Rated Hokage

Chapter 314 313, I'll go to Tsunade's at night

After the Five Kage talks, Makoto flew back to Konoha with Ayari and Ayano. The two women almost had a good time, and everyone was very happy when they distributed gifts to the family.

I really want to take my family out more in the future. Anyway, I can fly, and it is very convenient to go back and forth.

After Zhen came back, he sent a letter to all the countries in the world as Hokage, asking them to come to Konoha to express their surrender a week later, and wrote at the end of the letter that the third generation Tsuchikage did not want to die peacefully thing.

There are many small countries on the map, but there are very few neutral countries, most of which are affiliated to the five major countries, so they directly choose to hold the five shadow talks, which can save a lot of trouble.

Otherwise, if you send the letter directly, you might form an anti-Konoha Ninja Alliance.

Naturally, you are not afraid, but it will take a lot of effort to deal with it.

As soon as Konoha's letter was sent out, it immediately caused turmoil in the whole world. The news of the Five Kage talks has spread, and many people never expected such a result in the end.

For thousands of years, there have been constant wars between large and small countries, but there has never been a situation of great unification. It is difficult for Konoha and Hokage to complete this feat.

After Huomen returned with the Brutal Justice, the giant stood directly outside Konoha, allowing all the people of Konoha to see its true face.

After that, I really didn't rush to give any response to the people of Konoha, but let all kinds of comments ferment, and I was busy with various government affairs, making plans for the future.

Until the day before Zhen issued an ultimatum to all countries in the world, Zhen held a plenary meeting of Chunin and above in Konoha.

The meeting place was an open-air square. Shinichi hovered in mid-air, and the densely packed Konoha ninjas looked up at their Hokage one by one.

In these days, the news that Hokage killed Tsuchikage and subdued the other three kages at the Five Kages meeting was spreading wildly.

Everyone feels that Konoha will be completely different from the past, and the ninja world will also be completely different from the past!

I really gave an impassioned speech. In the future, there will no longer be five great countries, there will be no five great ninja villages, and there will be only one thousand-year, ten-thousand-year empire!

The chaotic pattern of this world that has lasted for thousands of years has come to an end, and the future will be an era that belongs only to Konoha!

The Brutal Justice stands in the world outside Konoha, and the ninjas off the field are excited to hear it. Countless people shout the name of Hokage, and the name of this era.

On the second day, Konoha's main gate opened wide.

Under the watchful eyes of Konoha people, countless missions entered Konoha from the outside one after another. Every time a team came in, the crowds on both sides of the road would cheer loudly.

The Four Kingdoms of Wind, Thunder, Water, and Earth were no exception. When seeing their missions arrive, the Konoha people cheered even louder.

This kind of behavior is completely spontaneous by the people. This is the cheer of the victors. Many people have experienced the war years, and have experienced the departure of their relatives or friends. The past Konoha, the past Fire Kingdom It has always been just the party that was invaded, and none of them thought that there would be such a day. For them, this is not Konoha's achievement, but the current Hokage's achievement!

Many people came today, and of course some countries did not come. Whether these countries are neutral or not, I really don’t intend to let them go. The Cruel Justice will come to the door in person and tell the world that there can only be one monarch in this world!

Zhen is very busy now, very busy for many days in a row, and has to absorb and digest the affairs of many countries. He is no longer an ordinary village head, so he has started to delegate power and promoted many promising talents.

The future world cannot be governed by him alone. The integration and restructuring of the country, the government affairs of various countries, the restructuring of ninjas, and the enthronement ceremony...

There are too many things to do, and it will take a lot of time. It is estimated that everything will be completely stabilized in half a year.

It's also strange that I did everything all at once, but I really can't wait.

That night, Zhen, who hadn't finished his work, sat at his desk, feeling a little haggard.

There are too few people who can help him share his worries. Most of the ninjas in the village are task machines who do not understand government affairs. I have really considered the people from the Nara family, but I found that not every Nara has a high IQ like Shikahisa and Shikamaru. .

In the end, I really planned to use those ministers and officials who were originally from the Nation of Fire. After the rebellion in the Nation of Fire was put down, I really didn't dismiss these people, but let them assist in handling the country's government affairs.

Samuel helped her with a head massage to relieve his fatigue.

At this time, someone knocked on the door, and Hyuga Tokuma came in.

"Master Hokage."

"What's the matter?" Zhen asked without raising his eyes.

"Are you still going to the clan tonight? Everyone is waiting for you to go back and preside over the clan meeting."

Really let out a heavy breath, and said irritably: "Go back to fart, I won't go back."

"But..." Tokuma hesitated to speak, apparently he had been told by many people before coming here.

"But what, if you don't want to go, don't go!"

Zhen directly grabbed the pen on the table and threw it at Tokuma.

"Get out of here quickly, and let those old guys not bother me."

Hokage is about to establish a country, and the most joyful ones are naturally the Hyuga clan. They are all going to become the royal family, so how can we not be excited about it.

Some old people called the clansmen together for a meeting every day to discuss various matters about the future empire, even discussing the name of the country, and gave Zhen a lot of opinions.

Most of the country titles discussed by these people reflect the Hyuga clan themselves, for fear that others will not know what the country's monarch's surname is.

In the end, the final decision was made, the Sunshine Empire.

After Tokuma left, Samui said softly, "Master Hokage, don't be so angry, they all want to share your worries."

"It's more like making trouble for me." Zhen said irritably.

One person attains the Tao, chickens and dogs ascend to heaven, he has truly experienced it now.

"It's late, let's stop here today, you should go back and rest."

"I don't want to go back."

Not only is he busy now, the women in the family are also very busy, especially Lingli, who receives various invitations every day, and even a few children say that they always meet some unknown peers when they go out to play now. Make friends with yourself.

When Zhen returns home every night, he has to face all kinds of trivial matters, which make him feel upset. Lingli understands his hard work, and now Zhen sleeps in the Naruto room at night and doesn't say anything.

"Then to my place?" Samui asked softly.

"Just let the three of us serve you."

He really didn't respond, just closed his eyes and rested his mind. Suddenly he opened his eyes and asked, "Where's the gadget I asked the Craftsman Department to make for me?"

Samui walked into the lounge, came out with a box in his hand, opened it and put it on the table.

Inside the box is a metal product, shaped like a pointed top, but the surface is very smooth, and the other end is a disc base.

"Master Hokage, what is this?" Samui asked curiously, it seemed like some ninja tool, but she had never seen it before.

With a strange look on his face, he just said: "It's fun."

Then, he rummaged through the drawer of the desk again, found the small wind chime bought in the Iron Country, untied the rope buckle on it, and then fastened the metal ring to the metal base on the buckle.

I really held it in my hand and shook it lightly.


The sound is very crisp.

"I went to Tsunade's at night, and I haven't seen her for a few days."


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