Rated Hokage

267 Chapter 266, Red Bean of Compromise

Interrogation room.

Zhen pushed the door open and entered, Hong Dou was sitting there with his hands and feet bound by chains, seeing Zhen coming in he just looked up.

Sitting down in front of her, Zhen asked her, "Have you considered it?"

Hongdou hung her head in silence, really wanting her to tell the location of Orochimaru.

"Come in." Zhen suddenly called out to the door, and then another person walked in.

"This is a member of the Shanzhong family. If you don't want to speak, you can only let him spy on your mind."

Hongdou was startled suddenly, and looked at the two with her eyes open. She knew very well the secret arts of the Yamanaka family.

She clenched her fists and pursed her lips.

"Really...how can you let him go."

Zhen gently waved his hand to signal the ninja of the Yamanaka family to go out, and closed the door before leaving.

He said calmly: "Hongdou, am I not good enough for you?"

Hong Dou is speechless, is it really not good enough for her?

"Your current identity, status, and strength are not all given to you by me. I tolerate your coquettish and willful nature on weekdays. You even did such stupid things in my name in Daming Mansion."


"Did you know Orochimaru would kill me?"


"You refuse to tell him where he is now. I can understand that you want to help him kill me together."

"No..." Hongdou responded with some pain, lowering her head a little. "It's not like that, there must be another way."

Zhen frowned slightly, this woman is too naive.

"I'll give you another chance. Just tell me where Dashemaru is hiding now, and I can pretend that all this has never happened. You are still my Seven Crown Guards, and you can still live in the village."

"But if you must be my enemy, don't blame me."

Hongdou finally broke down and said, "No! No!"

She didn't want to break with Zhen, but Zhen didn't give her other options, even if she didn't say that the other party would still search her memory.

Compared with it, it seems that compromising is the better choice, and it also allows her to retreat.

But this is to let her personally drive Orochimaru to a dead end! Drive a person close to him to his death.

"Really! Don't do this, I beg you, really!"

Hongdou's eyes were full of panic, she sat on the chair and struggled vigorously, but was bound by the chains and couldn't get up.

Zhen's eyes moved slightly, and he said calmly: "It seems that you have made a good choice."

After finishing speaking, he got up and walked towards the door of the interrogation room.

"No!" Hongdou suddenly raised the volume.


When the words came to her lips, Hong Dou suddenly felt her mind go blank. She didn't know what she said, and whether those words that shouldn't be said came out of her mouth.

There are two roads ahead, one is just to lose Oshemaru-sama, the other is to lose everything including Oshemaru-sama.

How to choose...however you choose is painful, maybe you shouldn't choose, but Master Orochimaru will eventually die because of himself!

In an instant, she was completely absent-minded, and she stopped struggling while sitting in the chair, and just stared at the table in front of her in a daze.

It wasn't until she found out that she was sitting in front of her again at some point, that she realized what she seemed to have really said just now. When she was absent-minded, an ugly smile appeared on her face, but she didn't even make a bitter laugh. , the same pain as the heart.

Seeing Hongdou's distraught look, Zhenzhen said, "Let's talk."

Hongdou sat there slumped as if she had collapsed, looking up at the chandelier on the ceiling.

The interrogation room was silent for a long time before Hong Dou slowly uttered a word.

"Dragon Cave."

Zhen continued to ask: "Where is the man who escaped from the Daming Mansion, and the man you saw in Konoha earlier?"

"...They are the same person, named Bailong, and now named Yuren."

Really ask: "Are these the only splits of Orochimaru?"

At this time, Hongdou slowly lowered her head, and really noticed that her eyes seemed to have lost their vitality.

"Master Orochimaru's soul split into countless individual fragments. Hakuryu and Ki Inada Hime are just a few with relatively strong consciousness. The rest are sealed by Master Orochimaru... I don't know where they are."

After waiting for a while, Hongdou said again: "I really don't know. Although these split bodies are connected, they don't know where each other is."

Having said all he had to say, he got up and left.

Not long after, another ninja came in outside and unshackled her limbs.

"Hokage-sama said you can go home."


Hong Dou is a little at a loss, does he still have a home?

After Zhen left, he first consulted some information about the secret art of the soul. In the first battle on Yingyan, Orochimaru abandoned his body and split his soul. Although he was able to survive, maintaining the soul state for a long time must The one who was dragged down to the pure land by the god of death.

For this reason, he can only split himself again and again to extend the time he has left in this world.

Hong Dou may not really know how many of these split bodies there are. It seems that he needs to capture a big snake pill first. # Yuyin Village.

In the room with the doors and windows tightly closed, Bai Long was injecting his arm with a needle in one trembling hand. The hand holding the needle trembled so badly that he still couldn't align it with the blood vessel.

He even broke out in cold sweat on his forehead, and after spending so long, he finally stuck the needle in.

Bailong raised his head and let out a sigh of relief. It seemed that the whole person felt better for a long time. He injected medicine and threw the needle into the trash can, where many needle tubes had already been lost.

Bai Long sat slumped on the chair, as if he felt the emptiness and joy after some kind of addiction was satisfied.

This body has reached its limit, and it is necessary to find a suitable body to replace it, and Hongdou is temporarily impossible.

In the previous battle, Kai directly shattered the inside of his physical body to the point where it was difficult to repair.

He felt that he was too weak, too weak to be an enemy of Hinata, not even one of his subordinates.

How could such a weak self devour other split bodies, especially the one in Longdi Cave!

Boom boom boom!

There was a sudden knock on the door, and Bai Long hurriedly got up from the chair, adjusted his appearance, and walked towards the door.

"Master Nagato?"

Looking at the red-haired man standing at the door, Bailong was surprised.

"Why are you here?"

"It happens that you are at home, come with me." Nagato said with a light smile.

"Is there any mission?"

"No, Konoha's Hokage paid a sudden visit, I want to go there together to receive him."

Konoha Hokage...

Bai Long's heart skipped a beat: "Hokage...Master, why did he come to our Yuyin Village? I haven't heard of it before."

Nagato showed helplessness: "I don't know, and Yahiko hasn't received any news, so he came here unexpectedly."

"Let's go, let's go together."

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