Rated Hokage

278 Chapter 277, meeting a woman

In the evening, with light snow falling in the sky, the commercial street in Konoha New Town is bustling with orderly shops under neat eaves on both sides of the street.

This is a food street. Apart from some common snacks, there are many local characteristics. After the opening of the new city, many people like to go shopping here. If it is evening, there will be more pedestrians.

"I didn't expect Konoha to become what it is now. I used to always think about taking advantage of the mission to go out to play, but now it seems completely unnecessary."

Lin, who was walking arm in arm with Hongdou, couldn't help but sigh. In addition to the food street, there are also all kinds of unifiedly planned streets such as the commodity street, and the environmental sanitation looks very tidy, and someone is responsible for cleaning it all day long.

When she and her friends came here for the first time, it really felt like a countryman entering the city.

No, I have been to the capital and some big cities in the Land of Fire when I was on a mission before, but they are far less prosperous than here.

Lin now finally understands what Hokage is busy with every day.

"Lin, I built this street by myself!" Obito said from the side, asking for credit.

"Didn't you build the whole new city?" Lin looked at him and said.

Obito smiled innocently: "That's right, but those architects are also working hard."

Today, Obito invited her to go shopping here, and Lin had nothing to do at home, so she called Hongdou together.

I bought a snack in front of a paving shop, and the three of them stood under the street lamp and felt the lively atmosphere while eating.

The snow under the street lamps became clearly visible, and pedestrians crowded shoulder to shoulder with broken jade on their heads.

Lin suddenly noticed that all the shops and other things on this street were powered by electric lights. The electricity bill was quite expensive. Although many households have electrical appliances, they are not willing to use them on weekdays.

Not long ago, Konoha issued a new policy on electricity consumption, and the electricity fee was greatly reduced.

When did the village become so wealthy...

Lin thought to herself, what she didn't know was that the reason Konoha was so rich was because the Sanwei in her body was sending chakra outwards in the newly built energy base station and converted it into electrical energy.

"Hey, Itachi!"

Obito suddenly noticed something, and waved vigorously not far away.

Lin and Hongdou looked around, and found a black-haired boy not far away with three children, and they all knew each other.

"What a coincidence, Brother Obito." Itachi came over with three children, and these three children were naturally Neji, Naruto and Sasuke.

The two sides chatted, and it was not surprising to meet any acquaintances in the village.

Itachi said that he came out with Hokage-sama's family, and it was Naruto and Sasuke Fei who brought them here because they were arguing to buy something to eat.

"Is Hokage-sama coming too?"

"On another street."

Lin's eyes have been on the three children, all three are real sons, and there is a real daughter.

She felt that she hadn't fully grown up yet, but the real children were already this big.

After Itachi and the others left, Lin asked the red beans beside him: "Adzuki, isn't Uchiha Itachi also one of the crown guards, you should be familiar with it?"

"It's average." Hongdou just said casually.

Among the seven crown guards, she is only acquainted with Huomen, Kakashi, and Kai. As for Shisui, Toku and Itachi, they are just nodding acquaintances, and she is just a name in the crown.

Obito said from the side, "Itachi and I are very familiar."

Seeing that everything was about to be inserted with a word, Lin said angrily: "Did I ask you?"

Obito scratched his head, "Itachi and I are of the same family, so we are really familiar with each other, and Shisui."

Lin rolled her eyes, and suddenly asked: "Obito, I remember that the seven crown guards are all our peers, and some are our juniors, why didn't you enter the crown?"

The smile on Obito's face froze for a moment, Kakashi, Kai and the two younger brothers of the same clan all entered the crown. Of course, he couldn't have no idea at all, and he even went to Hokage for hints, but Zhen told him directly His crown is not suitable for him, so he can only let it go.

Obito poked his neck and said: "Mian is Hokage's guard, I will be Hokage in the future, why should I enter Mian."

He thinks this kind of statement is the most convincing, and he has said this to many people. He is the future Sixth Hokage-sama, and the crown guards like Kakashi will be his guards in the future.

Seeing his straightforward appearance, Lin couldn't help laughing: "Our future Hokage-sama must work hard to practice, don't even beat your own guards."

Obito turned his head arrogantly: "That's natural! Now I am an excellent Jnin recognized by Hokage!"

Huomen, Kakashi, and Kai, their strengths can already be described as unfathomable. Obito once sparred with Kakashi after he was promoted to Jonin, but it hit him hard that time. Obito He found that the gap between himself and Kakashi was even bigger than it was a few years ago!

Since then, his practice has never slackened.

After standing under the street lamp for a while, the snow gradually stopped.

Lin watched the people coming and going, and suddenly said, "It would be nice to move here, what do you think, Hongdou?"

Hongdou said, "It's too noisy."

Lin unexpectedly said: "Didn't you like lively things before?"

Obito said: "The houses here are very expensive. I heard that they cost ten million taels."

Lin couldn't help but widen her eyes: "It's so expensive!"

Hongdou also looked sideways, ten million taels of a house is indeed too scary, when will the house be so valuable.

Obito nodded and said: "After the opening of the new urban area, many people from outside want to live in it. The competition is very high, and the housing prices are getting higher and higher."

Lin made a calculation silently in her heart, and then said to Obito, "Obito, if you can use ninjutsu to build a house, don't you want to get rich!"

Obito smiled and said: "The house can't be built casually, it must be ordered by Master Hokage."

"Ten million taels." Lin was speechless.

Ninjas can also be considered high-income groups, but ten million taels is a huge sum of money.

"Obito, how much do you pay for the S-rank task of building a village?"


Obito didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Even if the house was sold for 10 million, it still belonged to the village, and the 500,000 was for him, and even if he didn't pay himself, being valued by the village would make him very happy.

The commendation meeting that Hokage held specially for him at the beginning made Obito feel that everything was worth it, and it doesn't matter if you pay half a million.

And for people like Obito, I really appreciate and like them.

When the three were chatting, Hongdou suddenly interrupted them for no reason: "Enough shopping, let's go back."

Lin was very surprised. Just as she was about to say something, she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure in the crowd.

"Master Hokage!"

Obito also noticed it, and walked up to greet him quickly.

Makoto was also accompanied by Ayari and Kushina, Lin remembered what Itachi said not long ago that he came out with Hokage-sama.

She hadn't seen each other for several days, and for a moment she regretted that she should turn around and leave with Hongdou immediately.

However, Obito had already led them over.

Lin could no longer pretend not to see it, and greeted: "Master Hokage, Lord Ayari, Miss Kushina."

Hongdou remained silent, not even saying hello.

Lingli couldn't help but look at Hongdou more, and then said with a smile: "How are you guys?"

Lin twitched the corners of her mouth and smiled.

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