Rated Hokage

299 Chapter 299

Below the Tower of the Sun, on this cliff, more than a dozen Anbu people are fighting with six ferocious giant dogs at this moment.

It was difficult to be warned that they could only be captured alive. The ferocity and strength of this giant vicious dog far exceeded that of ordinary psychic beasts. It was difficult for a dozen Anbu to subdue them for a while, and accidentally split them into two.

But at this moment, a galloping black shadow flew over from the sky, directly piercing through the flesh and blood of the six giant vicious dogs one by one in an instant.

The Anbu were shocked, this vicious dog was amplified psychic art, no matter what kind of damage it would cause it to split into more individuals.

Squad leader Anbu just wanted to reprimand someone for attacking without authorization, but then he saw a black shadow slowly flying back to the sky, and there was a figure standing there.

"Hokage-sama...it's Hokage-sama!"

The black shadow flew back to Zhen's hand. It was an extremely dark sphere, hovering in his palm and slowly dissipating.

Then a scene that surprised everyone appeared, these vicious dogs did not continue to split after being hurt, but directly turned into white smoke and disappeared in place.

Necromancy lifted...

"Thank you so much, Hokage-sama!" The squad leaders of Anbe were the first to react from the shock, kneeling on one knee.

"The subordinate is incompetent, causing trouble to Hokage-sama."

The rest of Anbu followed suit and knelt down.

Zhenli ordered in the air: "Go to the Institute of Mechanical Science and ask Tonogawa to send a few people to repair some of the control rooms of the Tower of the Sun."


After dealing with this matter, Zhenzhen directly lifted into the air and came to the control room of the destroyed Sun Tower.

Looking at all the damaged electronic equipment and display screens around, I really didn't expect that the Eye of Samsara could be immune to some functions of the Tower of the Sun.

But if you think about it carefully, it is the eye of reincarnation after all, and there is nothing incredible about it.

When he really came to the Tenseigan weapon, he stretched out a hand to stick it on it. Suddenly, the entire giant Tenseigan shot a yellow beam of light towards the sky, and then dispersed into a yellow barrier, covering the entire Konoha.

At the same time, the tail beast energy base station on the edge of Konoha.

The person in charge here looked at the pale yellow light curtain that reappeared in the sky.

"The Tower of the Sun has been restored, and the backup barrier can be removed."

The tailed beast jade was stiffened just now, which consumed a lot of energy, all of which are electricity! It's all money!

The person in charge is distressed.

"What's the matter with Hyuga Shimizu, even a Sunrise Tower can't take care of it!"

On the other side of the cliff, Kakashi was fighting with Nagato.

After suffering a few times, Kakashi also gradually figured out the ability of the opponent. It seems that he can control the repulsion and gravity, can bounce off all physical attacks and ninjutsu attacks, and can also attract objects to his side .

Moreover, this ability seems to have some kind of limitation, it cannot be released continuously, and it needs a certain time interval.

After figuring this out, Kakashi turned to the defensive even though he was seriously injured, and fought back and forth with the opponent, even with his powerful physical skills, he could suppress the opponent from time to time.

However, Kakashi clearly felt that the opponent still had strength, but he just didn't want to fight him for a long time.

Just when Kakashi was thinking about how to win, he suddenly felt a familiar Chakra approaching from a distance.

Nagato also felt it, this Chakra made no secret of his strength, and was extremely familiar with it.

The two looked at the sky at the same time.

"Hokage-sama!" Kakashi took the initiative to speak.

Zhen calmly said: "It's very embarrassing, Kakashi, it seems that your kite engraving still needs to be adjusted. Now you can't be like Kai."

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief: "This subordinate failed to protect the Tower of the Sun."

"I don't blame you, after all, the enemy is the eye of reincarnation."

reincarnation eye...

Kakashi and Nagato were surprised at the same time.

Kakashi knew in advance that Amane was playing tricks. Although he had expected it in his heart, he couldn't help being surprised at the moment. He was fighting with Samsara Eye just now!

And Nagato was surprised that the other party directly saw through his identity.

Looking down at the black-robed figure on the roof, he calmly said: "Nagato, do you intend to be captured obediently, or do you want me to do it?"

Hokage, Hinata Ma.

Nagato's throat rolled down, and thoughts in his mind turned sharply. This is Konoha, and Hokage's shot means that he will face countless enemies.

He chose to escape!

And just when he leaned down a little to accumulate strength, and planned to eject and start flying to evacuate.


In an instant, an incomparably powerful storm was formed with Nagato as the center. The most intuitive thing in sight was the flurry of air currents, dust and sand flying up!

And Nagato froze in place, and at this moment he felt that everything around him was in chaos!

The energy field and gravity field were all in chaos, all kinds of powerful forces were frantically tearing at his body, and the black robe on his body was instantly shattered!

And the amount of chakra in his body is like falling into a quagmire, and he can no longer mobilize and drive.

The sound of the sonic boom from the impact of the airflow kept stimulating his eardrums, Nagato was terrified, it felt too powerless!

He wants to use the eyes of reincarnation and Shenluo Tianzheng, but he can't use even a little chakra, so it can only be a delusion.

This is power!

Attraction and repulsion, like the reincarnation eye, can control the force. Forces from various directions flooded his surroundings, making him unable to move at all! Even tore his body apart!

At this time, Nagato even doubted whether the other party also had the eyes of reincarnation!

Finally, Nagato couldn't bear the endless pain and passed out.

Really also dissipated the storm.

Tenseikan has a technique called Ginwakura Blast, which is to control the gravitational and repulsive forces to form a powerful tornado.

Really improved this trick.

Kakashi watched his incomparably difficult enemy being solved by a real move, and couldn't help swallowing.

Only one move!

"Take it back." Shin said to Kakashi.

"Yes!" Kakashi immediately bowed in response.

After dealing with Nagato, Shin also left here.

After knowing that Yuyin Village will definitely take part in this rescue operation of Jiraiya, he really changed his plan.

Watergate to catch.

Yuyin Village also had to pay the price.

After these people entered the village to make trouble, he was not in a hurry to act, but was waiting for Maruyoshi Kosuke's response.

To capture alive, or beheaded on the spot.

It was really flying rapidly in the high air, but within a few seconds, it came to the edge of the Konoha.

This is a training ground, surrounded by a forest, connecting the dense forest outside the village.

If there is no enchantment, people will not be aware of entering and exiting here.

Minato and Jirai below were also worried about the enchantment, and they suddenly felt something, and looked up at the sky.

Zhen also slowly fell to the ground, not far from them.

"Hinata Makoto!" Minato clenched his fists instantly, with endless hatred gushing out of his eyes.

After writing the monthly exam and writing the main line, the head is big.

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