Rated Hokage

Chapter 242 241, open your eyes!

The temperature in the research institute was a little low, maybe because of a premonition, Scheeren seemed a little nervous.

Zhen really comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I will transplant eyes for you next, so that you can see things clearly in the future."

Sheren grabbed the real corner of his clothes with one hand, and nodded sensibly: "I'm not afraid, Master Hokage."

She had been examined in the hospital before, and she was born blind, and part of the nerves were missing in the eyes. At that time, Zhen Zhen, who was planning to put a pair of white eyes on the Sheren, dispelled that idea.

The missing nerves seemed to indicate that ordinary eyes were not good enough for Sheren's body.

But as long as it is a human body, it can be changed.

After checking the body for Sheren again, Dou said that he could perform a comprehensive operation on the eyes of the Sheren to make up for everything that was missing, and then transplant the eyes.

I really can't help but have doubts. Could it be that in the original book, Scheeren also performed such an operation when he replaced Huahuo's eyes.

He directly brought Sheren to those white eyes.

"Sheren, can you feel anything?"

Sheren's expression moved slightly, and he stretched out his hand to the glass container where Baiyan was stored.

"Eyes," he said.

This scene surprised Dou, even if he rolled his eyes, it was just a dead thing outside the human body.

Zhen said to Dou: "I don't think such an operation may be necessary."

Then he opened the glass container, and a pair of eyeballs soaked in the liquid flew out by themselves under the real control, and slowly floated in front of Sheren.

After the pair of white eyes approached Sheren, Sheren's body unexpectedly glowed green for no reason.

"It's the ancestral vein..." Zhen muttered to himself, the green light was Chakra, which made him feel very close, and the blood of Hamura flowed in his body, so he felt this way.

And the bag on the side tried to touch it, but was repelled by the green chakra, and couldn't help but take a step back.

The green chakra on Sheren's body wrapped those white eyes and controlled them to merge into his body.

In an instant, Sheren's whole body was full of green light, restrained in extreme white, like a dancing green flame, and the whole person's aura underwent an earth-shaking change.

Tenseiyan Chakra Mode...

Really fascinated watching this scene, this is what he has always dreamed of.

At this moment, Sheren uttered a cry of pain, and the green flames all over his body dissipated instantly, turning into specks of light and disappearing. Sheren knelt down on the ground, covering his face with his hands, breathing in air, his whole body trembling as if endured great pain.

Zhen hurriedly lifted him up to check the situation, and the pain seemed to be only for a moment, Sheren panted heavily, looked up at Zhen, his eyes were no longer the blackness and emptiness before, blue The white and white eyes look very beautiful, the pupil in the middle seems to be a black hole that continuously emits white light, and the outside of the white light is a light blue.

"This is Tenseikan." Shina said.

"Master Hokage..."

Sheren is also watching Zhen closely, this is the first time he has seen the world, and it is also the first time he has seen others clearly.

A smile could not help appearing on Zhen's face: "Good boy, good boy."

As he was talking, he really laughed out loud, and stretched out his hand to rub the smooth hair of Scheeren vigorously.

"It was just Tenseigan's fetal movement just now. It is constantly adapting to your body. Don't worry, this will happen several times in the future. After the time of fetal movement is over, these eyes will completely belong to you."

Sheren nodded upon hearing this, and then looked around curiously.

Before he had these eyes, he could also "see" things around him, but that was not a real vision after all, and now it is a completely different feeling.

Then Zhen asked Douwei Sheren to check his body again, and found that a special energy in his eyes blocked the perspective of the instrument.

But it's not a big problem, the Tenseiken that is really determined to cast people has succeeded.

Moreover, we can continue to use cloning technology to copy the ancestral veins of the Sheren, and continue to produce Tenseiken.

He really didn't let Scheeren stay in the research institute for too long, and brought him back home after he came out.

The child went to look for Ning Ci as soon as he got home.

And Ning Ci was also surprised when he saw Sheren's eyes.

"You...can you see it?"

"Hmm! Hokage-sama transplanted the eyes for me." Sheren was looking at Neji's appearance seriously.

"You look a lot like Hokage-sama."

Ning Ci tilted his head and said, "He is my father, of course we look alike."

Sheren asked, "But why are the corners of Hokage-sama's eyes black?"

Neji explained: "When Dad was not Hokage before, his eyes were destroyed during a mission, so he replaced them with other people's eyes."

Sheren couldn't help being a little puzzled. There was one thing he didn't know until he came here, which was the difference between the white eyes and ordinary eyes of their people.

Why did Hokage-sama put the white eyes on me, but he didn't change them himself...

When his father died, he didn't tell him too much, he just told him to listen to Hokage for everything in the future.

He never knew what Tenseigan was, but he only heard his father mention it a few times.

Hinata, Naruto and Sasuke also came and looked around at Tonero.

Hinata asked curiously, "Can you see things?"

Scheeren nodded. After having eyes, he thought that the previous "seeing" was not really seeing.

Hinata looked into Toneri's eyes and said, "Your eyes are so beautiful."

The word "beautiful" is a bit confusing to Toneri who just got eyes. He just found that the eyes of Naruto and Sasuke are different from those of Neji and Hinata.

Neji explained that neither Naruto's mother nor Sasuke's mother was from the Hinata family.

Sheren suddenly realized something: "Does Lord Hokage have several wives?"

Hinata snapped her fingers and said, "Mama Ayari, Mama Kushina, Mama Mikoto, and my mother, there are four in total."

"What about Miss Xia?"

"Sister Xia is not a mother."

"Miss Xia is about the same age as Lord Hokage, why do you call her older sister?"

Naruto raised his hand at this time and said, "Because Sister Xia doesn't like us calling her auntie, otherwise she will beat us up."

Sheren: "..."

In his impression, Hyuga Xia was a very gentle woman.

Sasuke nodded seriously: "It hurts her to beat someone."

Just when Sheren was deep in thought, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his eyes, and he couldn't help moaning in pain while covering his eyes.

This startled all the children.

"Sheren, how are you?"


The pain came and went quickly, and Sheren took a breath to recover, and suddenly heard an intermittent voice in his mind.


"You have to protect...brother..."

The voice didn't seem to finish, but when Sheren wanted to concentrate on listening again, there was no voice again.

He raised his head and saw Ning Ci's concerned eyes.

"Sheren, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm... fine, it's just fetal movement."

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