Rated Hokage

Chapter 202: Chapter 201

Konoha reception.

"Master Nagato, Master Konan."

Bailong bowed to greet Nagato and Xiaonan after seeing them.

Nagato asked: "Bailong, how is the shopping in Konoha Village?"

"Very powerful, very prosperous."

Xiaonan said with emotion: "Everything is a unique village, but our Yuyin will get better and better, and the future will not be worse than Konoha."

Bailong said: "I believe in this, Lord Yahiko will definitely be able to do it."

Nagato smiled and said, "It's natural."

They have always believed in this.

"It's getting late, let's stay in Konoha tonight, and go back tomorrow morning."

"good." # Hongdou has been absent-minded all day since seeing that figure.

She felt that she might be in a daze, otherwise how could she treat a stranger as Orochimaru.

Not long ago, she just fell asleep, and when she woke up, she was told that Master Orochimaru was dead, and he died as a traitor, at the hands of her teacher Sandaime Hokage.

Orochimaru-sama, whom she longed for so much and regarded as her father and god, died...

Why is this happening?

Hongdou couldn't understand, couldn't accept it.

She went to question the truth, but what she got was the same cold answer from the other party.

Orochimaru did something that harmed the village, which is unforgivable. He pleaded guilty under the personal trial of the two ancestors of Hokage, and the third generation of Hokage personally acted. In the end, the two died together.

Everyone in the village was spitting on Master Orochimaru, and so were her friends. Although they would not mention it in front of her face, she inadvertently heard them talking about Master Orochimaru's crimes with righteous indignation.

But after she vented the pain and calmed down, she found that her body was different, and she suddenly gained a strong force. After thinking about it, there was only one answer, which was given to her by Master Orochimaru.

What exactly happened, why did Master Orochimaru not tell himself anything...

She knew that she definitely knew some unknown truths, but she just refused to tell herself, and she had to seek the answer by herself.

"Hongdou, do you have something on your mind?" Xi Hihong cared about her.

"No... I'm going back."

The setting sun is setting, and the twilight seems to be the silt suspended in the turbid current, which gradually settles down when it is still.

The empty shadow rock has been repaired, and the remains of the four rock statues are completely gone, leaving only the neat rock wall.

The red bean-shaped figure returned to the front of his house, looked at the locked door, and stopped in mid-air with his outstretched hand.

As the crown guard, she has very high authority in the village. Many people are respectful when they see her, and they will not be blocked from going anywhere.

These are actually the tolerance given to her.

Huomen and Kakashi are busy with many things every day, but she is the only one who has nothing to do all day long, and the crown guard seems to be a idle job.

She walked to the door of Hokage's office, pushed the door open and walked in without knocking.

But he ran into an embarrassing scene. Hokage's secretary Samuel was sitting on Zhenzhen's lap and was hugged by him, and Zhenzhen's hand was inserted into the collar of her chest.

After a brief silence, Samyi hurriedly stood up from her real legs and straightened her appearance.

Zhen took a deep breath, and said displeasedly, "Can't you knock on the door?"

Hongdou pouted and sneered: "Did I blame you for ruining your good deed?"

Zhen waved her hand to signal Samyi to go out first, and when she passed by Hongdou's side, she clearly heard Hongdou's disgusting "tss".

Samui didn't say anything, just walked out with her head down.

Only the two of them were left in the office, so Zhen then said, "What's the matter?"

Seeing him like this, Hongdou swallowed back the words she wanted to mock him.

"I want to change my place of residence."

I can't help but say: "The place I've arranged for you to live in is already pretty good, where else do you want to change?"

Hongdou said, "I want to go back to where I lived before."

She lived in the original Hokage House, and lived with Dashemaru.

But after Orochimaru's death, the place was also sealed up by Anbu, and she really changed her place of residence.

Shin said, "Everything has been cleaned up there, except for a few empty houses."

Hongdou asked, "Why?"

Zhen said lightly: "No one lives here, and it takes up the resources of the village. Isn't it normal to deal with it? I plan to demolish it next month and transform it into an ordinary house, which will be distributed to some war orphans who graduated from the ninja school."

Hong Dou was out of breath: "You."

She hurried to the desk and looked at him furiously.

"If there is nothing else, go back."

Hongdou's eyes flickered, and she suddenly said viciously: "If you don't change it for me, I'll yell at you for molesting me right now."

She was really happy, and looked at her with a smile: "It's so boring to frame me, why don't you let me molested you, how about you shout again?"

When Hongdou heard the words, she was instantly frightened and took a few steps back, looking at him vigilantly.

She scolded angrily: "Hinata Makoto, you are a bastard!"

Zhen said: "Now I, a bastard, is protecting you. You never thought about discovering such a thing, what will happen to you, a traitor's disciple?"

Hongdou snorted coldly, "The worst thing is to die."

Zhen sneered and said: "Don't make death so easy, when you really face death one day in the future, you will understand how terrible it is, and I don't ask you to be grateful to me, just don't make me mess up."

Nazhen helpless Hongdou finally left the Hokage building angrily.

She kept thinking about the real way to get revenge in her mind.

For example, tell Zhen's wife what Zhen and Samyi did just now... No, that's too low!

into the night.

Hongdou stood in front of the Hokage Building, watching the warm lights of every house in the distance, and suddenly felt a little sad in her heart.

At this time, I should also deliver meals to Oshemaru-sama. Oshemaru-sama is busy with research every day and always forgets to eat. I have to supervise and remind him.

Orochimaru-sama likes to eat nutritious food, not cold food. She goes to the vegetable market every day to buy fresh ingredients to prepare food for Oshemaru-sama...

Thinking about it, Hongdou felt even more sad, and left here quickly.

She didn't go home, but instead went to the former Hokage Mansion.

The gate was closed tightly, and the door plate was taken down. It was deserted and there was no one there. Mr. Orochimaru is a person who likes to be clean.

After standing still for a while, she opened the door and walked in.


After not opening for a while, the door made a slightly harsh sound.

The living room was very empty, and the air was very cool, the kind of coolness that no one lived in. As I said, everything here has been cleaned up.

Standing in the living room, many memories flooded my mind.

She remembered the first time she brought Makoto to meet Oshemaru-sama.

Since then, Zhen has become a highly valued subordinate around Mr. Orochimaru.

At that time, she was complacent about bringing an excellent subordinate to Oshemaru-sama, and she also made Zhen a very good friend at that time, thinking that it might continue like this in the future.

Really...why is he so indifferent, doesn't he have any feelings for Mr. Orochimaru?

Hongdou was immersed in her own thoughts, but suddenly heard a slight rustling sound.

Her insight is extremely sharp now, she thought it was a mouse or something, but out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a figure standing at the door of an empty room at an unknown time.

It was the rain ninja she met in the daytime today.

Hongdou was stunned for a moment, and then his mind went blank.

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