Rated Hokage

Chapter 239 Chapter 238

Konoha Hospital.

"This child has a very special physique. He was born with a part of the nerve missing in the eye. Even if he has an eye replacement operation, it will not work."

Scheeren sat on the operating table after the physical examination, while the doctor was talking to Zhen.

After hearing the words, Zhen nodded thoughtfully: "That's it."

Although Sheren has no eyes, it does not affect his daily actions. He has the ability similar to perception, as if it is an eye to help him see everything.

"His Royal Highness." Sheren who was sitting there said.

"I'm fine."

His immature face reveals a maturity that is not commensurate with his age.

Really just reached out and stroked his soft hair, said with a smile: "Let's go, I'll show you some friends."

Go back to Hokage House.

Everyone in the family was amazed that really brought back a child.

Lingli asked suspiciously: "Who is this child?"

"His name is Sheren, Hyuga Sheren." Zhen said.

"Hinata..." Ayari and Ayano looked at each other. In the past two years, there were some newborns in the clan, but they had never heard of this child in the clan.

Sheren, who was being scrutinized by the audience, had no change in expression, just standing quietly beside Zhenzhen.

"Let Neji and the others come out." Zhen said again.

Ning Ci was called out from the room, and saw his father trotting over happily.


Ningci is three years old, similar to Sheren.

Zhenwei introduced the two children to each other, and then asked Ningci to take the family to play.

After the two children left, Lingli said, "The child's eyes..."

Zhen said: "Sheren was born without eyes. He was not originally a member of our Hyuga clan, but he is also of the same clan as our Hyuga, and his blood is purer than ours."

Zhen just explained briefly to a few women, saying that all the clan members of this child died, and he was the only one left. His father entrusted him to himself, and he lived in Konoha as Hyuga Toneri go down.

After hearing this, Lingli couldn't help but pity her and said: "My background is so pitiful."

In the afternoon, Huomen came back and said that most of the things on the moon had been brought back.

Otsuki has a history of thousands of years, and its strength is no less than that of any ninja village. The ninjutsu and culture in it are very unique, and it is a very precious treasure for Konoha.

Some ninjutsu was first learned by Huomen, and then slowly passed on to the tribe according to its practicality.

Zhen is also very interested in such things as marionettes, and sent a few to the Institute of Mechanical Science, and the Department of Science and Craftsmen for research.

In addition to these, there is another extremely important thing that has not been brought back.

Tenseigan in the Temple of Hamura on the Moon!

That thing is not a mortal thing, and only people from the Hyuga clan can get close to it. I have tried various methods, but I can't move it.

After setting everything up about the moon, Shin also took the time to study the final form of Baiyan, Tenseiyan on the human body!

The white eyes with sufficient purity, together with Otsutsuki's Chakra, went through several fetal movements after fusion, and finally became the perfect form.

According to Kanomei, the Hyuga clan on the earth no longer has Otsutsuki's Chakra, and this is indeed the case. Before the arrival of Kanomei and Tomori, I was really troubled by this.

Sheren has a big wooden chakra on his body, but he has no white eyes, so he needs a suitable sacrifice to provide himself with a pair of white eyes.

Really went to the research institute, which is now renamed as the Institute of Biological Sciences, and Tobima is no longer here, and he has been traveling with the whirlpool Bai Shi all year round.

Zhen, on the other hand, set up a biotechnology department, the head of which was named by Fei Jian, and the deputy head was a very young pharmacist, who had been taught by Fei Jian for a period of time, and now he can be his own.

I really brought the DNA of Toneren, the dead body of Kuimi and the DNA of my own people. I want to compare them. What is the difference between the two? Look at Otsutsuki on the moon and Hinata on the earth, the blood is still the same .

The conclusion reached is that there is a big difference between the two, and the cell activity of Toneri is much stronger, which means that the Otsutsuki clan is stronger than the Hyuga clan only physically.

However, the white eyes of Otsutsuki Morimi are no different from those of the Hyuga clan, and the purity is very average.

This is really surprising. Since the blood of the Datongmu clan is more pure, shouldn't Baiyan be more powerful?

Why now it seems that white eyes and blood veins seem to be two separate things.

Think about it carefully, if the Otsutsuki clan has supercilious eyes of high enough purity, why would Sheren go to the earth to find the supercilious eyes of Hinata and Hanabi?

The Hyuga clan has been multiplying on the earth for thousands of years. Although bloodlines have been strictly controlled and marriages within the clan have been advocated, it is inevitable that some outsiders will marry in or marry in from time to time. Otsuki Chakra.

In the original book, Hinata and Hanabi's white eyes are extremely pure, but now that Hinata has become her own daughter, with her own blood running down her body, is the white eye pure enough?

I really don't know, but he also has a substitute in mind.

Hinata Hizai, Hinata Hidetsu's brother.

You don't need Risei's eyes, just his DNA.

A long time ago, when the third generation was in power, Konoha conducted a large-scale human experiment.

This is a cloning experiment approved by the third generation of Hokage, carried out by Orochimaru and Danzo, in order to make the wood escape secret technique of the first generation of Hokage reappear in the world.

However, due to the inconsistency between the effort and the gain, the third generation felt that it was too cruel and finally stopped the experiment.

This not-so-perfect cloning technology is still sealed in Konoha's secrets, and I really plan to let Dou use this technology to clone a pair of supercilious eyes.

This is estimated to be a long process, he is really not too eager, he still has plenty of time.

The research of biological technology and mechanical technology in the village is going on at the same time, one is for Tenseigan, and the other is for puppets.

After three years of development, Konoha's vitality has recovered.

In addition to the number of ninjas in service is still a problem, of course, there is no rush for this kind of thing, and it takes a long period to train ninjas.

Coming out of the Institute of Biological Sciences, Anbu sent a message saying that there was another envoy from the Daming Mansion.

The envoy came here to ask Konoha to send ninjas to suppress the rebels that appeared in the land of fire.

The rebels only appeared this year, and they are all peasant uprising troops.

The daimyo neglected political affairs, the court was in chaos, large-scale construction, tyrannical government and strict taxes caused the people of Huo Zhi to complain everywhere.

Not long ago, a highly respected minister was killed by the daimyo because of his remonstrance, which became the fuse of uprisings in various places.

The root cause was the concubine Ji that the daimyo had taken two years ago.

Odd Inada Hime.

Kill the rebels? To kill those ordinary people who had to take up arms in order to survive?

I really wouldn't do that.

I have been to Daming Mansion several times, and I was really put off every time.

Not only did Konoha not act, but he also secretly ordered all ninja mercenary organizations in the territory not to get involved in this matter.

In my opinion, this is an excellent opportunity to completely control the Fire Nation, and it can be justified.

Since the daimyo is willing to give up his power for the sake of a woman, why is he ashamed not to accept it.

After the envoys from the Daming Mansion were sent away, another group of people came the next day, and the leader was a general in the Fire Nation who held military power, named Isamu Oda.

The general didn't come here to ask Konoha to fight the rebellion together, but to discuss with Hokage about Qing Jun's elimination of the witch.

There are twelve Guardians around the daimyo. Ordinary people like them can't get close at all, and the guardian ninjas are all elite ninjas. Some wave ninjas recruited from outside are not their opponents at all.

What the general thought was that only Konoha could kill that witch who bewitched the king's heart!

"General Oda, you are planning to rebel."

"If you can save the Nation of Fire, I am willing to bear the name of rebellion."

Zhen asked again: "As General Oda said, what happens after killing that demon girl? Gen-sama is jealous of General Oda because of this, what should I do if I want to put General Oda to death?"

Oda Yu said without fear: "To die for the country with one's body is to stick to one's wish."

Zhen sighed: "General Oda is really admirable, Konoha wishes General Oda can successfully save the country from danger."

Oda Yong's face choked, and he said helplessly, "In that case, I will leave."

This world is actually dominated by ninjas. Although ninjas do not have that much power in their hands, ninjas are the world's top force.

It is not difficult to put force above power.

No matter how chaotic the Kingdom of Fire is, as long as Konoha is still there, other countries will not dare to act rashly. It really doesn't matter how the generals and ministers make troubles, just watch the show in peace.

Yuyin Village.

Yahiko was quite surprised when he saw Oda Isamu and his party who had come all the way here.

Yahiko was even more surprised by the wishes conveyed by the other party afterwards.

Let them Yuyin send someone to eradicate the guardian ninja next to Daimyo.

Is this Isamu Oda crazy?

"Mr. Yahiko, please don't worry. Afterwards, our country will be very grateful to your village."

Yahiko asked with a stiff smile: "I have also heard about the affairs of your country. Why didn't General Oda go to Konoha's Hokage-sama to discuss this matter?"

Only fools would do this kind of transgressive thing.

In the daily mission entrustment, there are actually some missions involved in the political struggle of the National Party, but those are all small countries.

Who would dare to step over Konoha to intervene in the family affairs of the Land of Fire?

Moreover, the relationship between Ugakure and Konoha is so close, in Yahiko's opinion, General Oda must be out of his mind.

Yahiko just wanted to send the other party away immediately, and then send a letter to Konoha to clarify the matter.

Isamu Oda also had no other choice, Konoha refused to help, and those mercenary forces in the country avoided them for some reason, so they could only turn to Yuyin for help.

As expected, Oda Yu hit a wall again.

And just when he was about to leave, someone suddenly approached him on his own initiative.

"What General Oda asked for, I may be able to provide some help."

"Who are you……"

"My name is Bailong, I'm just a nobody."

There is one more chapter, it will be later, early in the morning

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