Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 355 The History Text of Alabasta

Alabasta, rainy land.

When the water sellers were arrested, the casinos were shut down, and the navy withdrew, the people once again entered into a state of celebration and joy.

No one worried about getting wet in the rain, they took all kinds of containers to catch the rainwater, and some men even took off their shirts and took a rain shower.

In this environment, it was not unexpected for 'Nicole Nami' to come to the edge of the desert to get wet in the rain. She stood here for more than ten minutes and only smiled when she saw the figure appearing in the rain in the distance.

"Didn't you say you were waiting for me at the barbecue shop?"

Robin laughed and said, "I'm worried that you will become an ice corpse, and it will be too late to collect your corpse."

"You can't expect me to be better." Ji Xing shook his head and smiled: "Don't worry, Aokiji is gone, he won't recognize you if you don't look right in front of him."

"It really is him..." Robin looked back at the city that was celebrating, and said, "When you left, you said that you wanted to see if the person who came to capture the former Boss was the person you expected, did you mean him? rain..."

"I used his ice and gave it to Alabasta." Ji Xing nodded and admitted.

"Sure enough..." Robin captured a lot of key content from this sentence, did Holo really fight with General Aokiji? But he didn't lose, and even used the ability of the admiral to create a heavy rain, changing the sky, really...

He is a boss who is far more secure than the previous bosses, but unfortunately... also because he is too strong, if he stays with me for a long time and even reveals that he has learned ancient characters, the world government will never tolerate it .

"If the people of Alabasta know that you brought the rain, you will definitely become the most respected hero in Alabasta, and easily achieve what Crocodile wants." Robin smiled and said: "But I guess you It won't be of much interest. Then... we should part ways, right?"

"Wait a few more days, you still don't have the basic knowledge of makeup." Ji Xing said, "I've almost learned the ancient characters? But I have to take an exam to confirm."

"Exam?" Robin wondered.

"Doesn't Alabasta have a historical text? Let me try to decipher it." Ji Xing said with a smile.

"...Ara, are you also interested in Pluto?"

"A little bit, come here."


On the other side, the Navy Headquarters.

"The former King Qiwuhai Crocodile has successfully arrested and arrested, but in the process of arresting, there was a little accident..."

Marshal Zhan Guo listened to Qingzhi's report on the opposite side of the phone bug, and his brows quickly tightened, then loosened, followed by tightening and loosening, and the changes kept changing.

"So it was him, Holo, who left Tidal Island and went to Alabasta... He has a domineering look that has never been seen before, strange flame swordsmanship, the new world's number one swordsman... He is more powerful than Wano Country. You are strong, you are still growing, and you can use your ability to send Alabasta a rain..."

The Shichibukai, recognized by the world government, is responsible for disrupting a country, and the navy is also responsible here. Whether it is reporting Crocodile or making up for the impact caused by Crocodile, it is all done by Hollow outside the navy. This makes the Warring States I felt a little ashamed in my heart.

At the same time, he also felt a little uneasy when he heard the details of Qingzhi's story.

A person who doesn't care about being exposed to the devil's son Nicole Robin, who doesn't care about fighting the admiral for an extra goal, and possesses an overlord look that has never been seen before, such a person...

"Hey, such a young and strong man really won't be a sheriff on a small island for the rest of his life. Maybe he will be another eagle-eyed Mihawk?"

"What are you going to do? Marshal." Aokiji's tone on the opposite side was lazy: "If you don't worry about arresting him, I'll stay here and watch him and Nicole Robin, and let the yellow monkey take a few The lieutenant general will come to reinforce and make sure everything is safe..."

"It seems that you have a good impression of him." Warring States interrupted, otherwise you wouldn't have made such a nonsense proposal, two admirals plus a few lieutenant generals to catch a non-criminal who didn't have a bounty on him?

It's just that you have been in contact with the devil's son. You have let the devil's son go several times, so shouldn't you be imprisoned in the city of advancement?

"This matter is beyond my decision." Warring States said: "Escort Crocodile back, Aokiji, I will communicate with Wu Laoxing."


Soon, the world government Mary Joya, and the five old stars gathered together again.

Perhaps contrary to Aokiji Sengoku's expectations, Wu Laoxing didn't care too much about the fact that Holo had contacted and sheltered the Devil's Son, but cared about another thing: "It can be confirmed that he has appeared in the Big Mom Pirates." Holo Ji Xing is indeed dead, isn't he the same person as the new world's number one swordsman?"

"CP0 has ventured into Ten Thousand Kingdoms and indeed found the body of Horo Jixing, and judging from Charlotte Lingling's reaction, he was born in Harchinos and is indeed dead."

"Holo's information on Tidal Island is also very complete. He was abandoned on Tidal Island when he was very young. His father should be a young pirate of the Sanger Pirates, and the Sanger Pirates have been extinct for more than ten years."

"He has nothing to do with the D family, and it's just a coincidence that he has the same first and last name as Holo Jixing, who may be related to Lockes."

The five old stars who performed their duties had exchanged information with each other, and their expressions were relatively indifferent.

No matter how strong a person is, he can't reach the point where Ralph Drew can't unravel that period of history. Even Robin, the son of the devil, who can indeed decipher ancient texts, did not really pay attention to it until the Straw Hat Pirates became stronger and became the fifth emperor, and the five old stars sent CP0 to capture and kill them.

"The domineering arrogance that has never been seen before is worth paying attention to."

"Watch what he does next. If he shelters the Devil's Son for a long time, it won't be too late to punish him severely."

"Being able to defeat Aokiji is also a powerful combat force worth fighting for. I think... maybe after a while, we can also try to transfer him to an important directly subordinate country as the Minister of Defense? Or even transfer him directly to Sora? "

The five people looked at each other and nodded, setting the tone of action on this matter.

St. Castro said again in a low voice: "Then the matter of Crocodile's theft of the country will be dealt with as we discussed before. There is also a candidate to replace King Crocodile's Shichibukai, tentatively designated as Edward Weible."

"Yes." Goribacho said, "By the way, there is still a historical text in Alabasta, where Nicole Robin appeared..."

"It doesn't matter. The stele recording key information is no longer in Alabasta. There is only Alabasta's own history there."


At the same time, the capital of Alabasta.

King Cobra and Princess Vivi, who are celebrating the rain with the people, do not know that two people have quietly come to the capital and sneaked into the palace.

To the west of the palace, the royal tomb, Ji Xing, who took advantage of the 'chaos' to bring Robin, smoothly led her into the alabasta royal family's funeral hall.

Passing through the worship area, Ji Xing and Robin bowed politely to the spirit tablet with the names of the former king and queen of Alabasta, and then went deep into the end of the funeral hall.

In the dark underground palace, a huge brown stone tablet is particularly eye-catching.

It is worth mentioning that in the Alabasta story, the animation team has added a play, making the historical text appearing in Alabasta more eye-catching red, but the red historical text is only four pieces, called the road sign historical text, It is the most important stele to guide the location of Ralph Drew.

Not in Alabasta.

This blue-brown stele is about a cube, with a side length of about five meters, and it is filled with ancient characters like Martian script.

As soon as he saw it, archaeologist Robin's eyes were firmly attracted by it, and he quickly walked under it, whispering: "It's really here... Crocodile hasn't found it yet, how do you know?"

Thanks to my memory, I saw this passage, so I remembered it. Ji Xing smiled and walked under the stele without answering.

"In the 239th year of the calendar, Casilla conquered Alabasta; in the 260th year of the calendar, Tie Yima ruled the Peterin Dynasty; Mam, the hero of Lutea, liberates..."

Through the ancient texts he had mastered, Ji Xing translated aloud for Robin to verify.

These contents record the birth and transformation of the Kingdom of Alabasta, which king did what, how Alabasta established diplomatic relations with the outside world, and how the cities were established...

At the end of the deciphering, Ji Xing frowned slightly: "In the 598th year of the calendar, King Akberta established his capital in Albana; , to restore the kingdom of Alabasta."

The content recorded on the stele ends here, and this part obviously has a jump. From the 598th year of the astronomical calendar to the 707th year of the astronomical calendar, there is no king worth recording in the middle 109 years?

"It's really not that easy to find the answer here in the blank hundred years." Robin was not disappointed either, affirming Ji Xing's translation, thinking about the information brought by the history.

Ji Xing also learned a lot through it.

Before the sea calendar, the calendar on this sea was the astronomical calendar. The two are the same, but they are just different names. Or this astronomical calendar is related to the kingdom that was shattered for a hundred years, so it was subtly changed by the world government. Changed name?

Another one, the Alabasta Kingdom has a history of nearly 1300 years, but the original ruler was not an inheritance system but a Zen system?

It was not until 800 years ago that Mekala Naferutali brought people back, and Naferutali's rule over this country began. Until now, Cobra is the twelfth king.

And this Mecala Naferutali should be one of the "Twenty Kings of Creation" who refused to become a Tianlongren. Is she a queen?

"Where is Pluto?" Ji Xing whispered, turning around the stone tablet, looking left and right.

Robin also shook his head: "There is nothing about the three ancient weapons here. I don't know where Crocodile got the information."

Ji Xing looked at the stele thoughtfully.

"Robin, step aside."

Robin instantly knew Ji Xing's plan, stepped aside, shook his head and said, "No way?"

Then she saw Ji Xing's arms dyed black, as if something was flowing on it, holding the stele, his arms were bulging with veins!


Pushed by a huge force, the stele, which may weigh nearly a hundred tons, slowly fell to its side!

Robin had already bent over to look at it from the other side, and his eyes suddenly focused: "There are really words?!"

"The three major weapons, Pluto of Pluto is..." She quickly translated, skipped some introductions, simply memorized, and looked to the end: "The location is——"

"A gap in the shadow of the moon, under the sun?" She straightened up and looked at Ji Xing: "It's written like this."


The stele fell heavily to the ground again.

"Still playing guessing games."

The next chapter will be later, around 6pm and 12pm during the World Cup.

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