Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 302 Behemoth's Statement

While Ron was being beaten, one of the foreign aliens was suffering.

It was a dark-skinned, hook-nosed middle-aged man from Europe, and he was the follower of Lilia, the head of the Sons of the Earth Guild, named Larry.

Not long after receiving this mission, he received a video of an unknown guy kidnapping his wife and daughter and asking him to kill King Nathan during the meeting!

Otherwise his wife and daughter will die!

‘Why are you drinking with that exiled immortal in Huaxia? Hurry up, go back to sleep, only the best chance for me to do it...'

'I have to kill King Nathan...or they will kill Lisa and Mina...'

He paced anxiously in the room, his forehead covered with sweat because of the anxiety in his heart.

Suddenly, the door of his room was pushed open, and he was so frightened that he almost fell to the ground. After he made up his mind, he asked, "President Lilia? It's so late, what can you do?"

"Yeah, it's so late, why are you still up, Larry?" Lilia asked back.

"Ah, I...hahaha, I changed to a new place, I can't sleep..."

Lilia looked at him deeply, and said angrily, "Do you still want to hide it from me? Larry? Lisa and Mina have already been rescued by me!"

Larry froze for a moment, opened his eyes in shock, and jumped to his knees the next moment: "Really?! How did you know! Lisa and Mina...are they really saved? They, I... woo Woo..."

Seeing his incoherent crying, Lilia sighed, and didn't want to pursue it anymore: "You are lucky, Larry. I just entered the venue today to meet the Huaxia Immortal, and he quietly told me about your Everything, including the way to break the spell on your wife and daughter, was told to me, so that I can make proper arrangements to save them."

"...He? How did he..."

"Divination, the ability of Chinese warlocks." Lilia said: "I have never heard of a warlock's divination to such a level of detail before, I can only say that they are worthy of being a banishing immortal, not only helping you, but also helping me.

Otherwise, if you bastard really go to assassinate King Nathan, how can I deal with myself? ! "

Larry burst into tears: "President, I..."

"Okay, let's make a video call with Lisa and Mina in a while, and feel at ease." Lilia shook her head and said, "Tomorrow, you bastard, I will apologize to King Nathan and ask for his forgiveness! Us, don't let us be ashamed, but we can't really pretend it never happened!"

"Well... I listen to you..."


The first floor of the venue, the monitoring room.

"Hmm... There seems to be no problem with the Sons of the Earth Guild. With Li He here, it really saves my worries. The problem has disappeared, and President Lilia owes us a big favor."

Zhao Fangxu nodded his head with joy, moved his eyes to another surveillance screen, and frowned slightly, looking like he was having a headache.

"I beat this guy so hard that I can't see his original appearance anymore."

"It's okay." Xu Si smiled next to him: "The miserable appearance just proves that it is a skin trauma, and the one who did it was not Li He, but Nathan Wei."

"Bechymos has never been a reasonable company." Zhao Fangxu shook his head and smiled again: "But we know everything and we are not vegetarians, so let's just fight and let them have a long memory!"

Xu Si praised: "Dong Zhao is domineering!"

After a pause, he grinned again and said, "Do you want to inform King Nathan of everything that happened here?"

Zhao Fangxu's glasses flashed, Nathan Wang Pengci's substitute for Feng Baobao really caught him off guard, and now... But his mouth is watertight: "There is a conflict between Nathan Wei and the directors of Bechymos. As the host, we also have A certain responsibility is to discuss with King Nathan immediately how to deal with this matter."


After a while, King Jinnathan, who was taken by Xu San to tour the capital, and two other Nathan guards rushed to the venue and entered quietly.

The real King Nathan is also a woman, whose appearance is about the same age as Feng Baobao, in her early twenties, with black hair tied in a bun at the back of her head, dark blue pupils, and some characteristics of a mixed race.

Alfonso and Elijah greeted her with shame on their faces: "King, we..."

"It's okay." King Nathan shook his head with a smile, and looked at Zhao Fangxu: "It's Director Zhao who knows everything, hello, can I trouble you to take me to meet the exiled immortal Li He?"

"Respected Wang, you are being polite." Seeing that there were still two traces of being beaten by Baobao Feng on her face, Zhao Fangxu was also a little more polite, and led King Nathan to Ji Xing's room.

The two Nathan guards naturally blended into the team of the other two, guarding the king. One of them, an old woman wearing glasses, gave the two of them an unsightly look, and they could only bow their heads in apology.

There are nine Nasen guards, all of whom are chosen by the sacred tree and belong only to the king.

There is no high or low among the nine, but there are still priorities and strengths. This Joaquina, who is nearly a hundred years old and has followed three kings before and after, is one of the highest-ranking Nathan guards.

When Wang followed Zhao Fangxu into Ji Xing's room, and the four of them stood guard outside, she asked in a low voice with some dissatisfaction: "Alfonso, Elijah, how could you make such a mistake?!"

Elijah lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, we were careless and were used by the exiled immortals of China."


"It can't be said to be completely used." Alfonso said with a gloomy expression: "The woman who replaces the king should not lie, that Bechymos bastard really wants to study the sacred tree!"

"What? Study the sacred tree?!"

"Yes." The two talked about the process in detail, and Elijah said: "At first we were dazzled by anger, but later we realized that the other party probably offended the person inside, who deliberately led the conversation, Let's teach each other a lesson."

Joaquina thought for a while, and his face relaxed a little: "If it is confirmed that Bechymos' guy is really disrespectful to the sacred tree, it is not too much to teach him a lesson. have a close encounter with the exiled fairy inside. ok, how do you feel?"

Alfonso and Elijah looked at each other.

"After we knocked out the director of Behemoth, we reacted from the anger that this would cause trouble for Nathan Island. We wanted to stop, but we couldn't."

Elijah added: "The degree of beating the director of Behemoth is beyond our control. The like being taken away from control."

"Of course, we didn't resist with all our strength."

"But he... didn't even see how to act."

The two of them said something to each other, which made Joaquina narrow his eyes in surprise, to be so strong? My hell and heaven can... Remembering that this is on the land of Huaxia, she stopped talking.

In the room, after Ji Xing and King Nathan greeted each other, Ji Xing also told King Nathan very frankly what had happened before.

King Nathan smiled helplessly: "It was my fault for letting Baobao Feng pretend to be me to test out the assassin. It is understandable that the Immortal used Alfonso and Elijah to teach the directors of Bechymos, but... Isn't the price you made us pay too high?"

Zhao Fangxu next to him didn't expect Ji Xing to admit directly to his 'framing', and he felt a little headache. Shouldn't this matter be vague?

Ji Xing asked, "What is the price?"

Nathan Wang said: "Using the limited power on the island, I can still get some information from the outside world. I have heard about the behavior of Behemoth, and now I have given them the handle. I am afraid they will take advantage of the trend. ..."

"Why do you follow the trend? A director was beaten with a black nose and a swollen face. Is it possible that you, Nathan Wei, should pay for your life? Or do you really want to ask for the sacred tree to study?" Ji Xing asked: "If the Queen understands Bechymos, You should know that they won't do such a boring thing that doesn't take advantage of 'righteousness'."

"If they want to do it, it should be 'inheriting the throne through bloody killing, this kind of behavior should not exist in modern civilization, and it is intolerable to us Behemoth, we will go to the island to stop this killing', so thing."

King Nathan was startled and sat up straight in horror.

Zhao Fangxu was also taken aback, with a serious expression on his face: "Li He, do you think this kind of thing will happen?"

"Nine out of ten." Ji Xing said, "I saw it when I brought the topic to the sacred tree, and his expression told me that he thought 'that would have been something they studied'."

Zhao Fangxu thought about it: "Don't say it, it's really their style..."

King Nathan was silent for a while, and said with a bitter smile: "Sure enough, in everyone's eyes, I, King Nathan, is a joke. If you want to interfere with the change of the throne in my Nathan Island, can you speak so confidently?" ?”

"With all due respect, King Nathan." Ji Xing said: "As the king of Nathan, it is most useless to show self-pity at this time. And since you already know that everyone regards King Nathan It's a joke, why didn't you prepare for the possibility that I mentioned?"

"We... signed with them..."

"The so-called non-interference contract can only take effect when the strengths of the two parties are equal. Obviously, with the development of society and the advancement of technology, Nathan Island has long since lacked the capital equivalent to the major powers. It's gone." Ji Xing said.

"Hey..." Zhao Fangxu shook his head: "We will always abide by this contract."

King Nathan was silent for a while.

"Then... what should we do?" Excluding King Nathan's identity, she was just a girl in her early 20s, and she couldn't say she was strong.

Ji Xing thought for a while, then turned to look at Feng Baobao who was sitting on the bed: "What do you think, baby?"

"Ah, someone is bullying, hit him."

King Nathan: "Hit? Can't beat it?"

Feng Baobao said, "Run."

King Nathan shook his head: "The sacred tree is here, and Nathan is there. What if there is no way to escape?"

Feng Baobao blinked and spread his hands.

"Then I can only die."

The calm tone made King Nathan stunned for a while, and then she got up and went over, and gently hugged Feng Baobao: "Thank you."

Yes, if you can't do it, you will die.

At least have this kind of determination!

Of course, she still wanted to save herself and Nathan, so she sat back quickly.

After that, she, Ji Xing and Zhao Fangxu talked for a long time, Feng Baobao only interrupted occasionally.

As for the several episodes that happened that night, except for the person involved, the other aliens were not much alarmed. The next morning, they were shocked when they saw the changed King Nathan.

What? Wasn't the one who looked extraordinary and free like a dragon yesterday, King Nathan? !

Is this common? !

Many people's faces were distorted.

King Nathan only followed the original plan, apologized to everyone, and explained his intentions.

"I and the one who broke the golden branch and challenged the throne can only survive..."

"According to the agreement, the change of the throne must be under everyone's observation. From now on, Nathan will be open to the outside world. Every alien force is welcome to send observation teams to the island..."

In the evening, when she was about to board the boat to return to Nathan Island, she gently hugged Ji Xing who came to see him off, and said, "I really hope that your guess is wrong, Banished Immortal."

But things didn't go her way.

Only the next day, Bechymos publicly announced to intervene in the change of Nathan's throne, and the excuse used was exactly the same as Ji Xing said, saying that if necessary, he would directly take over Nathan!

The Inhuman Realm of the whole world was slightly shaken by this statement.

Returning to Yang failed, and the two shifts were 6k.

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