As the tea party and wedding approached, Cake Island became more and more lively.

The already colorful Wangdu town was decorated with a more festive atmosphere, and ordinary residents were also immersed in the joyful atmosphere.

"Ah~ So that is Ji Xing-sama who is going to marry Mikuru-sama?"

"No wonder I always see him walking with ministers during this time."

"It's really a man and a woman..."

"I really look forward to the appearance of Mikuru-sama in her wedding dress. It must be very beautiful." Someone was thinking about it, but found that he couldn't imagine it.

Mikuru-sama doesn't seem to be wearing that special girl's outfit much?

It's awkward, very awkward. That was the only feeling Mykuru had when trying on the wedding dress.

This kind of weak clothes, especially the soft and white wedding dress, at least she never imagined that she would wear it in the 17 years before more than 20 days ago, and the people in the mirror did not look like her.

At this time, there was a knocking sound from the door of the changing room next door. She turned her head to look, was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but smile: "It's very suitable for you..."

Ji Xing, who was wearing a clean white shirt and a slim dress, looked like a dog. He looked at Mikulu and said with a smile, "You too."

The two boasted more reservedly, but the wedding host waiting in the corner of the room seemed a little straightforward: "Oh~ What a handsome and handsome groom, what an elegant, luxurious and beautiful bride... At the wedding two days later, you It will definitely amaze all guests.”

"You said the same thing when sister Motzalt got married." Mukulu complained.

The host with a white bone mask on half of his face laughed dryly, and said: "Then, if the dresses of the two adults fit well, then let me tell you about the wedding process... the wedding and the tea party. The official start time is 8:00 am two days later.

Early that morning, at six o'clock, you need to come to this room to get ready, change into your dresses, and wait for the wedding guests to enter the venue one by one. Lord Zeus will lead you directly from the sky to the inside of the venue amidst the romantic fireworks. .

When landing, you can smile and salute at will to the guests on the ground, your mother, your brothers and sisters, and after landing on the high platform where the wedding will be held, the two adults should stop looking at other places, just Looking at each other is enough.

I will read some lines, and when I signal, Lord Ji Xing will unveil Lord Mukulu's veil while all the guests are watching, and then give each other a vowed kiss. Well, the next thing is the content of the tea party. "

The two looked at each other, and Mukuru tilted his head unnaturally, his cheeks flushed.

The host chuckled twice, and when he saw the two of them looking over, he quickly put away his smile: "Ah, well, that's basically how it looks like, there's still a lot of work to be done for the wedding venue, so I'll take a step ahead Alright, the two adults can... conduct a preview in advance? Sigh..."

He hurriedly left the room, leaving room for Ji Xing and Mukulu. Ji Xing looked at her and said with a smile, "What are you doing with such a shy look, Mukulu?"

Mukulu was taken aback, raised his hand to brush the hair on his forehead, and said, "Isn't it a bit unnatural?"

Ji Xing nodded.

"Hahahaha..." Mukulu opened his mouth and laughed, showing two rows of small white teeth: "It's a pity that I asked Sister Melize for advice."

"There's no need to do it on purpose." Ji Xing said, "If you must act weak and shy, then it's fine to only perform at the wedding."

"Isn't this getting used to in advance?" Mukulu tugged at the wedding dress: "Then I'll change back first, this is really uncomfortable."

"Well, I'll change it too."

Soon two people in casual clothes came out of the changing room. Ji Xing was wearing simple short sleeves and shorts, while Mukulu was wearing a purple round-neck sweater, and two pieces of armor were worn on the joints of his bare arms. , long sword crossbody.

"Every daughter of my mother is always ready for marriage. If the marriage partner is very powerful, she must show a soft and gentle side for everyone to see." Miu Kulu straightened her clothes in front of the mirror: "Sisters They all do this. Of course, when they go to other islands to become ministers, they may gradually 'expose their nature', hahahaha..."

She turned her multi-jointed arm twice and hung it on her waist. She looked at Ji Xing: "Of course I didn't complain that you chose me. You have satisfied me in every way and even surprised me. Many sisters are a little envious of me." , I just... probably need a little time to get used to it."

From a general of the Angry Legion of the Big Mom Pirates, the pirate with a bounty of 179 million entered the identity of Ji Xing's wife.

"Take your time, it's okay." Ji Xing smiled and said, "I'll just have walnuts to eat."

"...Are you choosing a wife or food?" Muku let out a sigh of relief: "Also, if you say that you satisfy me in all aspects... I can't say that, I always feel that you are missing something, like As I said the night you first got on the boat, there's no need to be nice to everyone."

"Is there?" Ji Xing asked: "A few days ago, many of your brothers were so angry that I fought with me after competing for food intake."

"It's our older brother." Mukulu corrected: "That's just a family should I put it... By the way, you and many brothers and sisters have consulted and fought, but the two of us haven't fought each other until now. Well, do you want to try it?"

"This... Who will be in charge after who wins?"

"Hahahaha..." Mikulu was amused and laughed loudly: "You are so edible, everyone agrees that you will become a very strong person in the future, even if you can't beat me now, you will definitely win in the future, you must be in charge Let's go, let's go."

So the two left side by side. The couple who were still wearing wedding dresses before, now each came out of the township with a long knife in their arms.

Ji Xing's knife is no longer the standard long knife issued when he was an island guard, but a new knife given to him by Owen after the first sparring session.

It's not a famous sword, but the forging process is also very good. It is the same saber worn by the generals of the angry army like Mukulu.

At the same location, the Homiz trees started to roll their eyes when passing through the forest. Since this human being came, it has not been good. There are swords, swords and swords nearby all day long, and the road repairs are not broken quickly.

While standing still in a familiar place, Miao Kulu drew out his knife and said, "Although our wedding will be two days later, it's not good for anyone to be injured, but judging from the records between you and your brothers and sisters , it shouldn't be so easy to get hurt by me, I will be more serious, so you have to be careful."

With the long knife in hand, her demeanor was different again, a sassy Valkyrie aura enveloped her body, and her purple pupils also became dark.

Ji Xing also drew his knife and stood ready.

Mukulu grinned: "Ha~!"

Swinging the long knife, a flying slash immediately tore through the ground, and slashed towards Ji Xing obliquely!

Ji Xing lifted the knife frame to catch it, and after a crisp sound, the slash exploded, turning into a strong wind and swaying around, causing his body to slip back two steps, while Mukulu took the opportunity to bully himself to his side!

clang clang clang——

Dancing with long knives, Mukulu has not yet applied the armed color to the level of the knife, but can use the armed color to increase the strength of the arms, and the two arm joints of the long-handed clan give her a degree of flexibility far beyond that of ordinary people. Attacks are impenetrable.

Her expression was also extremely serious, unlike the usual bright smile on her face, she even carried a vicious and murderous look!

The attack is getting more and more fierce!

"Do you feel it?! What you lack!" She completely suppressed Ji Xing, causing Ji Xing to regress. While the smoke and dust billowed up, she said in a low voice: "You have defeated many brothers and sisters, but if you want to share Most of the battles that cost your life, you probably won't win."

clang clang clang——

"You are now a pirate, and you will definitely go through a battle that you will never win or die in the future, show all your momentum and strength!"

clang clang clang——

The long knife pierced the corner of Ji Xing's clothes, she paused for a moment, then jumped back to open the distance again, looking at Ji Xing who was forced into a panic by her.

Seeing Ji Xing looking at him with a somewhat surprised expression, Mukulu really smiled a little embarrassedly this time: "Is it because I was a little too impatient and I should let you get used to it? I almost hurt you." But you really need to adapt as soon as possible, I don’t want to hear the news that you were killed by some pirate not long after I married you.”

Ji Xing shook his head: "I...have never been a pirate before."

Mukulu scratched his head: "It's true... I almost forgot that you don't even have a bounty, then... By the way, aren't you the island guard of Hachinos Island? Didn't you fight pirates before? Take Show off the momentum you used to face the pirates."

Ji Xing's eyes changed slightly.

"Yes! That's it!" Mukulu smiled and turned his wrist: "Think of me as a pirate who invaded and plundered Hachinos first! Get ready!"


Her figure was like a gust of wind, and she showed that kind of fighting spirit again, and rushed towards Ji Xing.

Ji Xing looked at her with serious eyes.

"That's it! . . . Huh?"

The voice of approval was interrupted, and a very fierce aura gushed out from Ji Xing's body, making Mukulu feel suffocated for a short while, his expression was a little dazed, and his strength slightly decreased.


In the collision that was several times heavier than before, the knife she swung was directly split by Ji Xing, her figure staggered, and she fell to the ground with a bang!

"Sorry sorry, are you okay?"

Ji Xing's voice brought her back to her senses. She froze for two seconds, stretched out her hand to be pulled up by Ji Xing, and showed two rows of small white teeth: "Hahahaha... It seems that I have had the experience of fighting pirates. It's so deep, it scared me..."

Laughing and laughing, the smile fades away.

She looked astonished and looked at Ji Xing.


When I was an island guard, fighting with can burst out such power...what does it mean?

You and the pirates... Have a grudge?

Ji Xing responded with a smile.

The next chapter is evening.

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