Rated Hokage

Chapter 321 Chapter 320

Lin's house.

The four girls were sitting together, drinking wine and chatting. The dishes on the table were not too rich, but two bottles of wine had already been drained.

Suddenly there was an untimely knock on the door, Lin got up and went to open the door, only to find a tall figure standing outside the door.

Now Obito's height has jumped to more than 1.8 meters, and Lin has to look up when he sees him.

"Good evening, Lin, I can invite you together..." Obito seemed to have prepared his lines, and Lin heard him speak the moment he opened the door.

But the words were normal, Obito suddenly smelled in the air, and then said unexpectedly: "Lin, have you been drinking?"

Lin stepped aside and motioned him to look into the living room, where the three girls Hongdou, Jingyin and Yuhihong were all there.

Obito scratched his head: "It turns out that you are at a party, so I came at a bad time."

Lin also said, "I'm sorry, Obito, they're all girls..."

Obito smiled a few times: "It's okay, don't drink too much wine, or it will hurt your body, you can put a glass of water next to the bed before going to bed at night."

"I see, thank you."

After politely dismissing Obito away, Lin closed the door and turned back to her seat.

"Who is it?" Silence asked.

Xi Hihong chuckled lightly and said, "Who do you think it could be to knock on her door at this time?"

Jing Yin had a stunned look, and immediately sighed: "Obito is really persevering, Lin, you still refuse to accept such an affectionate person?"

Lin looked helpless: "I really have no feelings for him, and I have told him countless times, but he is always like this, and I can't help it, let him go."

After thinking about it, Jing Yin asked again: "Then do you still like Kakashi now?"

Lin rested her chin in one hand and held the wine glass in the other: "When did that happen? The relationship between me and Kakashi is quite rare now."

Jing Yin sighed: "Unfortunately, Kakashi didn't catch it either. I also thought Kakashi was cool when I was in school, although sometimes it was quite annoying."

Lin rolled her eyes.

Kurenai Yuhi smiled and said, "At that time, all the girls in the school thought Kakashi was cool."

Hongdou suddenly raised her hand and said, "I don't have one, not including me."

"You didn't join us again."

Jing Yin suddenly tapped his chin with his fingers, and said, "Huomen is a class higher than us, right?"

"Yes, Huomen was also the chief in the same period, but Kakashi was too famous at that time."

"I said I didn't have much impression of him when I was in school."

Hongdou suddenly said with a half-smile, "Why, if you want to know more about Huomen, I'll help you to ask him out."

Jing Yin immediately yelled: "I didn't mean that."

Her face was flushed, and she was already slightly drunk: "I won't betray you and go fall in love."

Hong couldn't help complaining: "Shouldn't falling in love be a good thing?"

The four of them are not bad in appearance, but until now they can't find a boyfriend together.

Jing Yin asked again: "Isn't Your Majesty about the same age as us, what class is he in?"

Yuhihong said: "I saw the information before, it was the same class as Huomen. At that time, Hinata seemed to have three people in the same class."

"Hey, Your Majesty and Huomen were in the same class, and Huomen was actually the chief at that time?"

"School results are not indicative of future achievements."


Shizune rested her chin with both hands, her eyes blurred.

"Sometimes when I think about it, I'm also curious about falling in love."

Hongdou and Lin Xirihong looked at each other when they heard the words, and they all couldn't stop laughing.

"Then do you have any favorites?" Xi Hihong said with a smile.

"I think Kakashi, Huomen, Obito, Genma... Everyone is pretty good. If someone wants to chase me, I will definitely agree."

"You are so greedy."

"I'm just giving an example."

Shizune suddenly sighed: "Thinking about it, I'm almost 20 years old, I haven't even been in a relationship, and Tsunade-sama has been single all her life, I won't be like her in the end."

Lin said with a smile, "I'll go and tell everyone about your desire to fall in love tomorrow. Maybe one of the few people you just mentioned just likes you."

Jing Yin yelled in embarrassment when she heard the words, and threw Lin to the ground to toss and play there, and finally Yi Lin stopped begging for mercy.

Hong Dou watched them fight with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly said: "I think of a nice little boy, Jing Yin, are you interested?"

"Who is it?"

"Little boy?"

As soon as these words came out, the other three girls became interested and asked questions one after another.

"Uchiha Shisui, you've heard of it."

"One of the two Uchihas of the Seven Crown Guards?"

"Well, the older of the two."

"That's also many years younger than us."

"Mute doesn't just take advantage of it."

Shi Jing lost interest: "Forget it, I'm not interested in boys younger than me."

"Maybe he is more mature than you, and he is powerful. Now there are many fans."

"That's not interesting either."

At this time, the knock on the door rang again, and Lin heard the sound and had to get up again.

Looking at Lin's back, Hong whispered to her companion, "Do you think it's Obito again?"

"Didn't he just get sent away?"

"Who knows."

"Obito is so infatuated."

"Obitu is so pitiful."

The three of them all peeked towards the door, but before they could see clearly, they saw Lin go out, and closed the door behind their backs.

"Go out, go out."

Xi Hihong also got up from her seat suddenly, tiptoed to the entrance, put her face behind the door as if she wanted to listen to what was being said outside, but after listening for a while, there was no movement, so she could only come back dejectedly.

What they didn't know was that Lin was standing on the roof above their heads, kissing passionately with a man.

Fortunately, their position is high enough, and ordinary people can't notice them in the night.

The two let each other go, and Lin was a little out of breath.

"It all smells like wine," Zhen said.

Lin, on the other hand, angrily patted off his hand that had been inserted into her clothes.

"What are you talking about?" Zhen asked with her arms in his arms.

"Talk about men."

"Oh, is that right, are you talking about me?" Zhen asked unexpectedly.

"What are you talking about? They're all about handsome and cool men."

"Isn't that just about me?" Zhen said with a smile.

"You have a thick skin."

The evening breeze was blowing on the two of them, and Lin also put her wrist around Zhen's waist, pressing her face against his chest.

After snuggling for a while, she let go and said, "Okay, I should go back."

"Hold for a while."

"Hongdou and the others are still waiting for me, go home and take your wife."

Really had to let go of her.

"By the way, I met Neji today."

"Really, where?" Zhen asked casually.

"Over there in the new city, that kid...is pretty good. His mother must have given him a good education."

"If you want, I can also let him call your mother..."

Lin heard the words but sneered: "It's a good idea."

Seeing that she was about to leave, Zhen grabbed her arm again and pointed to his mouth.

Seeing this, Lin glared at him, but couldn't resist him, so she stuck to him and kissed him, then turned around and jumped off the roof.

Before returning to the room, he tidied up his clothes again.

Hongdou and the others were still sitting there looking at her with teasing faces.

Lin pretended to be calm, and asked with a smile, "Why?"

Xi Hihong asked directly: "Be honest! Why have you been out for so long?"

Jing Yin directly posted a messy smell: "Report, it smells like a man!"

Knowing that they were joking, Lin smiled and said, "Stop making trouble."

Hongdou had a malicious expression on her face: "Who made trouble for you, even stole men behind our backs, and will serve you with great punishment!"

After the words were finished, the three of them rushed towards Lin together, and the room was filled with the girl's laughter.

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