Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 368 What kind of king do you want to be?

Came earlier than expected.

Came more than expected.

When two Pirate Emperors act together, they don't need to deliberately exude any aura, and they can bring terrifying pressure to others.

Even the top powerhouses such as Huang Mu and Long would be terrified, and those who were worse than the dark horse would be even more flustered, and more importantly, the opponent came to their side!

what to do? escape? where to escape?

It is impossible for a target as large as a warship to escape their eyes, and it is impossible to fly faster than Kaido, jumping into the sea?

hateful! During this period of time, all the energy was put on the blasphemers. The navy and the world government did not get any information about the departure of the two four emperors from the new world!

Something big happened! Fucked by Holo! And Doflamingo, a bastard, was able to disturb the arrival of the two emperors? !

Thinking of this, he looked sideways at Ji Xing, only to see that he was standing beside him, the knife had been unsheathed at some point, and he swung it forcefully towards the sky.


A gust of wind howled, and the nearly 100-meter-long flying slash was like a round of silver moon, flying straight into the sky. The boundless power and sharpness contained in it made the black horse's heart tremble slightly. Is this the slash of the world's number one swordsman... ...slash? !

Who is he beheading? !

Eyes flew out of their sockets and stuck to the sunglasses, and the black horse yelled in horror, "Are you crazy?!"

The slashing strike spanned thousands of meters, and directly attacked the dragon and the person in the distance. The giant dragon quickly noticed the attack and snorted: "Huh?!"

The dragon's body hovered, its head swung, its teeth tore, and Kaido bit and slashed from the side!


The explosion and trembling made everyone on Vera Island cover their ears, and looked at the sky with horror on their faces, only to see a second full sun rising in the sky amidst the vast expanse of white light!

"Mom, mom... what's going on?!"

The dragon's body was writhing in the round sun, and Big Mom grabbed the dragon's horns tightly with both hands, so as not to be thrown off.

After the slash was completely torn apart, the dragon-formed Kaido spit out a mouthful of saliva and said, "Get off me, old woman, the person we are looking for has appeared and attacked us on his own initiative!"


So she grabbed a ball of flames with her right hand, and Prometheus, the life-giving flame sun under the power of the Soul Soul Fruit, appeared, and took the initiative to put Kaido under her feet, leading her and Kaido to the sky. The direction of the warship to fly.

"Is that the one? Hmm... It really is just a coincidence that the name is the same, and the face has never been seen before!"

The sailors on board could no longer stand still.

The dark horse's face also turned green: "You..."

"What are you panicking about? Your legs go limp when you see the Four Emperors. How can you navy maintain order at sea?" Ji Xing smiled, patted the black horse on the shoulder, leaped into the air, and rushed to the distance quickly with moon-step skills. The direction is not those two people.

They came from the west, but Ji Xing went north, making a V with the warship!

"Huh? Swordsman, do you still want to run?!" The dragon head roared, and Kaido and Big Mom immediately folded and chased in the direction of Ji Xing.

At the same time, like beating a rabbit with a grass in its arms, the giant dragon spewed out a sea of ​​flames, covering the warship directly!

A slash that seemed to have been expected for a long time was in the middle, and the flame was extinguished.

"Mom, mom... Is this guy with the Navy?" Big Mom questioned.

Kaido squinted at the warship, and snorted, "Leave it alone, we must not let this bastard escape today!"

Run away and chase twice, go away quickly!

The paralyzed sailors gradually felt that they were alive, got, saved? !

This guy is actually taking the initiative to lure away two Four Emperors to save us? Although these two four emperors came to look for him... the dark horse was greatly shocked, and his impression of the world's number one swordsman who did not cooperate with him in catching the revolutionary army dragon changed a little, but now is not the time to be emotional, that kind of The speed is poor, coupled with the limitations and consumption of Yuebu, he will definitely not be able to escape!

And now we...

"Set sail! Get out of this sea!"

Calling the soldiers to act, he picked up the phone bug that Ji Xing gave him before he left, and quickly dialed: "Marshal, it's an emergency!"

Soon, the roar of the Warring States came from the opposite side: "What did you say?!"


On the other hand, stepping on the air is like a flat ground. Ji Xing's moon steps are not like ordinary moon steps. Every time he steps on the air, his body will bounce a bit. His exquisite control makes the air seem to be paved with an invisible road. He runs steadily.

But the running is obviously not as fast as the flying.

Ji Xing can run about 3,000 meters in the air in one minute, but Kaido and Big mom can fly about 4,000 meters in one minute. Question! How long does it take for Ji Xing, who has an advantage of about 1,000 meters to start, to be chased?

One minute? wrong!

The answer is 48 seconds!

Because the last 200 meters are already within the effective attack range of Kaido and Big Mom!

"Old woman!"


The aunt standing on Prometheus made the two-cornered hat and broadsword appear again and held it in her hand. At the same time, Kaido's dragon head also turned into a human form, and the mace was also held in her hands.

"Yeah - Ba Hai!"

The two waved their weapons at Ji Xing at the same time, and the vast shock wave expanded suddenly. When the sky exploded, the sea of ​​clouds was instantly dispersed, making the space in front of it seem to be agitated and distorted!

Ji Xing, who was running ahead, turned around and slashed.

The black knife collided with the shock wave!

The power of the two four emperors teamed up exploded like a burst, the sky was instantly torn open a deep inward hole, and Ji Xing's figure was spinning backwards and smashed into the distant sea water.

The attack followed non-stop, and Kaido, who was reclassified as the dragon head, breathed out the dragon's breath, while Big Mom summoned the last strongest Homiz, Thundercloud Zeus.


The sea of ​​fire from the dragon's breath boiled a piece of sea area, and thunder and lightning penetrated in the middle of it!

The sea was overturned, and Ji Xing, who had entered the sea a moment ago, jumped out again, turned the water droplets on the knife into slashes to stop the two, and then continued running in the original direction.

"Swordsman! You will never escape today!" Kaido roared again and continued to chase.

Why did you bring aunt here? One is that Big Mom is interested in herself and needs Caesar to study the giantization of human beings. The other is that although Kaido is angry, he thinks that it will be difficult for him to take down the swordsman who can run in the air and has not yet eaten the fruit!

Once the opponent escaped into the water, without the help of the aunt, he was almost helpless.

For this reason, he even did not hesitate to let his aunt ride all the way. If Ji Xing ran away, Kaido would have to cry for ten days to make up for his grievances!

So they flew and fought, the power sounded in the air, two chased and one fled, the three of them fought like this and marched for more than 20 kilometers, until another small island appeared in sight.

It was an uninhabited island, a deserted island, which was once rich in products, but was collected by the Vila people year after year. After meeting the joint attack of the two four emperors again, the slightly embarrassed Ji Xing flipped in the air and landed on the land of the deserted island.

He shook his body lightly, flicked off the water droplets on his body, changed his shaving every month, doubled his speed, and quickly went deep into the island and forest.

But just when he entered the mountain forest, a vast shock wave also chased him, and the gust of wind caused the trees to be uprooted and danced. Raze!

Standing on the ground that had just been bulldozed, Ji Xing didn't run any more.

In front of him, Kaido, who had directly entered the dragon form, was looking down at him with a mace on his shoulders!

Behind him, Big Mom was holding a Broken Blade, accompanied by Prometheus and Zeus, with a terrifying smile on his big face!

Ji Xing, who was only 2.2 meters tall, was sandwiched between two guys who were seven or eight meters tall, making Ji Xing extremely small against the backdrop.

"Mom, mom... stop it!"

"Yes...Swordsman, we meet again." Kaido said in a low voice.

"Ah." Ji Xing dusted off the dirt on his body, and said with a smile, "Long time no see, Kaido."

"Huh?" Kaido squinted at Ji Xing with one eye wide and the other small: "Are you really not afraid of death? Swordsman! Last time you didn't join hands with the red hair to deal with me and take the admiral away, so even if You took my son away, sent her to Whitebeard's ship, and caused me and Whitebeard to fight and lose Wano Country, and I didn't bother you.

But this time... you ruined my good deed again! Do you think I'm easy to bully? ! "

Ji Xing said: "I don't think you're easy to bully, it's just... a bit of a coincidence, I caught up with you."

The white lion happened to defect to you, Yamato just asked me, and the artificial devil fruit knowledge I wanted happened to be yours. If you come and go, isn't this hostile?

"Coincidence?" Kaido snorted, "I'll take it as a coincidence. Now, I'll give you one last chance, swordsman! Join me and the old woman's alliance. Together, the three of us will turn the world upside down. King of the sea!"

Ji Xing looked back at Aunt, and said with a smile, "You are the king, she is the second king, and I am the third king?"

"Mom, mom... I want to grow up..."

"Old woman!" Kaido interrupted: "Don't fall for this childish provocation, there is no one, two, three, we are equal! If you agree, go and show your sincerity and bring Caesar back. If you don't agree... "


The aura of purple enveloped Kaido, and the brilliance and power of the overlord rose. He didn't continue talking, but showed his attitude in this way!

Ji Xing followed.

Boom! !

As if the boundless thunder exploded, the vast black overlord color spewed out violently centered on Ji Xing!

Kaido's domineering arrogance was instantly suppressed back to the close-fitting level, his pupils froze, and the terrified smile of the aunt behind him was also suppressed!

Seeing Ji Xing, who was small compared to them in the center, the rich domineering color seemed to be condensed into a pair of armor, and the unprecedented texture made that body look like a giant in his will. The two of them!

This feeling was only for a moment, and was rejected by the two four emperors, but the shock in my heart was hard to dispel.

"This domineering look... how is it possible?!"

Big Mom's domineering color is above Kaido, and it is also a force that affects reality, but looking at the surrounding gravel that turned into powder in an instant, she released her domineering color, and it was no surprise that she was completely suppressed.

"Mom, mom... this kid?!"

"It's about far enough from Vera here."

Ji Xing tilted his blade and said with a smile, "Kaido, what kind of king do you want to be?"

Kaido's pupils narrowed slightly, and the mace fell from his shoulder: "Is this your answer?!"

The four eyes are facing each other.

The mace danced with a bang!


In the cloudy sky, a purple thunderbolt was attracted by it, and the dancing mace was instantly entwined with boundless power!

Ji Xing dragged the knife with both hands and turned his wrists, and another thunderbolt struck down, wrapping around his blade!

"Thunder gossip!"

"Thunder scale flash!"


The two weapons did not collide, the crimson overlord-colored thunder and lightning bit through the air, and the rumbling shock wave made the island roll like an earth dragon!

A radius of one kilometer was turned upside down in an instant, and one of the thunder and lightning biting each other was suddenly engulfed!

A force that wiped out the brilliance crushed his body, and Kaido felt a sweetness in his throat, and he came out upside down, rolled tens of meters on the ground, and then stopped half kneeling on the ground with his mace on the ground, gritted his teeth and looked at Ji Xing .

"This is impossible……"

It's only been a year since the last collision, how could this swordsman's strength have undergone such an earth-shaking change? !

Fighting with Hawkeye is only a swordsmanship competition, and fighting with Aokiji is just a friendship. In the battle, Marie Gioia can't reveal her identity and hides a lot.

It was the first time he had slashed with all his strength in this trip to sea, and Ji Xing felt his whole body alive and excited. He turned his head slightly and looked at Big mom who was silent with a sullen face.

"Not together?"

3k4, please vote. At this time of writing, the update should be in the evening tomorrow.

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