Rated Hokage

Chapter 338 337, Connecting the Two Worlds!


The dim candlelight danced on the rock wall.

Sasuke slowly opened his eyes, it was an unfamiliar place.

"I've bandaged the wound for you."

A deep and deep voice suddenly sounded in the dark.

"you win."

Sasuke briefly checked his body. There was still a bandage wrapped around his waist and abdomen, covering his entire right arm. He was seriously injured.

Are you back here...

Sasuke clenched his fists, thinking with lowered eyes.

There was a sound of footsteps in the darkness, and a figure with a spiral mask appeared,

"However, you also suffered a lot of injuries, it's better not to force your body to get up."

Sasuke gently covered his eyes with one hand, and at the next moment, a pile of white flesh and blood suddenly emerged from his body, turning into the shape of Baijue, there were as many as six of them!

The masked man was startled when he saw this, surprised that Sasuke had seen through the spore technique, Sasuke should not have this ability now...

"Uchiha Obito."

The next moment, Sasuke's voice changed the expression on the man's face under the mask even more.

"You..." The masked man who had prepared a speech froze in place. There are only two people in this world who know his true identity!

Or two creatures, black and white.

Sasuke stood up slowly, facing each other with his upper body bare.


In the eyes of the masked man, the six white monsters lying on the ground were all cut into two by Lanyao, and lost their lives.

"Do you want to chat?"

But at this moment, the masked man was full of vigilance and guard against Sasuke who directly called out his name.

He originally expected that Sasuke would become the most useful pawn in his hands, but now something completely unexpected happened.

For a moment, the masked man's thoughts raced, and he stood there without saying a word.

Seeing this, Sasuke walked to the side and picked up his clothes, which still smelled of blood that hadn't been washed away by the heavy rain.

It may be his blood, or it may be the blood of the ferret.

"Are you Sasuke Uchiha?" the masked man asked in a deep voice.

Sasuke breathed a sigh of relief, buttoned up his clothes, and said calmly, "Yes."

"I know what you are wondering, you just wanted to tell me that you are Uchiha Madara, right?"


"Uchiha Madara is dead. He was the one who saved you who was seriously injured and dying... He also changed you."

Another black shadow slowly drilled out from the ground of the rock wall beside it.

Seeing this, Sasuke's expression froze, one hand was clawed, and his eyes changed instantly.

"Vientiane Tianyin!"

Reincarnation eye!

The masked man was even more shocked at this moment, and the one caught by Sasuke's suction force was Hei Ze, who was the same body as Bai Ze!

When Jue was about to be imprisoned by Sasuke with one hand, he was imprisoned in the air by an invisible force. The next moment, black flames instantly enveloped its whole body.


Heijue's hoarse scream came from the black flame.

No one thought that Sasuke would be violent. Whether it was Hei Zee or Bai Zee, Hei Zee racked his brains and couldn't figure out why Sasuke suddenly had the eyes of reincarnation.

Even though it's just one eye, it's absolutely the same as the eye of reincarnation!

Obito, who was wearing a mask, didn't make a move, but just watched this scene happen.

He can also command Bai Jue, but most of all, Hei Jue is a hidden danger for Madara to stay by his side.

After finishing all this, Sasuke let out a long sigh of relief. His body at the moment is extremely weak, and these two abilities are not very proficient. The reincarnation eye is not bad. He has practiced it in the world over there, but Kagu Sasami is completely the first one. Once cast, the load brought to him by the imperfect eyes almost made him pass out.

He said in a deep voice, "Who are you...?"

Sasuke calmed down slowly.

"Didn't you ask just now, Sasuke Uchiha?"

The shadow of the candle swayed, reflecting Sasuke's black shadow on the side wall, which looked a bit huge.

"I had a dream just now, I saw the past and the future, Uchiha Obito, the future you failed."

After he finished speaking, he was silent for a moment and added: "So will my future self."

Obito was still in shock at the moment.

Sasuke dipped a finger on the blood stains on his clothes, and then carved a spell on his unbandaged hand.

After the blood technique was finished, a burst of white water vapor suddenly appeared on Sasuke's body, and there was a continuous sizzling sound. He twisted his neck, feeling his body that was rapidly healing itself.

The simple imprint of the immortal plus the engraving of healing ninjutsu.

The world over there really taught him.

"I intend to change the world, but in a different way from yours." Sasuke said calmly.

"Now I want to ask about your position, because you intend to assist me."

"Or die."

Obito's eyes suddenly turned cold when he heard the sound.

"You mean, you want to kill me?"

Sasuke's fingertips moved slightly, and the blue arc flickered, and the Kusanagi sword placed aside suddenly came out of its sheath, and rushed towards Obito.

Seeing this scene, Obito didn't move at all, he didn't feel that this kind of attack could cause harm to himself.


The mask on his face broke and fell to the ground, and the Kusanagi sword pierced into the rock wall beside him, Obitu lost his mind for a moment, reached out his hand to touch the stinging part of his face, and felt a warmth in his hand.

By the dim candlelight, he could clearly see the black and red blood on his fingertips.


Kamui...is it useless? !

Obito's throat rolled down.

"Don't you know my eye?" Sasuke said indifferently, the purple samsara eye in his left eye was extremely gorgeous. # "Dad, what are you looking at?"

In the inner hall of the palace, in the courtyard, Zhenzhen was lying on a rocking chair at the moment, watching the full moon in the night sky quietly.

The summer night is very refreshing, and you can still hear the chirping of insects from the trees.

"Look at the moon," Zhen said.

Ning Ci also moved a stool, sat beside Zhen Zhen, and looked up at the moon with him.

Seeing this, Zhen laughed and said, "It's time to rest."

Ning Ci said, "I'm not sleepy yet, I want to sleep later."

He reached out and patted his head lightly.

"Is there an exam at school today?"

"Well, it's just a quiz."

"I heard that you are number one, why don't you tell your family about this kind of thing?"

Ning Ci showed helplessness and said: "My first place is not worthy of the name, I don't want to say it."

Really surprised: "What do you mean?"

"It's Sheren, he's letting me in on purpose," Ning Ci said.

Zhen heard the words and thought about it, Sheren is also a very sensible child, and now the relationship with Neji and Chonggo is close, and it seems to have become an iron triangle.

After thinking about it, he really asked, "Does he know that you know?"

Ning Ci shook his head slowly: "I don't know, but Sheren is not weaker than me in every aspect, I am clear about this."

Sheren already has Tenseikan at this age, and he has far surpassed Neji in terms of strength alone. This is really clear.

"If you don't like this, why don't you make it clear to him?"

Ning Ci hesitated and said: "I also want to make it clear to him, but I am afraid that if I say it, it will make my family look bad. He did it for me."

Zhen smiled and said: "You are very good friends, you must be able to understand each other if you treat each other honestly, don't worry."

Encouraged by his father, Neji nodded seriously.

"Is there a guy named Rock Lee in your class?"

Ning Ci was slightly surprised when he heard the words: "Well, he...is very strange."

Zhen said: "Actually, he is also a good boy."

Ning Ci felt strange, of course Locke Li knew that he was an oddball in the class, had no friends, and his grades were poor in all aspects.

Looking at his father's profile, Ning Ci couldn't understand what his father was thinking.

While he was thinking, he also looked up at the moon.

Putting Rock Lee's business aside, he asked instead, "Dad, is there no one on the moon right now?"

"There is a group of workers, there are very rich minerals there."


The mineral resources of the moon have not been exploited very much, and the Otsutsuki clan there used to protect them very well.

In fact, I was really surprised about this at first. It stands to reason that this kind of natural resource was produced after hundreds of millions of years. The moon in this world was made by the sages of the Six Paths, and its lifespan is only a thousand years.

After thinking about it carefully, it may be that when the Sages of the Six Paths made the moon, they moved the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas on the earth.

And Ningci was thinking, if there was no one on the moon, how lonely it would be to live on the moon before Sheren.

While his thoughts were racing, he suddenly saw the moon flashing, and a strange halo lit up around him.

"Dad, the moon..."

At this moment, Zhen looked dignified, patted Ning Ci beside him and said: "It's getting late, go back to the room and rest."


Ning Ci didn't dare to disobey his father's wishes, and returned to the room with doubts.

Zhen also got up from the rocking chair, glanced at the direction of the moon, and turned to the living room.

finally come……

He told Lingli that he had something to go out for a while, and then flew out of Konoha. # Tsunade at the same moment.

Tsunade, who had just taken a shower and was about to go to bed, suddenly noticed something, walked out of the room quickly, and stood in front of his house looking in the direction of the moon.

What is this feeling of calling...

"Master Tsunade?"

Shiute also came out from inside.

"What's wrong?"

Tsunade frowned, and asked Shizune, "Shizune, can you feel the difference in the moon?"

Jing Yin looked at the moon strangely upon hearing this, and hesitated: "Today's moon...is it a bit bright?"

Tsunade patted his head lightly, feeling a little dazed.

"Master Tsunade, what's wrong with you?" Shizune asked worriedly from the side.

"...It's nothing, I'm a little uncomfortable."

"Did you catch a cold after taking a cold shower? Go back to your room and rest."

Before Tsunade turned back to the room, he couldn't help but look at the full moon in the night sky.

She did feel a sense calling to her. # Soon after leaving Konoha, he came to the ancient teleportation array going to the moon.

He built a stronghold here and stationed a ninja troop to guard the teleportation array.

Except for the fixed staff, anyone entering or leaving the teleportation array needs the emperor's approval, and most people don't know where the teleportation array is connected.

Including the workers who are mining on the moon at this moment, they don't know that they are actually on the moon.

The emperor's personal visit made the person in charge come out and kneel to greet him.

I really didn't waste time with them, and went directly through the teleportation array to the moon. He had only been here not long ago, and Sasuke from another world hadn't left at that time.

And now, a week has passed since the soul of Sasuke from another world left.

During this period of time, I really didn't find any soul travel in Konoha again.

Hamura Shrine.

Standing in front of that giant yellow Tenseigan, he himself was able to drive this giant Tenseigan after he opened it. Although he can't completely control it for the time being, it's no problem to use it to do something.

The power of this giant Tenseigan is extremely powerful, stronger than those sun towers built by Zhen on the earth. It can be said that this Tenseigan is the crystallization of the power of the entire Otsutsuki family on the moon.

What Zhen thought before, the way to connect the two worlds is to use the power of this giant Tenseigan.

He left a coordinate formula on Sasuke's soul to connect this giant Tenseigan, so that after Sasuke returned to another world, when he became strong enough, he would go to the moon and use the giant Tenseigan in that world to achieve two world interconnected.

Before that, I really focused on studying the ancient teleportation array connecting the earth and the moon. If everything that I really expected can be achieved, a teleportation array can be established in the two worlds over there.

Now it seems to be a success, Sasuke's reincarnation eye plus Tenseigan both have the power to control time and space, the soul coordinates on Sasuke's body connect the giant Tenseigan of two different worlds together.

When Shin stood in front of this giant Tenseigan, he could feel the positions of the two coordinates more clearly than before.

One of them is Sasuke, and the other is the adult Hinata who has been here before!

Zhen slowly stretched out a hand, and the giant yellow Tenseikan responded immediately, and a dark, swirling gap in space was slowly torn open in front of him.

This gap is like a door, but it has the same shape from any angle. It is very strange in sight, as if it is a projection of a high-dimensional thing in a three-dimensional world.

The concept of time and space has always existed in the Naruto world.

Tianzhiyuzhong, Huangquan Biliangsaka, Kamui, Tianshouli, Flying Thunder God, Tiansongzhishu, and various teleportation arrays all belong to the category of space travel.

There have also been two cases of time travel as a flash in the pan.

And the Otsutsuki clan outside the sky, their god Otsuki Shibai, has the supernatural power to transcend life and death and cross dimensions.

Now, relying on his own conjecture and the power of Tenseikan, Zhenzhen has reached this limit.

Perhaps by crossing this gate of space, one can reach another world and another time.

For a moment, he hesitated.

He couldn't be sure about the safety of this space door, and he couldn't guarantee whether he could come back after entering.

And where is the other end of it.

May I ask for a monthly pass?

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