Rated Hokage

222 Chapter 221, Immortal Proverbs

Mt. Miaogi.

Jiraiya was summoned to come here, and met the Fukasaku sage who was waiting for him.

"Little Ziraiya, the Elder Master has made another prophecy."

Ji Lai also couldn't help being surprised when he heard this, he still clearly remembered the prophecy given to him by Immortal Toad last time.

Immediately, under the guidance of Immortal Fukasaku, they went to meet the Immortal Toad who had lived for thousands of years.

Toad Immortal has a huge body. Sitting on a stone chair in the main hall, his face is old and his muscles are loose.

Zilai didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. After entering the main hall, he knelt down on one knee and saluted.

"The silent beast has occupied the magpie's nest, and great changes have taken place in Longdi Cave."

Both Jiraiya and Fukasaku Immortal were trying to figure out what Immortal Hama's words meant, how could it have anything to do with Ryūji Cave.

Immortal Toad continued: "The dream this time is very clear. I saw that the big white phosphorous snake is dead."

Immortal Fukasaku asked cautiously: "Master, are you talking about the Immortal White Snake in Longdi Cave?"

But Immortal Toad remained silent, sitting there with his eyes closed as if he had fallen asleep.

Sento Fukasaku and Jiraiya also looked at each other in blank dismay.

Even for the matter of Longdi Cave, why do you have to specially summon Zilai to come here?

One person and one Toad were puzzled, thinking about the meaning of the wordless beast in the words of Immortal Toad just now.

Immortal Toad, who seemed to be asleep, suddenly said, "It's a nightmare."


Zilai is also completely clueless.

"Jiraiya, your disciple will break this nightmare and bring him here."

Jilai also heard the words and immediately said: "I'll go and bring Nagato here."

Immortal Toad was silent for a moment and said, "No, it's not him."

It's not Nagato... Could it be Minato?

Jiraiya is silent. Minato is in a very bad situation now. He is locked in Konoha Prison. He tried to visit him but was stopped by the current Hokage. It is not easy to bring Minato out.

Immortal Toad said slowly, "You will have a new disciple."

Immortal Toad fell silent completely after saying this, as if he really fell asleep.

Jiraiya and Fukasaku Immortal walked out of the main hall, looking at the beautiful Mt. Miaomu like a fairyland, Jiraiya had mixed feelings.

Immortal Shen Zuo said: "According to what the Elder Master said, something important must have happened at Longdi Cave."

Like Miaomu Mountain, it is also a sacred place for immortals, but the snakes in Longdi Cave are not good men and women, and they never have any kindness towards humans.

Orochimaru, Jiraiya's former partner, signed a contract with Ryūchi-dong.

Zilai is also thinking that he will accept another disciple in the future, and he doesn't know who it will be...

Immortal Toad once predicted that he would be the one who guides the Prophet's Son, isn't this Prophet's Son Nagato? # Konoha Village, Naruto Room.

I really looked curiously at the red-haired boy who was only ten years old behind Tomona.

And this young man hid behind Feijian timidly, still clutching the corner of Feijian's clothes in his hand.

Zhenzhen has already heard about the boy's origin from Tokaima, saying that it may be related to Orochimaru.

He said: "If he is really Orochimaru, there should be no reason to lose his memory."

Fei Jian frowned and said, "I'm thinking about this too."

He split his soul in order to resurrect, and the small part of the soul that was split by him also has his complete memory, but it was sealed by him.

But he also used secret techniques to probe into the boy's mind, which was as blank as a blank sheet of paper, without anything, and without any seal to prevent prying eyes.

Then who would this child be if it wasn't Orochimaru?

Really thinking: "In this case, you can keep him by your side and observe slowly."

But Feijian said: "I don't have time to take care of a child."

The boy heard this, and immediately looked at Feijian pitifully: "Father."

Between the doors: "..."

Looking at this scene, I really couldn't help laughing out loud, but Fei Jian's face was big.

"Does he have a name?"

Feijian shook his head, he had asked the other party, the child didn't know anything other than calling him father.

There is no memory of the past, but there are basic life skills, and there is no obstacle to daily communication.

It all seemed very strange.

Zhen said, "Then give him a name."

Feijian frowned: "Why did I get up?"

"You are his father."


At this time, the red-haired boy looked at Tobima expectantly.

There was silence for a while.

"Bai... the world."

"Bai Shi." The young man also muttered the name Fei Jian gave himself.

Zhen said: "Since this child recognizes you as his father, it's all right for you to keep him by your side."

Fei Jian was unwilling in his heart, he thought this guy was just a burden.

"Can't he stay in the village?"

Zhen smiled and said: "Of course, but do you have the heart to see him sad?"

Fejian felt that his clothes were being pulled again, and immediately said helplessly, "I told you I'm not your father."

When the young man heard the words, he immediately looked sad and weeping, which made Feijian sigh endlessly.

Zhen teased: "It seems that the second generation has never had a child, right? Why don't you come and experience what it's like to be a father."

Feijian felt extremely agitated, he changed the subject and said, "The tower in the village..."

Zhen didn't hide it from him: "The preliminary results of Baiyan."


Fei Jian was shocked. As a perception ninja, he could feel the terrifying power contained in that huge ball of light.

Zhen said again: "As for this child, even if it is a blank sheet of paper, it is best to have some means of control. If you are not good at it, you can let me do it."

This red-haired boy is very likely to be Orochimaru, but he really doesn't understand such things as soul reincarnation, so he was asked to take him with him.

There is another possibility, the child is the container of Orochimaru, but was found by Toikama before he could reincarnate, because the first thing Toikama did when he returned to the village was to check the child's body.

It was discovered that this child was not a modified body, but a member of the Uzumaki family!

Orochimaru caught a child of the Uzumaki clan from nowhere, and was going to use it as his own container, or maybe it was just a test object for human experiments.

Huomen and Anbu have already been sent to the former site of Uzumaki to investigate the situation.

I really think that this child is unlikely to be Orochimaru. If he is Orochimaru, then who was the person who met Hongdou at the former residence of Orochimaru? Who is the person who broke into the Tower of the Sun and Kakashi did it?

Could it be that there are many Orochimaru in this world?

Or is Orochimaru splitting itself into countless individuals?

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