Rated Hokage

204 Chapter 203

Konoha Research Institute.

There was a faint light on the floor covered with runes, and in the center of the spell was a person who had lost his vitality.

Looking at his failed work again, Tomona frowned.

What he just conducted was a soul transfer experiment, but the biggest problem is still that the soul cannot stay in the new body for too long, otherwise it will be forcibly stripped from the body, and it will not be able to return to the original body. in the flesh.

How did Orochimaru solve this problem...

There are so many successful cases left by Orochimaru in the research institute, but Tomama has never been able to draw a conclusion.

He tried to create a secret technique that could imprison the soul, and it succeeded, but the result of the experiment was that the soul of the test subject became manic and out of control after staying in the new body for a long time, and could not stop crying in pain, slowly Lost his sanity and eventually his life.

The test subject endured great pain.

Tokaima felt as if he had entered a certain misunderstanding, where he kept spinning in circles and couldn't find a way out.

He once thought that the theory was wrong, and overthrew everything and started again, but every time he recalculated, only such a theory was feasible.

Tobima was completely helpless, and left the research institute to wander aimlessly in the village.

After calming himself down for a long time, he had no choice but to temporarily give up the study of the soul, and started to study Baiyan instead.

After staying at home for several days in a row, he really came to a conclusion.

If the white eyes can evolve, then this evolution is not the evolution of creatures, but the change of the expression of Chakra.

Otherwise, if the evolved white eyes have appeared before, it must be inherited through genes. This is similar to the sharingan of the Uchiha family. The kaleidoscope sharingan cannot be inherited, only through special means. can get.

The white eyes must be similar, as long as you get that unique chakra, you will get the key to evolution.

Tobima told the truth about his discovery.

Zhen is skeptical about this, he clearly remembers that the birth of Tenseiken in the original work requires a lot of rollicking.

If that special chakra refers to Otsutsuki's chakra, then everyone in the Baiyan family with purer blood on the moon should be able to obtain Tenseigan.

He thought for a long time, and asked: "Since the so-called pupil technique is a kind of special chakra reflected on the optic nerve to change the eyes, can this special chakra be captured?"

Feijian shook his head and said, "How is this possible? If this can be done, wouldn't everyone be able to have Sharingan and Baiyan."

As he said, if this special chakra can be extracted and put into someone else's body, will the latter be able to have sharing eyes and white eyes?

The conditions for producing this special chakra are still carried in the genes.

Special chakra...lots of white eyes...

Really deep in thought, suddenly his expression shook.

He thought of one thing, combining what was explained in the original book with what Togama said, is it possible to extract and gather a large amount of this special chakra to produce Tenseiken?

It's just that the method of extracting this chakra is only possessed by Otsuki on the moon.

"Yes, it will be possible." Zhen muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Feijian couldn't help asking.

Zhen said: "I mean, there must be some way to decipher this genetic code and extract this special chakra engraved in DNA!"

Toboma felt a little whimsical.

Why are the ninjas in the Ninja World so precious?

If what is said is true, then Konoha can have countless Blood Successor Limit Ninjas, and things like Sharingan, White Eyes, and Mu Dun can also be popularized.

Because Tomona had tried it before when he was studying Sharingan, but found that it was completely impossible to do it, or that the current technology could not do it at all.

Zhenzhen felt that he also needed to sort out his thoughts, so he didn't discuss with Feijian any further.

Fei Jian took the initiative to say again: "My soul reincarnation experiment has encountered a bottleneck."

Zhen Wenyan's expression moved slightly: "The soul cannot be accommodated in the new body for too long, right?"

Startled: "You know?"

Zhen said: "Oshemaru also encountered such a problem."

Feijian quickly asked: "Then how did he solve it?"

Zhen thought for a while, looked at Tokaima and said, "The method of Orochimaru may have serious disadvantages."

"What's the meaning?"

"You can go and look at the ancient documents left by the Uzumaki family. There are many records on human life and death, souls and death gods."

The whirlpool family...

Feijian couldn't help thinking, this was indeed something he hadn't thought of at all.

Zhen continued: "I guess you should have tried the method of imprisoning the soul in the body, but it must have failed, and the test subject will be extremely painful before death, because the god of death is forcibly pulling the soul out of the body , with techniques such as soul imprisonment, this is tantamount to suffering more cruel pain than five horses dismembering corpses."

"The cycle of reincarnation in this world has rules. What you do is tantamount to fighting against the god of death. How can a mortal ever win a god?"

What he said was a bit obscure, and the words between the doors were also a little cloudy.

After Orochimaru's soul reincarnation secret technique was successful, he also read the ancient books of the Uzumaki clan.

"Oshemaru's Undead Reincarnation is a means to hoodwink the god of death, so as to achieve one's own immortality."

Tobuma asked, "What means?"

"Soul split."

"Every time you reincarnate your soul, you have to split yourself, and give up a small part of yourself to death to replace your own death. Doing so will make your soul extremely weak, and it will be an irreparable wound."

This is also why the ghoul seal can seal the hands of Orochimaru in the original book.

Hearing the words between the doors, he couldn't help being shocked.

This kind of thinking is too shocking, this guy Dashemaru is both a genius and a lunatic!

"After the soul is split, the soul remaining in the original body will be taken to the Pure Land by the God of Death, and the separated soul will no longer be noticed by the God of Death."

"Those experimental subjects whose souls have successfully reincarnated in the research institute, each of them has incomplete souls and is incomplete. If you know them before, you will find that many of them have changed their temperaments drastically. The character is cut out along with the soul."

Tobima pondered there for a long time, and asked, "Is this the method of complete resurrection you mentioned earlier?"

Let yourself split, is the split self still yourself?

As I said, the test subjects in the research institute are all incomplete souls, and their temperaments have changed greatly compared with the original ones.

If I accept my split, will my resurrected self be different from my current self?

Which part of myself will be discarded...

However, Zhenzai denied it at this time: "No."

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