Rated Hokage

304 Chapter 303, Keep Me Warm

The reincarnation eye cannot be cloned and mass-produced for the time being, but it may be possible to fuse it with the reincarnation eye by using the technique of ghost bud.

I really have this idea, but I really want to know what I will get after doing this, whether it will be something of a higher level.

But he didn't dare to try it lightly, after all, there was only one pair of Samsara Eyes, and it was necessary for Dou to study the Samsara Eyes carefully to see if there were any better results.

Then Zhen inspected the progress of the Flesh Armor as usual, which was similar to the progress of the spell engraving at the Mechanical Science Institute, and it should be completed in the near future.

The control room of the Tower of the Sun was built at a very fast pace. After Zhen gave the order, Tonogawa quickly rebuilt the place.

Tenseikan's light once again covered the entire Konoha.

People in the enchantment class can only control a small part of Tenseigan's power after all, but even so, it is enough to instantly kill most people in the ninja world. Unable to resist the restraining light of the Tower of the Sun.

Everything is back to normal again.

It was as if nothing had happened before, and there was another Tsunade in our daily life.

But what makes it really boring is that Tsunade's changes are similar to Kushina's, becoming a submissive attitude, as if he has lost his life goal after accepting his fate.

I really let her stay by my side for less than a week, and then drove her away again, let her go back to the job in the hospital, and let her return to her own life.

Otherwise, it would be like a walking dead, and it would be unlucky to see it.

Hokage house.

Really playing with the kids, teaching Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata to write their names there.

"Dad, I've finished writing!"

"I've written it too!"

Naruto and Sasuke scrambled to show off their works. Looking at the crooked font on it, they still praised them.

The two children proudly took the words they wrote to show off to their mother.

And looking at Hinata again, she was still distressed because she couldn't hold the pen well, but she really walked up behind her, held her hand, and taught her there.

"Mom! Look at what I wrote!"

Naruto excitedly took the paper and pen and ran to Kushina who was basking in the sun with Ayari in the courtyard, and showed off.

Kushina looked at it carefully, and barely recognized the words "Hyuga Naruto".

"Did you write your own name?"

"Well, Dad taught me to write!"

After finishing speaking, Naruto lay down on the stone table under the pavilion again, and wrote his name again, but this time the writing was even more crooked, which made Aya couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

"Look!" Naruto looked at his mother expectantly.

"Our Naruto is so powerful!" Kushina also praised.

"Mom, you taught me to write your name."


Kushina took the pen with a smile, hesitated on the paper, and wrote the words "Hyuga Kushina", her handwriting was very delicate.

Naruto's small face was wrinkled, and he carefully imitated the strokes of Kushina's name, and finally "drawed" the name.

"Mom, look!"

"Naruto is awesome!" Kushina continued to praise with a smile.

Naruto looked at Ayari again with undiminished interest: "Mother Ayari, come and teach me how to write your name."

"Okay." Ling Li also joined in with a smile, not only writing her own name, but also writing her real name.

"This one belongs to me, and this one belongs to your father."

"Is this daddy's?" Naruto suddenly regained his energy.

"I have to learn to write my father's name before Sasuke."

But this time he was very impatient, eagerly wrote a few hard-to-see words on the paper, and then ran back to the living room, probably to show off to his father and Sasuke.

Looking at his back, Lingli couldn't help but chuckled and said, "Naruto is so lively, if only Neji was like him."

Jiu Xinnai said: "Ning Ci is so sensible, what's wrong with it."

Lingli said: "Ningji only pretended to be like that to please Dad."

Jiu Xinnai said: "No matter how young children are, they have their own ideas. Just let them do things that make them happy. If Neji would be happy because his father cared more about him, it would be okay to do so." Nothing bad."

Lingli thought about it seriously, then nodded and said: "You are right."

Kushina said: "Ningji has always been a big brother, and he will set a good example for Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata in the future."

When it comes to children, she will talk more.

Lingli said: "I think, if you want to be a role model, being a father is more important in this respect."

Jiu Xinnai glanced towards the living room when he heard the words, and said, "Why, do you think... the children's father is not good enough?"

Lingli also glanced at the living room, and said: "The good places are pretty good, and the bad places are not good at all."

These words were meaningful, and Kushina could hear what she meant, so she didn't continue.

I spend half a day with my children, which can be regarded as my rest time.

After dinner, Zhen was lying on the sofa reading a book, when Ayano suddenly approached.

"What's wrong?"

"Tonight..." Ayano said softly, blinking at Zhao Zhen, charming and alluring.

"Accompany Meiqin tonight." Zhen said with a normal expression.

Ayano was a little discouraged for a moment, and wanted to say something, but was told by the truth: "How about I call Mikoto over, and you talk to her face to face?"

"..." Ayano pursed her lips, and finally left knowingly.

When I went back to the bedroom, I ran into Ayori.

Lingli asked her: "What's the idea?"

Ayano didn't hide anything, and after a moment of pondering, she whispered, "I'm ovulating."

Lingli thought it was funny: "You still think the house is not noisy enough."

Ayano said: "I don't care, I just want a son! You all have sons, but I don't!"

Lingli shrugged and said, "If you want it, he has to be willing to give it to you. It's not like you don't know that he will take measures when a dangerous day comes. Your son's matter is probably useless."

After finishing speaking, he also turned around and went back to his bedroom, walked to the door and turned to her again and said, "What's wrong with my daughter, you don't know who that guy loves the most now."

However, Ayano still had a frowning look on the spot, and returned to her room a little dejected after a long while.

When it was time to go to bed, Zhen went to Miqin's bedroom early. When Miqin came over after coaxing the child to take a bath, she saw Zhen lying on the bed with her arms on her head and staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Wearing a velvet nightgown, she came over and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

"I don't think anything, go to sleep."

Really took a long breath, then lifted the quilt and patted the place next to him lightly.

Seeing this, Meiqin pursed her lips lightly, untied the tie of the nightgown, and pulled the clothes down to her feet, and put her whole body on it.

"Hiss—it's so cold!"

"I just took a shower... warm me up."

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