Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 118 Ghost? be human! (A monthly ticket is requested at the third watch)

"It's not good..." In the distance, Zhu Shi murmured: "Mr. Swordsman's attack is always a little bit off. If you don't cut off Yiwozuo's head, the battle will only go in a direction that is not conducive to him."

Yushiro can also see that although Ji Xing has maintained absolute suppression of Yiwozao during the battle, physical fitness and inability to recover from injuries will always be the biggest weakness of a person when facing ghosts!

Seeing the resumption of the battle in the distance, the two afterimages collided, Yushiro's expression changed continuously: "We can't help you, Lord Zhushi, you leave first, I... I will stay here to see if there is a chance, if No, I will catch up with you as soon as possible."

Zhu Shi smiled slightly: "Yushiro, you child, you are always more cruel than your heart, haven't you been urging me to run away together?"

Yushiro blushed: "I am..."

"Don't worry, Mr. Swordsman is not in a hurry yet. He should have a way, otherwise he should remind us to escape earlier. We will trust him first, wait here, and wait for the opportunity to help!"


Being injured and dying is indeed the biggest weakness of humans compared to ghosts.

Ji Xing knew that as long as he was hit by Yiwozuo once, the battle would be very dangerous for him, but...wouldn't it be nice if he didn't get hit?

After the previous wave of attacks failed, he went on the defensive. The Sun Wheel Knife was danced impenetrably in his hands, and all the attacks of Yiwozuo were precisely defended by him, waiting for an opportunity.

"It's empty for everything!"

"Tell me quickly, you are going to become a ghost!"

"Accept the blood of Lord Wu Mi! As long as you become a ghost and have a lifespan of 100, 200, or 300 years, you can hone all your skills to the peak! By that time, you will be stronger than me, and you will be stronger than me." All people and ghosts other than Master Wu Mi and Master Hei Si Mou are stronger!"

Destruction Kill · Final Style · Qingyin Chaotic Remnant Light!

Stepping steadily, the 12-corner snowflake formation spread out under his feet again, and in an instant, Yiwozuo sent hundreds of powerful missiles to the surroundings!

An overwhelming energy attack enveloped Ji Xing, but at the same time, something that seemed to be engraved into Ji Xing's instinct was also activated at this moment.

Dodge? He is professional!

He danced lightly, nimbly shuttled between the missiles, grasped the smallest gap, and no attack could touch his clothes!

"It takes so many years of training to be better than you? Then I'm really ashamed." He replied.

Breaking through all the missiles, Ji Xing's ankles suddenly became thicker at this moment!

Breathing method · complete concentration!

'Thunder Breath · Seven Shapes · Flying Thunder God Slash! '


The ground under his feet exploded and jumped.

As the name suggests, at this moment Ji Xing seems to have crossed the space, and even Yi Wo Zuo's line of sight is far away from catching, only feeling an extreme danger, and instinctively put his arms to the neck!


The arms broke off at the sound, and they fell off and were thrown into the air!

Yiwozuo showed a startled expression, and it was too late to regenerate his arm, so he could only twist his head desperately, clamp Jixing's knife with his neck, and slow down!


The Sun Wheel Knife cut into his neck heavily, and penetrated halfway! Yiwozuo opened his mouth wide and let out a whooping sound of desperate effort, the muscles in his neck swelled desperately, desperately jamming the blade.


His arms had completely regenerated, but he knew it was too late to block the knife, so he suddenly pierced Ji Xing's chest!

The moment Ji Xing cut his neck, his fist could definitely penetrate Ji Xing! Come on, human beings, perish with me!

Ji Xing shrank back, and Yiwozuo's right fist hit him on the shoulder with a bang, making him fly out of his body, and the Sun Wheel Knife was released!

At this time, the sun wheel knife has been deeply embedded in most of Yiwozuo's neck, leaving only a trace of skin and flesh in Yiwozuo's head connected to the neck!

"Hey..." He smiled lowly, stretched out his hand to grab the Sun Wheel Knife, did you see, human, if you were a ghost, you didn't have to dodge just now, you could completely cut off my head just now.



Just when he was thinking about this, suddenly something, like a shooting star, hit the blade of the sun wheel knife embedded in his neck!

The knife receives this force and cuts inside. Yiwozuo's eyes widened in horror, his sight was thrown away, and he deviated!

My neck... was cut off? !


He saw an ax spinning and falling in the sky, hitting the ground together with his head!

The headless body swayed to the ground.

There was also a bang sound in the distance, Ji Xing fell to the ground and got up rubbing his shoulders.

"Didn't expect it, the second stage of the flying axe."

"Successful!" In the distance, Zhu Shi let out a voice of surprise, and Yushiro was also delighted, and at the same time a little shocked, this swordsman... alone killed the three-year-old who hadn't changed for a hundred years?

Zhu Shi wanted to come over to check and treat Ji Xing's injuries, but at this moment, Ji Xing turned his head and shouted: "Don't come over!"

Um? Still in danger?

Zhu Shi's expression changed slightly, he looked left and right, but found no enemy, but when he turned his gaze back again, he showed a shocked expression: " is it possible?"

The body of Yiwozuo who fell on the ground grabbed Ji Xing's sun wheel knife and stood up.

Even though his head had been severed by the Sun Wheel Knife, his body didn't appear to be collapsing at this moment!

"Damn! How could I lose?"

"I won't lose!"

"Ghost, it is absolutely impossible to lose to humans!"

The detached head roared, and the hand on the body threw Ji Xing's sun blade hundreds of meters away, disappearing into the distant jungle!

The flesh and blood on the neck squirmed, and a head slowly regenerated, and the lower half of the face that was exposed first, had a crazy and excited smile!

The strong fighting spirit and strong will allow Yiwozuo to break through the boundary of being a ghost, and he will not die even if his head is beheaded, erasing the last weakness!

His momentum has not diminished in the slightest!

"Then what are you going to do now? There's nothing on the table! Tell me! You're going to become a ghost!"


The ground was crushed by him, and the figure of Yi Wo Zuo rushed towards Ji Xing violently again.

"Otherwise, you will definitely die!"

"How did this happen? Yushiro!" Zhu Shi shouted anxiously, "Go find the Rilun Saber!"

How can a swordsman fight a ghost without his sword? Yushiro also knew that the situation was urgent, so he quickly ran towards the direction of Yiwozuo's sword throwing, while Zhushi was ready to launch the blood ghost technique for support.

At this moment, there was a sudden bang in the distance, which made Zhu Shi's expression stunned, and Yushiro turned his head to look, and his footsteps also stopped slowly.

I saw Ji Xing kept punching, while Yiwozuo's face was distorted, and he was blown away by his punch!

"Being a ghost?" Ji Xing asked, "Being a ghost made you look like this?!"

Above the fists, lightning twines!

Ji Xing rushed towards the Yiwo constellation with a bang!

"You deserve to be called martial arts?!"

The stormy fists landed on Yiwozuo, and he couldn't stand it at all. He wanted to trade injuries for injuries, but he couldn't even scratch the corner of Ji Xing's clothes. He was beaten like a live sandbag!

"Knowing pain, getting hurt, and dying is the charm of being a human being!"

"In order to reduce the damage, we can only make the skills more refined and the moves more beautiful!"

"What are you? Hundreds of years of tempering your skills? Just tempered into this ghostly look?!"

"One hit, you can't hit me!"

"You can't hit me with one hit!"


Yiwozuo's face was pierced into the soil by his fist, and he roared and fought back, but was swallowed back by Ji Xing's punch right after him!

"I'll teach you what martial arts are!"

"Want to learn? Tell me if you want to learn!"

"If I don't be a ghost, I will die?"

"Say you want to be a human being! I'll teach you!"

Boom boom boom boom——

Zhu Shi was stunned, why did he feel that after losing the sword, Mr. Swordsman's aura has completely changed, becoming many times stronger than before?

"Ah—" Yi Wozuo struggled and roared.

"Destruction kill! Final!"

"Kill the fart!"

The lightning flashed, and Ji Xing turned his body around, and stepped on the side of Yiwozuo with his heel!


Amidst the sound of bones breaking, a powerful force erupted, and the ground shattered and cracked. Yiwozuo's head spun three times on its neck in an instant, and fell limply, staring blankly at Ji Xing: "You..."

Ji Xing took a deep breath, put on a karate starting posture, and waved to him.

"Come on, continue?"

"Why didn't you move?"

"Is it better to be a human being or to be a ghost?!"

Yi Wozuo was silent for a while.

"Being human... okay?"

The memory revives in an instant.

When he was young, his family was poor, and his father was seriously ill. In order to treat his father, he had to steal to get money.

As a result, he was caught in a theft and survived the torture that could kill an adult. When he returned home, he found that his father hanged himself in order not to be a burden to him and not to let him steal again.

Exiled, he met a master who changed his life, learned martial arts, and fell in love with him for a long time while taking care of his sick daughter Lianxue, and they became husband and wife.

That was his happiest time, but it was a pity that the good times didn't last long. The Kendo gym next door was greedy for the land of their Budo gym, and poisoned the well, killing his master and his wife.

After learning the truth, he fell into madness and killed 67 people in the kendo gym by himself!

He lost his father, master and lover successively.

With nothing to protect, he lost himself and was forcibly turned into a ghost by Wu Mi, from then on, only the obsession to become stronger remained.

"... But have I really become stronger?"

"Lianxue, I'm so weak."

The snowflakes in my technique turned out to be in the shape of your hairpin. The six ways of destroying and killing are also named after the fireworks we have seen together.

Yiwozuo forgot everything, only a faint obsession made him never eat a woman.

"So it turns out that what I really want to me who has always been weak and powerless?" Two lines of tears flowed slowly, he raised his already grown head, and his expression calmed down: "Swordsman, you are the one who won."

"When I was beheaded by you, and when you threw your sun wheel knife away, I lost."

He paused for a few seconds, smiled freely, and said loudly: "Swordsman, I want to be a man!!"


An unusual ghost energy spread, and Yiwozuo's body changed drastically!

The blue tattoo that symbolized the sinner quickly dissipated, and the golden pupils also returned to pure black!

He is becoming human!

He's losing his ghostly body!

But during this process, his body irreversibly disintegrated and collapsed! The moment he emitted the human breath, the powerful Sanyi Wozuo completely disappeared between the heaven and the earth!

There was only a whisper that seemed to come from the soul: "Swordsman, I am a human being. I have made an agreement. When you come to hell to teach me... Oh, it seems difficult for us to meet in hell? What a pity.

It's good that no one bothers me and Lianxue. "

Ji Xing ignored him and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"How beautiful it is to be a human being." He whispered in his heart.


At the same time, Kyoto.

Wu Mi angrily crushed the teacup.

Yiwozuo lost, it's nothing.

In Ghost Slayer, the pillar is the pillar that stands upright.

Strings are breakable strings.

But before the collapse, Yiwozuo was completely out of the control of him, the ghost king, for a few seconds, which made him unacceptable.

Why is there such a situation?

"Lei Zhu... the upper Xishi is also empty!"

The third change is 8000+, and the first order is still 6-1.

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