Rated Hokage

Chapter 281 Chapter 280

In the Hokage Building, everyone in the conference room dispersed.

These are representatives from small villages in various countries. They originally came here for the Chunin Exam, but they were suddenly invited by Hokage to hold a meeting here.

The content of the meeting was actually about the disposition of the wave ninja and mercenary ninja forces in various countries.

Naruto proposed the reformation of ninjas and asked them to bring this idea back to the village to report to their leader.

Konoha hopes that they can take the initiative to contact the mercenary ninja forces and wave ninjas in their own country, and tell these people that Konoha is willing to provide them with a stable way of life and work.

After this matter was brought up from Hokage, many people felt that there was no need to report to their leader, and they could make a decision on the spot.

The living environment of Xiaonin Village in a small country is completely different from that of Konoha. The living conditions of a small village are very cruel, because it is weak and may be replaced by another force at any time.

Moreover, in a small country, the task resources in their hands are very tight and limited, and they have to compete with these mercenary forces to carve up, and there are not many who fall into their hands. If Konoha is willing to accept these people Let's go, they are naturally happy to hear and see.

Even some small villages hope that Konoha will take him in, so that he can have a stable job, but this kind of thing can only be thought about.

There are a lot of wave ninjas in the ninja world, but most of them are at the level of lower ninjas. They are from bad backgrounds and have not received formal education. Many of them are just ordinary people with stronger bodies who know one or two ninjutsu.

Moreover, the reputation of groups like Langren is not much better than that of Rebel Ren. Many Langren have done illegal things, often relying on their own force, looting and burning among ordinary people, and then changing their identities and places to continue wandering.

No matter how many such ninjas there are, they will not become a climate, but will instead become a group of malignant tumors.

Konoha's willingness to take them in made many people feel puzzled. The outside world is aware of the domestic turmoil in the Land of Fire. What is the difference between doing this kind of thing under such circumstances and finding a burden for yourself.

But no matter what they think in their hearts, this "good news" must be reported to their leaders quickly.

Konan and Nagato finished talking with Hokage about the Chunin Exam, and then walked out of the Hokage building together.

"This Hokage's thoughts are really confusing." Nagato said suddenly.

"Are you saying that Konoha plans to take care of those Ronin things?"

"If Konoha really intends to use them to work for him in the future, such people will only ruin Konoha's reputation, and I don't know what Hokage thinks."

"Maybe, Hokage has already thought of another way to deal with this." Xiaonan could only say after thinking about it.

The two walked into the new city, where the reception arranged by Konoha was.

"However, I didn't expect Konoha to have such a change in such a short period of time."

Nagato felt emotional again. Although he has always had a bad impression of Konoha, but when he came here today, he saw the appearance of Konoha New City, and he was sincerely shocked. Its prosperity and advancement far exceeded his cognition.

He has also been to some well-known prosperous cities in various countries, but compared with the current Konoha, they are completely insignificant. Their Yuyin Village and the capital of the Rain Country are more like remote countryside.

Xiao Nan said, "Have you forgotten what Yahiko said?"

Konoha suddenly changed from a village to a city, and the meaning contained in it is very complicated. Many people already know the ambition of this Hokage, and Hokage seems to have no intention of hiding it at all.

Some people secretly ridiculed Hokage's stupidity, and they only went one step further for the sake of power, which would definitely cause chaos in the Kingdom of Fire. The leader of a small place is still trying to govern the entire country. It is not wishful thinking.

The final result may make Konoha withdraw from the stage of history together with the Nation of Fire.

On their way to the reception, the two saw a familiar figure walking towards them from afar.

"Master Tsunade?" Konan looked at the other party in surprise, Tsunade was obviously coming towards them.

"Do you two have time now?"

Konan and Nagato couldn't help but look at each other.

"Is there something wrong, Tsunade-sama?"

The other party is a friend of Teacher Jiraiya, and can be regarded as their elder. Xiaonan is very respectful.

"Let's talk about it elsewhere."

Tsunade brought the two of them back to her home, and it didn't matter whether she hid it or not. In Konoha, as long as Hokage wanted to know, she couldn't hide it from the other party.

After the two sat down on their own sofa, Tsunade said, "It's about Jiraiya."

Nagato was startled suddenly: "Mr. Jiraiya? What happened to him?"

Tsunade asked: "Is there any connection between you and Jiraiya now?"


Nagato was about to say something, but was stopped by Xiaonan, she said: "Since Mr. Jiraiya became Konoha's rebellious ninja three years ago, we have never seen him."

Tsunade stared at Xiaonan for a while before saying: "Don't be so vigilant, I invite you to come, I hope you can help Zilaiye."

"Can Tsunade-sama speak more clearly?" # At the same time, within the territory of Tang Country.

Jilai is also spending time in a hot spring hotel. His current life is similar to the past, wandering around, collecting materials from everywhere, but he has a reputation of rebelliousness on his head, and he can no longer freely declare his family. It's going to cause a lot of trouble.

There was a knock on the door, and Jiraiya stopped writing, and went to open the door in a bathrobe.

Standing outside the door was a blond man with a vicissitudes of life and a beard on his chin. He looked like he was in his thirties.

Seeing this person, Zilai couldn't help laughing, "Why are you here?"

As soon as the man entered the room, he said, "Mr. Zilaiye, your whereabouts have been exposed."

Jiraiya looked indifferent: "Let's expose it, they won't be able to catch me, Minato, you don't need to worry."

"Teacher Ziraiya, if you want to write a book in the future, you should change your pen name."

Hearing this, Jilai also laughed and said, "It's hard to accumulate some popularity. It's not easy to start over. I don't think Konoha will push me to death."

Minato sat in the room, looked around briefly, and said: "You'd better leave here earlier, Konoha is completely different now."

Seeing Minato's insistence, Zilai also said, "Then I will leave Tang Country tomorrow."

Minato nodded slightly: "That's good."

Jilai also said, "By the way, how is your business now?"

Minato calmly said: "It's a step-by-step thing, take your time."

Ji Lai also chuckled softly and said, "It's really not easy to start over."

Minato said: "Always start from the beginning."

He didn't stay here for too long, and left after saying a few words.

After walking out of this hot spring hotel, the shadow at the foot of the water gate suddenly moved.

"Did you come all the way here just to remind Zilai to be careful?"

A deep voice spoke.

Minato said blankly: "He is my teacher, is it strange for me to do such a thing?"

"You are worried that after he is captured by Konoha, he will become your weakness at that time."

"Don't think I'm as ugly as you are."

"Hey, Minato, aren't you ugly? Why didn't you ask him about the other three students just now?"

"Shut up! I don't need you to teach me how to do it!"

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