Rated Hokage

Chapter 326 Chapter 325

Hinata looked at the strange ceiling in front of her, and she was a little dazed. It took her half an hour to confirm the fact that her body was getting smaller.

Suddenly reversed for decades, obviously I have two children, why suddenly become as big as a sunflower.

And where is this place... Is it her own room, the photos on the wall, her mother, Aunt Lingli, and Xia, who she knows, who are the rest?

A strange man, why is he so close to his mother and Aunt Ayari, and these people who seem to be the same age as him, um... this is Sasuke, right?

Wait, this seems to be Naruto's mother!


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Hinata, it's time to wake up."

This voice must belong to my mother.

Hinata took a deep breath, feeling the need to accept a reality.

She seems to have returned to decades ago, and it is very different from the past in her memory.

She found out her own clothes and put them on, and found that her dressing taste was a little different... quite fashionable.

Hinata walked out of the room and saw many people in the living room.

"Ning Ci, remember to eat breakfast and go to school."

"Understood, I will eat."

Ningci... Brother Ningci?

When Hinata heard this familiar name, her eyes widened immediately.

Brother Ning Ci in memory has already...

He hurriedly looked towards the source of the sound, and saw the handsome black-haired boy, but it didn't match the Neji in her memory at all, whether it was his appearance or his attire.

This boy, she had seen in the photo, did not recognize him as Neji.

No... no!

He's not Neji at all! Even after so many years, Hinata can be sure that Neji never looks like this!

The boy named Neji glanced at her and greeted her casually: "Good morning, Hinata."


With that said, the boy picked up the breakfast on the dining table and went straight out of the house.

"I ate breakfast on the way, and I went out."

"This child, really." A gentle and mature black-haired woman came out of the kitchen.

"Hinata is awake, wash up and get ready to eat, and check to see if Naruto and Sasuke are awake."

Naruto... Sasuke?

Hinata stood there in a daze, she felt that the world seemed to be in chaos.

Whose house is this, how did Neji become like this, why are Naruto and Sasuke here? Who are these people?

Instead of calling Naruto and Sasuke as she said, she quickly went back to her room just now, took out the family photo again, and looked at the people on it.

This is Neji... this is Sasuke, he hasn't changed much.

Is this black haired Naruto?

Hinata suddenly thought of something, and looked at the strange man in the photo again.

Could it be... She and the one in the photo are a family.

My original husband has become my own brother? !

Hinata twisted the flesh on her body, and the clear pain made her feel extremely absurd, so she couldn't help but sat back on the bed weakly.

A few minutes later, a figure appeared at the door.

"What are you dawdling about?"

The person who came was her mother, but compared to the extremely gentle mother in her impression, this woman's temperament was very different.

"Mom...Mom?" Hinata tried to speak.

"It's time for breakfast," Ayano said.


Hinata was in a daze for a moment, then suddenly stepped forward quickly, pulled Ayano over, dragged her into the room, and closed the door.

"Mom, I have something to ask you."


Hinata took a deep breath and let it out again.

"Who is my father...?"

Ayano froze on the spot when she heard the words, while Hinata pointed to the strange man in the photo in her hand.

"He...can't be my father?"


"Mom, do you know... Hinata Hinata?"

Ayano finally opened her eyes wide, and pressed Hinata's shoulders.

"How did you know this name? Who told you?"

Saying that, Ayano suddenly showed a look of horror, turned around and opened the door.

"Really! Really! Something happened to Hinata too!"

Living room in a few minutes.

But the situation was similar the day before yesterday, but this time it was Hinata who was surrounded by everyone watching.

"I was like this the day before yesterday?" Naruto asked Sasuke softly behind the crowd.

"Roughly the same."

"Why does Hinata keep staring at me, it's so creepy."

"have no idea."

Hinata's eyes lingered on Naruto for a long time, this black-haired Naruto was almost completely different from what she remembered, which made her somewhat relieved.

After all, it's hard to accept that my husband has become my own brother overnight.

This red-haired woman should be Naruto's mother, as beautiful as in the photo.

Then this man...

Hinata looked at Zhen, and Zhen was also examining Hinata.

"You...are Hinata, right?" Zhen asked slowly.

Hinata nodded, looked at Zhenya and asked, "You... are my father?"

Ayano immediately said: "Yes, Hinata, he is your father, and I am your mother."

Hinata: "..."

Zhenxin already knew what was going on, this time he was not as helpless as Naruto was, but asked: "Hinata, how old are you now?"

Hinata looked into the other person's eyes, and suddenly realized that the other person might know something, hesitantly said: "Three...twelve years old."

It was too shocking to say these words from a little girl who was only a few years old.

Everyone present couldn't help but look at each other.

"Thirty-two..." Zhen muttered to himself.

"Then you and Naruto are married."

Does he know even here?

Hinata was astonished.

"What? Marriage?"

"with who?"


The voices of the surrounding women suddenly rose and fell.

I really immediately made everyone calm down, and immediately began to explain to everyone bit by bit.

The current Hinata is no longer the Hinata on their side, maybe the body is still there, but the soul consciousness is a person from another world.

That world has people and things similar to this world, but there are great differences in many things. For example, Hinata and Naruto in that world are not siblings.

It took a lot of effort to make everyone understand, including Hinata.

Behind the crowd, Sasuke smiled lightly and said to Naruto, "In another world, you want to marry Hinata."

Naruto looked awkward, goosebumps all over his body.

Marry Hinata?

Do not make jokes! He would rather die alone!

Even if he and Hinata weren't biological siblings, he wouldn't marry this crazy woman!

"So, Hinata is now occupied by Hinata from another world, right?" Ayano asked anxiously.

Zhen nodded and said: "Yes, but don't worry, judging from Naruto's situation last time, Hinata will be fine, maybe he just took a nap, and the time occupied by this kind of soul should be very short. short."

Hinata glanced across the crowd in front of her, her eyes flickering unceasingly.

Is it a different world...

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