As for how to arrange the baby in Miqin's womb, I really thought about it for a long time.

Tell him to call Fu Yue's father, who will be raised by Fu Yue?

I really feel that although I am quite perverted sometimes, I have not reached this point.

After all, he is his own child, and he should have everything he should have.

Fuyue was relocated to the edge, away from Mikoto and her son.

The key point is how to tell Ayari about this matter.

If it was Kushina who was pregnant, I really think it would be easier to speak up, and Miqin is a married woman, wouldn't she be a scum who destroys other people's families?

After letting Ayari know, it was inevitable that there would be another commotion.

Thinking of this, I really feel a little headache.

There is another question, after the child in Mikoto's womb is born, if it is a boy, will it still be called Sasuke?

The name Sasuke belonged to the third generation's father, and Fuyue's choice of this name was obviously suspected of flattering the third generation.

If I named this name again, how would I explain it...

But it would be a bit strange to name it any other way. # Hokage house.

"elder sister?"

Ayana couldn't find Ayano in the living room, so she walked towards Ayano's bedroom, still shouting.

When the door was pushed open, Ayano inside was taken aback, hiding something in a panic.

Ayano said, "Why didn't you knock on the door!"

She seemed a little embarrassed, and there was some reprimand in her tone.

Although she is a servant in this family, she is Ayari's older sister after all, and she doesn't treat Ayari with the same respect as Shin.

Ling Li looked at her suspiciously, "What are you doing?"


Ayari looked at this pretentious appearance and couldn't believe it, so she walked forward a few steps, while Ayano began to back away unceasingly.

Ayari asked, "What are you hiding?"

Ayano changed the subject: "There is nothing hidden, what do you want from me?"

Ayana was not willing to let it go, and suddenly made a noise to snatch the thing in her hand, Ayano was startled, and the thing in her hand fell to the ground with a thud while dodging in a panic.

The two looked down and saw that it was a white object. Lingli picked it up and found out that it was a pregnancy test stick.

Look at the test results above, a bar.

Ayano seemed a little embarrassed, and glanced aside.

Lingli was very speechless, and threw the thing to her: "I thought it was something rare."


Ayano also muttered something, but Ayari didn't hear clearly.

"What did you say?"


Seeing that it had been exposed, and there was no need to hide any more, Ayano threw the pregnancy test stick and the packaging box into the trash can next to her.

Ling Li glanced sideways: "Why, do you want a child?"

Ayano asked, "Can't I have a child?"

Lingli shrugged and said with a smile: "Yes, of course, he always wanted a daughter. If you gave him a daughter, he would be so happy."

Ayano doesn't want to have a daughter, she also wants a son, she thinks that the fate of women in this world is too bitter, it is better to have a boy, and the current Hinata is different from the past, as the son of Hokage, even in the future His status is no better than that of Ningci, and he will certainly not be bullied.

She also wanted this child to bring her a name.

Originally, she was full of anticipation for the delay of her menstrual holiday this month, but she didn't expect to be happy again.

Is it because her stomach doesn't live up to expectations? Why can Lingli conceive herself but not herself?

Seeing that Ayano looked depressed, Lingli said helplessly: "Okay, you should discuss it with him. If he wants you to have a baby, let him live in your room during the dangerous period." .”

Ayano was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and then her face showed joy: "Really, thank you, Ayano."

As she said that, she opened her hands to hug her younger sister, but Ayano pushed her away with disgust, but this time Ayano was very tough, so she hugged her tightly and rubbed her face vigorously.

Lingli was angry and funny, she felt that it was absurd that she and her own sister were discussing such things.

Let them serve one husband together... the real bastard is completely enjoying the king's treatment.

Speaking of pregnancy, Ayari suddenly thought about it.

It's not that she doesn't know about the beautiful female secretary, but she can only turn a blind eye outside.

What if this guy makes other women's stomachs bigger and makes trouble at home?

The more Lingli thought about it, the more she felt that there was such a possibility, and the more she thought about it, the more angry she became, as if such a thing had already happened.

This damn guy, he put up with his sister's affairs, and is still messing around outside!

Ayari gritted her teeth thinking.

"Ayana, what's the matter with you?" Ayano, who was hugging her, asked at this time.

Lingli snorted heavily: "I just think I'm too tolerant of him!"

Ayano's face was a little unnatural when she heard this, she felt that what Ayari said meant something.

"Sister, I'm not talking about you."


Ling Li suddenly asked: "Have you met his female secretary?"

She had never met Samui, and she brought Samyi over when she was working at home, but one of them was in the front yard and the other was in the backyard. Lingli insisted on her own identity, so she didn't want to take the initiative to meet that little bitch. people.

Ayano nodded.

Ayari asked, "How do you look?"

Hearing this, Ayano suddenly looked at Ayari's chest and pondered.

Aya was very uncomfortable being watched by her: "What are you looking at?"

Ayano then said: "That girl is really beautiful...and she has a good figure, the type that men like."

Hearing that she had a good figure, Lingli immediately understood what she was looking at just now, and couldn't help but glared at her.

As twin sisters, her breast size is one and the same as her sister's. Sometimes she wonders if it's because of this that she always goes to her sister.

In the evening, I really came back.

The atmosphere at the dinner table was a bit strange, and Lingli took the initiative to say: "Really, my sister has something to discuss with you."

Zhen Hearing glanced at Ayano, then said to Ayano: "I have something to discuss with you."

"Then you talk to my sister first, I'm done eating." Ling Li said, put down the bowl and chopsticks and left the table to see Ning Ci.

Zhen and Ayano were left at the dinner table.

"What do you want to tell me?"

Ayano felt a little embarrassed, she lowered her head and remained silent for a long time.

Really helpless: "Speak."

"I...I want a..."

"What do you want? Can't you buy everything in the village? If you don't have it in the village, send someone to buy it outside."

"No, I want a... child."


I was really taken aback, looking at the beautiful woman in front of me, I couldn't help asking: "Have you talked to Lingli?"


"What did she say?"

"She agreed...and said she would create opportunities for us."

I really thought about it there, and my face couldn't help being a little tangled.

If things go on like this, I'll really become a machine.

I'm sorry it's a bit late, I didn't pay attention to the time, and I called my partner late, I thought I hung up at 10:30, but I didn't expect it to be 11:30.

The last book has been unsealed, and those who are interested can go and have a look

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