Rated Hokage

Chapter 236 Chapter 235

Inside the Hokage House.

"Why is Naruto crying again, are you hungry?"

"I just fed it."

"It's not that he's hungry, it's that Sasuke hit him."

"Why is Sasuke so naughty?"

"Xia, go and change the sheets, Sasuke is wetting the bed again."

"Oh, I'm going right now."

Ayano sat on the sofa in the living room with her belly outstretched, leisurely watching several women busy there, all around the child.

During this period of pregnancy, she regained the feeling of being pampered and pampered in the past. She no longer needs to do any housework. She can stretch out her hands to eat and open her mouth. On the contrary, she can boss others around. Be patient everywhere.

Now that there are several children in the family, it is much more noisy than before, and every day is full of trivial matters.

However, the direct relationship between several people has become more harmonious.

When Jiu Xinnai first moved in, there was always some subtlety among the girls. Although they stayed together all day, they always had a grudge against each other.

Now several children act as lubricants between them.

Zhen came back from work in the Naruto studio, listening to the noise in the room.

"I'm a little hungry, is dinner ready?"

Lingli came out from the room, glared at him and said, "Who has time to cook for you? I didn't see that everyone was so busy that they didn't eat."

I really looked at Ayano, who was puffing out her stomach on the sofa, and Natsu, who was hugging Sasuke and coaxing the child there.

Ayano seemed to want to get up: "How about I do it."

Lingli kicked her lightly, and said angrily: "You need to pretend to be a good person and let this bastard do it."

Really helpless said: "Okay, I will do it, you all rest."

Children are very annoying. He is not at home all day because he doesn't want to hear the children crying. There are three children in the family. As soon as one of the children starts crying, the other two will immediately cry, making people dizzy.

They are also cute only when they are quiet, which is rare.

Zhen and Ayari discussed: "Why don't you find another servant at home?"

"What servant?"

"I think Xia is quite busy by herself. In the previous Qiuli, she could continue to come to the house to help with chores."

"Do you still want to have another woman in the family?"

"……What do you want for dinner?"

Really good cooking skills, Ayari has always known that she has tasted it before.

It's just that after becoming the patriarch, he seldom cooks, and every time he enters the kitchen, he plays some weird paly.

Zhen cooked a large table of dishes, but only Zhen and Ayano were at the table during the meal, and Ayari, Kushina, and Mikoto had to take turns to eat, because they needed someone to visit the children.

After more than a month, after Ayano also gave birth to a child, I am afraid that the family will be tormented by the child.

After having a child, the women in the family were also a little exhausted, so I really ordered the clan to bring lunch every day at noon, so that they could feel more comfortable.

When she was resting at night, she fell asleep with Ayari in her arms.

He can only sleep with Ayano now, Kushina and Mikoto both sleep with their children in their arms, and Ayano has a big belly.

Fortunately, Xiao Ningci is older and can have her own room. Compared with her two younger brothers, she usually cries less.

Let the children grow up quickly, and let your mother have a rest.

I really look forward to it from the bottom of my heart.

the next day.

The method of pulling out the tailed beast that Tobima studied before really has a clue, but according to Tobima, it is only feasible on Kushina.

Because Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan and has strong vitality, if Lin and Yukito forcibly pull the tail beast away, problems will still occur.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked Tomona to continue the research in this area, and he was not in a hurry to pull Kyuubi from Kushina's body.

The job assigned to Tsunade was in the hospital, which was just an excuse to keep her in the village.

Otherwise, let her be the same as before, it doesn't matter if she comes and goes, and when she comes back, she causes a lot of trouble and leaves as if nothing to do with her.

There is nothing so good in the world.

This woman didn't want to see him all the time, and she really had plenty of ways to fix it slowly.

Naruto indoor.

"You want to apply for the Jnin assessment?"

I really looked at the boy in front of me, with short black hair slightly curly, wearing a Konoha green combat uniform, wearing a forehead protector neatly, and the armband was the Uchiha family's flame fan.

Zhishui half-kneeled on the ground, and said respectfully: "Yes, I'm ready, I hope Hokage-sama will give me this opportunity."

Zhen smiled lightly and said: "Shisui, I am aware of your performance all the time, and many junin who have worked with you have also praised you in front of me."

Zhishui was humble, and said, "The seniors are taking care of them."

Zhen leaned forward slightly, put one hand on his cheek, and looked at the other side carefully.

"You said before that you want to enter the crown, right?"

When this matter was mentioned, Zhishui's face was slightly agitated.

He bowed his head and said: "Yes, Hokage-sama, becoming the crown guard and becoming the arm of Hokage-sama has always been my goal."

Really laughed: "I will give you this chance when you are officially promoted to Jonin."

"Subordinates must do their best!" # The northern border of the Kingdom of Fire.

A group of soldiers came to the town and posted two notices in places where people gathered.

Pedestrians immediately gathered in the past.

These are two wanted warrants, Konoha S-rank Rebel Ninja, Namikaze Minato and Jiraiya.

The above content simply lists the crimes of treason against the village of the two, and shows that they are extremely dangerous people. You only need to provide clues to go to Konoha to claim the bounty.

"The golden flash unexpectedly escaped."

"Isn't Jirai one of the three ninjas? Why is he also a rebellious ninja?"

"It's probably the same as Orochimaru, they are not good people."

Behind the crowd, a man in a brown robe, who looked like a passing traveling merchant, was watching the two notices.

Hearing people talking, he turned and left without saying a word.

"Yo, you've become a traitor, Minato."

A voice suddenly rang in his ears, there was no one around, but the shadow under his feet was wriggling, as if talking.

"Hinata not only occupies the position of Hokage and possesses your beloved woman, but now he has issued a reward for you. He has taken everything from you."

"You hate him, Minato?"

"You hate him?"

Minato didn't show any surprise at this voice, as if he knew it long ago.

He just tugged on his hood and responded with Sain's deep voice.

"Shut up, if you talk again, I will kill you!"

"Ho ho ho... shouldn't you kill Hinata? Why kill me? After all, he is your enemy."

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" Minato roared in a low voice.

The voice didn't mean to stop at all, and the shadow under his feet was also moving around there.

"You really look like a lost dog now, Minato, why don't you think about it..."

"How can you get the eye of reincarnation, only then can you get everything back!"

"End of this volume"

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