.

This is an exercise in space ninjutsu.

Flying Raijin Jutsu is a kind of 'positioning space ninjutsu', by communicating with the thrown Flying Raijin Kuzumi's Flying Raijin Rune, or the Chakra on the rune imprinted in other places, to determine the coordinates, and then complete the two Shuttle between points.

He did similar things in Fairy Tail World, the magic marks he left behind not only allow him to sense space apart, but even travel across time.

But chakra is different from magic power. It is a kind of energy that is consumed very quickly after leaving the human body and is difficult to change its nature. Therefore, although Ji Xing is very familiar with the depiction of the flying thunder god rune, it can only be within a radius of about ten meters. It is difficult to make progress in precise spatial movement within the range.

"If you want to go further, you need to simplify the rune, erase the permanent retention attribute, and make my chakra mark faster and easier... Obito's kaleidoscope analysis has also been completed..."

Thinking about the next step of practice, a call came from the palm of his hand: "Father!"

"I know."

Ji Xing's pace returned to normal.

There is only one hill away from Yuren Village, and the other side of the hill is also the location where I was psychic out with the missile that day.

These days, he has also dabbled in perception ninjutsu, and he can capture Tiandao and Xiaonan who are approaching here in the distance, but before that...

There is an additional welcome ceremony!

Whoosh——Amidst the two insignificant howls piercing the air, the two shurikens drew a huge arc in the air, sneaking towards Ji Xing in the rain.

One for the chest and one for the neck!

Ji Xing's right hand flexed his fingers, filled with thunder, and with a stab from the bottom up, he accurately stopped the two shurikens, and fell to the ground after spinning his fingertips.

Amidst the clanging sound, Ji Xing folded his palms together.

"Earth Dun-Earth Spear Formation!"


Amidst the violent concussion sound, the hill in front of him seemed to turn into a hedgehog in an instant!

Countless sharp soil spears grow densely, tearing the ground, destroying trees, and forcing out those who lurked after throwing shurikens!

Leaping vertically in the sky, Jiaodu's eyes swept across the dangerous place below, adding to the gloom, meeting Ji Xing's eyes, his heart sank again.

"Earth Dungeon-Tianjiang Mountain!" Ji Xing spoke the name of ninjutsu without separating his clasped hands.

In an instant, a huge boulder like a hill appeared above Jiaodu's head, like a small meteorite appearing out of thin air, crushing him who was in the air, and the shadow completely enveloped him!

"Hmph, do ordinary B-level ninjutsu guns and sky caps have such power? 500 million and 10 billion are really not so easy to get."

Jiaodu groaned in his heart, his right wrist was ejected from his arm, connected by the tentacles, he directly grabbed the soil spear that had just been pierced in the distance, and wanted to swing to the distance to avoid it.

But at this moment, a wave of water cut off his tentacles as if he had been prepared, and cut them off, preventing him from getting out!

"Water escape-water breaking wave!"

This blow... so fast!

This kind of thing didn't attack me directly? !

The huge boulder above crushed him with a bang, a fishy sweetness appeared in the throat of the urgently hardened Jiaodu, and it was directly buckled down, and the sound of the boulder colliding with the soil spear was heard in the ears.

'My own jutsu collided with each other, did not cause enough damage to me, and gave me a chance to hide my figure, but the jutsu that could cause effective damage missed. This initial ninja combat experience does not seem to be rich... Just as this thought flashed through Jiaodu's mind, he suddenly felt terrified.

This chakra fluctuation...? !

Still weigh? !

How can it be? !

"Immortal Technique - Wind Escape - Spiral Shuriken!"

The giant shuriken in his right hand was thrown out, and a dark chakra sphere formed in the palm of Ji Xing's left hand, surrounded by nebula.

"Big Spiral Lumber!"

At the same time, a scarlet sphere formed in front of his open mouth.

"Tail Beast Jade!"

Boom boom boom! ! !

Three attacks, bombarding the hill in front of him slightly divided into front and back, the roar in an instant was like a volcanic eruption that had been silent for hundreds of millions of years, and the shock wave that turbulent space completely covered the hill!

The blazing white light took away the brilliance of the sun, and the earth shook like a magnitude 10 earthquake.

Cracks spread to the distance, and the wind that swallowed all the flowers and trees swept across the sky and the earth. The two shurikens thrown by Ji Xing's feet jingled and bounced into the distance. Amidst the majestic sounds, the sound was difficult to distinguish !

After a long time, the impact dissipated, and the dark clouds in the sky were washed away a bit. The sun's brilliance fell on the hills that had turned into flat ground or even depressions. Finally, a ray of bright color appeared on the land that had been raining for days.

Ji Xing looked at Jin Can in front of him.

"Haven't five lives survived? Forget it, it's not appropriate for him to take care of the finances."

He continued to walk in the direction of Yuren Village.

The next chapter will be late.

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