Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 406 Borrow some Chakra?

A thousand years is a long time even for Kaguya, who is nearly immortal.

It would be fine if she was still the goddess who seemed to have no desires, but after getting along with Ji Xing and Yu Yi Yu Cun, she has become more and more humane, and she will even take the initiative to save ordinary people when they are in danger.

If you are in the ninja world, it is okay to have descendants to accompany you, but in this ice and snow space, even if you separate nine tailed beasts to accompany you, and a useless toad, it will still be difficult for a thousand years.

In the past few hundred years, she often fell asleep for two or three years at a time, and fell asleep again within a month after waking up, so as to spend the long years.

And when Ji Xing left, she didn't know if she could still invade the world of Hokage and how to reunite. I told her the same thing. The follow-up recovery of Ji Xing's body was all done by her and Yuyi Yumura. , as to whether Ji Xing can come back through this, she actually doesn't know, but she just has high expectations.

Now that her wish has come true, the tears she shed are tears of joy and longing.

Ji Xing is not too pretentious, if he could return to Hokage sooner, he would have come. After a thousand years, it was the restriction and help of the Seven Star Orb. After apologizing twice, he hid the guilt in his heart and hugged Kaguya , Cherish the happy time of this reunion.

Kaguya doesn't talk much, so Ji Xing babbled to her about the current situation of the ninja world and relayed Heijue's words.

"The Kingdom of Stars is gone." After a while, Hui Ye felt a little regretful, after all, it was the soil where she and Ji Xing ruled bit by bit.

As for the descendants not cooperating with Heijue to save her, she doesn't care, because to save her, she has to release the big tube of wood arrows, no one can deal with it, and it can't be regarded as saving her.

"We are all here, and the Kingdom of Stars is still there." Ji Xing shook his head and said, "We'll take care of Yuyiyu Village later. What's your current state?"

"Tianzhi Yuzhong and Huangquan Biliangsaka can't be used. I have sealed the power of Yagura's eyes in my space, and they are also sealed with each other. If I want to leave here, they will run away." Kaguya said: "His The power is too strong, at that time, even Yuyi's Nine Layer Earth Explosive Star will not be able to seal him."

"That's it... You still won't be able to return to the ninja world in such a short time." Ji Xing thought.

He can move through psychics and reverse psychics, but Kaguya can't. With the terrifying amount of chakra and the essence of life, Yuromo in full bloom almost has the hope of reverse psychic her.

"But it doesn't matter, wait for me for at most three years, and I will definitely be able to bring you back, and then we will get rid of that big tube of wood Yara together." Ji Xing said.

Hui Ye's white eyes looked at Ji Xing coldly, and Ji Xing smiled: "I don't believe it, it's been a thousand years, and you should look at me with admiration. Now I am not what I used to be. My body strength is almost the same as yours. Give me After a while, I will definitely become as strong as you, Kaguya."

Hui Ye's white eyes still looked at Ji Xing coldly, did not speak, but said everything.

Ji Xing coughed lightly, and could only say, "When have I ever lied to you, Goddess?"

In fact, there were a lot of deceptions at the beginning.

But Hui Ye thought about it, and it seemed that Ji Xing had indeed done what he said, and said, "Three years? I know."

Ji Xing added: "I'm not telling you to wait for three years. I will come every few days. Otherwise, two years or less will be enough."

Hui Ye nodded and hummed. If it was an ordinary person, she might say that the overall situation is the most important thing and let Ji Xing concentrate on his cultivation, but she would not, the goddess would not hide what she really wanted, and of course she would not make Ji Xing give up Everything is with her every day.

"What are you going to do?"

"Hmm..." Ji Xing thought for a while.

This body has limits, and it has been reached long ago. There is almost no room for improvement in his own chakra, but compared with the last time, his mental energy, skills, and learning ability have all improved beyond the ordinary!

The last time he was in immortal mode, he didn't have the perfect state to enter at any time, but after going through multiple world soul upgrades, as long as the natural energy is sufficient, he can even be in immortal mode all the time now, which is a big improvement.

As for all kinds of ninjutsu, although he hasn't touched it yet, he has enough confidence to be able to copy it better than copying ninja Kakashi!

Spirit and skills are enough, but now it is mainly the lack of body. If you can turn a large tree hanging in the sky into a fruit and devour it, or become a ten-tailed jinchuriki to enhance the essence of life, all roads will be smooth from then on.

Cell transplantation and physical transformation are also available. The technological power he has mastered should have surpassed Orochimaru and can help him break the shackles.

And before that, there is another way to directly obtain stronger combat power and facilitate actions!

He looked at Kaguya, and smiled: "Master Goddess, seal some Chakra into my body?"

He pointed to the nine-tailed beast among the sleeping nine-tailed beasts not far away: "I think our fourth child is quite strong and can help me."

Hui Ye looked at Ji Xing coldly with a pair of white eyes, a smile suddenly appeared on his usually expressionless face, how have you changed?

Ji Xing also laughed, and repeated: "Master Goddess, please borrow some more chakra, are you willing?"


More than an hour later, the two men got their clothes back together and walked out of the castle side by side.

Two pale faces were reflected in the boundless white snow. Ji Xing took a deep breath, exhaled white smoke and said, "Mr. Yarai, let me teach you a little more? Cough, after all, you only practice taijutsu, and it will be boring and tiring."

Kaguya said: "Every member of the Otsutsuki clan is working hard to become the God of Otsutsuki in the family legend, and Yarai is one of the people I know who is closest to the God of Otsutsugi, but thousands of years have passed, and he has already It may not be the strongest, even the God of Otsutsuki may have already been born."

Ji Xing nodded: "I know, I will make good expectations and preparations, no matter what powerful enemy there is, we will overcome it together with our efforts!"

Hui Ye smiled lightly: "Learn what?"

"Swordsmanship." Ji Xing said.


Amidst the sharp whistling of thunder and lightning, a sword of thunder and lightning condensed in his hand, which was also under the control of the Thunder Escape Chakra, which was also unattainable last time, but now it can be obtained casually.

Kaguya also saw the difference, and stretched out his hand to condense a blade of ice and snow: "Swordsmanship?"

Ji Xing did use a sword when he was a warrior thousands of years ago, but the power of the skill is not comparable to that of boxing and kicking, and he couldn't even teach her.

Then now...

"Looking good." Ji Xing jumped forward.

The blue-purple lightning combined with Bai Xue, and Ji Xing danced his sword, as if he was really dancing.

The slightly sore body did not affect his performance. The transitions were extremely smooth. When the movements were gentle, the snowflakes could be rolled and lingered, but after seemingly harmless movements, he cut all the snowflakes in half. Bone-piercing, between connections, the flow of Chakra is also mysterious!

Hui Ye is no longer a fighting rookie, and her powerful strength allows her to see all Ji Xing's movements clearly.

That is a kind of 'beauty' that has never been seen before!

It's like the first time she really felt how powerful Ji Xing's physical skills are!

Substituting herself into it, fighting with the same strength and pure fists, she has little chance of consciously counterattacking, and since the solo sword dance is like this, the changes in actual combat will only be more difficult to judge.

He has really become more mysterious and powerful!

Practicing swordsmanship is also of great significance to her, because one of her strongest ultimate moves is to kill ashes together!

Stabbing and chopping are similar to knives.

So soon, another sword practicer was added, and the two danced together in the snow!


Time seems to go back a thousand years ago.

In the next two and a half days, the two of them almost only did three things, one was Ji Xing taught Hui Ye to practice swordsmanship, the second was Ji Xing and Hui Ye's physical training, and the third was Ji Xing and Hui Ye's training against each other gymnastics.

Without the Yuyi Yucun around him.

There are nine more little tailed beasts.

Very happy.

"Father, father! You are so powerful, every time we fight with mother, we will be affected and fainted when we go closer..."

"What is the ninja world like? Mother told us many stories about you..."

"Can we go and see?"

These nine tailed beasts are different from those in the original work. They have not gone through a thousand years of ups and downs, and they have been with Kaguya all the time, and they are all very innocent.

When Ji Xing rubbed the fox's head and said to take it this time, the other eight couldn't help being disappointed.

Jiu Lama looked at his younger brothers and sisters, and couldn't help saying: "Father, why don't you... take them first, I have no interest in the ninja world."

After he finished speaking, he regretted it. The fox turned his eyes away and did not dare to look at Ji Xing, while the other eight pairs of eyes stared straight at him.

Ji Xing smiled: "Everyone has a chance. This time you will go first, and then line up from the oldest to the youngest."

The little fox showed surprise on his face, and said in his mouth: "This way...then this way, it's okay."

The smallest raccoon cat rolled around: "It's not good! Why am I the last?!"

Chattering, noisy.

Ji Xing had no choice but to look at Hui Ye, only to see Hui Ye's cold white eyes looking at him quietly, as if he was talking: 'All go? Didn't you say...only borrow the chakra of the Nine Lamas? '

Ji Xing understood in seconds, and smiled: "Master Goddess, I will pay it back, and I will definitely pay it back this time."

Kaguya was silent for a few seconds, then smiled.

The small car is happy, but the big car hurts the body. Before 12 o'clock in the next chapter, ask for the guaranteed monthly pass at the beginning of the month.

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