Rated Hokage

Chapter 231 Chapter 230

The day of Jiu Xinnai's delivery is imminent, and the vigilance of the whole village has been really strengthened. The Tower of the Sun is monitoring the whole village 24 hours a day, not letting any suspicious persons go.

Although the direction of history has long been different, I still have some concerns about whether someone will come out to make trouble at this time.

Everything is ready for Zhuli to deliver the baby, and everything will go smoothly if no one disturbs.

Jiraiya suddenly returned to the village at this time, and went to visit Kushina.

Since Shin succeeded Hokage, Jiraiya and Tsunade, the two remaining Sannin members, have left the village, but it is not difficult to find out their whereabouts.

Tsunade lived a similar life as before, traveling around, shuttling through various casinos in the Land of Fire, and she could often be found in some bustling and lively places, but she always stayed in the same place for a short time because she wanted to avoid debts .

Zilai also regards Yuyin Village as his second home. His three disciples are all there, and they are all in power. He also stays in Yuyin Village most of the time.

Inside the Hokage House.

Since she was not at home, Ayori also left space for Kushina and Jiraiya to talk alone.

Kushina was lying on the bed, with one hand on her swollen belly, looking calm.

Jilai also sat on a chair beside her, looking at her with a little surprise: "You named the child Naruto?"


Jiraiya also thought about it, he once wrote a novel called "The Legend of Genxing Ninja", the protagonist's name is Naruto.

Minato has also read this book, and at the time he praised the story he wrote was great, but he also knew in his heart that no one would read this kind of novel full of blood and vulgar plots, and only people like Minato would like it Yes, everyone likes to watch sex.

His new work, Dear Heaven, was very favored by the editor of a book and magazine, and was being prepared for publication.

Kushina and Hinata's child's name is Naruto, so Jiraiya inevitably thinks it might be because of Minato.

His disciple is now in prison, and even his disciple's girlfriend has become someone else's woman, which makes Jiraiya feel very lonely. It's not that he never thought of saving Minato, but the ending of Minato is decided by the first and second Hokage Yes, and Minato's reputation in Konoha is completely rotten now, unless he saves him by force, but that is tantamount to standing on the opposite side with Konoha.

I was confused for most of my life, and Zilai also felt that I didn't understand at all.

"Minato...how is it now?" Jiraiya asked hesitantly.

Hokage over Minato forbids anyone to visit, and neither can he.

Kushina's eyes moved, and she suddenly looked at Ziraiya.

"Master Jiraiya, can you do me a favor?"

Ji Lai also nodded: "You say."

"My due date will be in two days, because I am Jinchuriki, on that day Hokage will put all his energy on me..." # Konoha main entrance.

Tsunade looked up at the extra high tower on the original shadow rock, and muttered: "What is that?"

"Master Tsunade, that is the Tower of the Sun. It was newly built by Hokage-sama, and it can protect Konoha." The ninja on duty at the Konoha Gate took the initiative to explain.

"The Tower of the Sun..."

The tower stood tall, and Tsunade stared at the tower for a while before walking into the village with Shizune.

She and Jingyin went back to the residence and found traces of people living here, wondering if the second grandpa is also in the village now.

Then I went to Jiraiya's house to meet him.

"Tell me, why did you call me back?"

Zilai also poured her a glass of wine: "There is a big thing that needs your help."

Tsunade raised his eyebrows lightly: "It's not a small matter?"

Jiraiya thought about it: "To be precise, I need the help of Nidaime-sama, and I want you to talk about it."

Tsunade unhurriedly raised his wine glass to drink, and said, "Let's talk first."

Jiraiya was silent for a moment: "It's Minato, I want to rescue him."

Tsunade frowned slightly: "Are you crazy?"

Zilai also shook his head slowly, and poured himself a glass of wine: "I must do this."

Tsunade stared at his old friend with fixed eyebrows, and said for a long time: "What about the plan?"

Ji Lai also said: "Tomorrow is the day when Kushina gives birth. She is Renzhuli. At that time, the whole village will be under martial law."

Tsunade asked in surprise, "Kushina is going to give birth?"

Jiraiya paused slightly: "...he is Hokage's child."

Tsunade was stunned for a while when he heard the words, and then said "Oh".

Ji Lai also said: "Martial law is for outsiders, but it is an opportunity for us."

Tsunade just looked at him, waiting for his next words.

Jiraiya got up at this moment and walked to the side of the bed, pointing in the direction of the Sun Tower.

"When you went back to the village, you saw that tower."


"That tower can monitor the entire village, similar to Sarutobi-sensei's telescope technique, but stronger than that. There are guards in that tower day and night. If I act, I will definitely be noticed by Hokage."


Tsunade Hixue is smart, she has already understood Jiraiya's thoughts at this point.

However, he questioned: "Have you ever thought about what will happen if Hokage finds out afterwards?"

Ji Lai also said: "Minato is a sinner now, do I still care what happens to me?"


Tsunade remained silent, rubbing the wine glass in his hand.

After a long time, he whispered: "Zi Lai Ye, you will implicate me."

Jiraiya smiled bitterly, and said, "I know, but the only helper I can think of in the village is you... I'm sorry, Tsunade."

Tsunade also walked slowly to the window, stood opposite him, and looked at the tower outside.

Those were supposed to be four huge rock statues, but after being destroyed by her, Hokage never rebuilt them.

Tsunade suddenly regretted his behavior at the beginning, so that he didn't even have anything to recall the past.

She said slowly: "The village now is completely different from before."

Family members, lovers, teachers, friends...too many people have died.

There was also a complete change of dynasty inside the village, and it was controlled by a person who was unfamiliar to them.

Jilai also said: "The change is quite big, but it is still Konoha."

The two talked a lot, recalling bits and pieces of the past, talking about Sarutobi-sensei, and also mentioned Orochimaru.

It's just talking about the things they experienced together when they were teenagers and young people, and they laughed from time to time there.

When it comes to the emotional part, each other is full of melancholy.

Ji Lai also stared at the beautiful woman in front of him, felt a little dazed, but thought of the situation he might encounter tomorrow, and felt a little lonely.

Tsunade looked sideways out of the window, and said suddenly: "Tonight I will tell Second Grandpa to ask him to help."

After finishing speaking, she put the empty wine glass on the windowsill, turned and left.

Liu Zilai also stared at the empty wine glass she left behind in a daze.

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