Rated Hokage

Chapter 233 232, are you here to celebrate?

The room was brightly lit, and Kushina was soaked in sweat, and lay on the bed exhausted.

Hearing the crying of the baby beside her ear, she turned her head with great effort, and saw that there was a newborn crying baby in her arms.

She spoke in a very slight voice: "Child..."

Zhen immediately came over and placed the child beside her.

Different from ordinary babies, this child has a healthy complexion after washing away the blood stains, black soft hair, and six beard-like textures on his cheeks. He is not ugly at all, but very cute.

Kushina looked sideways at the child who took half of her life to be born, feeling sad or desolate welling up in her heart, at this moment she understood what Mikoto said to herself, this is her own child , how could it be possible to hate it.

Kushina suddenly wanted to cry, and tears fell down patter.


Naruto, your future must not be as miserable as mine.

Suddenly, there was an inappropriate knock on the door of the room.

Knocking on the door at a time like this must be because something happened. I really asked the medical staff a few words, and then left here.

Outside the delivery room, Lingli and the others were also waiting anxiously, and when they saw Zhen came out, they said, "The Huomen is here."

Zhen nodded lightly, and said: "Jiushina needs to rest, please be quiet when you visit her."

Zhen walked out of the living room, the night outside was thick, the moon was lonesome, and the fire door was waiting in the courtyard.

"Master Hokage."

Zhen didn't answer, but suddenly looked at the tower of the sun in the distance, as if he felt something.

The perception ability instantly covered the entire village, capturing everyone's Chakra form.

He said lightly: "Is something wrong?"

"Over there..."

"The village is sealed off, and no one is allowed to enter or leave." # Konoha main entrance.

Tsunade took Shizune to leave at night, and the ninja guarding Konoha's main gate naturally recognized this famous Sannin. Just as he was about to let him go, several figures suddenly appeared.

It's Anbe.

"Master Hokage has an order that no one is allowed to enter or leave the village tonight."

The guard ninja was taken aback when he heard the words, glanced at Tsunade, and stepped back knowingly.

Tsunade looked at Anbu and frowned slightly: "Do you know who I am?"

Anbe said neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry Tsunade-sama, please obey Hokage-sama's order."

Tsunade said, "What if I have to leave?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere immediately became tense, and Anbu formed a human wall by themselves, blocking Tsunade in front of him.

Anbu said: "We are also following orders and carrying out Master Hokage's orders."

Shizune behind Tsunade couldn't help but feel a little worried. With Mr. Tsunade's temperament, it is really possible to do something like this.

In the dark night, the atmosphere is deadly quiet, with the evening wind blowing, the leaves whirling in the forest outside the village, and the sound of insects and warblers can be heard.

Tsunade finally chose to turn around and leave. She couldn't be really stupid enough to fight these Anbu.

She had no choice but to go back to her residence again. On the way back, she raised her eyes to look at the tall tower on the cliff, and the soft purple light made one feel dazzled.

After tonight, I don't know what the situation will be.

"Master Tsunade." Shizune said cautiously.


"Are we still going?"

"...I can't go anymore."

Jiraiya, now I'm really going to be implicated by you. # Inside the Tower of the Sun.

The arrival of several Anbu saw Kakashi and others outside the control room.

"Master Kakashi." The leader, Anbu, stepped forward to salute.

"I'm here to convey the meaning of Hokage-sama."

Kakashi was silent for a moment, and asked, "What instructions does Hokage-sama have?"

Anbu coughed lightly, and said in another tone: "Kakashi, I should have told you that the Tower of the Sun cannot be closed at any time."

"Kakashi-sama, Hokage-sama asked you to go to the Torture Department to receive your punishment."

Kakashi's eyes were calm, and even under the cover of the mask, he couldn't see any changes in his expression.

"I see."

What he did was seen through by Hokage at a glance.

Why would the behavior of the Second Hokage be allowed, because he had met Kushina before and agreed to her request.

Now that Hokage asked him to receive the punishment himself, it was probably just some physical punishment, so it was extremely merciful.

After Kakashi left alone, everyone outside the control room looked at each other in blank dismay.

The leader, Anbe, said: "Master Hokage didn't punish you, don't worry."

The member of the Hyuga family breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Hokage-sama, for your understanding."

"Open the door."

The door of the control room opened slowly, revealing the circular room inside and the base of Tenseikan.

Tobima is undergoing surgery.

Anbu walked in quietly without making a sound.

On the contrary, Tomona found someone coming in, and interrupted the ninjutsu on his own: "What's wrong?"

Anbu said: "The Fifth Hokage-sama ordered to restart the Tower of the Sun, because the closure of the Tower of the Sun caused the felon Minato Namikaze to escape from the prison."

There was surprise on his face: "What did you say?"

"Don't Master Nidaimu know about this?"

Feijian just frowned and said nothing, and the appearance of his granddaughter flashed in his mind. # Shen night into the water.

Many households have already rested at this moment.

On a roof not far from Hokage Mansion, a figure in black robe stood there staring at the brightly lit Hokage Mansion.

Swish Swish Swish——

A dozen figures suddenly appeared and surrounded him on the roof of the building.

"Namikaze Minato, how dare you escape from prison without authorization!"

Hearing this, the man in black just calmly lifted his hood, revealing his golden hair.

He said indifferently: "Where's Hinata?"

Anbu angrily scolded: "Bastard! How dare you call Hokage-sama by his name!"

"It's really time for you to fall."

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded not far away, and a figure was seen slowly flying up from the courtyard of Hokage Mansion, and stopped in the midair.

In Konoha Village, there is no one who can fly except the Fifth Hokage.

Namikaze Minato watched the person coming, his eyes almost burst into flames.

"Makoto Hinata!"

Zhen calmly responded: "Why, did you come to congratulate me?"

As soon as the words fell, Minato's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and when he appeared, he was really close.

All the Anbu around didn't see his movements clearly, his attack was as fast as lightning, but another figure stepped in front of him and took his attack.

It was the Fire Gate, and he blocked the Helix Pill with just one hand.

Black eye shadows appeared around his eyes, and he exuded a powerful but restrained aura.

Minato retreated as soon as he made a move, and looked at Huomen who fell on the roof and frowned silently. He recognized what the opponent's eye shadow was.

Fairy mode!

Only to hear Huomen respectfully say: "Master Hokage, Miss Kushina needs your company now, so leave it to me here."

Zhen took a calm look at the water gate in the air, and said: "Don't destroy the village."

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