Rated Hokage

289 Chapter 288

Konan and Nagato were called by Yahiko to the chief's mansion, and found a blond man sitting in the living room.

After taking a closer look at this person's appearance, both of them were startled.

"Who are you……"

This person is actually the S-rank traitorous ninja, Namikaze Minato, who is being wanted by Konoha!

It's just that the current Minato looks much more vicissitudes. In the past, they had the impression that Namikaze Minato was a sunny and handsome young man with a warm smile on his face, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

After many changes, that gentle man has long since disappeared.

"Mr. Nagato, Miss Konan." Minato greeted them, looking at Nagato more.

Nagato and Konan couldn't help but look at Yahiko who was on the main seat at the same time.

Yahiko said: "Everyone is a student of Mr. Jiraiya, and the teacher is from the same school, so you don't have to be so polite."

After speaking, he explained to Nagato and Xiaonan: "Minato came here to rescue Jiraiya-sensei with us."

Nagato and Konan recovered from the shock, and then sat down on the other side under Yahiko's gesture.

Yahiko asked directly: "We have a short time left, only five days, Minato, do you have any plans?"

Minato pondered for a moment, and said, "Konoha has a tower of the sun, you all know it?"

Yahiko nodded, it was a very tall sentry tower, shining purple light all day and all night, illuminating the entire Konoha.

At that time, he asked Konoha Ninja what the tower was for, and the response he got was just to prevent Xiaoxiao, and every time the Chunin exam was in the third round, the tower would allow candidates to fly into the exam room.

Although he doesn't know the true power of the Tower of the Sun, Yahiko can also have a hunch that it is extraordinary.

Minato said: "That tower has extremely terrifying power. With the Konoha it shines on, any enemy in Konoha has nowhere to hide and no way to escape. Being shot by its light can make people lose their ability to move immediately. , even Chakra cannot be used.”

Yahiko and the three of them all showed surprise on their faces.

Minato continued: "Sensei Jiraiya was able to rescue me from prison in the first place, because he tried to temporarily stop the operation of the tower for a while."

Nagato asked: "Then how can it be stopped?"

Minato said: "It is most effective to close it from the inside. If it is attacked from the outside, I don't know if it will be useful."

Tower of the Sun...

Yahiko and the others began to think about it, Konoha's water was deeper, far more terrifying than they imagined.

Previously, Yahiko was thinking how difficult it would be for the Seven Crown Guards to deal with, but now it seems that there may be no need for the Seven Crown Guards to take action at all. If Minato didn't come, it would be the same as taking the initiative to kill them.

Why can a tower have such a strange power, and what is the principle?

Xiao Nan couldn't help asking: "If we don't think of a way to close that tower, then we won't be able to rescue Teacher Zilaiye?"

Minato glanced at the three of them, nodded and said, "That's right."

Nagato should be the strongest among the same sect, but Minato doesn't know how strong it is, and he has never seen the power of Samsara Eye.

Many people in Konoha know that Nagato has the eyes of reincarnation, but this pair of special eyes has never really shown its power in front of outsiders.

these eyes...

"My plan is that I will attract Konoha's attention when the time comes. This execution was originally prepared to let me fall into the trap. As soon as I appear, I will attract the attention of the whole Konoha. And you entered Konoha as guests, and tried to close the tower, once the Tower of Sunrise is closed, I can take Jiraiya-sensei away immediately."

Both sides are doing their own thing, whether it is to attract attention outside, or to close the Tower of the Sun, each of the tasks is accompanied by great risks.

Minato said again: "During this time, if you can, you'd better go to Konoha again and carefully collect some information about the Tower of the Sun."

"Okay." Yahiko nodded.

"When that day comes, you should be the most dangerous. Do you need us to do anything for you?"

Minato shook his head: "No need."

Yahiko couldn't help but said: "You may have to face seven champions alone, is that okay?"

Minato laughed lightly when he heard the words: "I didn't say I was alone."

When he came this time, he prepared a big gift for Konoha, and planned to let Hinata really enjoy this gift. # Institute of Biological Sciences.

In the laboratory full of modern technological style, there are rows of neatly arranged small glass bottles in front of Zhenzhen, and a pair of white eyeballs are stored in each glass bottle.

"The number of cloned white eyes has reached your request, Mr. Hokage."


Back then, in order to fuse the Tenseigan weapon, he almost used up all the white eye reserves in the Hyuga clan.

Later, some remaining white eyes were also found on the moon, but they probably did not expect the group to perish. The storage method was not long-term. When the white eyes were found, they were all damaged.

Cloning technology really solves many problems.

Next, he can fuse the second Tenseigan weapon and build the second Sunrise Tower.

However, there is no rush to do this at the moment. It is really just asking Dou to store these eyes well, and don't stop the clone production of Baiyan. The more the better, there is no cap.

Zhen turned to another question: "How long will it take for the Flesh Armor to meet the required standards?"

Dou said: "Now the entire department is almost devoted to the process of flesh and blood armor. It is non-stop day and night. It may take half a year at the earliest."

In addition to solving the power supply problem of the village, Konoha’s newly built Tailed Beast Energy Base Station has also provided a great boost to the two research institutes, allowing more equipment to be put into use at the same time, which can be regarded as greatly expanding productivity. Even so, I really feel that this energy base station is only used to supply power to the village, which is a waste. How much electricity can a Konoha have if it uses electricity all night long?

"Half a year..." I couldn't help muttering to myself.

It takes half a year for the Flesh Armor, but it is estimated that it will take longer to burn the internal surgery formula. In addition to various debugging and experimental work, it will take more than a year.

"It's already very fast, it's already very fast." Zhen sighed softly.

It took less than two years to build a big guy. In his original world, it took more than that long to build a car.

After leaving the research institute, Zhen received another report from his subordinates that Nagato and Xiaonan from Yuyin Village had come.

What are these two people doing here? Come and plead for mercy?

Yahiko just returned to the village not long ago, Yuyin Village should be honest for a while.

And the reason they came here was just some ordinary business affairs. Konoha and Yuyin have always been close, and it is normal for ninjas to communicate with each other on business.

After thinking for a while, he ordered: "Find someone to receive them, pay attention to their whereabouts, and report to me at any time."

Chapter 287 is gone as soon as it was uploaded. It is being deleted, revised and lifted. Let’s see if it can be released.

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