Rated Hokage

Chapter 260 Chapter 259

A large number of soldiers poured into the Daming Mansion, and naturally none of the servants and maids dared to stop them.

The general directly led people into the daimyo's bedroom, without even looking at the kneeling crowd, his eyes locked on Qi Inada Ji next to the daimyo's corpse.

"The witch!"

He directly pulled out the weapon, and the cold light reflected by the blade scared the surrounding maids and servants to scatter.

And Ki Inada Hime was still crying with her arms around her daimyo, not paying any attention to the general approaching behind her.

At this time, someone couldn't help but stepped forward and said: "The body of the great name is still cold, I'm afraid it's inappropriate for the general to do this."

The general glared at him, "Bastard! Master Yuan was killed by this witch!"

The one who persuaded was directly frightened by his murderous eyes and retreated to the side. The servants curled up together, and no one dared to ask any more questions. .

The general strode forward, grabbed Qi Daotian Ji by the collar, and pulled her up.


But when he saw the other party's face full of sadness and rainy pear blossoms, he couldn't help but look dazed. He had never looked at the other party so closely before. There is such a beautiful woman in the world, no wonder Mr. Yuan would...

"General Oda!"

A stern shout suddenly sounded from behind, calling back the general's mind. The one who spoke was the daimyo's wife, a Mrs. Grace, standing in the front row of the soldiers.

Oda Yu shook his head, his face full of killing intent again.

"Demon girl, you have bewitched the lord and brought disaster to the country, I will send you to hell right away!"

He raised the sharp blade in his hand high, and wanted to chop down on Qi Dao Tian Ji in front of the daimyo's corpse.

However, just when everyone saw Qi Inada Hime about to splatter blood on the spot, suddenly there was a muffled sound, and Oda bravely flew backwards.

I saw a figure appear out of thin air in front of Qi Daotian Ji, holding the knife of Isamu Oda in his hand, looking at the group of soldiers with awe-inspiring expression, it was Hong Dou.

Isamu Oda rubbed his aching chest and stood up, looked at Hongdou with a hostile expression and asked, "Who are you!"

Hongdou just arrived in Daming Mansion today. Many people don't know this girl, but her actions just now are obviously a ninja.

But this is the Daimyo Prefecture, and in Isamu Oda's opinion, no ninja can build this.

Hong Dou said coldly: "My hand washes Hong Dou, do you know Mian?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

"Seven Crowns!"

"Is she one of the Seven Crowns?"

"The people of Konoha!"

Many people discussed and looked at each other in blank dismay, and the soldiers did not dare to act rashly anymore.

Oda Yu also frowned and said: "The people of Hokage?!"

Kai was standing behind the crowd at this moment, watching Hongdou raise the banner of Hokage, he couldn't help frowning secretly.

In his opinion, Hongdou's behavior at this time can no longer be described as stupid.

The daimyo's wife said unceremoniously: "Even if His Highness Hokage came in person, there is no reason to intervene in this matter. This witch is a sinner who brought disaster to the country. I advise Miss Hongdou to get out of here!"

When Hongdou heard the words, he wanted to ridicule: Isn't it because the country has fallen to this point because of the incompetence of the daimyo?

After thinking about it carefully, she realized that saying this was undoubtedly creating hatred for Hokage, and she also knew in her heart that if she was really found out about her current behavior, she would be punished for a while...it might not be as simple as punishment.

But even if she knew the consequences, she couldn't let these people kill Qi Inada Hime.

"Red beans..." Qi Dao Tian Ji, who was slumped on the ground, spoke slowly.

Hong Dou gritted her teeth, and grabbed Qi Inada Hime's arm.

Seeing this, Oda Yong said angrily: "Stop her!"

All the soldiers showed their weapons one after another, but no one dared to move lightly.

The daimyo's wife saw a group of people standing outside the door, found out that it was the guardian ninjas, and immediately reprimanded them: "What are you doing here, why don't you take her down immediately!"

The guardian ninjas are all indifferent, the only one who can order them is the daimyo himself, and this red bean has revealed his identity as the champion, and they will only stop them if they are crazy. Isn't that clearly against Hokage?

There is a high probability that the new daimyo will change to a group of guardian ninjas after succeeding to the throne. Without the daimyo's protection and offending Hokage, how can they survive in the land of fire in the future.

The daily work of protecting the daimyo is carried out on a rotating basis, that is to say, when the daimyo died, they were always around secretly protecting them. It can be confirmed that the daimyo died suddenly, and the only explanation can only be that there was something wrong with his body.

Qingliangu quietly asked Kai: "What's going on?"

He also thought that Hongdou had a secret mission of Hokage, if that was the case, he should assist Hongdou.

Kai Wenyan just remained silent, his eyes fixed on Hongdou.

If she is not stopped right now, this matter will definitely bring great trouble to Hokage-sama.

If he were to stop her now, how would he explain to the crowd that the Seven Crown Guards had a high status in Konoha, and they were all Hokage's confidantes, so it might make Hokage-sama a laughing stock.

Hongdou grabbed Qi Inada Hime's arm and began to walk towards the door. Qi Inada Hime looked at the dead daimyo on the bed.

Isamu Oda stood aside with a gloomy expression, but he didn't move at all. Of course he knew how scary ninjas were, and this girl was also one of the seven crown guards, and she belonged to the top category among ninjas!

Seeing that their general didn't move, these soldiers didn't dare to stop them anymore, they actually made way for Hongdou by themselves.

The daimyo's main wife was anxious and angry, she dodged the weapon of a soldier beside her, and slashed wildly at Qi Inada Ji.

Seeing this, Hongdou suddenly turned her head to take a look, and a strong chakra erupted from her body instantly, turning into a gust of wind and rushing towards her.

But fortunately, Kai stood in front of Daimyo's wife in an instant and blocked the blow for her, but Hongdou's aura still scared her out of her wits, the knife in her hand fell to the ground, and she was paralyzed sit down.

Hong Dou glanced at Kai's face, then quickly dodged away, and walked out of the bedroom holding Qi Daotian Ji's arm.

The guardian ninjas outside the door just watched all this happen.

Isamu Oda glanced at the absent-minded daimyo's wife on the ground and the path that the soldiers gave way to, clenched his fists angrily, but was unable to let go.

Hongdou fled the bedroom with Qi Daotian Ji, and immediately picked her up and jumped a few times on the roof to a secluded place where no one was there.

Qi Daotian Ji lowered her head in a daze, with tears still on her face.

"Do you know how much trouble you got into?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind him, Hong Dou looked quickly and saw that it was Kai following up.

Hongdou subconsciously stood in front of Qi Daotian Ji: "You didn't stop me."

Kay just stared at her without moving.

Hongdou said again: "I know what I did. This matter has nothing to do with you. I will bear all the responsibilities myself."

But Kai said: "It is impossible for me to let you do things that are not good for Hokage-sama. Since this woman is Orochimaru, Konoha should take over this sinner. Now as long as the identity of this woman is announced to the outside world, everything in this matter will be done." It’s logical and justifiable.”

Hongdou frowned and said, "Are you going to bring her back to Konoha?"

Kai said: "We brought her back to Konoha together, Hongdou, you'd better stop doing stupid things."

Hongdou just stretched out her hand and hugged Qi Daotian Ji behind her back, showing her attitude.

At this moment, Qi Inadaji suddenly said, "Red beans..."

"Don't worry, I won't send you back to Konoha."

Kai finally couldn't help but scolded angrily: "Hongdou, she is Konoha's sinner! You are defecting if you cover her up!"

But Hongdou said without fear: "Since she is Master Orochimaru, then she is everything to me!"

"What about Hokage-sama!"


Hongdou was at a loss for words for a while, and asked herself, of course she knew that Zhen had always been good to herself. Although she had done some ridiculous things out of tune, after Orochimaru became a sinner who was scolded by everyone in Konoha, she, as Orochimaru's disciple, did not receive any criticism. Not only that, she really gave her a very high status and privileges, and tolerated her waywardness again and again...

She was silent for a moment and said: "It's true that he has too much, he is not short of a friend like me, but I can't live without Oshemaru-sama."

Kai felt that Hongdou was already a little possessed, just like Daimyo, and he didn't want to talk nonsense with her anymore, and planned to use force to bring both of them back.

However, at this moment, Ji Inada Ji behind Hongdou suddenly glanced at him, but this glance directly made Kai look dazed. He had never felt that this woman was very attractive before, but at this moment he really felt it. She felt the beauty of the other party, so beautiful that it was so beautiful that it was shocking, as if she was the only one left in the world...


But when Kai came back to his senses again, he found Qingliangu standing in front of him, with one hand still on his shoulder.

Qingliangu said: "You have fallen into an illusion!"


Kai recalled the woman just now, and couldn't help breaking into a cold sweat.

Orochimaru... yes, she is Orochimaru, how could she be an ordinary person! I was so careless!

Hongdou and Qi Daotian Ji were no longer around. Kai quickly entered the fairy mode and searched with his perception ability, but found that there were no traces of the two of them, and he didn't know how long he had been trapped in the illusion.

Qingliangu asked again: "What happened, where is Miss Hongdou?"

"...I want to go back to the village first, and I have something important to report to Hokage-sama." Kai said slowly.

Seeing this, Qingliangu just nodded.

Kai thought of something, and said to Qingliangu: "It's almost time for you to go back to the village, right?"

"When the daimyo passes away, the new king will succeed soon. Before he summons a new guardian ninja, it is also our duty to protect the new king."

Kai breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the distant sky, with complicated thoughts.

This kind of thing happened, and I don't know how Hokage-sama will deal with it. Shouldn't Hong Dou be directly designated as a defector?

Although they were not at the same time, the two were friends in the same circle and had a deep friendship. Kai didn't want to see such a thing happen.

I don't know how everyone will react when they find out about this.

red beans...

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